So a couple quick notes before you start reading this one:
*** No this does not require you to play multiple characters. (Would be fun, and I could even run it as a group if you have some friends that would like to join in!) But, it can be and was originally intended for a single character to go through the school, even if other geisha in training will be around them played by me.
*** While there CERTAINLY be smut in this story, the intent really isn't to turn it into a smut-scene to smut-scene story. The story is about the gradual transformation from a bratty, criminal, delinquent, [insert your archetype you want to start as here!] girl into a polished, accomplished, sexy person who is destined to be sold to someone.
Alright, so on with the plot idea!
Originally, Geisha were sensual but not necessarily objects of pure sex like girls in a brothel. They were beyond simple sex slaves, but accomplished entertainers, masseurs, artists, and more. All of it was mastered for the pleasure of her master, but went far beyond simply being laid on a bed and used.
Of course, this is the modern world, and the creators of this School were well aware they would have to blend more elements of sexual, erotic arts for the graduates of their school. But they were committed to developing and producing more than simply living sex toys; they would be able to fulfill an owner's fantasy, soothe their souls on bad days, and even accompany them to grand occasions or art openings and be an asset rather than an embarrassment. Some would go on to be assistants to the powerful, able to follow trends in stock markets...then give a nice soothing round of oral sex under their owner's desk after a stressful meeting. Some could be the muse of an artist, offering advice on the light, then posing nude, congratulating her owner by riding him for a couple hours, then don an immaculate dress for the art opening that night.
But all this takes lessons. Training. Discipline. And...the girl.
Some come willingly. When the choice is a life of prostitution or this, at least this there is a chance to be respected as the best. Better than many alternatives.
More come from families who send their troublesome daughters who would otherwise be incredible embarrassments to be guided onto 'another career path'.
A few come from 'graduating' from juvenile detention facilities; only 18 year olds are accepted, and at times detention facilities need to release those who turn 18, but know they are going to be trouble. But if they have the physical and mental acuity...a few of them get sent here instead of being released, walking off the transport bus and find themselves 'enrolled' rather than released.
However YC came to be here...she has arrived, and is going to be taught a different way.
* 'Punishment' most often in the form of spanking and sexual humiliation. So...spanking is going to happen a lot.

* Imposed sexual requirements: This will go from non-con from truly unwilling to dub-con for the uncertain acts to con if the girls you write were sexually free in the first place. Probably a blend: they might go all in for the straight sex lessons, but balk when asked to perform certain acts or to engage in lesbian play for the first time.
* Despite the smut elements, I would like her to be also offered her first lessons in other things she would never perhaps been offered before, especially from a disadvantaged youth. Who would have ever taught her piano back then? Now...they will. They will rotate her through various things until she finds her skills, maybe some talents...maybe even a few things she loves. Then, learning to use those things she loves to please others...maybe even gain some notoriety as the best. Maybe she becomes the most amazing pianist ever seen for the local, also, is used by the rest oft he orchestra sexually after every performance in celebration. 'Ode to Joy' indeed!
Details of course can be worked out via PM, and would love to chat about it and see what you would want to see!