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Fx Any Special Sizeplay and Shortstack Stories (Fantasy galore!)


Runic Embers

All Alliterations aside...

Welcome to my newest thread detailing all of my current cravings and story ideas!
And don't let yourself be fooled by my desire to play smaller folk, for all of them don't fall flat in terms of depth and attitude!

That's right, I am looking for various roleplaying shenaningans that allow myself to explore a somewhat newer interest of mine, that being the multitude of fun scenarios that come with playing characters such as halflings, goblins, imps and other diminuitive ladies against taller partners!

But just look at silly ol' me just beating around the bush, let's just get straight into the fun bits!

What can you expect from me as a roleplaying partner?

Literacy, Detail, Dedication and a lot of variety!
I'd consider myself a good writer and I adore actually exploring our debauchery in plentiful detail. Where's the fun in just writing for the sake of getting to the end anyways?
Since I study at an university my schedule can be all kinds of fucked but I do try to keep you updated whenever I'm unable to reply!
Apart from that I can put up several responses per day if I'm feeling my creative juices flowing^^

In terms of kinks, oof, there are quite a few!
You might have already noticed that sizeplay's a big one (ironically) right now but I've got others that I thoroughly enjoy!

Among those count things like:
-Interesting character dynamics
-Teasing and Uppity characters
-All the fun things that come with Sizeplay:
Bulging, cupious amounts of cum, having to make it "fit", the size difference between partners and so on!
-Giving Oral, I just love it
-Butt stuff, also a big fan of it!
-Comedy/Fun/Light-hearted roleplaying!

The Stories

The Halfling
(Now this is loosely based on the magnificent Incase's Webcomic "Alfie")
Most halflings are content with just going about their lives devoid of any adventure or excitement. From the cradle to the grave they tend to the professions their village assigns them, never looking beyond the horizon as they seem pretty happy with an uneventful life...

But everything changes when a trading caravan finds their way to the Halfling settlement, bringing with them a breath of adventure and an opportunity for a naive, and yet oh so courageous halfling to finally see more of what the world has to offer her.

The Goblin
MC and YC have never been on the best terms, both members of rivaling gangs of thieves and mercenaries as they are always competing for contracts, for treasure and glory.
But when a task surfaces that requires them both to lay down their grudges and work together for a coup that might earn them a very, very early retirement the two of them have to realize that they are not so different...And that there's more to their rivalry than what is perceived at first glance.

The Kobold
Dragon-Worshipping vermin is what Kobolds are usually regarded as. They're small critters who seemingly love nothing more than to annoy taller races.
Which only complicates things once a young Kobold Gal finds herself among adventurers and other taller folk trying to make a name for themselves....And nobody seems to want to take her on as an underling, a helper, a squire, thinking she'd be nothing more than an inconvenience...or would she?

The Imp
Mischievous Demon-kin, they can be trapped and summoned at a whim...
But who would dare to bind themselves to such an infernal creature?

Reversed Sizeplay
Sometimes the same fun can be achieved by reversing the roles!
be it Male DwarfXElf, CentaurXHuman or anything in between!

Picture plots!
Based on your interests I might also be able to provide some imagery for any kind of roleplay I might be in the mood for!

But that's all for now, I'll update this thread accordingly when I get the chance!
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