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A New Queen for a Chief {darkest_Fate&Jack Stalker}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
Emma reached for the bottle of water she'd set aside, taking a swig of its refreshing contents. The pretty Brit could feel the heat starting to seep into her body, and part of her almost wished that she could just blend in with the rest of the charity workers. It would be loads easier to just be another face in this crowd, a young woman who'd volunteered to come out and help some tribes affected by the latest environmental changes. There were a handful of them there, after all, though most of Emma's entourage almost counted more as an "entourage" than helpers.

Various PR personnel had insisted that Emma have at least a few on site people to help: photographers and the like. If they were going to have an internationally famous star like Emma Watson at some remote village, then they'd need to get some pictures. Emma wouldn't have necessarily minded not getting the attention, but she could understand the wider scope here. Several people would see Emma doing this, be inspired, and come out and help.

Though right now, they might not be quite as inspired. Emma tugged a bandana out of her tight jean short pocket. She swiped at her freckling face, wiping away grime along with the sweat that seemed almost constant. She'd like to pretend that she just "glistened' like everyone else, but the truth of the matter was quite visible on her skin. At least she'd started to freckle instead of burn, something that had been a slight concern for a pale English beauty. Emma stood out among all the dark skinned workers, a white ivory beauty amongst the ebony. But even her fellow aids didn't seem quite as pale as she, even after a few days in the heat.

At least she didn't have to worry about propriety, at least, not more than she really wanted. The natives wore less than Emma would've ever been comfortable. Her own tight shorts, almost near corset top, and sensible boots were almost ornate compared to some of them, though apparently they wore their wealth to some degree, if Emma's knowledge was right. That didn't quite stop the looks, though her attractive European features probably helped.

"Excuse me, Miss Watson?" said one of the villagers, one that Emma vaguely recognized as working for one of the leaders. She didn't quite understand if there was a religious leader (she stopped just short of saying 'witch doctor") or a chieftain, and the two did seem to blend. There had been some meetings, but now, as she greeted the villager, Emma realized that said leader wanted to speak to her in private.

So Emma followed, walking through the village, smiling and waving as she went. A few knew her from her previous roles: they weren't that remote. And many knew she was one of the nicer workers, if a little "weak" compared to most of them. Soon enough she'd be approaching one of the more impressive tents, ready to greet the occupant inside with as much deference as manners would necessitate.
Warlord chief and Voodoo shaman Tyrese Krutanga had known that as soon as the aid workers arrived there would be trouble. Aid, water, food, medicine, these were things which he used to control and direct his people, along with the ceremonies and 'magic' they had become accustomed and subservient to. Whites coming into his lands, encroaching on his borders and giving out resources which cost money and blood could not be tolerated. Usually he would isolate and kill the foolish foreigners in the villages they sought to help, their supplies given to his men and chosen associates. The workers were only occasionally enslaved, as a lesson to others who were stupid enough to think their 'help' was needed here. Time was going to be different, he had been shown a picture of the workers by one of his loyal people, and immediately he had grown hard at the thought of what one particular 'aid worker' would feel like writhing on his cock. Her name was Emma Watson, apparently she was a British actress who was slumming it in his part of the world. She was with the group who were giving out supplies at a nearby village, supplies which he would soon claim and distribute as he saw fit. Once that was settled, her flesh would belong to him, a fine prize for his efforts as women with her looks were rare, prized, sought after and craved. Having her on his arm would be another symbol of his power. The fact that she was some half famous actress meant nothing, as far as he was concerned. By the time anyone penetrated deep enough into his lands to look for her, she would be a slave to his black cock anyway, less a woman to be rescued than one to be envied or pitied by her fellow females.

Taking possession of the village chiefs’ tent, which was nothing compared to one of his own homes, he made ready to greet the girl. His forces had arrived earlier in several trucks and an armoured car and it had been easy enough to take control from the foolish 'security' who had been there. He had no idea why a woman like Emma was really here in his country, out in the 'middle of nowhere'. Did she want to be ravaged? Perhaps white women needed to be brutally fucked and used by a black man in order to feel complete? Perhaps their white men, with their small cocks and civilised ways, could no longer satisfy them? Thus they simply placed themselves in harms way and waited for powerful men, such as himself, to seek them out and lay claim them. He was convinced of this as he waited in the large tent, which was more of a marquee, filled with several bunks and tables scattered about behind its canvas walls, along with personal effects, supplies and belongings.

Two guards grabbed Emma by the arms, as she approached the entry flap, dragging her in and pushing her before him. He placed his assault rifle down on a flimsy looking wooden table and turned to address her, taking a puff from the large cigar he was smoking. He paused before speaking, looking her over, admiring her exposed legs, the whiteness of her thighs as her tiny shorts left them exposed to his lust fuelled gaze, not to mention the swell of her tits squeezed into some bodice torn from history. The lure of her red lips, pale skin and tight young body was overwhelming this close up... and he knew that she would be pouring sweat, girlish cum and tears into him before the day was through. His gaze raped her from head to toe and back again, before settling on her eyes. Next to his powerful form she was tiny, her fragile looking frame would be easily dominated and dwarfed by his own. His hard abs and musculature virtually cast him as an ebony god in her presence.

Removing his sunglasses he slipped them into the top pocket of his khaki uniform, plastered with self awarded medals and badges of honour, and moved to sit down on a chair facing her. "Miss Emma Watson isn't it? Do you know who I am? I am General Tyrese Krutanga, Warlord of this region and Head Shaman of my people." he told her in perfect English, a smirk on his lips. Everything about her drove him wild with lust, her delicate fragile body, her flushed appearance from the heat, the way she smelt, the way she moved, the way she conformed to every twisted fantasy he had ever had about a white women. As he waited for a response he continued to openly and unashamedly feast his eyes on her appearance. "Give an order to load up the supplies. Put the workers in the trucks we commandeered, then stand by." he called over his shoulder to some men. A soldier poked his head through the flap of the large tent, nodding and confirming the orders in some African dialect, before stepping inside and leaning against a post.

Tyrese looked back at Emma, resting his elbows on the table behind him, his legs wide and his grin arrogant and confident as he watched her. "You have come here uninvited, Miss Watson. Your supplies have been confiscated and your people are about to be punished. I can simply warn them about their crimes of helping whites, or I can execute them for being insurgents. You have enough things here to supply a small guerilla force, after all." he told her with a grin. "However, a woman like you, with a body like yours, you can do much to temper my anger at this 'invasion' into my land." he nodded. "I am going to give you some instructions. Every time you fail to follow one, I will signal my soldiers to have one of your aid workers dealt with." he let the words sink in. He stretched a little, a cocky look on his face. He could feel his cock stretching out down his thigh and he knew that the thick fat girth would be almost impossible to overlook. "Now, Miss Watson, tell me, why are you here in my country, flaunting your white flesh, displaying your perfect skin, moving about my villages as though you own them? Why should I give you back your supplies and let you and your aid wokers go? Convince me. Tell me why I should release you... but do it on your knees." As he spoke another soldier entered through a canvas flap, handing him a pile of passports which had been collected. He chose one at random. "Serena Ramirez, age twenty one, Aid worker. This girl wants you to do as you are told... because if you do not she will be raped, shot in the head and then left for the jungle beasts to devour. The colour of her skin doesn't get her the privileges that yours does. However, just so that we are completely clear about things, your answers and obedience will only serve to save your aid workers... I'm sure that you know what I'm gong to do to you if you disobey me. If you are honest with yourself you will know it's what you want anyway. Think of this as your greatest role yet." he smiled, a white gleaming wall of perfect teeth flashing before her.
As the two men roughly grabbed Emma, her brow furrowed. A protest rose and died on her lips as she looked up at them. She recognized neither. True, often white people, particularly Europeans or, worse, Americans, would say that all black people looked the same. Same features, same build, etc. But Emma had never been one of those. She knew what the villagers looked like, particularly after spending a few days working with them. Even if she hadn't, Emma had studied enough about the area to recognize renegades that likely belonged to one of the local warlords. She'd heard about a handful that were taking control over the area, though she'd been assured, they all had been, that none would interfere with their efforts. Humanitarian aid rarely drew too much negative attention, even when there were cameras and famous people involved. Logically a warlord wouldn't want to draw international attention to himself, and targeting a group would do that. Targeting a group that included a celebrity? Suicidal, surely.

None of that logic changed reality. Emma forced herself to relax as they "escorted" her toward the tent. She fought to keep calm as she entered, finding not the leader she'd seen before, but an imposing, domineering black man. He had to loom at least a foot over Emma's relatively petite five five, and his arms were nearly as big around as the petite actress's torso. He'd have been intimidating even if he hadn't had an automatic firearm nearby, or several guards. Emma felt her heart speeding up, panic settling in, telling her that she was quickly becoming another statistic. Her hope lay in cooperation, and in the hope that perhaps he'd just want the supplies or some wealth. At this point, she'd almost settle for ransom, since that generally meant "leave the hostage unharmed."

The actress tried to meet his gaze as he removed his glasses, though she couldn't quite hide her trembling. As he asked her name, she gave a short nod, though Emma already knew better than to say something, to interrupt. She knew what these people would be like, and she could already tell that Tyrese in particular was someone who liked being obeyed. It galled her, but she knew she had to do it, at least for now. Though her heart dropped as he explained... the name did sound familiar, as a particularly strict but oddly fair warlord known throughout this region. She'd been told he'd leave them alone. Clearly whoever told her that had been wrong.

"Those are for--" she started, only to stop herself, partially as a guard gave her a slightly surprised look, partially because Tyrese continued. Emma looked back, a protest rising and dying on her pretty pink lips. She knew they'd been invited by someone. There had always been a chance the goods would be confiscated by a local warlord, but... well, Emma had been hopeful. They all had. Yet there one sat, smiling like he owned the world, passing instructions and threats with equal casualness.

Fortunately Emma knew how to follow direction, and she was smart enough to realize that he meant it. She almost fell to her knees, wincing slightly as her bared flesh hit the rough floor below. she waited until he'd finished, waiting for her answer, before talking: "I apologize, General Krutanga," came out first, the actress knowing it was precisely what he'd want to hear. "I was under the impression we had gotten permission to come here. We truly are just here on a mission of humanitarian aid. Our goal is simply to help these people, your people, to live a better life. I'm here to do that, and to pass along what I"m doing so that other people might be inspired to do the same. We do not wish to interfere with your business or--or anything," she stumbled there at the end, fear starting to make her tremble. There was just something so... so imposing about this man, that hit her deep inside, deeper than she cared to admit.
General Krutanga gave a wide toothy grin as Emma dropped to the dirt beneath their feet. Looking down at her he towered over her even more now, his huge muscular bulk dominating the space in the tent, despite its size. He nodded as she apologised, clearly impressed or pleased with her behaviour. "So, you are here to help people? That is good. To give them a better life? That is good also. I am impressed by your willingness and eagerness to give yourself to others, to make their experience here more enjoyable. Very good." he continued to grin. He reached out, stroking the fingers of his left hand through her hair as she knelt in front of him. His fingers slid into her strands and fisted a little, tugging slightly on her hair as he looked at her, pulling her head back to ensure that she was looking up at him as he spoke. His gaze dropped a little, so she could see him looking at her tits as they struggled to stay hidden within her tight bodice, as it bent and deformed at her movements. "I've been thinking, if anything were to happen to you, a famous actress, who knows who might come to this place looking to cause problems. That is why, just to reassure you that such a thing will not cause issues for the people you wish to help, I will explain what will happen. I will kill everyone in this village and burn it to the ground. You will be assumed to have died at the hands of Guerilla forces at work in the area." he shook his head, tightening his grip "However, that turn of events is not going to happen Miss Watson. You are going to walk out of here with every inch of your precious and perfect young body intact. Your aid worker friends will also be untouched. All that will have happened is you will have given over your supplies to the new head of this village and your aid workers will go on their way, happy to have helped." he told her. He brought his other hand down to stroke the side of her cheek, his thumb easing across her lips as he did so, until his hand slid down to ease around her throat, as he leaned over her.

"All this will happen, because you are going to do as you are told for your General Krutanga... yes?" he asked, "And you will not even have to remove your clothing to do so. I have heard all about how you actresses use your flesh to get what you want, to get roles, to get famous... then years afterwards you... what do they call it? You hash tag someone 'me too', claiming that you were tricked or conned or assaulted, when all that happened was you shook your tight little ass or sucked off a director to enhance your career, then had regrets later. You will not have any regrets here Miss Watson, because everything you do will be things you will not regret." he told her reassuringly, "Because they will not only save your friends, but yourself." he released her throat, keeping a grip on her hair he moved his hand to his combat pants, unzipping them with the loud tearing ratchet of metal teeth against metal teeth. His cock sprang into view almost immediately, a long obscenely fat member which wavered in the air a few inches from Emma's sweet innocent looking face. The massive monstrosity was over ten inches in length, wide girthed and already sporting a fat glistening helm which had streaked the shaft with pre cum, giving his length a slick shine. The black rod twitched, and as she shifted position it slapped against her cheek, smearing his secretions against her skin for a moment before swinging away from her. "I fancy myself as a director of men and women. Just think of this as a scene in a movie Emma, the latest movie of your life. " he explained, his grin twisted and almost looking like a wicked evil smirk right now.

"In this scene, young Emma has been captured by a powerful warlord, a man who brooks no insolence from anyone, neither man or woman. She sees the effect that she has had on him, a precious little white girl is rare in these areas, and the warlord is obviously greatly aroused by her presence, so much so that he can barely restrain himself." he reached down, taking hold of her arm he lifted it up, moving to grip her left wrist he brought her fingers up against his rod, wrapping his own large digits around her hand he proceeded t use hers to stroke his rod, her pale delicate flesh contrasting against his thick black cock as it smeared his fluids from the wide helm, all the way down its monstrous length to his hilt. "She quickly understands that in order to g free, all she has to do is take him, all the way down her tight little throat. All she has to do is milk his cock dry with her lips, her throat, her tongue. All she has to do is jerk his huge cock with her tiny hand, until he washes out her gullet with his hot cum,. That is all she has to do, fuck him with her hand and her mouth until he bathes her face and clothes in his seed. You can do that can't you Emma??" he asked earnestly, calm and casual with his words. "I expect you must have done as much at some Hollywood party, before you became infected with that western disease... what do you call it? Feminazi? Feminism?" he laughed The guards in the room chuckling as they stood back, watching events unfold. "You will even have an audience." he commented idly. "what more can an actress of your stature expect."

He leaned in closer, bending over to whisper into her ear. "Do not worry, these men will not touch you as long as General Krutanga, their lord and Shaman is here to protect you." he hissed, licking her earlobe, squeezing it between his lips and letting his teeth tug gently at it before allowing it to slip free. "You will suck me with your mouth. I will fuck your face with my cock. Then you will go free." he continued to whisper. "We both know ho happy your aid workers will be that you have made a new friend with the new ruler f this place, and you will have lived out one of your wicked sick little fantasies, won't you Miss Watson? We all know the truth you know, every black man who walks past a white woman in the street knows that they secretly want the black cock. We know that your white men are weak, small docks, no stamina, unable to fuck you longer than a few minutes before coming hard and going to sleep, their tiny cocks wilting inside your hot tight little cunts. We all know how you dream about black cock, how you crave it, need it, desire it. Well, now you get to have one, and no one will veer now what happened here, except you, Miss Watson." he pulled up and away, back to standing before her. He turned t a slider, a large man who was still dwarfed by his general, The sunglasses wearing gold toothed individual looking quizzically at Krutanga. "Clap your hands and say 'take one'... Action." he told him. He then turned back to Emma. Talking to her had had an effect on his cock already, with it jutting upwards near vertically now. A bead of pre cum had developed far enough to break and spread, sliding down his shaft to slick it even further with the evidence of his arousal. He nodded to his soldier.

"*Clap* Take one, Action!" the man said with a thick accent, smiling as he chewed on a toothpick. "Fuck me with your hands and mouth you little white bitch." said Krutanga with a grin, staring down at her, releasing her hair and hand and standing with his hands on his hips now.
God, this really was something out of a nightmare. Not one that Emma had personally had, thank God... though eerily close. It had always been a downside of her life. Beautiful, young, open about her support and her beliefs, all that drew constant attention toward Emma, mostly good, but enough bad. There had been a few messages toward her to the effect that she'd just love doing something precisely like this if she met a "real man." The thought always twisted her stomach, but as her eyes swept up to look at Tyrese, she had to wonder if she hadn't perhaps found someone who seemed to fit the definition all too well. His plans had the taint of masculinity all over them, speaking to violence and authority with equal ease. It kept her stomach fluttering, and she had to swallow hard, fighting the rising panic within.

Kill everyone? It was possible. What could she do to stop? He already knew the possible consequences, knew what he could do. Fuck, there was a chance the media would buy a familiar sounding lie like that. All spoken while he had her hair in his hand. A few days of hard work made the soft strands just gritty enough to stick, and Emma could see the twists of light brown just poking through his clenched fist. she almost focused on them as he kept outlining, particularly as he tugged tighter, yet again demonstrating his physical superiority over her, as if she wasn't already acutely aware of it, of her position here. Her gaze finally drew up at "However." Here would be what he actually wanted, and what she'd have to do.

A hand on her throat made her tense, but she kept still, listened. Keep clothed, do as he said, and it was becoming more and more apparent he intended something sexual. Emma felt the anger spark, lighting her eyes for a moment, tensing her body. she fought the urge to spit it out at him, or to start railing against injustice. That instinct had been long honed, but intelligence could beat instinct, particularly when you had the amount Emma had been blessed with. She kept quiet as he explained in explicit detail. Kept quiet as she watched his grossly large cock slap into face, connecting with her soft white face.

The actress couldn't help but stare. The thing he boasted, his.... his manhood had to be nearly the size of her arm. It easily dwarfed the few boys she'd actually gone far enough to see. Fuck, jus seeing it made her instantly classify them as "boys" to this "man" before her. Though perhaps "beast" would be more accurate, with the thick black pillar glistening, a testament to primal sexuality that simply insisted upon deference and attention. Emma had to almost break her gaze away from him as he kept going, continuing to make it clear. She fought the urge to start crying, knowing she had to try this. It wasn't as if she could tell him she couldn't, because even Emma knew that she could... for the most part. She, well, to put it bluntly, she sucked at what he was asking, and not in the way he wanted. When you were a gorgeous starlet, you didn't exactly have to work to get guys to cum for you. It had mostly been a few pumps, a kiss or two on a domed head, and shuddering white would soon spurt over her face. Maybe she'd get lucky here, and most of what Krutanga said was just bluster. Most men came quick upon a female's touch; he'd probably be the same.

The starlet couldn't help but gasp as he nibbled her ear. Her head jolted back, and soon she found her gaze sliding toward him while he whispered more promises. Who had fantasies like that? yet something in her seemed to react to the picture he presented. Worse, she realized that he'd almost read her mind regarding everything else. Take one, action.

Fuck, training kicked in. Training and the simple fact that he'd already wrapped her tiny ivory hand about his cock. Emma didn't even recall that happening. But she couldn't deny that it had happened; it was there. She rolled her hand up and down, gathering some of his precum. It lathered against her hand and she fought back a wince. Act, Emma, she told herself, knowing that she could manage that much. She simply rolled her wrist, trying something that usually helped the boys along. Fingers glided along the sensitive domed head for a moment. The nails flitted just near that slit, gathering a little, nicking it for just a moment. Emma gathered enough to start working down, releasing as she went. her hands went wide, fingers first barely touching, then not at all as he seemed to continue to grow. How on earth did this fit inside a woman? After what felt like minutes she hit the bottom. Squeezing, Emma worked her way back up, trying to milk.

Another hand went up, moved to slice back some of her light brown hair. Her head moved, hovering just above him. The raw stench hit her hard, and the girl had to fight the urge to gag. Eyes pinched shut as she swallowed, trembling, hand still working, though it had jerked slightly. The raw, masculine smell was unlike anything she'd ever experienced: thick, heavy, musky, it made her almost want to lose herself then and there. But she pushed through, taking a few deep sucking breaths. she dared stick her tongue out, the little pink muscle trembling before it darted across the slit. His powerful flavor hit her hard, and Emma brought her hand up to cover for a moment, swallowing.

Fucking act or he will kill someone!! She swallowed, moving to spread her lips. She circled the cock, looking up at him. Trying to keep focused, Emma braced, both hands pressing against him. She slowly tried to slide down, moving her lips passed his head. Already her jaw ached from stretching, and she could feel his flesh hitting against his teeth. She swallowed hard, trying to move forward, gagging shortly after the head. A blast of spittle shot downward, hitting against him, and she felt it happening again, throat spasming as she pulled out. "I'm trying!" she insisted, pumping at his cock. "You're just so---so large!" she insisted, trying to move her head. The simple fact of the matter was that she barely gave blowjobs to boys a quarter his size. With this? She could barely get a few inches down before she started almost gagging again. Though that didn't stop her from trying...

...and after a bit, it wasn't just the threat. She wanted to prove she could do this. She was Emma fucking Watson, who often only needed a single take. Surely she could handle a blowjob.
The General was so fucking hard right now that his massive and obscenely huge cock actually hurt, it pained him, as it stretched out and throbbed visibly with each pulsating vein which lined its huge length. The shaft was a thick fleshy rod, the hardness feeling like steel now, as he looked at the perfect little white girl in front of him. Her inviting mouth and lips ready to be tarnished by the thick girth of his cock as it was soon to be forced down her throat. She looked like a young innocent white virgin, though he doubted she was anything of the sot. He was going to stretch her out and fuck her ragged by the end of this day and afterwards, well, she would certainly not be able to feel a white cock in her tiny young cunt ever again, it would only be fit for a black mans member. There was nothing quite like watching a thick black cock force its way into a girl like her, the look of realisation on their faces, as they realised they could actually take a cock that size. They could take anything in their holes if they put their minds to it and there was nothing else for her to do with her mind now, nothing but to service the god made flesh in front of her, a god who wanted to defile and desecrate her body with his manhood. The fact that she was famous to some extent only turned him on more, the little white bitch deserved everything he was going to do to her, she deserved to be punished for so many things, yet he knew that she would not see it as punishment for long. No, she would start to enjoy things, how could she not? No woman could withstand the lure and pleasure of a black cock for long, filling their cunt, their asshole, their mouth, stretching and pounding them like no white cock would ever be able to. Even the best of the best fell to nothing in comparison to a well endowed black man with the right treasure in front of him, tight young white cunt.

He could see the emotions playing across her face as she considered her options, she would make the right choice, the only choice that she could, the one that all women deep down inside wanted to make. Submit. she was born to submit, born to obey, born to follow direction and do as she was told. That wasn't simply what actresses did, it was the role all women yearned to play, deep inside they wanted to obey, to be made into a mans fuck toy, to be used and abused until their writhing sweat soaked bodies screamed out in orgasm on the end of a cock. Sure, most wanted money to make that happen, but once they had been fucked enough their own primal urges would take over. He was certain that Emma was no different, and if she was he would force her to comply with enough fucking to drive her into the pit of carnal lust from whence she would never escape. he felt her begin to move her hand as he stood there, his body shifting, his cock pulsing and stretching out against her palm as she did so. Her delicate touch smearing his sinful and wicked secretions up and down its foul length as he stared down at her, letting his cock twitch and jolt in her grasp as he squeezed its muscles and its erect length began to swell a little more, throbbing hot against her flesh as he was turned on further and further. She would be foolish in the extreme if she believed she would be going anywhere without being fully defiled by his monstrous member. Foolish indeed.

He smirked at the sight of her tongue darting forth to delicately lash against his cock slit, her small hands trying to engulf his girth and failing, as she stroked away at the beast she had before her. He planted his feet firmly apart, stabilizing his stance as he watched her begin her work, watched her give herself to the task she was born for. Servicing the needs of her new director as easily, he expected, as she would if she were on a film set or in some trailer after a few scenes. She would fit well into his plans, with the ability to enhance his rituals and ceremonies back at his village, during the weekend tribal events which consolidated and bolstered his magic’s and his power over the people. Then suddenly thoughts of plans were shattered and pushed aside as he gave a loud satisfied groan at the feel of her mouth on his helm, her tongue fucking against his cock slit and her hand stroking against its throbbing length... sending shivers of anticipation and ecstasy rolling through his body. "Yes, that's it you little white bitch, show me what you can do with your mouth, show me what you can do with your lips when they are out to their proper purpose." he grunted. he gasped as she placed her hans against him, moving to slide his fingers into her hair, guiding her as she forced her face forwards, trying to take his massive black rod into her mouth and towards her throat. He hissed and tensed as his knob hit the back of her throat and he felt her spit splattered against him as she tried to take him further in, gagging and coughing from the task already. He gave a cruel smile, tightening his fingers in her hair a little, pulling at her head to help force her lips to slide down his cock further and further.

"Yes, I am large Miss Watson. that is because white girls like you get me so fucking hard. You like it don't you? You like sucking black cock like the good little white whore that you are. Look at how many people you are saving already with your first class aid work? Far more than by simple food deliveries and posing with those you would never allow into your own home to show kindness or charity to. AuuhhH... yes, continue, you are doing well. You have to get every inch of it soaking and dripping in your spit you little slut." he insisted. "Otherwise it will never fit." His hand rested heavily in place, pushing her now, forcing her to gag and choke as with each pass, with each push forwards, he began to drive his cock a little further down her gullet, pushing and bulging out her neck as his cock fought its way deeper into her. "Harder you little bitch, suck harder, get it down your throat. You have a big enough mouth when you want to, now use it as it was intended, to please a man." he growled. He pulled back, dragging his cock free to slap against her face, smearing spit and fuck juice across her flushed skin, before pulling her back into position and driving forwards to fuck a few strokes into her throat before allowing her to resume her task. "Again. Take two... action!" he told her, not waiting for the soldier present to act. He reached down with his free hand and slid his fingers down her bodice, finding and squeezing at her nipples, one after the other as he waited for her to assault his cock with her mouth again. "Come along you little bitch. If you cannot make me come by swallowing my cock to the hilt, I will have to move to the next scene, the one where the black cock loving little English whore takes it in her tight young cunt. Perhaps I should give you something, one of my 'medicines', to encourage you?" he mused, an amused look on his face now. He tugged at her bodice, but it was far too tight about her to drag down, so instead he captured her left nipple between finger and thumb, twisting and distending it beneath her bodice as he moved to drag her onto his cock, holding her there a while, before forcing his manhood deeper into her throat a few times, leaving her scant opportunity to swallow the copious amounts of pre cum which were weeping from his cock slit. "Touch yourself, use one of your hands to start stroking at the lips of your tiny white cunt." he commanded.
How often had Emma thrown herself into a role before now? Become the character, embodied her? People still often looked at the pretty, slightly freckled Brit and thought of her as "Hermione Granger" first and "Emma Watson" second. She tried to draw upon that now, to enter this strange new character, a challenging role she'd never have expected to ever play. For the dangling threat still drove Emma forward, made her want to succeed. She could feel his... 'encouragement" toward her task. The hand grasping against her head, pushing her with an immobile force. Emma tested that immobility, jerking back as she first started that gag. As her muscles spasmed about his thick cock, liquid pouring out from inside her, her head jerked. Neck tensed, body strained for those seconds. A heartbeat passed, everything tensed, before Emma simply found herself held there. Locked. Liquid instead bubbled up about her mostly sealed mouth. It drooled along the edges, sliding down her chin and throat in sloppy strands. Bits of it coughed forward, splattering cock and hilt, some even hitting his hefty sack beneath. Other bits slapped back, straining along her neck and throat. Some bubbled forth from nose, making her sloppy there as well.

Yet still Krutanga held her. She felt his insistent, strong hand pushing her further and further. Muscles kept spasming, never quite adjusting. Throat stretched, a bulge visibly showing, first at the top, then seeming to glide down slightly. Constantly she worked, swallowed, drooled, tried to take in more and more cock, or, fuck, not to suffocate as his sheer size overfilled her. Emma had never put something this large inside her anywhere. This was his manhood? Fuck! More coughs, and she tried to strain as dots swam in her vision.

Words punctured her haze, taunts, claims, demands. Her expressive eyes flashed again as he called her whore, the words wanting to form. She couldn't quite stop the noises of protest from rumbling out of her body, echoing around the thick black shaft. They came out more as a squeal of protest, as if the woman simply couldn't stand, even in these conditions, to be called such. She soon closed her eyes, tried to swallow, to obey his command. But she felt everything resisting, vomit threatening to arise as he pushed her further still. Then he pulled back, a burst of spit and precum oozing forth, slopping against her body.

"Please!" Emma begged, her voice starting to rasp. "You're just too big! It won't fit!" she insisted. She might, might have fit all of one of her past boys. But Krutanga? Every inch of his manhood, no, almost godhood simply defied logic as she knew it. The starlet let out a squeal as his hand teased, pinching a tiny pink nipple. It swelled, sending that sharp mix of pleasure and pain into her system, shooting hot fire. Take too: and he took advantage of her distraction to try again. The girl moaned, eyelids fluttering. To Emma's credit, she took more: swallowed over half of him now without too much struggle. Spittle kept leaking out, throat never stopped moving, but perhaps a little over half of black cock stuck into her mouth.

Around her squeals, Emma heard his next command. Eyes pinching shut, she tried to follow. Hands fumbled at the clasp of her jeans, finally undoing it just enough for her to almost frantically shove a pale hand between them. She found herself quick enough, stroking less out of desire and more out of a frantic urge to see if she could get him to stop or slow or do something. Because she knew, knew she couldn't hilt him: couldn't likely take two thirds of his cock, let alone further. Already her reflex had been pushed well beyond its limit. Her body had started to burn, and her vision had started to spin. She---did she want to? Emma groaned, not even certain, lack of air mixing with odd sensations and odder circumstances to make focusing just a bit harder than it perhaps should be.
This little white bitch was turning him on like no one before. Was she acting? Right now he could care less, all he cared about was her tight throat stretching to accommodate his cock, her lips frothing with the secretions being drawn out of his cock slit and the way her moaning, gasping and choking sounds made his hard cock even harder. Coming quickly, in front of his men, would be a sign of weakness, a sign that he could not resist the white slut who he was claiming, but it was no easy task to hold back and control himself, not with such a hot little slut taking him deeper an deeper into a throat which was never meant to take a black mans member. Still, she had to learn, had to be taught that she was here to serve him and she would need to adapt. Adapting was something actresses were trained to do, wasn't it? His train of thought quickly derailed, focusing back on the gasping girl as she sloppily mouth fucked his cock with the enthusiasm he had commanded and more. The sloppy blow job worked its way along his shaft, lathering it up until her drool was not only slopping down form her chin and lips, but dripping from his balls and coating his cock slick enough for him to, most likely, be able to drive it into any hole he wanted.

He laughed loudly as she spat out his cock after her Herculean efforts, spit and pre cm slopping onto her chest above her tits as they remained forced into her bodice. "Too big That's what they all say. Some really can't take it, but you're going to Miss Watson. You know why two reasons. First because your director is going to tell you to. The other reason is because you are a cock hungry little whore who wants to take as much black cock into her as she can. You all do. Your inner whore is telling you right now how much you want to take this fucker, even if you are denying it outwardly. You know you want it, you white bitches always want the black cock and believe me, you are going to fucking take it today." he hissed with amusement. "You get a man this hard, you have to pay the consequences, you have to deal with his cock." he nodded, his massive erection twitching and wavering, swaying about with strings of liquid sin dangling from it before he grasped her hair and pulled her mouth back into position for him to fuck a couple of deep strokes into her mouth and down her gullet, mercilessly stretching her lips around his monstrous shaft as it thrust into her and slid over her tongue with ease.

Krutanga pulled back again, looking at his shaft as it dripped her spit along half its foul length, the thick bulging veins shunting trails of spittle back towards his hilt and balls as he slapped the meat of it against her face, reddening her cheeks, one after the other. His fist still grasped in her hair as he did so, his eyes boring into hers with a resolute stare as he drank in the sight of the young white girl held to ransom by his cock. "See, you can do it, almost there Miss Watson, almost there." he grunted, watching her as she started to obey his further commands to begin to defile and abuse herself for his entertainment. "The scene has to continue Miss Watson. Forgive me if my direction is not clear to your western ears. I am used to performing certain ceremonies in a more natural, basic... traditional setting." he commented. "In this scene you have to take as much of my cock in your mouth as you can. So that it is sufficiently slick for me to fuck it into one of your other tight young holes... just like you want me to. I can see how in awe of my black cock you are, how hungry you are for it. I can tell you have never been properly fucked by a black man, Miss Watson. That unfortunate situation will be remedied this day." he nodded to her. "I will help you."

Taking hold of her head with both hands he shifted in place, pushing his cock head up against her lips and shoving it past the foaming froth which was splattered there. His member eased over her tongue, nudged against the back of her throat, then penetrated the narrow tight channel, shoving in and down. His thrust bulged her throat out and expanded her neck as his beast of a cock ransacked the virgin depths as it was slowly forced into her until her lips were wrapped about his length a good two thirds or more along his long hard rod. He kept it there as long as air and her endurance could take, then pulled back to slowly start to fuck a few more thrusts in and out of her, fucking her face as he looked down with supreme pleasure and arrogance as he stuffed his member towards her gullet. finally pulling back strings of spit slapped against her chin and upper tits as he looked at her. "No the scene continues. You will suck me down to the hilt, or you will admit defeat and pay a penalty with your flesh, though it will likely be viewed as reward by a tight young white girl like you. Take it all, or stand up and take a hold of that support pole... .and tell me to fuck my huge black cock into one of your tiny little holes. That would be a speaking part, so remember to get it right. You can improvise if you like, just make it clear that you are begging for it, begging for a black man to fuck you, offering your tight white cunt to me in order to please me and help my people. Don't worry, I'm not really going to fuck you, not here anyway." he gestured to a large pole jutting up in the tent, one of many. The soldier present took out his phone and began to film the scene. "It's just for insurance, I'm sure you understand Miss Watson. You will be seen as a willing, enthusiastic participant, if ever the need arises." he explained convincingly.
This man had to be some kind of devilish monster! Emma would've never thought something like that if it weren't for all the evidence to the contrary. His thick cock skewering her face, his unwavering confidence, his continued insistence upon her reacting. Each word hammered into her, making the poor little Brit shiver. They slid over her skin, dug into her flesh, made her question just their truth. Did she want his thick, black, cock? Did she want to take the huge thing inside of her? Thoughts like that had hovered near the edges of her mind, thoughts of what it would feel like puncturing her body, of how something like that could even fit. Now he insisted, laying it out before her as if he'd read her mind instead of injected thoughts there. This time, she had to let out a sharp noise of protest, even tried to shake her head: she didn't want this.... truly she--did she? She swallowed around him, feeling more spittle leaking from around her tightly stretched lips.

Another pull of her head, and Emma's mouth dropped open instinctively. Her tongue lolled out, eyes looking toward him, every inch the obedient little cocksucker. In truth, the girl just couldn't help but fulfill a role when demanded. Yes, that had to be it: her trained ability to slide into position. Not the ache she began to feel in her chest or between her legs at his raw masculinity and primal sexuality. That... that wasn't her, surely. He grasped that head and fucked it. Emma felt herself gagging, but already much deeper than they'd started, then possibly the start of their last attempt. She felt inches of him filling, overfilling her throat. More spittle rose out, falling, and she almost caught it, smearing the liquid over his cock. He'd threatened something about wetting him for her, so clearly he wanted her spittle smeared over him. Delicate hands worked frantically, running her fluids over his shimmering girth, the black pillar soon glistening with juices.

Eyes met, and he repeated directions, demands. She blinked her wide, expressive brown eyes, understanding showing even as they watered slightly. the strain of holding her jaw open, of keeping her mouth about his cock, started to weigh on her. Emma's stamina hadn't been built for intense face-fucking, after all. Something that became even more apparent as Krutanga shifted again, almost violently fucking the starlet's face. Once more she started to gag, a burst of spit splattering against him. She felt her throat constantly working, squeezing and rippling about him even as it vibrated. Fluids kept leaking outward, drizzling out, and she was beginning to wonder if she even had any spit left. A glance showed some of it streaked with white. Foolish, naive Emma thought perhaps he'd finally spurted within, that she saw his cum drizzled with her sperm. The mixture didn't quite foam, didn't quite have thickness, but surely he'd---

---no, she was wrong. She whimpered as he insisted again, offering a new alternative. Take it all or beg. Her eyes flicked toward the pole. He knew she couldn't take him, not now, likely not ever. A phone appeared, and her eyes flicked to it... a camera. God, how many times had she posed for one of those? Never like this. But she couldn't see a way out. She couldn't swallow him to the hilt, not even with his help. His thick arms had only brought them a little past what she'd managed on her own, leaving at least a few inches left. And he had just said he wouldn't actually fuck her... here. The thought made her body shiver again.

Finally, she acted, not seeing the choice. She pulled herself from him, spittle again connecting cock to Krutanga. 'I admit defeat,' she said, almost using his words. She stumbled to her feet, almost falling over, slightly dazed. 'I can't take your thick---thick cock into my tiny little mouth,' she said, trying to recall the words even as she said them. She swallowed, turning to look to the pool. She moved to it, hands shakily grasping onto it, bending slightly, figuring that was the idea. 'Please, General, please fill my--my tight little white sex with your thick black manhood,' she said, almost whimpering. She shivered, shaking her lower half again. 'You won; and I am here just to help you and your people,' her gaze flicked toward the phone for a moment as she swallowed again. 'Please, ransack my white body with your dark flesh. I---I want it. I need it,' she looked back to Krutanga, trying to express need in those big eyes. 'I need your thick cock inside one of my tight holes...' she said, hoping against hope it was enough.
"You think any woman can walk in here and command such attention form me? General Tyrese Krutanga, Shaman of my tribe, leader of my army? Warlord of this region and master of all I lay my eyes upon? Lesser whores and dregs would be put to the machete or sent to the fields. You, Miss Watson, are a valuable and unique treasure who can set my cock to its fierce size and command my attention immediately. You should be proud that your tight white flesh has been chosen to service such a man as myself, a black god made flesh to bring the blessing of a hard fucking to those white women worthy of our attentions." he told Emma as he slapped his massive cock against her face again, waiting for her to respond. His thick black shining shaft slopping spit and secretions across her lips again as he did so, the hardness declaring just how aroused he was. back inside her he savoured the feel of her throat muscles squeezing and vibrating against his shaft until again it was free, cooling in the air, as she pulled off him and declared defeat. His cock twitching, jutting upwards, steel hard and a shining black rod which clearly still craved and commanded attention.

As she spoke out, announcing her need for black cock, he straightened up and moved up behind her. "Well, far be it for me to deny you, fair white queen. You came to this place looking for black cock and you will get it." he grunted, amused. His large powerful hands grasped at her waist, pulling open the front of her short shorts and dragging them down to her thighs, squeezing and yanking at the tight denim until her ass was exposed, the swell of her ass cheeks popping free of the garment as it was shunted down enough to give him what access was needed. His thick cock helm slapped against her buttocks as he moved about, staining them with the damp feel of fuck juice and spit. He then moved his hands to her ass cheeks, prying them apart enough to allow the thumb of one hand to squeeze into her anus, stretching the rim, as he spat on the crack and watched the globules of his spit slide and soak into the crevice as he loomed over her from behind. Bending he shoved his cock between her legs, the upper ridge sliding along the crease of her cunt, splaying apart her cunt lips, as his feet moved to kick apart her ankles and shove her legs as wide as the restrictive band of her short shorts would allow.

Settling into position he began to fuck himself between the lips of her cunny, the thick black rod quickly building up a sheen of filthy fuck juices as it slid back and forth. Her cunt lips stretched and splayed to her flesh as the boiling searing rod sizzled against her dripping cunt juices. More than once the helm threatened to slide up and into her gash, but he shifted to keep it thrusting along the hot wet groove of her quim instead. A palm landed on an exposed ass cheek, leaving a red print there as the sound of the slap resounded through the tent. "Come along Miss Watson. Fuck yourself along my cock, use the motion of your cunt sliding back and fort along it to both pleasure me and yourself. Your hot white cunt scorching a path along the upper veins of my shaft brings such sensation." he gave a long groaning hiss.

"See if you can fuck it enough that I do not feel the need to defile your tight white pussy with it." he gasped, leaning in, bringing his lips closer to her ear as he continued to fuck her crease. The long thick length almost kissing the pole she was clinging to each time it was driven between her thighs. "You are doing well, I may even allow your people to leave here unharmed and with some of their supplies. Now, tell me Miss Watson... is it safe to come inside you? Or would you prefer me to force myself into your ass? Pleasure me here and I may allow you to go free.. after the ceremony in my home village of course. It's not often we have a white queen in our land, One so respected in her own. We must see to it that you experience a proper welcome, so that you do not forget your time in Africa." he told her through clenched teeth. One hand reached up to wrestle her hair into a bunch of strands about his fist, while the other eased around to her stomach, sliding down so that his fingers teased about the hood of her clit as his cock continued to assault her flesh as though he owned it.

"You little white sluts cannot get enough, can you? Tell me, tell me that this is what you wanted when you first came here. You were seeking me out, weren't you Miss Watson? Seeking me out so that you could use your tight little white body to satisfy my cock and bring joy and prosperity to the people of this land, with the news that such a perfect little English cunt was so obsessed with the Warlord of this place." he grinned, bringing his cock head back to rest between her cunt and her ass, pushing into her flesh a little as he spat down onto it, leaving strings of hanging spittle dangling from it as he waited.
Krutanga's movement surprised Emma. She tensed, eyes widening for a moment. Hadn't he said he'd ignore her if she followed his command? Hadn't he promised safety? or at the least not to fuck her? perhaps he simply meant those words at their barest surface level: he wouldn't fuck her here, but even someone as sexually inexperienced as Emma knew there was quite a lot you could do without actually inserting a weapon like his into anything. Or perhaps he simply didn't care. Thus far he'd demonstrated a presence so commanding that it made the most passionate and virile of directors Emma had met seem like a tottering child by comparison. Every inch of Krutanga, from his fiercely expressive face to his towering manhood, expressed raw masculinity, that primal lust and heat that simply demanded attention and obedience. Again, on some primal level, Emma could feel her body responding, wanting him, wanting the best biological match, wanting to give to a presence that simply demanded it by existing.

Perhaps that was what froze her as he tugged at her tight jeans. She certainly offered no resistance, even spread her legs slightly further, giving more room. She felt the panties slide along, leaving her soft, ivory ass bared to the man. Its paleness would stick out amongst so much dark flesh, though the supple roundness spoke to good diet. Tone spoke to work and exercise, keeping her bottom soft, tight. She shivered as she felt him exploring that, teasing about her, mapping her flesh with his fingers. Thick digits spread her body, and Emma fought against her natural urge to clench. Even then, she couldn't fully stop the tightly puckered star of her previously untouched anus from clenching. The tight hole almost winked as moisture slid along it, as if beckoning him toward the tightest fit in an already tight girl. Emma gasped as she felt the moisture starting to slide within, tucking inside her body.

Another gasp left as he stretched her. Emma had to lean forward, to grip the pole with an almost white-knuckled grip. She took another deep breath, trying to reaffirm the awfulness of this whole situation, spread, bared like this. But raw heat coursed through her body all the same, even as his punishingly thick member slid over her. Emma let out a gasp, trembling as she felt him sliding along her body. Her hips rolled slightly, to show her... willingness. She could feel muscles already starting to flex, her body warming, even as she tottered in her simple work boots, her semi-practical corset keeping her upper body locked tight.

SLAP! The crack hit Emma moments before the sharp pain did. She yelped, jerking, her body spasming about, thrusting so that her pert rear slammed into his lower abdomen for a moment, most of his thick cock extending upward, thudding near to the underside of her breasts. A pink print would rise upon her flesh, showing hot, while its heat started to seep into her body. Emma began working her body up and down, anticipating his demand before he gave it. Shiver took her as she rose to her toes, working to slide her hot sex over him. Undulating hips rolled up and down his thickness, riding it. Emma let gravity take her down at moments, her damp lips kissing him for just a moment. The sheer eroticism of the act, of the odd situation, of his primal musk, had brought out that primal reaction, even as part of Emma inwardly hated it and hated herself for feeling it.

A seize, a promise of a ceremony. Emma let out another hiss, waiting again for her cuee. The moment he stopped, she spoke, as if eagerly waiting; 'Yes, yes, that's it!' she lied. 'I desperately wanted---wanted your thick manhood,' she rolled her hips over said bit of flesh, shivering at its hard sensation. Her hips pulled so she could feel its full length, and sank slightly, lips starting to part over its side, just beginning to feel its girth. 'A---a commanding man, a ruler like yourself should cum wherever he wants,' in truth, Emma didn't want him in either hole. Her sex may prove dangerous, though she believed she was safe, while her ass would tear tremendously. 'My--my tight white sex so desperately wants you, but you may take my--my ass if you prefer,' she flushed at that, trembling again, rolling her hips against him. Another undulation let her glide her soft lips over him, and she swirled for a moment, not quite grinding, but certainly moving some of her wet along his own, giving his thick cock a decadent shimmer.
"Ahhuuhhh..." Krutanga let out a loud, long, guttural moan of pleasure as he slid his cock between the hanging lips of Emma cunt. Teasing the shaft along the length of her slit as he toyed with her, lies continuing to slide from his lips as easily a s water from a ducks back. Women were easy to deal with once you established dominance, like most creatures. They accepted things from a powerful and forceful presence, then by the time they realised things were not quite as they expected it was too late, they were writhing on black cock and their primal instincts took over. "I only fuck whites. I specialise in it. You are far tighter, hotter and wetter than any black whore could hope to be with their fat asses and saggy tits, sucked dry by their hungry children. No, I save myself for the cream of the crop, and that's what you are Miss Watson., The cream, creaming her soft tiny white cunt as it prepares to be despoiled by a black man. By me." he chuckled softly, groaning again as his massive manhood forced its way along her groove, lifting her up onto her toes as he pseudo fucked her in place.

"Ah yes, you are a well trained white whore aren't you Miss Watson. The way you ease your legs apart so easily, so willingly. I expect you have been taken and used by your directors and producers many times, or at least I expect that they have tried. Did you suck them off quickly? Perhaps jerk them off in a car or trailer? Perhaps some did you in their offices or even their homes beneath the ignorant noses of their wives? Being fucked by a man such as myself will be very different Miss Watson. There will not be any quick release and relief here. I'm going to fuck you good, because that's what you want and that's what the people want. They want to hear the submissive moans and screams a of the white whore who has come to help them, the white whore who lays a claim to become the white queen." he smirked, continuing to tease her hole with his engorged and pre-cum dripping fuck tool.

"Ah... gods... that's it you little white bitch. Cunt fuck that hard cock." he hissed, slapping her ass with encouragement as she slid her cunny back and forth along his hard erection. His cock fouled her slit with its heat and rigidness, his hand reddening her other ass cheek, before he pushed a thumb into her anus, stretching open the entrance to her most taboo hole. "You know just how to fuck, just what to do, I'm impressed by your hunger, your eagerness, just think of this as your hottest finest role." he grinned. He kept a good hard grasp on her hair, pulling back her head, leaning around to lick and suck at her neck, her throat, before easing off again.

"Yes, you are right. I should take what I want. You are not deserving of having your pure hole despoiled until you have been properly prepared. However, like most of you white girls who fear the risk of showing that you love the black cock, by sporting a tainted child, I expect that you would far prefer me to fuck your tight young ass. At least that way you would be able to carry on fucking your man, if you have one, without him instantly knowing your tiny youthful cunt had been stretched to a point where his tiny white cock would never again manage to touch its sides." he told her, Spitting on her ass he worked his thumb into her anus, reaming it open with his digit, before he pushed his helm up against it and began to force it into her filthiest and most taboo hole. Inch by inch her rim stretching and expanding as he forced its huge monstrous sized helm into the viciously tight entrance to her rectum. "Hold tight." he growled.

The thick knob stretched her channel, then acted as a spearhead for the rest of his shaft as he pushed forwards and penetrated her. His massive member speared slowly into her tight tract, pushing in towards her bowels and fiercely distorting her insides with ts fat girth as he thrust into her and drove her white flesh to comply as his black shaft was crammed into her rectal chute, the tip driven mercilessly towards her depths as he crammed it into her. "Feel it, you little white slut. This is what you came for, isn't it? This is what you wanted when you came into my land, my home, my tent, my world. This is what you wanted when you signed up for this sin't it? A hard black cock stretching out your tiniest hole, a hard black cock making you feel what its like to be properly fucked. You're an over privileged little whore, now you can feel what its like to be the slave of a black man who wants to use your hot enticing white flesh. Take it, see the effect your pale body has on a real man, see what you have driven him to. A powerful man reduced to staining his cock with your foul juices, because the colour of your flesh drives him wild."

He gritted his teeth, settling into a thumping rhythm behind her as each thrust drove an inch further into her tight ass, unrelenting, merciless strokes which let her know there would be no end until he was buried in her anus and basking in the heat of her fouled rectum as his cock head kissed her bowels. "Scream you little bitch, show your audience how you are enjoying things." he growled, feeling her panties and shorts stroking against the side and underside of his cock as it drove into her. His deep thrusts beginning to push and force her towards the pole, making it shake as he descended into a world of bliss at the feeling of her tiny white ass being defiled by his monster sized beast of a cock.
This would hardly be the first time Emma had heard herself referred to as the "cream of the crop." But the lascivious words dripping from Krutanga's mouth twisted it into something almost decadent. As if she'd been reserving her body for him and those like him without even realizing it. how did he continue to do that? Continue to present each word, each turn of phrase, like some erotic promise lay just behind the words? Each and every syllable called to something deep within Emma, kept signaling to her primal urges that a man, a true man, a thick, hard, masculine beast of a man, lay just within her grasp. Still humiliated, Emma knew that the words, the actions, it all worked to turn her on more and more.

The starlet let out a moan as he outlined her supposed previous life. Protests rose and died, transformed into little sharp noises as she kept moving. For her body, his body, never stopped. She kept riding along him, sliding her continually melting sex against his rigid, molten pole. heat transferred with friction, each stroke melting Emma's icy exterior more and more. The situation, the words, his raw power, it all just overwhelmed poor Emma, transforming her blossoming fear into something more solid. Those erotic changes twisted words into moans and almost sighs, though she tried shaking her head, to offer up that protest. She wasn't like that, wasn't that sort of girl, that sort of woman. But she could hear him promising to make her that sort of... of queen.

A pull, and she let out a gasp as lips sought her mouth. The kissing made her shiver all the more, her body threatening to full melt into his arms. She reached one hand up, sliding about his neck in an almost romantic embrace. In truth, Emma needed the steadying, needed his thick, muscular, hard body to keep her from falling forward, to keep her upright, as steady as she could be. It relieved some of the tension from the hair, as he'd pulled it so taut as ot start to ache just a little bit more. He pulled back just as Emma could feel herself truly start getting into it, whispering more promises. As he did, Emma realized his goal, her eyes widening. Fingers worked.

'I--I've never---' she gasped, wondering if he'd even believe her. Tight muscles clamped down upon his fingers with a virgin's tightness. In truth, Emma had played with the hole, though only a few times. She'd been nearly drunk on wine, lonely, and curious as to whether buggering felt as good as some would say. Delicate fingers had teased her tight ring, and there had been a debauched, taboo pleasure involved. At least one of those drunken explorations had resulted in a light orgasm, and she got those so very, very rarely. But these thick fingers bore only the faintest resemblance to her past workings.

'Yes!' she cried, telling herself it was the script. She felt him sliding in, felt her muscles parting, tearing. Emma let out a sharp gasp, then a throaty moan, her body shivering, her hands gripping almost desperately against the pole, sliding along it. The raw pain of it eclipsed anything she'd felt before, and it brought an increasing fullness along with it. That debauched sensation only grew as she felt her muscles contorting. The ass pinched tight about the cock, almost as if it could squeeze off the chocolate head that pushed inside. At least she knew she was clean, had always been meticulous in cleaning herself; he'd not find anything extra upon his cock, beyond what her body desperately produced to make this easier.

A long wail left Emma as he pushed forward. She felt him sawing into her, and she shuddered, white-knuckles gripping the pole. 'ah, fuck!' she yelped at his command, feeling him pushing her more and more into the pole. 'Your huge cock'--her voice dropped the word, made the consonants harder, 'it's tearing my aaaaaaassss,' she hissed the last, feeling her muscles contort as a few more inches glided into her body, pushing aside flesh, working its way up into her core, driving heat and pain and fullness up into her lower belly, where that simmering fire fanned brighter, hotter.
Krutanga stopped as soon as he felt her body shivering against his rod. There was only so much stamina and will power that a man could exert, even a man like him. The moans and sounds spilling from her lips, combined with the brutal and merciless desecration of her ass, sent spears of sheer ecstasy and bliss shuddering through him. He held her there, both hands moving to grasp her hips, his engorged cock throbbing angrily in her anus as it sat within her, boiling in her juices as it pulsed and twitched inside her. His body shifted, her feet leaving the floor momentarily as he adjusted his position, then slowly began thrusting into her again, forcing himself deeper, hungry rampant thrusts driving his cock further and further toward the impossible goal of burying the entire obscene length to the hilt in her taboo hole.

She could take it, they all could, they were made to stretch about a black man and he would show this one the extent to which she could be fucked. "That's it you little white bitch, You can take it, You are young and resilient, durable, fit. Your flesh can take any sort of deformation and spring back. You will take it all, you will take every inch of black cock that is sent your way and you will enjoy it, because deep down your inner whore as been screaming for this moment your whole life. Everything you gave done has been to attract my attention, prime me for the moment when I would lay hands on your hot horny little body and defile it as I see fit, for you are nothing but a white whore to black cock now. Nothing but a cock hungry little white bitch, ready to pay the dues for all of your kind to her new black master." he moaned out, slowing to let his fat cock stew in her tiny insides as he lined himself up to start drilling into her hard.

"Fuuuck.. you are so fucking tight. I love it." he grunted, forcing her wide, gape fucking her ass now as he began to saw back and forth in her impossibly narrow rectal tract. His cock shone and fluids slopped down her thighs and calves as he pounded into her, gradually increasing the speed of his thrusts until he was pounding and slapping into her with full force, his cock stained with fuck juice and secretions until its entire length was a testament to his ability to cram his length into her yielding and accepting body. His soldier continued to film eagerly, only pausing to take out his cock to begin stroking off to the scene before him. Krutanga ignored him, placing his powerful hands on Emma's hips, dragging her onto him now, fouling the long shaft with her violently tight rectum as his cock bored into her. Hard and deep, no quarter given as he pummelled into her petite form with his huge black rod.

"You think you came here to help people? No Miss Watson. This is why you came here. You don't give a fuck about the blacks outside, the fools trying to change what cannot be altered. No, you came here to be taken, to be owned, to give yourself to the most powerful black man you could find. I can tell, I can tel from the way you moan, from the way your ass sucks on my cock like a virgins hungry mouth. You are a slut, a whore, a wretched little harlot who ants nothing but to feel a black cock piercing her young slit and stretching her youthful ass. AuUHhh... yes, fucking take it Miss Watson, take it and like it. Share your moans with the world, let those outside wondering if you are all right... let them know that you are liking and enjoying every minute of it. Show them your inner whore you little bitch." he seethed from his teeth, clenching them hard as he drilled back and forth inside her, bathing in the wallowing sensations of pleasure which he drew forth from the brutal fucking of her ass.

Slap! Slap! Slap! His balls began to hit the shorts strewn between her thighs and he reached up and around to grab hold of her bodice, mauling handfuls of material and tits as he pulled out and dragged her away from the pole. a moment later he slammed her down on a nearby table, next to his rifle. Rocking her shorts a little further down her legs as he drove his cock back into her gaping and inviting asshole with a groan of satisfaction The table creaked and shook violently with each thrust, squeaking and splintering a couple of times as he burrowed deep into her inviting tunnel. Leaning over her he pounded into her now, hissing in her ear, his body bent over hers, his cock slammed to the hilt in her ass as he fought to fuck her with the wild animalistic fervour of a beast driven wild with lust. The fat length tented her body as it drove in, pushing her clit against the wood, filling her to breaking point in her tiny anus as he settled into a steady rhythm, defiling her with a casual constant pressure as he felt his cock swelling, stiffening and stretching out even further within her white flesh. "Scream you little white bitch, we want people to know how much you like it. Fucking do it." he growled into her ear. "Scream, writhe, beg for more.. if you aren't trying to make me come, if you don't want me to fill your nasty ass with my hot seed, then that means you must like it, that means you mus t want me to fuck you longer and harder... AUuhhHH... fuck..." he gasped, eyes almost rolling at the feel of what he considered to be her secondary cunt sucking on his manhood as he ravaged it.
The raw stretching shot electric fire up into Emma's gut. She could feel it with every thrust, every twitch of her body. It coursed up and down, melting her lower half, seizing and relaxing muscles in violent turns. The starlet could feel her body attempting to squeeze down, to repel the invading cock. Muscles contorted, flesh wrapping vice-tight, squeezing the buried rod with every ounce of Emma's strength. The raw pressure of it made her body tremble with effort, drawing another unwilling, throaty groan from the battered celeb. Emma could feel her flesh taking him, could feel her previously snug tunnel stretching before his insistent battering, knew in her core that he reworked her flesh on some level, shaping this tight channel into a perfect sheath for his thick, black cock. Her body rippled at the thought, that electric heat pooling wet between her legs, juices drizzling down her thighs, staining the white with glistening trails.

How much had he sheathed? It felt like an arm ripping her insides asunder. Surely her stomach would bulge outward, showing another little sign of how fully he took her. Each driving push sent another wordless noise from her. How could he focus enough to continue the taunts? All she could offer were noises that bordered on the animal. A thrust drew a yelp. A slide backward drew an almost breathy series of gasps, until she thought she'd expel him from her body. Touches made her hiss; slaps made her cry out in a sharp keening yell. Emma provided the soundtrack to her own debauchery, underlying Krutanga's steady stream of words, of promises and insults and statements of intent.

'Oh gaaaaaahd,' she groaned as he insisted she share her noises with the moan, though whether she referred to some celestial being or whatever plundered her ass, few could say. She felt something connect with a wet slap to her thighs moments before she heard it, letting her know that he'd either sheathed himself fully, or at least delved deep enough into her to connect. The pressure felt far better than she'd care to admit: the fullness mixing with the almost teasing touches near her more sensitive areas. The starlet trembled, taking in shuddering breaths, desperately clawing at the pole in an attempt to steady herself both physically and mentally. She felt him moving, touching her breasts next.

A shift, and she lost that balance. Emma let out a startled yelp as she stumbled, her dropped shorts not providing her any room to move. Soon she found herself slapping against a table. her eyes fell on the weapon, widening for a moment, a flutter of fear rising, dropping cold into her boiling heat. It turned into another sharp yell as he thrust himself back within her. Emma felt her body crash down into the table, and she again scrambled, trying to find purchase, nails almost digging into the wood itself. She felt that wood dig back, another friction against her. Somehow he'd angled so that the rough thing almost scraped against her sex with each thrust, making Emma ride back, effectively thrusting back against him. a much more active participant in her own fucking.

Another command came, and Emma knew what he meant. He set up an impossible scenario: scream, and go on a record as all but begging for him, or deny it, and look like she enjoyed herself. There wasn't an option for her: 'F--fuck my ass!' she tried, her voice jumping as she felt him. 'I---I want you to fill my--my--ahaaaaa,' she paused to cry out, body shivering, 'my tight white ass with cum!' she spurt as fast as she could. 'I want to feel you filling me up to the brim,' she tried squeezing her body, but it already felt exhausted from the battering: nobody would have dared fuck Emma Watson like this before. She tried rolling her hips. 'Fill me with your---mmm,' she shivered, another burst of pleasure/pain, 'with your big, black cooooock,' she felt another burst, and she tried to suppress it, hissing before yelping, jerking against him. Her mind spun, almost as if trying to think of the script it needed to pronounce to get finish this debauched scene.
"Fuck yes, you little whore, you must have been... AUUHhHUH... fucked in the ass before." grunted Krutanga. The way that Emma pushed at his cock with her muscles, squeezing at the long hard abomination of a cock with was drilling towards her bowels, made him shudder with ecstasy, wracking his body with blissful sensations as he laid claim to her most taboo hole. Each long and deep thrust invaded her to the hilt, bringing his balls to slap against her shorts as he forced her open. "You feel it don't you Miss Watson, Miss Emma Watson, famous actress who is really a black cock addicted little slut." he hissed as the soldier tossed the phone e had been using onto the table next to the rifle. "We have everything filmed, enough to show anyone curious that you came here for black cock, not to simply help those you thought needed your white privilege shone in their faces." he grit his teeth, easing off a few strokes, before driving his cock back into her with a series of fast insertions. He stood fast behind her, feet planted firmly, as his hips delivered impaling penetration after impaling penetration. His hands shifting about her, finally coming to rest on her tits, squeezing and fondling them through her bodice. The steady Thud, Thud, Thud against her buttocks making the table groan and creak alarmingly under the strain of the assault.

"Guuood!!..." he roared, the table shaking simply from his guttural expulsion of a single word of ecstasy. "If I'd had any idea how fucking hot you were, how tight, how eager to feel a black cock stretching open the entrance to your guts, then I would have come and taken you from your hotel long before now Miss Watson. Still... UUHhhh... this way things will progress more naturally. Your agreeing to visit my village, to spread your western love and aid in person, will seem like a natural development instead of an abduction, wouldn't you agree? You do want to visit my village, don't you Miss Watson... because there I will fuck you again in a much more brutal fashion. You want that, don't you Miss Watson? I can see it in your eyes, feel it in your tiny white ass. You want a brutal hard fucking, you want to spread not aid, but your slender white thighs. You want it and General Krutanga of the Wakumba tribe will give it to you." he grunted.

Clenching his teeth he paused his commentary, his taunts, grasping her tits hard he dragged her back into his cock and spent a few minutes simply pushing into her, fucking her in an erratic pattern of thrusts and strokes, listening to her moans, whimpers and yelps with a satisfied cocky form of arrogant triumph as he drove back and forth, sawing his massive cock into her tiny anus until he could slide from tip to balls with confidence, having stretched her out enough to accommodate a proper fucking, his enormous black rod gleaming with the liquid sin which poured forth from her well abused hole. Occasionally he had to pull out and simply slap his member against her ass cheeks, the fat heavy rod leaving strings of fuck juice staining her ass cheeks and lathering her shorts. Globules of fuck juice dripping down to soil her socks and boots, before the air outside cooled his shaft enough for him to begin fucking her again. Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, dropping away as he delved into a earnest assault on her flesh which afforded her not one shred of mercy.

Looming over her he brought up a foot to rest on the table, enabling him to deliver deeper harder thrusts into her rectal sheath, burying his monstrous erection to the hilt with each heavy thrust now. Her body battered by cock as he fought to hold on, to hold back, to last just a few minutes longer as the raw wet heat of her ass strangled his cock and bathed it in a searing aura of sensation. His body jerking, spasming, battling to allow him a few more strokes into her burning core, a few more piercing spearing thrusts into her rectum as he hissed and groaned and joined her in a cacophony of primal and near feral grunts and gasps. The pretence of direction slipped away and he devolved into a beast fucking its prey, slamming cock into ass as though his life depended on it. "AHhuuhhhuhhHH!" he groaned out finally.

"Here." he leaned down, lips brushing her ear, teeth clenching on her lobe before allowing it to slip free. He moved a hand around to slide beneath her, fingers forcing their way into her cunt as he buried his cock in her ass and began to buck and squirm. Strings of hot cum began to spurt into her insides, flooding out her bowels before back washing out of her tight rim to spurt down her legs. Threads of his seed stained her thighs, pooled about her cunt lips and soaked into her quim. Lengths of white cum blasted to the four corners of her ass, before he managed to pull back and send arcing gouts of his sperm to slap against her corset and lower back, splattering her ass, her clothing, strings hanging down to be slapped into her legs and calves as he came violently and hard, pouring his offering out to slash across her as he roared out in satisfaction.

"Not.. auuhh... not bad you little whore. Not bad at all. You have done well, Miss Emma Watson." he groaned, standing straight behind her. "Now, turn around and clean me with your mouth. A dozen directors must have used your mouth to satisfy them, this will be no different from your usual meetings." he chuckled, "Then you will come outside with me, address your aid workers and let them know that you will be willingly accompanying me to my village." he told her, leaning in to whisper in her ear. "Because we both know that you want more, don't you Miss Watson? You want more black cock inside your tight little white body, because you know that no white can make you come like a black man can... and you know that should footage of your depraved and sick behaviour with a black man reach your fans you will be ruined." he hissed quietly into her ear, a hand sliding down to toy and tease with her cunt for a moment before he returned to standing behind her. "You will talk to your people. Explain where you are going. Then you will join me in my jeep and keep me hard until we get to the village. Understand?"
How could Emma not feel it? The thick cock restructuring her innards to fit its needs. The constant pounding driving heat and want into her body despite her initial reservations. There was just something so primal in all this, something that made Emma seriously concerned that perhaps each word slapped down upon her from Krutanga might have just enough ring of truth. This debauched plundering of her ass felt so decadent and wrong that it shook her to her core, making everything within her tremble and vibrate. She felt her body bracing, sliding against him, and while she could mentally tell herself it was to ease the sliding, or to bear his fucking, at some level even she realized that her body bucked back against him, slapping her slender hips back toward his, working to impale herself.

Fabric scrunched about her aching chest. Emma felt his touch mauling her there, teasing and pressing heat into her nipples and upper torso as well as her lower. It jolted and spread the encompassing heat. Sweat beaded and slicked her entire body now, drizzling down. It pooled along her lower half, catching her moist sex and the bits of precum and fluid to further drizzle over her. She could feel bits of hair form her loosely tied pony starting to stick to mouth and face, could feel her body desperately trying to fight a heat that simply would not diminish. Every bit of her felt aflame, a fire that he kept stoking with each thrust, that she fueled with returns.

Hints and promises again came, and Emma let out groans almost to match questions. Had she wanted this? She'd say it if it would get him to stop plundering her. Or to fill her. or to tease her. Or... or Emma didn't even know. She found herself groaning an affirmation to his offer of brutal fucking without her brain fully realizing what those words meant. She felt her lips moaning out something that sounded like an almost drunken, almost slurred 'Yes,' barely discernible even with her proper posh accident. Her body rippled, muscles again tempting to squeeze. She could feel her lower half contracting now as the nerves began firing full bore. That tight channel began working his cock as she felt him slapping against her. It worked to pull, to squeeze, as if it could pull his seed from his hefty balls to fill her. Each tensing muscle twisted Emma's abdomen. She felt the coils of pleasure tightening white hot along her lower belly. Each press, each grind of her sex, each thrust of thick cock into increasingly stretched hole, twisted it tighter and tighter.

He shifted, she almost cowed before him. Head dropped, body curved to meet him, to give him best access. To finish quickly? To feel more? She didn't care. She kept jerking as the coils steeled themselves. Emma could feel it beginning, and she fought hard. Swallowed down, tried to push aside the mounting tension. Her already quivering form shook all the more violently as the orgasm began layering itself within. The proper Brit should've cum the moment his cock glided into new areas, when his shift pushed her aching sex forward, when the pummeling reached that new height. Or perhaps as he groaned out. Or when he leaned. Or when---when his teeth touched her.

'Fuck,' she spat, clenching her teeth. Perhaps she could've kept her stalwart position if his hands hadn't slid within. The moment she felt his touch, she exploded. Emma's head whipped back, a primal shriek leaving her as the orgasm rippled across her body. She felt it tensing every muscle within, taking that fire and turning it electric. Nerves blew out as she came, came harder than she ever had before, came from her ass, from the raw debauchery of having her body used as this dark god's fuck toy. Surely he'd timed it, for as Emma came she felt raw heat pouring into her. It caused her scream to increase, and she slapped forward, her writhing, sweaty body clinging to the table as the orgasm eclipsed all other sensation. Spots swam as it rippled, ending shortly before he did.

Emma shivered as cum drizzled her backside, adding more layers of molten heat. She felt her aching sex drizzle seed, mixing with his juices. It stained her thighs, pooled around her lowered shorts ,gathered in the panties. She felt it, felt it oozing forth from her. His words came, and she twisted, panting, looking up at him. They... he wanted more? She worked her mouth, wondering if her body could even move. She had to, or else, or else he would---would do more. He had footage now, blackmail. Emma groaned, trying to push herself down. The moment she was left without table or him to support, she collapsed to her knees. Bits of cum, hers and his, splayed against her knees. She took a few deep breaths, reaching up toward him, trying to gather his cum and the fluids that had leaked from her ass. She leaned forward, but she wasn't sure she could take him in her mouth, both from instinct nad from exhaustion. She gripped him and gathered it, pooling some of his seed and licking it from her palm.

'I--I want more,' she obediently repeated, staring at his cock, certain it would deflate, that this would be over and she could regain herself. He'd said something about keeping hard, but surely... surely. She kept stroking him, trying to clean him with hands, even leaning forward to spit, but the exhaustion showing on every inch of her trembling white body.
His cock was still bent upwards, jutting out and up even though he had just spurted a torrent of thick cum into her creamed out ass. His black shaft shone and thick rivulets of cum and cunt juice ran down it to drip from his balls, the slit at the top of his knob still beading out droplets of spunk as he watched her, waited for her reaction to his instructions. There was no doubt that he was going to fuck her again and soon, her pale white body turning him on more than ever. Her tight cunt, tiny frame, alluring accent, it all demanded that she be punished with black cock until her man hating and ridiculous feminist ways had been fucked out of by his black cock. If she had been with a real man she would not even be here, wandering around in Africa waiting to be taken. It was a clear declaration that he was as much being used as she was, though he could care less about that. Soon she would be in his village and her acting days on the big screen would be over.

When she had orgasmed, her wretched body exploding with pleasure as he fucked and ravaged her ass, it had almost drained him dry of cum. His satisfaction at wringing a climax from the foolish English girl filled him with a dominating sense of pure power and a fiery acknowledgement that every warped and twisted word he had used, to describe the young whore, was correct. Her body had betrayed her, her mind had joined in, it was evident to all that black cock reigned supreme and she was now a white slut who was at his disposal, ready and willing to feel that orgasm, which he had beaten out of her with a brutal ass fucking, all over again. Next time, though, it would be far more intense. How could it not be, since it was going to be pounded out of her tight little white cunt instead of her ass? His cock was already raging hard again, as though the time spent drilling into her rectum and then painting her bowels with his hot cum had.

Admiring her cum drenched body brought a smile of satisfaction, his hands moving to pass the rifle to the soldier present, he had other things to be doing with his powerful grasp as he stood there with the liberated and enlightened young actress who would soon be giving some of her best performances for his village. He grasped at his cock, wrapping his powerful digits about the thick, obscenely wide, girth. Stroking it and letting slop[s of spent cum and fuck juice spit forth onto her face and cheek as he watched her lick ejaculate from her palm. "I know that." he replied, confident, arrogant, cocky, as she spoke. His free hand grasped her head as he forced his cock into her mouth, pushing it between her lips and driving it deep. He crammed it half way in and used her lisp, tongue and throat to clean him off, before pulling himself free to allow her some respite, knowing that her mouth was too good." I, must be careful, your white whores mouth is too good, if I leave my cock in you I will have to mouth fuck you again." he smirked.

He reached down, lifting her to her feet, his hands moving to her shorts and tugging them up sharply, buttoning them, though the evidence of their fucking was clear on her cum stained features and clothing. "Now, do as you are told Miss Watson, otherwise you will be punished for disobedience. Go and tell your aid workers and friends that you are going to come with me, that you will be accompanying General Krutanga to his village to put on a special performance for him. After all it's only fair that you do so, that you share your talent with those you claim to be here to help. Fair is fair, you little white bitch, isn't it?" he hissed with amusement, zipping himself up and placing his hands on her shoulders, guiding her towards the tent flap. Outside the workers were lined up as his men helped themselves to goods and aid, filling trucks and jeeps as his own was driven over to park up in front of him. A final whisper was sent to her ears. "I want you in the jeep as soon as you are done talking. Then I want one of your hands on my cock and the other buried in your cunt."

Rolling his neck he moved over to the jeep, clambering into the back seat of the open topped vehicle, patting the seat next to him with a grin as he waited for her to comply and obey. "Come along Miss Watson, the villagers will be thrilled to see you and learn of your eagerness to put on a show for them." he called to her with a wide grin which exposed the gleam of his teeth.
More cum slopped outward, and Emma could only extend her tongue in a vain attempt to catch it all. She felt the warm fluid gathering, pooling upon the pink flesh. Just the oozing bits pooled there, before overflowing. Much of it drooled down onto the floor below, forming splotches of white along the mostly brown floor. But others of it splattered against her face. Emma could feel the streaks of it marring her features, sticking to her. Loose strands of light brown hair stuck to her face where cum worked as glue, further painting her shame onto her. She'd tried to gather even more up, to lick, to lap. But she'd barely started when he shifted again.

Once more, Emma could only open up. Her lips stretched as much as she could, jaw widening to aching, past aching. That domed head slathered juices upon her tongue, filling her mouth with the musky taste of him mixed with just a hint of her own body. Emma felt her muscles contorting again, throat squeezing, working. The starlet tried to force her lips closed, as if to pull off the rest of the seed by sheer pressure. Bits of it clung to her lips as he finished pulling out, his cock mostly shimmering with her leftover spittle. The Brit quickly swallowed, letting the mixture slide down her throat, before coughing slightly. She could still taste him, that thick flavor and odor filling her.

Hands pulled, and Emma wobbled upright. Her unsteady legs could barely support her, battered as she was from that intense fucking. she felt her snug shorts yanked onto her still sensitive body. Wet panties, still slathered in fluids, squelched against her sex. Emma could feel the warm bits oozing around her nether lips, excess starting to drizzle out the sides. The dark blue of it stained the entire crotch area of her snug blue jean shorts, showing quite clearly what had happened, and obviously working more. The girl could only stand there, clearly recently fucked, clearly dazed, clearly out of it.

He tucked away, and she felt her body being shepherded out. There was a flash of shame as he displayed her for the villagers. Emma tried to tuck herself in, to shift. But her motions almost squished more seed out from the crotch of her shorts, as if to drizzle down. The starlet almost wished he'd just paraded her out naked; this felt so much worse. 'The---the general has convinced me that I am here only for his--for black cock,' she pronounced, her voice shaky, though still confident. 'I will be--- will be accompanying him, where he will treat me to his glorious presence and help me to fully---fully experience him and his people. I so look forward to being further used by him, and for helping him and all of you by being the best---best white little---little bitch I can be,' she almost sobbed at those words, though she shivered. That being said, she nodded ,and wobbled toward the jeep. It took her almost two tries for her to get into the truck.

The moment Emma sat, she felt a little more squelching out. Flushing, she reached, working to feel at his crotch through his clothing, while her other hand played along the entrance of her shorts. She worked both through fabric, already pulling her legs up and shivering, almost wishing she could curl a little further inward. Surely he could've at least given her a rest during the drive...
Krutanga lounged a little in the back of the jeep, the trip would be smooth enough and he waited for the armoured car and truck full of appropriated supplies to head out, before tapping the driver ahead of him on the shoulder to get moving. The jeep was a modern one of course, unlike the surplus style rugged truck and other vehicles which made up the jungle motorcade as it prepared to depart from the village, leaving most of Emma's aid workers behind, except for some others who had been selected to service his men and provide entertainment themselves in their home village. He kept a keen eye on her as she delivered her lines, her body clearly showing signs of having been fucked recently, yet with little in the way of injuries he expected that her little act would be well received, not that it mattered. He was sure that many of those left behind might suspect some form of duress, but what legal forces there were would either ignore the plight of some white actress, or be bent to his will by threat and bribes. "Well done, I could tell that you meant what you said. You are a very good actress Emma Watson, English white whore." he nodded as she sat down next to him. "See..." he pulled out his cock, the fat thick shaft jutting vertically, head glistening as a bead of pre cum first on its tip and began to soak down his length. " have me as hard a when I first decided to fuck your tight white ass, perhaps harder. You truly are a devil in white skin, you little slut. To see one so young and so eager for black cock truly enlightening and encouraging." he told her with a wide toothed grin.

"Your clothes are becoming quite stained, we will get you something else to wear when we arrive, in preparation for your entertaining us tonight. This is the opportunity of a lifetime Miss Watson, just think how your peers and superiors will welcome you back, after learning how well you have treated the poor black people of Africa and how you have sacrificed your time to help them survive." he grinned, leaning towards her, he slid an arm around her shoulder, his other hand moving hers and wrapping it about his cock, pressing her delicate pale fingers against his thick girth, knowing they could not entirely encircle it. He moved her hand up and down a few times, fucking his cock with her fingers, before releasing it. "Of course, we know the truth, don't we Emma. I mean, would you really want to leave, even if the opportunity was there? Or would you like to feel what it's like to have my cock inside your tiny white cunt? I think we both know the answer. You did not come here to help people who do not want your help, not really. You came here to feel good, to have an adventure, to get yourself some black cock to tell your little white friends about back home, didn't you? After all, no one really knows what has transpired here, what will transpire? Not like they would be gossiping back home if you disappeared into the apartment of some black." he chuckled.

Releasing her hand he brought his own hand up to slide about her neck, pulling her close to him. Staring into her eyes he left her hand to work his cock while he shifted to allow himself the opportunity to lift his hips to force his cock into her grasp. "Look at you, you little white whore. I just fucked open your tight white ass. You'll be leaking out my thick viscous cum right now, into those little nothings you call shorts. Not only that but you fucking loved it I would wager. In fact when was the last time you let your man fuck your ass? Or perhaps all your silly feminist rantings left you without a white man back in England, or wherever you were before you came here?" he pondered aloud. Dust was flung up about them s the convoy left the village, heading out along dirt roads which led to further jungle bordered locations away from the plains where the village had been located. He pulled her closer, kissing her on the lips, forcing his tongue into her mouth as he eased his hand down from her neck to her breasts, shoving it between flesh and corset to allow his fingers to begin torturing her left nipple. Pulling back he licked his lips. "What do you think is going to happen to you in my village, little Emma Watson? Yet you entered this vehicle willingly? What do you think" he growled, squeezing her nipple roughly. "While you think and answer jerk my cock, stroke it hard. You need to make me fountain my cum out between your fingers, because if you do not there will be consequences." he grinned again. It was hard to tell if he was lying or not. "Feel how hard you make a mans cock, a real man, a black man. Feel it, make it harder, so that I can properly use it... and do not forget to finger your nasty little fuck hole while doing so. I want to see you come before I do you horny little bitch. Come for your black man. Your general. Show me what a fuck addicted little white whore queen can do." he commanded.
No amount of work or stretching or arranging could get Emma's petite fingers to circle Krutanga's cock. She tried, shifted, moved her soft digits to try and grip something, as if she hadn't already learned about the thickness of this weapon when it had been shoved to the root into her ass. Her body spasmed at the touch, at the thought, at the memory, a little more seed drizzling into her, soaking jean and spreading out beneath her. The sensations made her shiver, lips parting with disbelief that this was happening, that she was letting it happen, that on some level she almost wanted it to happen. There was just something so otherwordly and debauched about it that she couldn't fathom what was going on here. The praises only furthered her own discomfort and ill ease, making her shift, that discomfort curling up in her gut, mixing with the arousal that grew more and more with each passing moment. Was she eager for black cock? Her instincts, her Western, proper Brit thoughts said no, said she should rebel. But she could feel that twinging, could remember how that cock had felt embedded into her ass, could still feel his warm fluids oozing forth from her body...

She worked the cock, trying to hide her inner war. Fingers slid up and down, stroking it. They used the still clinging fluids, the spit, the leftover juices, to run up and down. Fingers lingered atop the domed head, working over the slit for a moment before rolling to the base. Emma's digits drew tight, working their way up, again pumping, again milking to try and pull it. She could feel his hands about hers, as if she needed his guidance and insistence after his command. The truth? Did she want to know what this was like? Again she felt that internal war; base desires fought with years of intelligent upbringing and education, trying to find some odd middle ground. Between thoughts and stroking, Emma left her own sex mostly untended. The hand not actively stroking kept mostly to helping balance, to steady her exhausted body in a mostly upright position.

Her gaze swiveled, and it took Emma a few moments to realize she'd had nothing to do with it. Soon those expressive brown eyes were looking up at the imposing man who'd---taken her. She swallowed as he kept going, feeling his seed oozing out into her shorts. Some white had started to drizzle out of one leg, as if trailing from her. The mention of a man had her flushing, her eyes flickering away. She'd had some before, but none had taken her in the rear, certainly none had fucked her like that. Before she could say as much, either in protest or confession, she found her open lips seized. Emma's eyes widened, her body stiffening from the initial grab, before she felt herself almost melting before him. His lips demanded submission, roaring like a wildfire. Her body could only melt in response. Eyelids fluttered close, mouth parted, Emma's lips almost going slack as she allowed him entrance. Her own tongue rose obediently to greet him, as a servant did a master upon his return home. Noises rumbled up as his hands mauled her still aching flesh. They rumbled from lips into mouth as hte girl shuddered in time. The moment he pinched the nipple, she yelped, body rolling. The hand gripping his cock tightened, squeezing with pressure to nearly match her tight ass from moments before.

A part, and more questions. Willingly? She hadn't---hadn't really entered this of her own will... but---but now she needed to make him cum? Emma could hear her cue, knew what was expected of her. I have to play the role of the dirty white slut again... but it's feeling less and less like a role and more and more like some dark desire, some want that I didn't even know I could have, or that I'd even admit to considering having...

'I think...' she said, pausing to lick her lips. He'd said something about fingering herself? She wasn't sure she could, not while stroking him and reciting lines. She tried working her hand into her tight shorts, pinned slightly, and instead opted for focusing on the other aspects. 'I think you're going to take me to your people,' she began, her hand moving to stroke as she worked. 'You're going to show them that you managed to conquer a beautiful white woman from the foreign lands. That you are the great General, not simply a powerful man, but a sexual one,' she gave his cock another roll, fingers playing along its head. 'You shall tell them that I am a filthy white slut for your thick cock, before exposing my already partially abused body for their viewing,' she could feel her lower abdomen tensing as she continued, stroking him. 'Before continuing, you'll force me to wear whatever you deem appropriate for a cock hungry woman,' she let her hands flutter about his cock before gripping it like a lifeline, pulling at it as if it contained the most delicious thing she'd ever had. 'You'll own me with the clothing, stake your claim visually. Then,' she hesitated, looking in his eyes, knowing she had to sell it: 'then, you'll fuck me,' she dropped the words hard, yanking on his cock. The speed of her hand increased, almost blurring. 'You'll stretch out my snug little sex with your monstrous cock. You'll fuck me so hard that I'll forget my name or where I came from, forget everything but your massive weapon,' she gave said weapon a squeeze. 'My tight little sex shall be reshaped into your perfect tool. Your hips will hammer me so fucking hard that I'll scream my throat raw, and you'll keep thrusting long after I've climaxed.' Her body shivered, rolling as she realized she was turning herself on. 'You'll fuck me into unconsciousness, only to wake me with even harder fucking. Then your seed will splatter my body...'

She shivered, jerking his cock, feeling a sharp stab of something like pleasure hit her. Emma felt the jeep rumble around her, and she paused, wetting her lips while she stroked his cock, looking into his eyes, the good little actress seeking her cues.
Krutanga leaned back, lighting up a cigar and taking long confident puffs from it as Emma's delicate fingers slid up and down his shaft. Their effect was immediate and undeniable, the flesh stiffening, thickening, stretching out as she gave it her attentions. The head turned into a glistening purple helm which wept pre cum down his rod, mingling with her fingers and being used to shine his cock from tip to balls as she gave it stroke after stroke. His grin was all gleaming teeth as he slipped on a pair of mirror shades, relaxing onto the hand job he had commanded from his new white slave. His proper little English actress turned whore. He raised a hand to gently slap her face. "Touch yourself you little bitch, like you were told to." he growled with a look of impatience. His hand slid down to encircle her throat, to begin with giving it a gentle squeeze as his cock thrust up between her pistoning fingers. It throbbed and bulged with thick veins, which gleamed with the sheen of fuck juices being spread across its hard length and wide girth. Hisses of satisfaction escaping his lips as he shifted his hips to push a couple of thrusts through her fingers as he fucked her tiny delicate white hand. He shuddered as her fingers teased the sensitive head, coaxing even more of his sinful and wicked fluids to flow forth to slick his rod and her fingers as he occasionally fucked her hand to supplement her own efforts.

"I know the way you little whores think. It's not enough just to get some black cock, you like it rough, you like to pretend that you don't have a choice, you like to dream that you were some helpless innocent in whatever went down. That way when a black baby gets squeezed out of your tight white cunt nine months down the line you can pretend that it wasn't your fault. That way when your friends hear how you solid out and fucked a black guy you can convince yourself that it was a mistake, that you were forced into it... but its pointless, we both know the truth, Miss Watson. Especially someone like you, an actress. They are all fuck crazed exhibitionist whores anyway, aren't they? Fucking a black man should not create any sort of turmoil at all. You types even fuck women now and then don't you? Or is that just for show, to get your white men hard enough to give you a semi good fucking?" he laughed.

Noting her hesitation to fuck herself he took hold of her hand with an aggressive grip, shoving it into her shorts and leaving it there forced between flesh and denim. He looked at her sternly from behind the mirror shield of his sunglasses, the cigar burning between his lips, ember specks detaching to fly loose as they travelled... "I want you to fuck your tight young cunt with your fingers. You've done it enough for your white boys and for yourself, alone at night, squirming and bucking your cunt against your hand while you think about taking a black cock in your tiny little white gash. You can't tell me that you haven't you little whore. I know your sort. The more violently you bleat your feminist bullshit, the more you really want some man, a black man, to come and give you the fucking you need. Right now you must be in heaven, young Emma Watson. You get to fuck black cock and you can still deny that you had any say in the matter. You can pretend to your shocked parents and whatever siblings you might have, that you were simply giving aid to the savages, they'll never need to know what a filthy depraved little slut you really were, as long as you obey your new black master." he grinned wickedly.

As she began to recite what she thought was going to happen to her, his grin grew wider and his cock grew harder, pulsing rhythmically between her fingers. He hissed each time her fingers eased over the helm, a animalistic groan issuing from between his teeth as they clenched down on the cigar until it looked like he might bite the end off. He shifted his body more towards her, his cock twisting in her grasp as he did so. A hand behind her head gripped her hair, while the other tugged at her bodice, giving up as it remained in place, moving instead to simply assault her nipples from the outside. "Yes, we will place you in some loose tribal robes, reserved for ceremonies. Something which will freely expose your flesh to our sight. You nice, clean, white flesh that will have the men of the village jerking off in their pants, flesh that will have them envious of me, jealous, hungry to see what will happen to such a pale slut who has been brought there to be placed on display, to be both envied for her looks and hungered after for her body." he nodded as she laid out her thoughts before him.

"AHhhuUHh..." he groaned as she continued her speech, as though reciting the script and screenplay for some movies he had decided to star in. "Ah, yes... Now the real little whore comes the surface. Alone, with no one to hear you, now the truth spills from your white lips. You black addicted little wretch." he growled, his cock stretched out as far as it could go, throbbing faster and faster in her blur of a hand. He spat out the cigar. "Guuoddd." he gasped, gripping her hair, "Suck it, make me come in your mouth. I want my cum to be swilling in your guts by the time we get to the village." he roared. "Take it, take it down and suck me off in your tiny white mouth until I flood out your gullet, You wicked little white witch!" he demanded. "Certainly your vivid imagination has flooded me with ideas, just as I am going to flood your mouth. When I'm done you will clean me off, then describe in detail the outfit you will wear to display yourself to the village, to my people, while you do as I commanded and fuck yourself to an end with your fingers, redeeming yourself for earlier disobedience... as well as... as well as... AAUuuAA UUhUHH!!" he tensed, pulling her face down to his cock, where he forced the soaking helm to push open her lips and thrust into her tiny mouth. The heavy helm squeezing apart her lips as it ran over her tongue to wedge against the back of her throat as he bucked a little in his seat. The jeep hit a ridge and the bump forced his cock deeper, squeezing into her throat as he felt himself start to come, hard and violently, spurting gouts of thick hot cum into her mouth uncontrollably as he felt himself give in to the rapture and bliss of a shattering orgasm in the white whores mouth.
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