Romance is not dead, right?


Jun 23, 2014
East Coast
Hi! Thanks for stopping by my thread. I apprecaite you looking. Here are some scenarios I'm craving right now::

From the movie Dawn of the Dead-- (kudos if you know the remake) You are Steve Marcus---Crafty, Arrogant, jerk who winds up at the mall my character is at as well. They hate each other at first, but surrender to one another after a night of passion and have to deal with the consequences of being in love after. The world is will they last???

Dr Oliver Barnes-- A prominent mid-town NYC Plastic surgeon who happens upin my character at his office and of course, he's a complete jerk (are you sensing a theme? ;) ) Me--a simple chemistry teacher at a local school. They meet and just can't stop thinking of each other.

*(You) District Attorney of Manhattan-- The road is paved gold for you and then you meet my character one night on a subway train that gets delayed in the tunnel and who knows what will happen. (they appear to have an instant connection) .
I know it's not half as detailed as some but if you're at all interested--drop me a note and let me know. I'm flexible wit plots and such. Romance, passion and smut all welcome
Thanks for your time--
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