Princess-Slave (long-term)

Sep 22, 2018
Name- Rose Wollfe
Age 18
Eyes Purple
Height- 5’’9
Weight -175
Fears- Being alone, men in general, losing the thrown
Likes, Magic,Pranks,
Race- Witch-Vampire
Bio- From a young age Rose had been pampered and spoiled and upon the death of her mother her father had little choice but to arrange a marriage to the Demon King in the North Kingdom however he didn't take kindly to her running away. Her father in anger had arranged for her to be escorted to the castle shortly after her attempt to escape and had her locked in a tower to await the Demon kings arrival. Hearing of her attempted escape infuriated him, Deciding to still aid the kingdom as long as the king did not care how she was dealt with. The king planned to train her as a slave before she ever became his wife and she had no knowledge to what awaited her upon her arrival to her new home.

-Spanking (Lots I want her broken in)
- Rape Fantasy

Plot starter

The past few days had been the longest of Rose's life she had been locked in this room with no contact with anyone for days no food no nothing she didn't know how much longer she was going to last, she knew her father would be upset when he noticed her gone but she never expected he would lock her up like a common mischief maker. Rose would rather die of starvation than marry the king of the north, he was known for his cruel and sadistic personality and had a reputation of seriously harming if not killing a few of his servants in the past for angering him. She cringed at the thought of the slow torture that was to be her life if she managed to survive her time in this tower. Days could have gone by and she would never know, there was no sense of time in the room she was prisoner to.

(*Keys rattling in the antique door and a guard enters*)

"Princess it is time" The man grunted as he walked towards her with a younger guard in tow who she only assumed was a new apprentice. "Shackle her boy" The guard ordered in a hostile tone. Sincere regret showed on the boys face as he wrapped the metal shackles around her wrist and guided her out of the room and into a carriers wagon. Rose watched as the door closed behind the boy. Her fate dawning on her as she felt the cart begin to rock as it made its way toward her new husband, and her new life of servitude. Rose cried silently as she prepped herself for what was to come, wiping her tears she was determined to go down with a fight and when her father realized what his actions had caused he would rue the day he thought she was his to sell.
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