Malachite Writes: Calling for Collaborative Creatives and Fans of the Fantastical


Sep 25, 2018
Pacific Coast
Welcome to the Rock

After a day's work is what matters here--I come home to create and learn. I'm an avid reader, enjoy my coffee as per the requirement of living the Pacific Northwest, and I've come here to enjoy some good work with confident, experienced writers looking for a good time in a world a little more interesting than that of the mundane. I'm open to a lot of things--settings, kinks and generally looking for good writers who bring their own ideas and energy to the table and value a collaborative experience. I love coming up with unique and custom scenarios together with a partner, and if you're not digging the plots or pairings below, message me and we can work something out.

I'm down to RP via Thread, PM or email (this is the best way to reach me during the day).
What's Inside

In general, this is what I look for in partners:

  • Creative energy
  • Reciprocity of effort
  • Interest in worldbuilding
  • Easygoing partners with an eye for good writing
  • Versatility of character
  • Familiarity with fantasy/sci-fi genres

This is what I can offer you as a partner

  • Detailed writing and deep, flavorful worlds
  • Strong story-building skills
  • Nuanced, complex characters to fill in said world
  • Experience, ideas and detailed planning!
  • Lots of patience on a reply
  • Low maintenance
How It Breaks Down

Here is what I am interested in:

settings themes

fantasy (medieval, ancient)​

post apocalyptic​

science fiction (space opera)​


dungeons and dragons (homebrew settings)​


dub con/non con​



fantasy races (*tiefling*/half orc/drow/elves)​


These are meant to be hooks and seeds for stories, with lots of room for customization for narrative, roles, races for the characters, and highlight of kinks.

The Sun Road

The ancient highway, cobbled in white stone stretches out over the golden wheat fields, past the crumbling cities of the Audun Empire and directly to the sea, bathed red in the light of burning towns and the blood of innocents. The Empire has grown decrepit after generations of waste and decadence, and now it dies a slow death while invaders from without close in on all sides. A young archduchess, last remaining member of what remains of the Imperial family flees to the sea, to find somewhere else to call home in safety and anonymity, but while the magic indigenous to her bloodline is strong within her she cannot succeed without aid, and the ability to pay. Who are you? Are you a soldier of the crown, a wandering warrior, an invader with spurious designs? Will you both flee to the sea, dodging the enemies of the Empire or will you stand and fight?

The Abyssal Depths

On the Elemental Plane of Water, a world of endless sea, there is an island, the largest on the Plane. The Isle of Dread, the chaotic, colorful hub of trade for surface dwellers and water breathers alike, coming together to exchange the harvests of the waters for the slaves, silks and spellcasting from locals and worlds beyond. Privateers, pirates, planar travelers and mercenaries all gather in a raucous crowd as giant albatrosses cast their shadows on the port, dark as the abyssal depths full of water spirits, elementals and tentacled aberrations.

A darkness is spreading in the seas. No one knows what the source of this curse is, this affliction that chokes out all life and light even at the darkest depths, and the Grand Padisha of the Marid, Ruler of the Citadel of Ten Thousand Pearls offers up a rare gift--a skilled slave from her private collection to aid in the investigation and eventual reward in addition to a great boon: anything within her considerable power, she will grant unto the warrior who finds the source of the darkness and defeats it. Treasure, a pardon, freedom, a way home, one need only succeed in this quest to obtain a power and a wish beyond measure. Who are you in this world? A skilled mercenary? An experienced captain of the seas? A traveler seeking a way home, a slave in search of freedom?

The Sevenfold Mazework

The City of Jewels gleams in the light of glowing gems the size of trees, deep, deep in the recesses of the earth and ruled by the djinn of earth, the Dao. The city rings with the clangs of iron hammers and steel picks, the gentle flutes of captive musicians and the wails of slaves behind harem walls of gold and silk. All the while, the city grows deeper and stronger. Guarded by minotaurs and spirits of earth and stone, escape is said to be impossible. But one woman, a harem girl--not so long ago a skilled ranger and fighter--longs for escape, and will do anything to achieve it and return to the world above. Who are you in this world? A Dao lord escaping from a murderous family? A minotaur guard, wishing to taste the free air? A human warrior and guest of the Khan, caught into this madness?

Heartbeat of the Black City

In the city of Valbarra, a city of iron towers against a black sky, ruled by an an ancient fiend and frequented by the peddlers of dark wares, a tiefling sorceress draws glowing runes on the obsidian floor to summon herself a devil or cambion of great power. He could be an incubus or a minor lord of darkness, a slave driver or conqueror, the choice is yours. She summons him and pledges her body to his devices in exchange for his help in her quest--to slay her grandfather, for reasons unknown. The problem is, he is the ruler of the Black City.

...and more to come!

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