Mx Female Idea Workshop (NSFW)

Dez Nul Void

Jan 14, 2016
Welcome to my idea workshop.

A few simple rules first.
1. PM me. I like PMs. They are little chocolates in a box of chocolates full of sarcasm and wit.
2. Make me want to RP with you. I don't really have any requirements when it comes to PM post length. You could have two words, two sentences, or two pages worth. However, make it keeps my attention. Give me something to work with. A lot can be said in two words and not very much can be in two pages. Side note: reading a brick (aka long paragraphs) makes me go blind. As in I don't want to read it. Also, with senseless phrases I might blink and completely miss the message you sent.
3. Be creative. I don't no want to open a message only to have a handful of random slurs and buzzwords corrupting my vocabulary just because you feel enraged by a particular idea on display.
4. Understand this "workshop" is under construction. New ideas will be posted as they come to me. Check back from time to time. I might end up brainstorming with someone that inspires an idea I add here.
5. Read the prefix. I am male looking for female partners. If you are a guy, I don't mind chatting OOC. However, I'm not likely to RP with you.

Craving ****
Smut percentage 25-75%
Kinks: Xenophilia, Breeding, Group

"...the final frontier." The universe is a mysterious place that holds unknown secrets. Who wants to explore the stars.
A particular idea can be found in my signature titled Operation Frontier or you can click here Operation Final Frontier. This involves exploring the strange new corners of the void of space.
Seriously, the possibilities are literally endless.

Craving ***
Smut percentage 25-75%
Kinks: Magic, skimpy armor, dungeons

D&D? RPG? Magic? Swords, Dragons? A wonderful world of adventure and quests?
I say yes, please. We don't even have to decide who the GM and who plays the hero.

Isekai Harem Anime
Craving ****
Smut percentage 25-75%
Kinks: harem, public incidents, story
This one would need a story. Whether the main character dies, or gets summoned, or finds a mystical gate he finds himself isekaied, or in another world full of adventure. As luck would have it he finds himself with a party of hot females. Does he end up with one or all of them? Are they totally into him or merely tolerate him or hate him at first slowly see him as a friend? Is he the chosen hero or just some random addition to the new world? Am I looking for a pure smut RP full threeesomes are moresomes? Not really. I mean sure that could be fun. What I am looking for is those awkward compromising shenanigans that happen with this type of genre.


The dark and demented is all to familiar. Haunted houses. Demon summoning. Skeletons in the closet. There is a certain thrill that comes with that shiver down the spine.

A demon summoning gone wrong and you end up with an Incubus. Sure you think he is there to do your bidding but since when has a wish maker ever, such an genies, not had their own agenda.

Halloween time and you decide to work at the local haunted attraction. Things get pretty dark in there and some girls look attractive no matter how much "scary" makeup they put on. Chances of getting groped are pretty high. Probably on a nightly basis at some point it will happen no matter how light. And it might always be by the customers. A talented young actress scaring the local haunt might attract the attention of a skilled actor. Perhaps you two up in an area of the attraction where there are lots of hiding places. Hiding places that are meant to be used as pop out scares but when no one is looking who's to things can't get frisky. Those screams of pleasure could easily be confused as a ghost's moan and scream's of terror, right? At that is rationalized.

One Hell of an RP
A mix of Helltaker, Hellava Boss, with some elements of Silent Hill and a few others. They say heaven and hell can both be found on earth. In one remote town that is literally true. Brimstone Haven is a town that was agreed on to be neutral grounds from the endless wars heaven and hell has. How it works is that it is a little town full of mortals sandwiched by heaven and hell. Mortals usually hardly notice what is going on, because mortals be mortals. Your characters can be as few or many as you like, human the notices what is going on, a devil girl, a demon girl, a lost soul, an angel, something in between, the monster girl caught in the mix. The possibilities are endless really. Details and world building acceptable.

Before you get too excited hear me out. This would an RP about a made up IRL and we would be chating as if it would OOC.
Conversations would be something similar to:
You: how was your day?
Me: just got back from the demon bar. They really know how to make a pint of cyanide.
This can get pretty smutty too.


Craving ****
Smut percentage 25-75%
Kinks: post-apocalypse, leather and metal, slavery
I have played all the cannon games and have fallen in love with word ever since. It doesn't have be anything too canon. I just like the social decay of a post apocalypse world. However, I won't complain if you want to play a canon female companion from 4.

Craving ****
Smut percentage 25-75%
Kinks: anthro, harem, breeding, humiliation, bestiality

Played all the main games. I prefer anthro forms for this RP. I also have some special rules for training. If you are interested, let me know. Play as a Pokemon or trainer. Possibly something like this this video. A message from Profesor Hawkness. I have a request thread that gives more details.

Let's face it, with the breeding mechanics and several pokedex entries, Pokémon rule 34ed themselves a long time ago.

I am looking for someone, preferably female, to help me world build the mechanics of a Pokémon RP system, and RP with me in it of course. Probably something along the lines world building a base system and then continue world building as we RP it.

What I'm looking for
Pokémon fan
Moderate literacy
Someone who enjoys: world building, fantasy, adventure, bestiality, story with their smut, OOC chatting, long term RPs
Having Discord will help, but I can work around it.

Here is some of the technical stuff I have in mind.

Battles can slow down the RP story. Basic training would work with something along the lines of 1 RP hour is equal to 1 level gained. Effects very based on wild Pokémon level differences

All female Pokémon produce offspring of their species. It doesn't take a genius to figure out why almost all main characters in the games have single mothers.

A trainer can earn some quick cash by battling with another trainer. A quick negotiation happens before a battle. The loot pot is agreed and the party determines the odds. For example if a the loot is agreed to be 100 currency and the battle is a 1v6, then if the trainer with the team of one wins they get 600 currency. But if the team of six wins, they would only get 100. You don't have to wager your full team but you can't use more than what you wagered.

I hope that makes things interesting enough for you. I have more ideas. Send me a PM or look for me on Discord. My Discord is deznulvoid#3112 I wouldn't mind working with multiple partners.

MLP (preference with EG)
A bit of a guilty pleasure but that is what this site is all about. I don't normally go seeking for a romance RP but if you play Sunset Shimmer I will RP this with you.
For any other RP involving the main series world I also prefer anthro forms or we can try the movies EQ world instead.

Hyrule Warriors
I am a pretty big Legend of Zelda fan but I prefer keep the canon games separate from this scenario. Hyrule Warriors is far from anything cannon. The women are also rather easy on the eyes as well whether it be Twilight Midna or Cia. This has some potential that I think might be fun exploring.

Rune Factory
Craving *****
Smut percentage 25-75%
Kinks: harem, romance, breeding, bestiality
I'm looking for an adventurous RPer to do an RP based on Rune Factory.
For those not familiar with the Rune Factory games, it is like Harvest Moon or Stardew Valley but with RPG fantasy elements. Yes you have a farm to take care of, but you also have spell you can cast, gear to craft, and monsters to tame.
There are several species in the world of Rune Factory. As you will see from the link there are elves, dwarfs, half monsters, dragons, and more. Pretty standard for a fantasy.
There are a total of seven games to pool information from. We can base the RP on a specific game or mix and match characters and locations. I'm open to make heavy story, heavy smut, or somewhere in between. I enjoy world building and am open to many kinks. I'm also on Discord which might be easier to organize. If you have any questions, I like to think I'm easy to talk with.

Fairy tales have become something of a misconception for modern times. Too many people think they are for children's bed times stories. Those that know, know that was hardly the case. Cannibalism, overthrowing royalty, lies, illusions, transformations. Fairy tales are hardly what they seem. Peter Pan might not be the "boy" that never grew up, but rather as the Lost Boys grow older he "thins them out" as the rumor goes. Between the mermaids, Tiger Lilly, and Tinker Bell this "boy" more than likely has a harem and Tinker Bell doesn't like Wendy simply because the girl from London is just getting the way. Then there is the Beauty and the Beast who probably liked the prince better when he was Beast. Lets face it, Snow White totally shacked up with seven men. Sleeping Beauty was raped. Cinderella likely had a thing for animals. Wonderland was a major Acid trip. Oz was Dorthy fucking the farmhands. Really the stories never end.

Here I have some ideas I have tried with others and would like to try with someone new.

After Dark
There is a theme park full of attractions and food and all sorts of fun for the whole family like Disney or Six Flags. There are entertainers that go around all day in their cosplay uniform acting out the characters they play as. Its all simply delightful. ...
Then comes closing time.
After hours the attraction is rented out to mysterious benefactor. Some of the rumors claim it is the owner, other say it is the person preventing the park from going bankrupt, a few make references that the park is haunted. Regardless, actresses can either volunteer or are selected for over time where they spend the night in the park in costume with this mystery being roaming the grounds. If or when she is caught by the beast she toyed with for a short time having part of her costume removed. If she is caught naked then things become even more not family friendly. Those that survive the night are rewarded. Those that don't face the consequences.
This is set up so that any cosplay can be used.
If you didn't get the implications this is a non consensual RP, unless your character is into it and is one of the volunteers.
This can be played where you play as one girl or as many as you like. The rewards are divided the penalties are multiplied.
This is also a light potential bad ending for those that face the penalty at the end of the night. Some like your character on tied up and on display for the morning staff to clean her up. Death is unlikely.

My character is a hunter, think Witcher or Supernatural, who hunts the down the predators of humanity, just in a more medieval setting like Skyrim or Witcher not not much modern like Supernatural. It doesn't matter if they are vampires, werewolves, or other such beings. When he comes to town he evaluates the situation and acts accordingly. At times the town receives sanctuary from the beasts that plague them. At other times cities are wasted by his hand joined by those he was asked to hunt. For sometimes monsters have more humanity than humans do.

Do to the rules of the site combined with the scenario of this particular RP minimal age to this one is hard set at 15.
There is a summer camp that is only known about by world of mouth only. There is no commercials, no ads, no flyers to promote this camp. What does this camp offer? Nothing special really. It is just like any other camp. It sits on a privately owned lake in a wooded area where the campers sleep in tents, provide archery, swimming, crafts, the whole works. The reason for its secrecy is that there is no dress code. It is a complete clothing optional camp for young adults. Even the camp counselors are known to go the entire summer in their birthday suit. Due to this particular leniency they make it goal that nothing will be enforced concerning sexual activity and expression. That is not to say there are no rules. Causing physical harm to another is strictly forbidden for the most part. If there is a fight there will be consequences. Such consequences might involve a public sexual act. Sexual acts rather common anyways. Lose a foot race, the loser performs a sexual act. Score lowest at archery, the loser performs a sexual act for the one who scored the highest. etc.
What kind of mischievous acts will the campers and counselors get into? Only one way to find out.

Group PM/Thread
I did this once and it was rather fun. If you have friend that you think she would enjoy the RP then lets bring her in. We can make it a threesome or whatever some. The interaction gets rather entertaining when more are involved. I particular enjoyed the last women I did this with complimented their characters and worked together. A group thread doesn't sound too bad either.

Something about a woman who has taken vows that makes them alluring. Regardless, whether it be an abbey of nun or a temple of devout followers of precious ideal. At some point something sneaks in whether it is a wonder stranger and a faulty pray gone wrong to an accidental summoning, a demon begins to influence the convent and corrupt the woman distracting them from the promises they had made from celibacy to sex craving servants.

I once had a dream
In this dream is a family of four; the father, the mother, the older daughter, and the young son. The mother did something to someone, I have no idea who maybe we can figure that out together, but she managed to piss them off royally to the point that they put a curse of the whole family.

The young son ended up getting in a relationship with a vampire girl. He ended up becoming her thrall, a regular victim that follows for command and she feels from regularly.
The older daughter ended up getting in a relationship with an incubus. Since incubi feed off sexual energy he basically turned this young woman with promising future into his personal sex slave.
The father turns to stone from dawn to dusk. He doesn't even have to be exposed to the sunlight.
The mother looses all taste for food and water. It even makes her nauseous. Now the only thing she can physically stomach is human flesh. The dramatic change causes her to be morally torn about but it is the only thing she can stomach.

Comic Con
Who doesn't like Comic Con? You meet some very interesting people. I don't have much planned for this yet. But I would like to brainstorm with someone to develop it.

Any anthro story fun to RP. However, if you came at me want to play this character. I will probably get back to you pretty quickly.

Life at home
This is a bit of an interesting one for those of an acquired taste. Growing up you had best friend that you did everything with. However, when high school hit your best friend turned into your worst nightmare. She never let an opening slip by that didn't end with your embarrassment. To make matters worse your mother, a very loving woman and wife, died. Now that you are in college you dad as remarried. Of all women, it had to her. Your ex childhood best friend/high school bully is now your step mom. She seems to have matured a bit, and as awkward as it is you take pleasure out of hearing your dad dominating her. Then one day came when your now step mom invites you to join. Will dominate her too? Will things be like they were?

You would play both girls and I would play the husband/father. I'm open for discussion, such as the face claims, brainstorming story, etc.


Cubi are dream demons that feed off the sexual energies of others. Thus sex is as casual to a Cubi as a eating would be to any human. Among their societies the more common Succubi are female and the less common Incubus are males. To guarantee a constant meal a Cubi will gather thralls in a harem or reverse harem. To do so they form a link between themselves and their thrall candidate. To form that link the Cubi and thrall enters into a sexual competition with each other as to which submits and orgasms first. If the candidate manages to resist the Cubi then the candidate does not become thrall and may begin to experience a change in themselves. They might become more resistant to Cubi seductions, they find Cubi more attracted to them, or they might find themselves a little bit Cubi themselves.

The anatomy of Cubi is very similar to with the addition of horns, wings, and a tail. The tail is a multipurpose appendage that allows for addition balance, wrapping and holding things, and if necessary used during a seduction dual. The wings are most commonly used for flight which reduces difficulty of terrain and easy access to high and hard to reach places. The horns are what allows an Cubi to create a link to their thralls. If a Cubi is found with broken horns it means that they incapable of creating harems.

Where the story begins is that my character, an incubus, has been banished from his homeland. His younger sister had managed to gain her first thrall before he did causing the family birthright to fall to her. He was soon exiled shortly after. To reclaim his right he must form a harem strong enough to endure hers during a seduction dual, a ritual between Cubi and their thralls.

Dragons are known to hoard massive amounts of gold. However, this isn't always the case as treasure is often misconceived as gold. My character, a dragon, has his own hoard its true, but it is not as golden of some may believe. Having long grown bored of the principle of money he instead collects objects or power both political and magical. A magical staff here and stolen princess there, its all a matter of taste really. Sometime ago he came across an object that allows him self to pass as a human and thus make him very hard to track when one is looking for a giant fire breathing creature of death.

There is a shop that has an odd habit of never appearing in the same place twice. When you ask the locals about what kind of store it is they always give a vaige reply that isn't much help at all. It seems to just blend in with the other buildings but it also sticks out in an odd way.

Inside is a collection of oddities that don't seem to possible to exist, such as a folded space, 13th hour, and dreams of sugar plum fairies. A sign next to the cash register reads, "No money accepted, exchanges only."

A man in a vest steps out from the back room. "Welcome valued customer." He smiles. His eyes are purple. No contacts would be able to be that detailed or breath taking. "If you see anything like just let me know and we can work out an exchange."

I don't care for bimbos. Naive is a different story. Naive characters learn. Bimbos are less than flat two dimensional characters, they are one dimensional. They basically a blow up doll.
As far as turn on and offs are concerned, under the right context I have very few turn offs. I fact it would be easier to list my turn offs than my turn ons. So my turn offs are toilet related. Easy to remember I hope. I would expand that to bathroom related but shower sex is really great. So just remember I'm not into shit. That includes a shitty attitude.
Truth be told, even during some of my most horny moments I somehow end up focusing on the story of some the most smuttiest RPs I've been in. I don't know what it is but I think story is my foreplay to my smut.
If I still have your attention and you really want to RP with me for some weird reason that I caught your interest then I will share a secret with you that will guarantee I will reply. Pics. I am sucker for them. Share me a pic of your character and I will reply. You want a kinky reply send me a kinky pic of your character. You want a more somber reply then send one where she more clothed. Really any visual will do. If you have a video, some how, that much better. Just don't freaking send me a link that gives me a virus.

I look forward to hearing from you and the stories we make together.
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Hunting story idea added under experiments. It was fun when I started it with someone. I look forward to anyone who wants to pick it up.
Also Bump
standard bump
Links to pics added. "NSFW" added to title.
and a bump
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I feel like adding some ideas, but I feel like this has already gotten pretty long as it is. I don't think anyone would actually read all of this. Would they?
If anyone is up for some CYOA let me know. I have been wanted to add some my list but I just haven't come across any good one.
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If anyone knows of any good Choose You Own Adventure RPs be sure to let me know. I've been wanting to add some to my list.
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