- Joined
- Sep 1, 2018
- Location
- West Coast USA
Hi, thanks for taking the time to visit my thread. It's... pretty long, and filled with bullet points but most of it is about what I want in a partner and what I think I have to offer. I've gone ahead and front loaded it with the juicy details though, because I don't want you to tl;dr that stuff. I'd suggest you read through the "Food for Thought" section and then if you're interested read the rest.
My Bio, briefly:
I got my start RPing back in the AOL chat room / IM days. RP scratches a creative and a sexual itch for me; it's a way for me to explore fantasies I'd never engage in in the real world. I'm a male in my late thirties, and I only play opposite female characters. I'd like to think I have a talent with words, but obviously that's for you to judge.
What I want
These aren't fleshed out plots. They're not even things I'm dedicated to. They're just some specific hooks to give you a sense of what I enjoy. Think of them as an amuse bouche; just something to give you a quick sense of what flavors I'm going to throw your way. You and I will be making the rest of the meal together. Maybe we build the meal with these flavors. Or maybe we do something else entirely!
What to Expect:
Yeah, I hate to have to leave this in but I've encountered enough disrespectful behavior to feel like certain things should be mentioned explicitly. These are pet peeves that will turn me off real fast and almost certainly result in our RP coming to an end.
First: pre-playing. Pre-playing is a term I first encountered maybe fifteen years ago, back when I was a strapping young tabletop RPer. It referred to people who enjoyed creating detailed character backstories; practically packing the equivalent of multiple tabletop campaigns worth of content into their character's history. These players would put a lot of effort into their characters, sometimes going so far as to write small novellas to describe the backstory, and then often only play in the tabletop game for a handful of sessions before dropping out. It turns out that they enjoyed imagining themselves playing the game (which they did as they created their character) than they did actually playing in it.
I'm sad to see that there are such players here. In my brief time here I've run into people who seem genuinely excited to talk about playing, but when the time comes to write a post it becomes *crickets.* I'm not judging you if that's your thing; if what you enjoy is the process of plotting out the setup for RP over actually doing it. But please, that's not what I enjoy I actually want to get some posts going back and forth. So if you are a pre-player please do me a favor and find someone else to pre-play with? Thanks!
Second: pace. I get it, you're busy. I am too! I have a job, a social life, friends, family, Saturdays out with friends and Sunday brunches. Sometimes a few days will go by where I can't reply, and I expect the same is true for you. And that's OK!
But it's important for me to maintain a sense of pace in my play. Or call it momentum, if you prefer. It's really hard for me to get into my character's head when I'm only getting a reply once every five days or more. So if you're thinking of playing with me, but you're someone who can't commit to trying to maintain a pace of at least one post every few days, then expect I am going to lose interest in our play and probably just move on. And even if I don't, insofar as I have multiple plays going and only so much time in my life, I am going to prioritize the partners who are sending posts on the regular.
This is just a sketch for now, I'll update with more details as they come to me. Anyway if I sound like the kind of person you'd like to play with let me know and let's get cracking!
My Bio, briefly:
I got my start RPing back in the AOL chat room / IM days. RP scratches a creative and a sexual itch for me; it's a way for me to explore fantasies I'd never engage in in the real world. I'm a male in my late thirties, and I only play opposite female characters. I'd like to think I have a talent with words, but obviously that's for you to judge.
What I want
- Taboo pairings: I really love pairings where the characters would be in some trouble if they were discovered. Maybe a whole lot of trouble. Think adultery, think age play, think incest and you're on the right path. Corruption, betrayal, all of these things are like catnip to me. "We shouldn't do this," is maybe one of my favorite phrases.
- Willing partners: Sorry, I don't do non- or dub- con. I've tried it and I simply do not enjoy it, and it shows in my writing. I'm possibly OK with reluctance, so long it's of the "she really wants it but won't admit it at first but eventually gives in to her urges" variety. Even then, I'm much more likely to be excited about a plot where your character is just as eager and willing as mine is.
- Engaged partners: I'm looking for RP partners who are going to be engaged with what we're doing. This means both maintaining some level of frequency with posting, as well as putting some effort into your posts. If you're not having fun and find yourself avoiding posting or just half-assing your way through a post I'd rather you say something to me so we can put things on a more enjoyable track.
- Character Development: while I'm here for the smutty stuff, I do enjoy portraying realistic characters. I love nothing more than to explore how indulging in forbidden relationships changes our characters.
These aren't fleshed out plots. They're not even things I'm dedicated to. They're just some specific hooks to give you a sense of what I enjoy. Think of them as an amuse bouche; just something to give you a quick sense of what flavors I'm going to throw your way. You and I will be making the rest of the meal together. Maybe we build the meal with these flavors. Or maybe we do something else entirely!
- Betrayal: A friend's wife, or a wife's friend. Or hell, even a friend's daughter. I'd love it if this had a sort of high society setting; the rich and powerful doing and taking whatever they want. Maybe she's the daughter of a rival even, looking to get one over on her father. Or maybe my character's looking to take everything from his rival, including his family.
- With Mom's Blessing: Sneaking around with a daughter is fun... but I've always been interested in playing out a father/daughter pair where the mother is in on it. Maybe she just gives permission for some reason, or maybe she even gets off on it, encouraging my character to seduce their daughter. This probably would involve you playing the mother as well, at least in a supporting role.
- Taking Mom's Place: The exact opposite of the previous. A daughter decides mom simply isn't good enough for her father, and decides to move in and replace her. Maybe she ends up pushing mom out, or maybe helps wake up her father's inner dom and they team up to turn mom into their slave.
- Caught in the Act: For three years he and his oldest daughter had an incestuous affair. They were ever so careful to ensure that her younger sister never found out. But unbeknownst to them they failed, she caught them in the act. And now she wants some of what her big sister has been getting.
- Something to Prove: I love the idea of a woman believing she's the only one good enough for my character, and being determined to prove it to him. Someone who's driven to do anything to have and keep him. Obviously this can be combined with any of the above!
- Smut: I'm here for the dirty stuff! The whole point is for the two of us to describe in graphic detail all of the delightful pleasure we're visiting on our characters.
- Plot: That said I'm not looking to just write out the script to a porn movie. I'm all about the fantasy, and the fantasy is as much about the setting and context as it is about the tab-A slot-B type mechanics, fun though they undeniably are. That said, note that I said "plot" and not "story." I'm here to portray some twisted fantasies; and while I am absolutely open to long-term pairings where characters grow and change and drama ensues, the focus is always going to be on doing the nasty; the plot just provides a context for the steamy encounters.
- Respect: I understand that there's a real human being on the other side of this screen, and I'll try to treat you as such. I hope you do the same! This extends especially to sexual kinks; I am very much into open-mindedness and non-judgment. If there's something really out there you'd like to try let me know; I may very well say no but I will never judge you or make you feel lesser for what you want.
- Originality: I like to create characters and settings for just the two of us. I don't like canon characters, or fandom settings. It's just not my cup of tea, I always feel pressure to be authentic to the character or setting.
- Collaboration: I want to work together so that we both come away happy. If you're not having fun, I'm not having fun.
- Women. I mean, not like this very moment (ha ha ha). I want to play opposite female characters. I'll almost always be playing a male character, though I'm open to branching out and trying out female characters for secondary FxF scenes. But the main plot's always going to involve my guy and your gal.
- Sex: I don't have an F-list but in terms of kinks: if it's in a mainstream porn, I'm into it. And maybe even if it's not in mainstream porn! I think the dom/sub spectrum is too simple to encompass the complexity of human sexuality, but if you had to put me on there I'm decidedly on the dom side.
- Rough stuff: Not like violence; no closed-fist blows or drawing blood or anything. But some ass smacking and hair pulling? Sign me up! Choking and slapping? Yeah, I'm game.
- Dirty talk: I use naughty language. You should too. And so should your characters! If you're someone who prefers to stick to flowery euphemisms for genitalia and sex acts we are probably not well suited for one another.
Certainly not all of these are must have, but they tend to be recurring themes in terms of the graphic details of my RP:
- Foreplay: both in terms of the physical act, and in terms of the build up. Foreplay can take many forms; whether it be the typical progression of kissing to petting to oral to... or a more mental foreplay, with the two characters mindfucking (in a good way) one another before they get it on.
- Giving oral sex: What can I say, I enjoy going down. So do my characters!
- Anal play (giving): I'm not huge on anal sex, but fingers and rimming? Hell yeah. More to the point: I'm into my partner enjoying it.
- Daddy-kink: In case you couldn't tell from my suggested plots, I've got a thing for being called 'Daddy'.
- Age play: likewise, I do tend to enjoy playing older characters with younger partners.
- Dirty talk: I mentioned this already, of course. But I'm a huge fan.
- Cum fetish: I don't have one, but I'd love it if your character has one! Showing an explicit desire for my character's cum gets me going.
- Fantastical sex: Not just fantastic (that goes without saying!). I like to take advantage of the written medium to exaggerate things. Not to extremes, but in general it's fun to play around with things like larger-than-normal volumes of cum, or stamina the likes of which no man possesses.
- Sexy outfits: I love a well dressed woman, whether it's lingerie or just a nice pencil skirt.
- Risky sex: Doing it somewhere that we might get caught? Sure! Doing it without birth control? Yes!
- Availability: I've got a job and a social life and all that good stuff. The result is that I can't always guarantee I'll be available. I aspire to post at least once per day but the reality is sometimes I've had a long day and all I want to do is veg out to some Netflix and shut my brain right off. The flip side of that is that sometimes I'm just in for the night and the juices (creative and/or otherwise) are flowing and I'm happy to bounce replies back and forth for hours. If something happens and I'm not going to be available for more than a week I'll let you know!
- Post Length: Typically I write about three or four paragraphs in my replies. Introductions and scene setting posts can run longer. And depending on what's going on (rapid-fire dialog) it might even be shorter.
- I'm friendly and easygoing. I'll happily banter with you OOC, but I'm not going to bother you about your real life identity. I don't want to know! Likewise I'm not going to bug you if our play doesn't work out. There's a lot of fish in the sea, you know?
- I'm West Coast USA and I try to be done with RP by around 10PM. Just to give you an idea of where my activity window lands.
- Respect: I know you have a job, school, and a life. So do I. It's cool if you can't post every day, or every other day, or even every week. But I do put some creative energy into my posts; it's really frustrating to write up a starter or a post and just get silence in return. If you don't want to play just say so. I promise I won't be offended.
- Grammar, punctuation, etc: look I know it's 2019 and people are posting from their phones and whatnot. It's cool. You don't have to be perfect! But you should at least get into the ballpark. And I simply can't handle text-speak. 'omg,' ''u,' 'lol', and etc are fine for texting but when it comes to actually writing our scenes? It's just too distracting for me.
- Detail: again you don't have to go overboard. In fact I'd prefer you not; there comes a level of detail where it's just writing to masturbate, as opposed to masturbating to writing
. But by the same token I do need some detail. And detail doesn't just mean lots of words to describe actions. Show me what your character is thinking and feeling.
- Collaboration: the entire reason I'm on this site instead of a porn site is that I want this to be a two player game. As such, it's important to recognize that submissive and passive are not the same thing; I am fine playing opposite submissive characters but if you as a writer are passive and insist on letting me do all the creative lifting I am going to get awful frustrated awful fast. Throw ideas at me, have suggestions, do things that will surprise me. I promise I'll be delighted!
- While I welcome OOC banter, flirting, whatever, when all is said and done I'm here to play out steamy fantasies, not to make best friends or kindle some romance. In the past I've found it really off putting when I'm faced with a bunch of personal questions, however mundane. By all means ask me how my day was; that's just polite. But please do respect my privacy and my preference to keep some distance between my real world and this world.
Yeah, I hate to have to leave this in but I've encountered enough disrespectful behavior to feel like certain things should be mentioned explicitly. These are pet peeves that will turn me off real fast and almost certainly result in our RP coming to an end.
First: pre-playing. Pre-playing is a term I first encountered maybe fifteen years ago, back when I was a strapping young tabletop RPer. It referred to people who enjoyed creating detailed character backstories; practically packing the equivalent of multiple tabletop campaigns worth of content into their character's history. These players would put a lot of effort into their characters, sometimes going so far as to write small novellas to describe the backstory, and then often only play in the tabletop game for a handful of sessions before dropping out. It turns out that they enjoyed imagining themselves playing the game (which they did as they created their character) than they did actually playing in it.
I'm sad to see that there are such players here. In my brief time here I've run into people who seem genuinely excited to talk about playing, but when the time comes to write a post it becomes *crickets.* I'm not judging you if that's your thing; if what you enjoy is the process of plotting out the setup for RP over actually doing it. But please, that's not what I enjoy I actually want to get some posts going back and forth. So if you are a pre-player please do me a favor and find someone else to pre-play with? Thanks!
Second: pace. I get it, you're busy. I am too! I have a job, a social life, friends, family, Saturdays out with friends and Sunday brunches. Sometimes a few days will go by where I can't reply, and I expect the same is true for you. And that's OK!
But it's important for me to maintain a sense of pace in my play. Or call it momentum, if you prefer. It's really hard for me to get into my character's head when I'm only getting a reply once every five days or more. So if you're thinking of playing with me, but you're someone who can't commit to trying to maintain a pace of at least one post every few days, then expect I am going to lose interest in our play and probably just move on. And even if I don't, insofar as I have multiple plays going and only so much time in my life, I am going to prioritize the partners who are sending posts on the regular.
This is just a sketch for now, I'll update with more details as they come to me. Anyway if I sound like the kind of person you'd like to play with let me know and let's get cracking!
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