Eternal Thrill Characters


Resident Ferret
Aug 29, 2018
Wouldn't you like to know

Name} Alethea Iris Copper
Age: 26
Race: Human
Rank: Airship Captain/Sky Pirate

Height: 5'4" Weight: 102 lbs
Eyes Pale green
Hair Platinum white to the middle of her back
Other She has many tattoos one on her left hip, one along the length of her spine, one directly under her breasts, and larger one on her right hip

Her story thus far....
If one were to look into her past, they would find her choice in profession confusing. Brought up in a loving two parent home. She was never abused or neglected. They had their dinner at the table every night. Her parents made a decent wage. While she didn't get everything she wanted, she never went without or had to fight for her next meal. she was loved by her parents and her two siblings. So why the life of crime you ask?

To Alethea the answer is a simple one. She wanted more. More that being a devoted wife and mother could offer. More excitement that working in a plant nursery or as a data entry clerk would create. To love in the sky was a dream she had always intended to make a reality all her life.

Sure she could have joined the Royal Army. But even they walked on the ground at the end of the day. The life of a soldier didn't always take you to the sky. Not when you were a female at least. A shirt trip here and there. It was also fairly uneventful when you were a girl. The people didn't like the idea of a 'delicate' woman in battle, facing possible death. The only option that was left in her mind, was to become a pirate.

At sixteen she left home. Leaving only a note saying she loved everyone and she would be in contact with them soon. Spending the years until she was twenty-one moving up in the ranks. She waited patiently for her fortune to present itself. Until she saw the perfect moment to take control of the ship. Using her body as ploy to gain entrance to the Captain's private cabin. She waited until he was asleep. Slitting the throat of the dirty, over weight man. HIs death was quick and silent. She then dumped his body over board. The crew so uneducated, they believed the note she claimed he left behind.

~I have decided to seek out a simpler life. I leave the ship and you crew to Alethea Copper. She will treat you well men, follow her lead.
~Captain Abe Zophar Vyner
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Name: Jonas Riskal
Age: 230 was in his early 20s when changed
Race: Vampire
Height: 6'5" Weight: 195
Eyes: An almost white blue, with a black ring.
Hair: An almost black shade of brown. Messy in a fashionable way, that comes to the tops of his shoulders.

Cold- He feels no emotion towards anyone or anything. Except pleasure in causing pain and discomfort to others
Methodical- He does nothing without thinking of the consequences, or better yet the rewards for himself.
Sadistic- Causing pain to others, be it physical, mental, or emotional. This is what drives him far more than anything else.
Selfish and Self- Entitled- Ever the narcissist, he only thinks of himself. How he could benefit in any situation. What other can do for him. He believes that the world owes him for the life that was taken from him. Both his and Mirela's.

The story of....
His life was much different before two years ago. Mirela was in it then. She had been there for the last one hundred years of his Gods forsaken life. The last shred of humanity that he had. Two years ago, that humanity died with her. He knew she was slowly going insane, though he wasn't sure why. His suspicion was witches all along. Nobody at the Organization would listen though. They all believed she succumbed to the monster inside. That may have also been the case, but she was still his.

Then Gideon was put on the case of "Suspicious Murders In London". The newly turned werewolf didn't take long before he was on her trail. In a mater of weeks, she was found and hauled in. They wouldn't listen to him about the witches. No, they ignored his plea to investigate further. They executed her the very next morning. If Gideon would have just let her be, Mirela would still be here now. His humanity would have stayed intact.

Now his eternities goal is to see the man suffer.
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