D Fox
- Joined
- Sep 13, 2018
"Serve the Emperor today, for tomorrow you may die."
-Thought of the day
-Thought of the day

Good morning Imperial citizens, and welcome to my 40k romance request thread. If you've seen my other threads (And I recommend you do because I'm always looking for new partners!!) you'll know that I'm rather the lusty individual. So let me start by saying this request thread will be a little different. What I'm looking for is a longer, more serious toned romance story, taking place in the grim dark world of Warhammer 40,000. In fact I could say that smut isn't even REQUIRED for these stories, I'm perfectly happy to fade to black when it comes to that, and any sex that does take place will likely be relatively vanilla.
So if you're a 40k fan whose looking for a longer running romance in the Emperor's eternal crusade, please do read on.
A little about myself to start:
I am a fairly experience roleplayer, although relatively new to Bluemoon. I like to think I have a fairly decent grasp on the english language, and I want you to have the same, although I'm far from a grammar commissar. I can write posts of any length, as long as you respect that longer posts take more time to produce, and I try to respond to RPs every day, although I can't promise that I will do so every day consistently until the end of time, some days I am just too busy or not in the mood. That said if I am going to be absent for 48 hours or more I will let you know.
I am of course also a big 40k fan. I play the tabletop game, and have an Imperial Fist army, a Deathwatch Army and a Dark Eldar army. I'm also reasonably immersed in the lore, but I of course don't know everything, and I don't expect you to either, especially since the 40k lore at time seems to be a bunch of contradictions held together by hand wavium. I'd rather capture the spirit of the lore than get into an argument about every single factoid, and in fact there will probably be a lot in this RP that contradicts the lore, so if that bothers you then so be it but I guess we won't be writing together. I should say I am also by and large an Imperium fanboy, especially anything to do with my precious power armored roid monsters known as space marines.
The Plot Thickens
So let's talk about plots, well I don't have many, more just plot seeds really, that we can hopefully raise together into a mature fully grown plot together though discussion. That said, I expect a lot of discussion between us, I'm not going to set a word limit or something on your initial PM, I don't care how short it is as long as it's comprised of plenty of substance and overflowing with interesting ideas. I don't want to make up the entire plot by myself, and if you don't sound interested when you approach me, I probably won't be interested in you either, so make your first PM a good one. Anyway, here's a few starter ideas for plots. And for reference, in any plot that involves a male character, I will be playing that character.
Space Marine x Sister of Battle (MxF)
Inspired by a fanfic I once read, in which an injured space marine is cared after by a sister of battle. They are on a battlefield surrounded by enemies, fully expecting to die, and give in to their passion together before being unexpectedly saved, and end up forming a romance. Of course the plot doesn't have to go down exactly like that, but that is my inspiration.
Space Marine x Female Guardsman (MxF)
An unlikely pair, a
Space Marine x Space Marine (MxM)
Two space marines, possibly from rival chapters (Dark Angels and Space Wolves for instance) find that they have more in common than they have differences and end up forming a strong bond that goes beyond just battle brothers. This could be possibly set in a deathwatch killteam.
Sister of Battle x Male Guardsman (MxF)
BONUS ROUND: Female Space Marines!
I'll understand perfectly if you're seething with anger right now, but like i said we don't need to conform to existing lore entirely, and I'm down for any idea involving female space marines. So hit me up.
Anyway, I hope something in this thread piqued your interest and I hope to hear from you soon.