Pleasure's Plethora of Passion! ( Fandoms, Original Ideas, and Kinks OH MY! )

Jan 28, 2009
Hey Ya'll!!!

Here is some basic Info for you. I am Pansexual (so all playmates are welcome), and My kinks cover a wide range. I've done it all and I love most of it! From Romance, to advanture, to BDSM, Black Mail, to Monsters, to size differences, to Crossdressing, to gangbangs, ect, ect, ect. And very rarely are any of my kinks mutually exclusive so feel from to slip a few together.

THAT BEING SAID; my few limitations are death, gore, Macro, water sports/and the like.

I am currently Only looking for Dom or Switch partners, If I get two or three of those games going, I'll consider playing a dominate role. If you're interested in playing a sub to my Dom before I am open for such things, feel free to PM or post here calling dibs ( be sure to say what game/idea/fandom your interested in if cause if it hits a sweet spot for me, I may make an exception and go ahead and set up a game with you )

I'm currently craving Kinks such as:

Mind Control
Pet Play

I Only play Via Forms or PM I don’t do any IM games.

Now that is out of the way, I'm sure you are wondering what kind of stuff I'm looking for. The answer: All kinds. I'll start breaking it down into sections for ya.

Here are some Fandom's I'm interested in: Keep in mind I greatly Prefer playing OC rather than cannon characters, so you'll have to intrigue me with the paring and plot to get me to play cannon settings.

IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE: I have a lot more shows/games/series I like than this, so ask if you don’t see it down here and I’ll probable give it a shot.

Fairy Tail
Pokemon <333
MLP <333
One Piece
Soul eater
Lost Girl
Codex Alera
Dresden Files
Home Stuck <333
Percy jackson
Dragon Age
Last Air Bender/Korra

Here are some of my original plots, most of which I will almost always agree to. Please don't be afraid to suggest changes to these plot, I always love hearing new ideas.

General Plots

As my lady(or lord) commands
Plot in a nut shell

Young Princesses or Prince gets Magical control over his/her Knight Body guard, and does some very un-noble things with him. But Sooner or later, Some people show up trying to take the Princesses or Prince’s life.

Plot in Detail

A young Knight of great skill and renown has recently been given a job directly by the king. On paper this job is a great step up for the young knight, a job few are trusted with, putting him directly in the kings good graces. But to the Knight it just seems like a baby sitting job he bitterly must accept because the king asked it of him. Yes, you guessed it. The Knight is now the Personal Body guard of the kings Daughter(Or Son ). This job has many perks, you get to live in the life of luxury at the Princesses Royal Villa where she makes her home, but this is little comfort to the Warrior. As is custom, he goes though the process of being made a royal guard, and is given a magical branding on the side of his neck that is supposed to simple make him incapable of harming a member of the royal family, to be sure you’re not some kind of deep cover assassin. The knight leaves for the Villa to start his new job, but when his firsts meets his Princess/prince, it turns out she knows a little magic herself. Not long after he first arrives at the home of the princess she casts a quick spell altering the effect of the seal on his neck. Now not only can’t he hurt her(him), nor can he Disobey any command given. You see where it can go from there.

After a week or so Assassins begin to come after the daughter ( or Son ), how will the relationship change now that the Knight is not just a toy but must work as a real body guard?

Bound to Adventure
Plot In a Nut Shell

Two powerful warriors/wizards or a combination there of are magical linked to one another and have to find the one who did it or they will never have solitude again!

Plot In Detail

A hero, specifically a paladin of sorts, and a bounty hunter are after the same mark. A former mage of the of the royal family who went rough recently. The two have separately found the mage’s hide out and over here a evil plot of that we can come up with as we set up the specifics of this rp, but for now let's go with the ever popular taking over the world. It’s at this time the both jump out to confront the mage, but the hero of light and the scourge of the underworld get in one another’s way and are two busy fighting with each other to capture the Mage. The mage knows if he kills either of these two there will be a serious man hunt put out by the Bounty hunters many partners and the full military of the kingdom. SO rather than killing them he casts a spell that binds the two together, they are not able to go more than 100 feet apart; not only that but they will be subjected to random and uncontrollable lust for one another. Compelled by duty they continue to follow the mage’s trail, trying their best to get along and keep a low profile, but once the lust kicks in…anything can happen.

What this game can include: Last time I played this game, the “evil” character was also a powerful mage, and used magic to alter my characters body, able to turn him female, or any number of exotic variants I liked this idea, but really in a High Fantasy setting the sky is the limit.

Lust beyond the grave.
Plot in a Nut shell

Ghost of a Bully character who had secret crush on Living character finds He/she is haunting Him/her, and takes advantage of this in great extent.

Plot in Detail

The school bully has a bit of a crush on cute but nerd-ish character. While the bully feels deep amounts of lust for the nerd, the bully likes his "bad to the bone" reputation far to much to throw it away on some crush on fa cute face. But the more the bully try to ignore the feeling the strong It gets; to help deal with it the bully start to ruthlessly pick on the nerd. All the while the nerd grows the fear bully while he/she just grows love him all the more. Then one summer the bully dies in a sudden, tragic accident. The bully wake up finding you haven’t passed to a heaven or a hell. He appears have become something of a poltergeist. A type of powerful ghost that is fueled by the desires it had while it was alive and can interact with the real world. As it turns out the bully desired the nerd character in any and every way. He/she suddenly find they are quite happy to be dead, now they don’t have to worry about any consequences for your actions. The bully effectively began to ‘Haunt’ the nerd. Molesting him/her and teasing his/her body while being invisible to his eyes. As time passes you gain the power to make yourself visible to your obsession, and you force yourself on him whenever, where ever, and how ever you like. Eventually your lust softens to a deep passion for him and a twisted romance can form.

The Smut Section

A set of quick, simple, and over all smut based game ideas. All the ideas very flexible and just about any kink/twist can be added, you have but to ask.

Who is in control here?

your all too typical "slave/master" world setting. Character A is friend not interested in owning any kinds of slaves due to his timid nature, he just simple of the guts to push people around. Character A is good friends with a man who has all kinds of slaves, like they were collectable. Character B is a new, somewhat hard to handle slave that the friend bought. Alas, the friend's timing was poor, and he must leave for an extended period of time, he managed to convince Character A to house sit for him, make sure all his slaves get along and such. Character A reluctantly agrees. Character B sees a glorious opportunity to turn the tables on someone and quickly takes advantage of the meekness of character A and make him/her into his/her personal pet, at least till the normal master comes home.

See me after class

A young, recently graduated teacher has recently found a job at a boarding school ( All boy, all girl, mixed, whatever ). All is going well until one of the teacher's students ( obviously one of the seniors ) finds some pornographic web cam videos. There was a period in the young teachers life where money was tight and the school work over whelming. With no time for a reach job the teacher turned to web came shows to make ends meet, it got the teacher through the worst of it, but now it seems to be getting the teacher into a deep trouble as the student is using the information to bribe him into all kinds of deprived acts.

Gender Benders
Careful what you wish for

Two men are rooming together, one day one of them ( your character ) comes home with an odd little lamp he bought from a flea market. When rubbed low and behold a female Genie comes out and tells them they have a single wish. One of the men ( my character ) quickly blurts out "I wish for Infinite wishes" the genie smiles deviously and snaps her fingers "Wish granted" The roommate suddenly begins to change shape, turning into a beautiful young woman dressed much like the Genie is and a lamp appears in his ( now her ) hands. The Genie explains that he is now a genie and will be able to grant infinite wishes to the person that rubs her lamp and then disappears. The still male roommate, unable to resist the temptation, takes the lamp and claims dominion over his now magical, sexy roommate. Able to make her do anything he wants and change the world to suite his needs. Sexy Hijinx ensue.

Find a way my old body

Leo was a hunter of monsters, an investigator of the paranormal, part of a organization that dedicate their lives to the defense of humanity against the supernatural monster of the night. Until a run in with a coven of witches got him hit with an odd kind of curse. Leo is now Lee, turned into a girl and has been made highly sensitive to supernatural influences. While Lee has all the skills and training that Leo had, she is easily influenced by paranormal forces, Easily enchanted, possessed, or bewitched into doing a beasts bidding. Funny how most monsters just seem to be in the mood for a quick fuck. Despite the massive increase in Lee's humiliation that tends to happen while on missions, she still pushes on taking down monsters and looking for a way to return to her body.

You Must save the world!

A young boy has a encounter with a mysterious force, it tells him that he is destined for great things...but not in this form. The next thing the boy knows he has a talking magical animal thing living with him a pink-heart shaped magical wand and he has to transform into a magical girl to fight monsters, bad guys, and save the world from doom. If only all these monsters and bad guys didn't find him while transformed.

The ol' switch-a-roo

This can work a couple of ways.

A brother and a sister, only a year apart. The brother is something of a huge jerk always picking on the sister. The sister finally has enough and looks into an...interesting solution to her problem. using a mystic amulet she bought from a magic store she causes them to switch bodies ( or simple switch genders, I am easy either way ). Now in the bigger strong body of her brother she decided to teach him what it feels like to be humiliated and treated badly, but she has no intention to just simple bully her brother-turned sister. She plans to break him in every way possible.
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