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Mx Female Random Plots! (Newest Idea Added: 02 Oct 18 - Chaperone COSPLAY Turns Naughty) (Pics: NSFW)


Sep 8, 2018
The Land of the Moose and Beaver
Hello everyone!

This is my thread for plot requests. I'll gather all my ideas up near the top in a few different replies. Always will paste in the newest ones near the top, so it is easy to find! Usually will be marked with "craving".

If one is "taken", I'll mark it as closed at the top of the post. If there is nothing there, then still willing to accept a new game, even if already running one like it!

Couple things:
- Generally prefer to post and play in threads. (For a PM, would have to be the greatest idea ever to riff off an idea here)
- I won't ghost...hate that. Can only ask the same. Will nudge after a week of no activity just to see if interest is still there, and then move on to other things.
- Let's talk! If this is close to something you want, but just a LITTLE off...come talk. Maybe we can find something that works for both of us!

Newest and biggest cravings are always at the top!

So here goes!

Send me a PM! (Plz no replies here)
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Chaperone COSPLAY Turns Naughty (*Craving*)

So, in this one, there is a group of geek guys (can also a couple girls in there, if my partner wants F x F encounters) who want to go to Comic Con or some equivalent. They are 18, and in high school. Generally, they have every right to go by themselves, but they are still all living at home, and don't have much in the way of their own money. Plus, they tend to be less than responsible.

So, on behalf of the parents, YC's character agrees to go along. She could either be a "MILF" character, or an "Older Sister" type...basically, someone post-college years who keeps hold of the money, and will be there to bail anyone out of jail if it goes that far. Of course, they all know that most likely nothing will happen, but it puts all the parents' minds at ease to know they have someone there looking after things.

From here the plot can evolve in a couple different ways.

1) Possibly, she is just a good sport, and on a dare and trying to get in the spirit of things, she wears a costume and sets off the sexual fantasies of the group she is in charge of. They make it there mission to get close to her, things evolve, and eventually she ends up getting into smutty fun with them over the weekend, with them dressing her up in more and more costumes.

2) She, rather than be responsible, does something that gets her in LOTS of trouble. The group, seeing her desperate to avoid being outed with the other parents and keep it between themselves, demand she wear a sexy costume, and slowly start to impose themselves on her more and more...eventually leading to sexy-times. Prefer that she starts to enjoy being the focus of their attention, with dub-con and blackmail moving into consensual submission to them.

3) Other...?

* A little humiliation wearing sexy costumes in public
* Being the focus of multiple younger 18 yo guys and possibly girls, leading to group sex.
* Enjoying imagining YC in costumes, including face claims and other such things!

Details of course can be worked out via PM, and would love to chat about it and see what you would want to see!
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ROOMMATES WITH BENEFITS (*Will always love the idea*)
(admittedly stolen from another thread, we just had different kinks but GREAT idea!)

What happened to (your character)'s money is to be decided by you on creation, but the idea is that she suddenly can't make her rent one month. Fortunately, she lives with friends who were all willing to help her out. But, she was never one for charity, so...perhaps getting drunk as they talked it out, decided to offer up 'a little something else' to even the score.

Then, the next month, another turn of fate, and it happens again. Then, a week later, she runs out of something else, like food or shampoo, and so needs to borrow a little more...

In the end, it becomes not even about the money anymore. She isn't precisely a sex slave or anything. They still hang out, still watch movies together, and she still is trying to find work. But even when / if she does, the arrangement doesn't end. She doesn't pay for anything around the house, and in exchange, she is always available to the guys (and girls, if you want to go that way, willing to play F roommates too!).

This is all about casual use. She could be cooking dinner for herself, and they can come bend her over a counter and enjoy her. If she is in the shower, they can invite themselves in for some wet fun. Watching a movie, they might just grab her hair and drag her down for a relaxing blowjob while they enjoy the show. Anytime, anywhere, however they want her.

Seem like fun? Want to be the sexual muse for a group? Willing to play all the others opposite you, and see what develops. Willing to start right from the start, not rushing into anything, letting it develop right from the start. Story and plot are always good, and I love the tension building!

Sound like fun? PM me!
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Can't Resist her Perfect Ass

So, this one is a little more smut heavy, though I still would consider melding this with any number of plot devices. Could be anything from a slice of life all the way to something more exotic, even blended with fantasy. Also willing for it to be a slow burn: Don't have to get to the end right away. Indeed, would prefer a bit of build up and tension leading up to when he would finally get his chance to be with her. But, the key element is:

My character will be fairly deeply in love with your character's ass. (I say this, because other love might grow, or they might even start off as rivals, etc. But, her ass has always enticed him regardless.)

When they finally do come together, there will be a significant anal sex element, but one that involves preparation, lust, perhaps romance, etc.

Not to say there would not be a couple rougher moments - this story is about lust, after all.

Dom v Sub: This is not a requirement. True, most often there is a submissive context to this sort of thing, but I would be willing to write anything from equals to Male dom / female sub.

Enjoyment: I would prefer that the female is written as capable of enjoying it, right up to and including anal orgasms. Will consider "doing it for his pleasure and nothing more", but would have to be a good story and reason for it.

Lots of discussion to be had about everything, but here are some fun pictures to nudge along some thought bubbles!



All of that would be amazing. Want to take it one step further?

I would be very willing to play as the female companion to this man who is inviting your character into their relationship somehow. She has a similar lust, which may involve her own anal play as well as seeing her man enjoying YC's behind. I anticipate there would be lesbian sex, including toy / strap-on play as she would want her own fun.

Focus would be primarily on your character, though if you have a desire for it, can shift to YC preparing my female character for her own experience.

Would be willing to play this as a group RP, if two players want to each take one of the females, though not anticipating this to happen.

More of those pictures to give an idea and a few flavors to what I mean:


General Inspiration from this Page
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So, the idea as a whole is an experienced GM (intend to play this!) is requested by a female in his orbit (fellow college student...? Or...other? Very flexible, To be decided by you as the player) to teach her (and her friends) the game and see what all the fuss is about RPGs.

Willing to do this in a couple ways:
1) My preference is that I would play the GM plus a male friend or two who offer to be assistants...not playing, but helping make characters and such until the girls are fully read in. A group of 2-4 girls would be played by the other!

2) Also willing to run this with just a single male GM if this is what the players all want.

3) Lastly, while I like the group atmosphere, willing to run a GM (with or without assistants) to single female intro session, with open option for other friends to be invited in later.

General Idea
As typical, the male's will be enamoured of the girls, but honestly try to teach them the game. But, unable to help themselves, add in a couple of erotic elements.

Think it would be fun if the girls are the ones who claim that resolving the game action with dice alone is silly, and teasing the guys, things turn a little sexy.

Then, it becomes a game of hidden dare as the GM puts them in increasingly erotic situations and the girls keep playing along until everything goes further than any of them would have done normally...all in the name of not breaking character, of course.

This will include mild cos-play (guys pointing out that magical chain mail bikinis are better than just normal, non-revealing armor!), and of course erotic play.

But do not intend for this to go too fast...looking for more the tease and "will they actually go for this?" Sort of feel.

All else is pretty flexible. Willing to go deep into game mechanics, but would prefer to keep it light so it is more about their interactions rather than any one system.

Limits: fairly normal avoidance of toilet play or true violence. Only element of non-con would be pseudo: ie/ the player goading the GM into playing rough with the character. Example is a culminating scene for first arc, where the adventurers meet the evil, reoccurring main bad guy who traps the ladies and is about to escape, only for the female players to object saying "really? This guy has gorgeous adventurers captive and does nothing? Hardly realistic..." Provoking the GM to do something...but what? (That sort of thing for a thrill, but the players themselves always setting the gradually growing limits)

Think this sounds fun?
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This one is a little like my roommate idea in that it leads to casual use. But, it takes a little time, and is centered around a group of younger men (18 age frame) who pressure and make use of an boarding college student (age range 25-ish, very flexible) who is living in the house. Would be willing to go with a step-sister. (not full sister plz) I love the idea of breeching the expectation of safety as a taboo.

Idea would be, the group somehow (either one or all at once) catch YC in an embarrassing position that could ruin her: drugs, stealing, your choice. Rather than turn her in, they start to demand more and more sexual things from her. At any point in the house, she might turn a corner and be asked to show her breasts. Then a hand job. Then...and so on. The idea is about progressive corruption until they can use her whenever they want.

Note, this isn't about her teaching them. I have no problem with her either coming to love this or not, bit should start off as very humiliating. But this is about them using her to break out of their nerd past where they never got any, getting their chance to do whatever perverted thing is on their mind with the resident hot girl.

- younger, horny geek types all fawning over one girl
- humiliation aspect
- using her to get bolder at sex
- some authority figure which, if they saw this, would put a stop to it. So it has to be hidden, chance of being caught. YC also does not want to get caught as her secret would be revealed as well
- do not need her to be super experienced. Probably not a virgin, but not necessarily used to sex. Remember, this is not about her teaching them. :) This is self-guided study with her the less than willing muse!
- the general feeling like she should be the one in control here, but circumstances have made her the one who has to obey.

- could be as I said, a boarding student in a house, the guys a combination of the son of the parents and his friends or other boarding students more his age
- could be a step-sister who moves back in after college
- can shift it to her being a dorm monitor at an academy or some other variant where she SHOULD be the older authority figure, but her being caught has reversed that power structure.

Sound like fun? PM me and we can chat details!

Sound like fun? PM me!
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So a couple quick notes before you start reading this one:

*** No this does not require you to play multiple characters. (Would be fun, and I could even run it as a group if you have some friends that would like to join in!) But, it can be and was originally intended for a single character to go through the school, even if other geisha in training will be around them played by me.

*** While there CERTAINLY be smut in this story, the intent really isn't to turn it into a smut-scene to smut-scene story. The story is about the gradual transformation from a bratty, criminal, delinquent, [insert your archetype you want to start as here!] girl into a polished, accomplished, sexy person who is destined to be sold to someone.

Alright, so on with the plot idea!

Originally, Geisha were sensual but not necessarily objects of pure sex like girls in a brothel. They were beyond simple sex slaves, but accomplished entertainers, masseurs, artists, and more. All of it was mastered for the pleasure of her master, but went far beyond simply being laid on a bed and used.

Of course, this is the modern world, and the creators of this School were well aware they would have to blend more elements of sexual, erotic arts for the graduates of their school. But they were committed to developing and producing more than simply living sex toys; they would be able to fulfill an owner's fantasy, soothe their souls on bad days, and even accompany them to grand occasions or art openings and be an asset rather than an embarrassment. Some would go on to be assistants to the powerful, able to follow trends in stock markets...then give a nice soothing round of oral sex under their owner's desk after a stressful meeting. Some could be the muse of an artist, offering advice on the light, then posing nude, congratulating her owner by riding him for a couple hours, then don an immaculate dress for the art opening that night.

But all this takes lessons. Training. Discipline. And...the girl.

Some come willingly. When the choice is a life of prostitution or this, at least this there is a chance to be respected as the best. Better than many alternatives.

More come from families who send their troublesome daughters who would otherwise be incredible embarrassments to be guided onto 'another career path'.

A few come from 'graduating' from juvenile detention facilities; only 18 year olds are accepted, and at times detention facilities need to release those who turn 18, but know they are going to be trouble. But if they have the physical and mental acuity...a few of them get sent here instead of being released, walking off the transport bus and find themselves 'enrolled' rather than released.

However YC came to be here...she has arrived, and is going to be taught a different way.

* 'Punishment' most often in the form of spanking and sexual humiliation. So...spanking is going to happen a lot. :)
* Imposed sexual requirements: This will go from non-con from truly unwilling to dub-con for the uncertain acts to con if the girls you write were sexually free in the first place. Probably a blend: they might go all in for the straight sex lessons, but balk when asked to perform certain acts or to engage in lesbian play for the first time.
* Despite the smut elements, I would like her to be also offered her first lessons in other things she would never perhaps been offered before, especially from a disadvantaged youth. Who would have ever taught her piano back then? Now...they will. They will rotate her through various things until she finds her skills, maybe some talents...maybe even a few things she loves. Then, learning to use those things she loves to please others...maybe even gain some notoriety as the best. Maybe she becomes the most amazing pianist ever seen for the local, also, is used by the rest oft he orchestra sexually after every performance in celebration. 'Ode to Joy' indeed!

Details of course can be worked out via PM, and would love to chat about it and see what you would want to see!
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