Fx Any Looking for that perfect partner

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Jan 21, 2018
Hey, thanks for dropping by and taking a look. Two things real quick; if you do not like superheroine roleplays that focus on the character in and out of the costume or if you are looking for quick smut, you should probably leave now. I just do not want to waste your time, but if you are into that kind of thing, the fun we can have. I will get to a list of kinks and such in a minute, but want to get a few things clear first so you know what I am expecting. This is a fandom page first and forth most but world building is fascinating to me. I want to explore the DC multiverse just a bit, specifically one of those Earth’s that have not been touched on. To do this properly though, I need to be able to control the world around your character. Yes, you will be the heroine while I will DM. The characters I list below are my vision of the heroine’s but feel free to customize them to your taste but please show some respect to canon. I know these will be original stories but I still respect the personalities. Also, message me with any questions or comments you may have about this profile.

I know many people want to know some information about their potential partner before they get started and who can blame them. You are about to pour your heart and soul into writing this really cool, even epic, story and do not want to waste your time. I have been roleplaying for many years, since I was in high school and probably doing things I should not have been on old Yahoo Chat. That was around the year 2000, and it is 2018 now. I have nearly twenty years experience. My weakness is description, I will make that clear but I am working on it. I tend to use face claims a lot to get past this and will be using actresses/models for the characters below. My strengths are story development, dialogue and pacing. Stories grow boring if you let the hook slip, so I try to maintain the pace while offering character development. This is something I have worked on through years of writing as well. I should add, besides roleplaying, I have wrote stories, movie scripts and song lyrics also. I prefer a light hearted story that has enough grit to make you believe something bad can happen. I also do multi-paragraph posts and characters. I enjoy keeping a OOC conversation going so we can continue to exchange ideas and plan ahead. I reply multiple times daily, I have tons of free time at work which means I am Acadia me from 5:00am to 3:00pm (New York time) on week days and randomly online during the weekends. That, I believe, should cover the information you need from me as a writer. If there is something more, simply ask. I am a very sweet person and promise to be patient with any partner I have.

I really do not want to use the word kink to describe all of this but I cannot think of a more fitting word. I will try to be as clear and specific as possible. If something is vague, I will clarify for you.

- WORLD-BUILDING: I want to create something epic and interconnected, but you have to start small and see where it leads. This can lead to future team ups but I really want stand alone roleplays first. Establish each character before creating a group.
- LITE HEARTED NATURE: Please do not think I am meaning 1960s Batman cheesiness. Those kind of things bore me, mainly due to the lack of struggle and realism. I want these to feel more like a Marvel movie. There is action, humor and some gut wrenching moments (looking at you Infinity War) but the mood is not hopeless.
- GOOD/BITTERSWEET ENDINGS: Let’s put the straight forward, the good guys win in the end. Along the way, the bad guys might hurt someone, nearly achieve victory or something else but the heroine finds a way to over come. I am not saying I do not see ending for these characters, but I am avoiding unwanted bad endings.
- MULTIPLE PARAGRAPH POSTS - I take time to think about what my characters are doing, saying, feeling or reacting to whatever happens in your post. This takes time and description which makes multi-paragraphs easy for me but I really want to feed off my partner’s post. The more you wrote, the more I have to work with but I will take quality over quantity.
- STORY/SMUT RATIO: I tend to lean more toward the story side of the spectrum and have done roleplaying with no sex at all but it is fun to have smut mixed in. I do not know an exact number, but I prefer story will well placed smut in places throughout. I also ask we do not spend twenty posts talking about out sexual parts meeting because that gets old and boring.
- POST FREQUENCY: I am not overly uptight s out this but I think it would be great if you could post once daily it r dry other day. I realize real life comes first and do not want to interfere but please let me know what’s up so I know your not flaking in me.

- SMUT: I enjoy sexual encounters as much as any, but it has to work right but I prefer consensual sex to non-con. I know your asking how does that happen in a superheroine play? Simple, I hate the crying, begging, broken parts of non-con. You can use force but still not have a character broken from it.
- SEXUAL TORTURE/EXHAUSTION: To me, it is fun to push your character until she is begging not to cum anymore because she physically cannot. That is sexual torture to me. Yes, large penis’ might hurt and such but I am not going to just beat you for the sake of it.
- SEX TOYS: Gags, whips, chains, vibrators, and so on! You get the point, I like to use this stuff within a roleplay add some excitement.
- REALISM: This is fantasy and having super powers far from real but I am referring to people’s actions and consequences. If you get into a fight, things get destroyed. People do die and some times your like gets effects by your alter lifestyle.
- TRUE TO CHARACTERS: Batwoman is a detective, so it should be a detective story. Supergirl is a insecure woman struggling with her humanity. Almost like a coming of and tale. Wonder Woman is a brave warrior who longs for peace not will lead a fight.

- SEXUAL LIMITS: Scat, Vore, Non-Con Sexually broken and beastiality (sorry if that is misspelled)
- HAREMS: I know a lot of people find these interesting but I do not. Really sounds like a excuse just to sleep with multiple characters and power trip control over them.
- BBC ARROGANCE: Do not misunderstand what I am saying, I think black guys can be amazingly handsome and sweet, bravo to any guy like that. This is in reference to those who think a white woman should just drop her panties and climb aboard. News flash, something that big is not enjoyable to the average woman.
- GOD MODING: This makes me feel useless. I write this really great post and you ignore everything I do and force control of the play. Thank you for wasting my time and why do you need me at that point? Just don’t, I will end the play.

This was an opening scene I wrote for a recent roleplay. It is long but entertaining. My normal posts are not quite this lengthy.

Gun shots rang out, BAM! BAM! BAM! From the passenger window of a stereotypical white van up to no good. The middle aged man with a look of dread on his face just as he ducks back into the vehicle. “What the fuck! I thought this was an easy job but now we got her on our ass!”

From the back of the van, a young woman screams out but the bag over her head muffles the pleas for help. She is chest down, resisting the best she can as two guys struggle to restrain her hands behind her back. “Fucking girl!” One of them screams before punching her in the back of the head, knocking her senseless. “Hold still!”

The driver glances over his shoulder with anger in his eyes, the glare directed at the overly aggressive kidnapper. Without the slightest hesitation, he pulls his pistol out and shoots the woman beater square in the head, dropping him cold. “Stupid fuck, boss wants them unharmed.”

The other guy crawls backwards fast as the gun appears, watching in horror as his own execute each other. “Holy shit!” He screams out.

“Get that bitch restrained!” The driver yells back at him with gun still in hand.

“Yes sir” the remaining man in the back stutters, terrified as he leans forward with a zip tie in hand. Folding her arms at the elbows, laying them fingertips to bend, he shakily places two zip ties on her wrists.

The driver turns to see a motorcycle chasing after them still and the rider is none other than Lake Chandelier’s own resident superheroine, The School Girl. “Fuck, this broad doesn’t take a hint.” The passenger finishes reloading his gun but freezes as she stares toward the driver. “What the fuck, are you going to undress me with your eyes or shoot the cunt chasing us?”

The passenger once again sticks his arm and head out the window and starts to fire the gun. On the bike, School Girl dips her head behind a glass wind shield while swerving toward the driver’s side. One bullet bounces off the bullet proof wind shield and another ricochet’s off the side of her helmet. “Owe” she groans behind the visor. She speeds up, trying to get along side the driver’s side of the van but a gun blindly emerges and starts to shoot at her. “Son of a bitch” she screams as she pops a wheelie, backing off the get away car.

“She doesn’t give up” the driver mutters before taking a hard left turn toward the docks. In his mirror he watches her follow but they have some separation now.

The passenger watches forward as they charge toward a two story warehouse with a closed garage door. “We have to get to the ship!” He screams before pressing a button to open the garage door in a panic.

“What the hell are you doing” the driver screams, totally amazed by the stupid move the passenger just made but he drives inside before spinning the van sides, tires screeching to a halt. “You lead her right to boss’ warehouse!”

The side door opens to the van, strategy placed opposite of the open garage door by the driver as the young kid napper, passenger and drive all file out with the young female captive. All their guns are drawn while they take cover behind the vehicle, waiting anxiously for School Girl to ride in. In the distance, the motorcycle grows louder and louder until it comes flying through the open door. All three men suddenly stand up and open fire on it as it crashes to the ground and slides to a stop.

“Where is she?” The passenger mutters as they start to sense the bike was just a distraction. They take a moment to awkwardly look amongst each other while the young lady screams in fear.

“Did we get her?” The young man from the back of the van asks just before School Girl bursts through the window, leading with her skin tight leather boots that have Kevlar sowed into them. All three turn in a desperate attempt to shoot her but a heel jets forward, the tip amazingly going between the trigger and trigger guard of the passenger’s finger. He screams as his finger is cut open but the barrel of the gun is directed toward the young man, the shot going through his shoulder. A quick round house kick knocks the passenger into the van hard, causing him to drop his gun as the driver grabs the young girl and races toward a back exit.

School Girl turns to watch him take off but is unable to give chase. Raising his gun, he starts to fire at her, his aim all over the place as he moves. School Girl has only one option for cover, grabbing the passenger and throwing him in front of her. He screams out in pain as a bullet hits his right leg. Letting him fall to the floor, School Girl looks up to see the door closing; the driver and girl no where in site. “Fuck! Help me” The passenger squalls out holding his leg.

She looks down, angry kicking him across the face to knock him out cold. She starts toward the door when the young kidnapper suddenly tackles her with what is left of his strength. The two land with him on top of her as they stare into each other’s eyes, his hands wrapping tightly around her neck. She coughs, trying to take a breath while he holds on to her with all his strength. She swings a couple of times as his wrists and forearm, but she does not loosen the grip until she grabs the bullet wound and squeezes it. He screams in agony and lets go, giving her a chance to flip him over her head. He lands with a thud as she kicks back to her feet, turning and knocking him out with a hard right hook just as he starts to get up.

Reaching into his pocket, she finds a cell phone and quickly dials a number. “911 emergency, can I help you?” A lady says through the speaker.

“This is School Girl” she says in her youthful innocent voice. “Trace the call, kidnappers down on scene” she tells the operator while racing at the back exit door. She sits the phone on a table beside the door, taking a deep breath as she tries to recover a bit. Looking at the door, she shoves it open.

Outside, the driver throws the young lady into a small boat with a fishing motor on it. He unhooks the dock rope and starts to make his way toward a yacht at sea. Gun in hand, he fires three shots at the door when it shoves open but no one is there. Watching for a second, he opens fire again as School Girl races out and dives into the dark water of the harbor. He tries to shoot at her, but he only has one shot left. However, it was enough to alert the yacht something was up. Luckily for him and School Girl, it was not far off shore. He revs the motor as fast as it will go, speeding to get away from the heroine in chase. His heart races with anxiety as he reaches the yacht where a couple helping hands grab the girl and start to carry her aboard a low level entrance just above the water.

School Girl, losing ground on the boat, still gives chase. The yacht was not but a couple hundred yards off the coast, plenty close enough for her to swim to it. Finding the anchor chain, she grabs hold of it and looks back at her city. “I need a boat or something” she jokes to herself while catching her breath. Looking up, she starts to climb toward the deck of the yacht, unsure what is waiting for her.

As I stated earlier, I wish to roleplay against the characters listed below. I will set up the difference in this world as well for you. Hope you enjoy the changes to explain why it is a girl power Earth 24.

BATGIRL, portrayed by Emma Watson, is Barbara Gordon on a quest for justice. For years, she had watched her father, Commissioner James Gordon, struggle to take down the mob with no success. Wanting to help make a difference after he was nearly killed by an assassin, she begun to train and learned to fight crime. Already a computer technological genius and having learned detective skills from her father; she will become a force to stop Gotham’s corrupt. With the new Gotham Mayor, Thomas Wayne, wanting to return the city to its glory days and the new District Attorney, Harvey Dent, willing to take on the mob, she believes her efforts won’t be in vain. Turning to her billionaire boyfriend, Bruce Wayne, the two start on a quest to bring down the city’s biggest mob boss, Oswald Cobblepot, before he can destroy what their father’s worked so hard for. However, Oswald does not take kindly to anyone messing with his business and his vengeance is extreme.

WONDER WOMAN, portrayed by Gal Gadot, is the inspiring but naive Princess Diana who longs to see the world but her mother, Queen Hippolyta forbids it until their home of Themyscira is invaded by a terrorist organization known as SARE, lead by Baroness Von Gunther, with two hostages, Barbara Minerva and Steve Trevor. Defending her people against these invaders, Diana’s destiny leads her to the modern day man’s world after something of great power falls into the wrong hand. But not everyone, mainly General Sam Lane will be onboard with help from an Amazon who dresses rather skimpy.

SUPERGIRL, portrayed by Saoirse Ronan came to Earth just as planned after Darkseid destroyed her home world, but sadly Kal-El’s ship was destroyed. Landing her craft in the corn fields of Jonathan Kent and Martha Kent who take her in as their adopted daughter. Enrolling into Smallville High School, she has to grow a custom to being a teenager while learning to control her slowly developing powers. To her advantage, Batgirl and Wonder Woman both know she is here and start to mentor her but she does not have long to do so as Steppenwolf arrives to return her to Darkseid. The Trinity must team up in Supergirl’s origin to save their planet from this small force that will stop at nothing to ensure Kara is enslaved by Darkseid.

If you did managed to read through all of this, way to go! You’re awesome! I really want to make this feel real, like blockbuster movies which might add to the difficulty but I believe the rift roleplay partner is out there for me and this ambitious plan. I’d also like to roleplay in threads because any great roleplay will become canon for this world that I can later reference for future material. I will admit to have a long term plan and goal but these three plays are my focus for now. Whether you have interest or not, I thank you for reading what I have and wish you the best of luck in finding your perfect roleplay and partner! We all need an outlet from real life and getting lost in a world we create is a great way to do so.

Bless your hearts!

~Zoe Allison~
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