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Mx Male Roleplays


Sinderella <3
Sep 29, 2018
Glad to see that you've clicked on this thread, I indeed hope you see what you want in here. Before I get into all the roleplay mumbo jumbo, let's start off with a little introduction, yes? I have been roleplaying for about ten years now, and I've been an aspiring author for half of that. As such, I like to weave stories and I absolutely love it when you ask me questions about the worlds or characters I introduce. I have an array of characters I can provide for you at a moment's notice, however I am also quite flexible and (mostly) willing to create a new character better suited for the story. I'm also currently in academia and have a horrible attention span, so I do apologize if I don't get back to you in a timely manner. Don't give up on me lol.

Now, why don't we jump in with some rules?

- I consider myself advanced literate/literate, casually so. My minimum post length is 3 paragraphs, though I can bump that all the way up to 15 or so should the need arise. As such, I would very much prefer if you were able to match my lengths. Bonus points if you can constantly challenge my skills :D
- While I am pretty flexible with plots, kinks, pairings, and whatnot, I have some hard no's. I will probably not respond kindly if you try to change my mind
- I'm super patient and pretty accommodating when it comes to post frequency, and I'll tell you straight up that I'm terrible with checking in on this site, so by all means respond whenever you are able!
- If you intend on having smut be part of the roleplay, maybe a list of your notable kinks would help
- I normally play top characters, and when I do they're more on the slimmer/twinkier side. I'm totally capable of writing bottoms/subs, and when I do they're typically more muscular/bigger
- Insert another rule here because I could have more but I can't think of them currently

Basic Pairings That I Have Vague Ideas For: (bolded = I'd prefer to be this role)
- Mage/Healer + Warrior/Tank
- Incubus + Summoner
- Professor + Student
- Roommates (college or otherwise)
- Pornstar + Fan
- Deity + King/Champion
- King + King/Prince
- A/B/O Dynamics

More Fleshed Out Plots That We Could Work On (More Plot Driven/Long Term): (feel free to send any more you have in mind! this section may be updated in the future)

- Our characters have only ever met each other in each others dreams. Each time the two see each other, it is in a memory. Despite this, their faces are blurred, and so they've never actually seen what the other looks like. But the brain doesn't just make up faces. Where have they known each other from...?

- A man finds a new apartment; small, pretty cheap, already looks pretty lived in, but it's a new home. Things go well, until he realizes that, sometimes, objects are moved slightly around. Sometimes he sees shadows not his own in corners, faint images of a person long-gone in steamy mirrors. Dear lord, he's being haunted by someone who was murdered in this apartment.

More Fleshed Out Plots That We Could Work On (More Smut Driven/Shorter Term but can be Long Term): (feel free to send any more you have in mind! this section may be updated in the future)

- College can be fun, what with all the partying and getting to know people. It's all fun and games when you have a cool roommate! Now what happens when they walk in naked, huh? Are they gonna cover up?

- Night life in Santiaga is pretty rad. You've got performers in well-established taverns, groups of adventurers going out to have fun, some strange guy in the corner who wants to give you a quest, some pickpockets- you name it. Santiaga is full of magic, combat, quests, and all that good fantasy stuff, so come on down and take a look around!

- A foreign king has come to visit. Why not give the man a good time, show him around, keep him as an ally? Or, perhaps, conquer the king to conquer his lands. Teehee

DnD Styled Plots Where The World Revolves Around You: (in which case, all of these plots have growing worlds that can be explored by you, the player. Typically, this will involve a harem, but that's up to you. Furthermore, you are also given the option of having opposite and same-sex pairings. These worlds are massive and full of characters, but play wisely, since punishment awaits any corner. These will all be Long Term, though a 55/45 ratio of plot/smut can totally be accepted)

- Persona - In which you awaken a Persona, go on a world-threatening quest, and meet your Social Links. Comes with two routes!
- Welcome to Asgardian+! - In which you follow an Overlord/SAO inspired video game. My best work, with multiple routes to go down and several endings! A bunch of babes and lads at your disposal.
- Indijus University - A horror-ish story in which it's the end of the world! Or so the faculty says. Comes with three potential roommates and several endings
- The Haunting of Hell's Kitchen - Be prepared to unpack your religious trauma with this one lol
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