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A new landing (Trapcest x Sausage-sama)


Sep 27, 2018
((NSFW image linked))

Nopala hadn't been on Planet Vegeta at the time of its destruction, he had been banished from the planet shortly before. Whilst he was certainly strong he had little thirst for battle like his fellow Saiyans, or at least little thirst for needless battle. He was perfectly content to fight in defending himself, or defending anyone he felt worth protecting, but he was never one to mindlessly attack others and certainly hadn't wanted anything to do with the Saiyan's arrangement to invade planets and wipe out their populations in order to sell them to Frieza. Of course the others could have just killed him, it wasn't at all uncommon for Saiyan's to get into deadly scraps with one another on a regular basis, but those fights often drew attention from Frieza's men. They needed to dispose of Nopala quietly, if word got out about a Saiyan who didn't want to fight then it could threaten their lucrative arrangements with Frieza. So that was when Nopala had been ambushed, subdued, bundled into a Space Pod outfitted with suspended animation technology and fired off into space, hopefully to never be seen again. They had no way of knowing that all they'd been doing was saving Nopala's life, albeit putting it on hold for quite a long time.

After several years of wandering space Nopala's pod had finally come across a habitable planet, and due to the energy reserves running low combined with damage to the solar power systems the on-board computer had little choice but to make a landing in order to save the occupants life. The little blue and green planet that the pod crashed into was no stranger to Saiyan's of course, several already inhabited the planet, both full blooded and half breeds with the local population, though these Saiyans possessed power beyond anything that Nopala had ever known of besides myth and legends.

With luck the pod had crashed out in an uninhabited area, the middle of a vast plain of fields, no real settlements for miles around. The crater steamed with smoke for several minutes as the computer used some of the last of the pods power to revive Nopala from his decades long hibernation. With a hiss of smoke the pod doors finally opened, and with a groan Nopala began to awaken, a hand reaching up to rub his groggy head, his vision blurry even as he opened his eyes. The last thing he remembered was being jumped....what the hell had happened? He glanced around, finding himself in the pod, one of the screens displaying how long he had been asleep, along with his current location, just long enough for him to take the information in before the power finally died completely. "What the hell....? So many years....and so far away..." Nopala stumbled out of the pod, taking a few deep breaths of his first fresh air in decades. Once he'd composed himself the young male Saiyan made his way up the sides of the crater, standing up on the edge and taking a look around at this new world, somewhere likely to be his new home, his tail swaying behind him. "Well....I guess maybe I should take a look around, see just where I've landed" The young man slowly floated up off the ground, making no attempts to hide his power as he picked a random direction and flew away.
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