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Dragon Riders any pairings


Mar 2, 2017
Im roleplaying only on discord and am happy to do multiple rps with one person.

This is a descriptive rp but im not strict as long as i got stuff to work with i wont complain. Feel free to ask questions. Character stuff further is down.

History books say in the World of Shinara, dragons ruled lands for millions of years as despotic rulers. In the land of Dinor, No one could stand up to the king of that land, the kings of dragons who was feared greatly by all. But after millions of years the King and his Queen died and with no one to take the throne and command the dragons they ran amuck destroying everything, killing humans. With the order collapsing a strong human took the throne and most dragons were hunted and killed. Yet dragons would be useful in war. So the human king created RDS (Rider Defense Service) a program that trained people to become dragon riders. This was the beginning of an attempt to domesticate the dragons.

Hundreds of years later the system is working. A rider is given many tests as they grow up to determine their compatibly and potential. Most riders come from rider families unless they show extraordinary skill in taming. When a rider reaches 16 they are given an egg determined compatible with them. When the egg hatches the cadet will attend a 13 week boot camp where they learn about Dragon Lore, Combat, Elements and Species, Rider Abilities, History, and how to train their Dragons.

Some people who qualify to be riders but suffer from any type of mental disorders are deemed unfit to be a rider. These people are placed into HGA (Hunter Guild Association). A hunters duty is to kill a dragon that has been deemed untameable or breedable. The guilds are given bounties that hunters can take on and are paid when they bring proof of a successful hunt, usually a part of the dragon. Hunting nonbounties is illegal. Hunters are only paid for bounty hunts where riders are paid weekly.

You are allowed to play a hunter but life will be dangerous and very different from a rider. There is little training and alot of fighting. (I would actually love to do an rp like this)

There are very few hunters who had strong taming abilities but were disqualified for mental illnesses these hunters belong to a small hunter guild call Expe. Expe is a guild of exceptional hunters who all have dragon friends they met in the wild. Having a wild dragon as a friend is illegal so the hunters must hide the fact that they have dragon friends.

There are some breeds of dragons that only breed every few hundred years. These breeds may be assigned to a new cadet if their rider has passed. Most already have previously established rider relationships and aren't very trusting of the new rider.

You are a rider and you are given an egg or assigned to an older dragon. You attend boot camp we will rp the two days to kinda show information yc should learn. We you will be introduced to characters, teachers and cadet. You can chose whether to become friendly with a character or how involved to be in what's going on.

I will RP any gender. I play the dragon who has a human form once out of bootcamp if a baby. I also play any other characters. your free to introduce characters played by you as well but you don't have to. Character stuff at the bottom

Clarification on questions I've had

Theres no state of war but though most dragons are domesticated there are still feral and rogue ones that are out there. Its supposed to be a riders job to help capture feral and rogue dragons that are deemed capable of rehabilitation. Those deemed too dangerous are hunted by the HGA (Hunter Guild Association). Hunters have a bad reputation of killing innocent dragons. Not all of them are bad there are good hunters who do their job properly. Alot of hunters almost qualified as riders but were deemed mentally incompetent and couldnt be riders.

There will be fighting. Shinara is a large world but our story takes place in Dinor. A large land surrounded by mountains. No one who has left Dinor has ever returned so it is believed humans only live in Dinor. Dragons outside of Dinor supposedly grown to large proportions dwarfing almost all of Dinors native dragons. Nonnative dragon very rarely come to Dinor.

This is more modern in a fantasy world so there some big cities in the land. Though there is modern communication the dragons are not allowed to know how to use too much of the high tech stuff because of how advance the dragons got with the king of dragons. The humans fear dragons will advance and take over again.

Some dragons are born with killer instincts and are harder to keep control of when they want to eat you. Though they won't knowing harming a human is death.

Half dragons are the kings knights they are extremely loyal to the human king. They can take dragon forms but it is extremely painful to.

Elements of note. - blood and light Dragon have blood from the Dragon royalty. blood and light dragons are rapid healers. Light dragon cannot revive from death, blood dragons can. Blood dragons no matter how tame can easily snap and turn on their rider. Light dragons are unbreedable and die in captivity.

Please send me a DM if your interested

If you wish to be a hunter we can discuss the hunter in messages. If you wish to be a rider send your answers to these questions.

Rate 1 being a man eating killer dragon 10 being a very peaceful obedient dragon. To choose your dragons temper.

Wingless, winged, or water?

Dragons element? (Yc will gain abilities from the element. That will be taught in boot camp. Very few water bound dragons can be other elements)

Dragon size? Large, Meduim, Small or Tiny?

Dragon elements that exist.

There are multiple breed of dragon i dont have a log of any and usually cant remember the ones i create. i usually create a breed/species from the image (images are found on google i dont know the artists). There are different elements. All personalities and tempers are the common they are not every dragon of that element. A rider ability is only gained when the dragon truly trusts a rider. It is the Dragons decision to provide the ability and it is an honor to gain it.

Common elements

Fire dragons are usually hot headed but can be kind gentle dragons. All fire dragons breath fire. Tempers can range from 1(extremely aggressive) to 10(extremely calm and friendly) even the kindest fire dragon can easily be pissed off. They are stubborn often not giving up even when its obvious they wont win. This causes problems because fire dragons cannot heal at fast rates. Their stubborness often gets them killed. Fire dragons are often thick scaled and red or orange. A rider can gain the ability to manipulate fire from their Dragon (special gloves required ability does not protect user from fire)

Water dragons are the opposite of Fire dragons. They are peaceful dragons often prefering not to fight though sometimes they have to. Their temper can range 5 to 10, an agressive water dragon is rare. Water dragons are more kinda like whales. They have a large air sac that expands and allows them to hold their breath for very long periods of time but do not dwell underwater. Water dragons are on the smaller side of the size chart. Most water dragons also have a water sac that they store access water in. The water mixes with corrosive stomach acid making it dangerous. Water dragons are usually different shades of blue. A rider can gain the ability to manipulate water from their Dragon.

Earth dragons are often over confident. They love to show off thinking they are bad ass and often embarrassing themselves. Earth dragons also called Rock Breakers cannot control earth they are often just very strong and large dragons that cause the ground to shake under their weight. They can easily break boulders, some can burrow in the ground. Earth dragons temper can range from 1 to 10. Earth dragons are usually brown with rock like armor. A rider can gain the ability to send vibrations through rock, breaking them from their Dragon.


Plant dragons usually look to be made out of plant material some actually produce exotic fruit. It is recommended not to eat a plant dragons fruit for that fruit is usually used for hunting prey and can harm or kill those who eat it. Plant dragons are more shy prefering to hide among plants in the wild and prefering to stay in human form when tamed. They fear judgement from others for their bizarre looks. Their temper can range from 8 to 10 though a few aggressive plant dragons have been reported. A rider can gain the ability to speak to and manipulate plants from their dragon.

Air dragons are commonly mistaken as light dragons. They look the same as light dragons often feathered. The differences are air dragons are often large chests large lungs allowing them to suck in large amounts of air and blow a large dragon away. Air dragons always have wing where light dragons may not have wings. Air dragons will never fly in the straight line they always do some kimd of flip. Air dragons can be green where light dragons are always white. Air dragons range from 3 to 10. A rider can gain the ability to control wind direction and pressure from their Dragon.

Electric Dragons are unsual dragons. Their human forms are always extremely attractive. They often are electrifying(yes a pun) knowing how to sweet talk someone and turn them on. They are very adventrous on missions, loving to explore and get to see new things. They love to toy with humans. Electric dragon are an almost completely male element, few females being born. They usually are blue, white or yellow dragons occasionally furry but never covered in feathers. Electric dragons temper ranges from 6 to 10. A rider can gain the ability to generate some electricity and shock people they touch from their Dragon. (Electric can be hard to control. special gloves recommended but not required)

Sea Dragons are water bound dragons unable to dwell on land. They often get confused as water dragons but the two are very different. Sea dragons have a large aray of personalities and colorations. They can look blue like a water dragon, look colorful like a fish, or black like an eel. Sea dragons are limited to water in dragon form so most prefer the freedom of human form. Sea dragons temper ranges from 1 to 10. A rider can gain the ability to breathe underwater for a period of time that varies.

Lava Dragons are a mix of fire and earth characteristics. Most have to live somewhat near lava. They are hot headed and over confident. If they screw up at showing off they rage. Lava dragons are large strong dragons like earth dragons but have the abilities of fire dragons. Most lava dragons have scales that make them look like they are made of lava or are made of lava. They have rock like armor to protect their softer scales. they do not breath fire instead they spit up lava. They have to consume rocks in order to produce lava. If they eat rocks and dont expel the lava the pressure will become too much and they'll involuntarily vomit up the lava even in human form. Lava Dragons must be taught they cant just expel the lava anywhere. Its important to make sure your dragon doesnt consume too much rocks or you have a non flammable place for them to expel it. Lava dragons temper ranges from 3 to 8. A rider can gain the ability to melt rocks from their Dragon (special gloves required ability does not protect user from lava.)


Ice dragons are cool (pun intended) they usually think that being chill(pun intended again) is the best way to win. This allows them to be calm and collected often hard to provoke. There are Frozen Dragons and Frost Dragons. Frozen dragons only survive in extremely cold conditions. Their weak scaleless body is constantly coated in thick layers of ice that keeps them safe. Frost dragon though they preferring cold can live anywhere. They form frost usually around the wings, mouth and chest when agitated. Both types have a frost sac in their chest. The sac expands as they breathe in and they breathe air cold enough to freeze a lava dragon solid. They are often hunted for the sac because it contains naturally occurring liquid nitrogen which is popular among humans for many purposes. They used to be a very abundant species now very few live in the wild. Many smaller Frost dragons are bred and raise in cages for thier freeze sacs. Ice Dragons are mates for life and forced to breed with a new male each time. Then the male gets slaughtered. Most left over breeds are in the icy mountains. Frozen Dragons are rare in RDS because they need cold climates. Frost Dragons are still rare but more common than Frozen. Ice dragons owned by riders are usually calm tempered from 7 to 10 but many in breeding captivity turn into 1 to 3 tempered dragons. A rider can gain the ability to freeze anything from their Dragon (frost bite may occur in fingers if over used. Understand your bodies limit know the sighs of frost bite)

Poison dragons are like cuddly tigers they may seem sweet but they can easily kill you. Poison dragons are all venomous getting bitten is gaurenteed death. No play biting with your dragon their bite is venomous even in human form. Poison dragons are the only dragons to keep features in human form usually small fangs. Poison dragons are actually quite cuddly dragon despite their terrifying looks and deadly fangs. Their temper ranges from 4 to 10. A rider can gain an immunity to all poisons from their Dragon. (This is a passive ability that can also be used the save others from poisoning.)

Dark dragons are agressive dragons having temper ranging from 1 to 4. They are often black, very dark blue or very dark purple. Dark dragons prefer the night feeling more in their element at night. They are very fast amd skilled hunters stalking prey silently. They can disappear in the darkness. They are often very independent prefering to be alone over with someone. A shadow variation of the species is very rare but exist. Shadow dragons can turn into shadows and pass through small spaces. A rider can gain the ability to almost completely disappear in shadows and night vision.

Very rare

Fairy dragons are not found in captivity. Though there are a few nonriders who have made friends with fairy dragons. They are often found near flower fields and creaks. They are very tiny dragons usually no bigger than a cat though there are a few larger breeds. Fairy dragons are supposedly magical able to make friends with even the nastiest of dragons. They are very bubbly dragons often happy to make new friends. hunters try to capture them since so many people want them as pets but they seem to die in captivity. Its said the first fairy dragons help raise the dragon Queen and King.

Blood dragons are the dragons of ones nightmares. Coming in many terrifying or beautiful shapes and forms, in the wild they are known to attack even if unprovoked. Very few riders have blood dragons only those who show the ability to control them will get one and even they may struggle in taming one. Blood dragons cannot die well they can but will revive and heal. It is recommended not to watch them revive it tends to make people sick. Blood dragons get the name from the way they revive and their blood lust. They tend to go into frenzys when fighting resulting most the time in them killing their rider. The reason so few exist today is population control. Wild blood dragons are captured and very few are bred. Theres is an entire facility dedicated to containing and studying blood dragons since they cant be killed. Their temper ranges from 1 to 3. Rarely will a rider recieve an ability from a blood Dragon. The ability is Blood Manipulation. It has only been recorded with three riders. It is extremely dangerous to use and hard to control. It can be used to stop bleeding and save a life or destroy someone from the inside. It can also be used to temporarily prevent another blood dragon from healing. Using it in a high stress situation especially on yourself is dangerous. If you lose focus while trying to stop your own bleeding you could kill yourself which happened to one of those three riders.

Light dragons are rare. Its hard to prove they even exist though there has been some proof no physical dragons have been seen in hundreds of years. They maybe hiding from humans because of the sun kings death Light dragons are capable of healing but not reviving. Light dragons are identifiable by their white feathers. Coming across one is a beautiful view

Only One

The Sun Dragon King was a large beautiful feathered dragon. It is believed to be a male only element.

The Moon Dragon Queen was a medium sized feathered dragon. She was the dragon kings mate. It is believed to be a female only element
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