Joann's Romantic RP's (MxF Only)


Aug 27, 2018
Hello! Thanks for dropping in. All of my female characters are straight, also I'm not interested in smut role plays, but you probably guessed both by the title of this request thread. No matter what RP we decide to do it MUST have a story because if it doesn't I get bored easily and usually quickly. I'm going to start with letting you know what I do NOT want to RP because for me it's easier to list what I do not under any circumstances want to write.

No BDSM, will not play a sex-slave, don't want to RP a married woman having an affair. Do not want to play anyone's mom, step-mom or aunt. No bestiality, no mind control, of course no god-modding.

As for kinks, I'm a romantic, I really like romance and hoping that most would automatically know what kinks are not romantic, I was going to just leave it at that but on second thought here you go. I'm not good at writing kinky sex-scenes, just thought I'd give you a heads up. My kind of kinks are old-fashioned shows of affection, example: flowers, holding hands, kissing, love-making. I know I said romantic but I do have some ideas where the story doesn't start out romantic. Nothing gross like body fluids for example, and no to sex toys. Just can't marry sex-toys with romance, sorry.

Don't be afraid to ask me if I'd be okay with something, I won't get upset or offended. I'd only get offended if you try to talk me into something I had answered no to. Alright below I'm going to list some ideas and pairings. Pairings first.

PAIRINGS: Strangers, Neighbors, Friends, Best Friends, Once Enemies, Ex-couple (used to date), my female character and Celebrity (prefer the male celebrity to be completely original),
Reluctant Hero and female needing protection or rescuing, etc ..

Almost forgot, I prefer my female character to be younger than the male character or around the same age. Below are some RP story ideas.

1. FORGETABLE: Sarah is not the kind of girl that guys desire, in fact she's forgettable in the looks department, especially compared to her younger sister Donna. The girls didn't look anything alike, their personalities too are very different. Sarah's sister Donna is only three years younger but anyone that had ever been around them when they teenagers and witnessed how their parents treated them would have thought that Sarah was the younger one. Donna was always the beautiful, thin 'follower'. Boys and popularity had been what was most important to her. Donna at 5'9" is above average height, and has always been thin. Whereas Sarah is an average 5'6" tall, and overweight or plump. Sarah could never be called a follower, she didn't care about popularity though she did wish that boys would notice her like they'd notice her thin sister. Even now at age 28 Sarah is still 'plump', oh right, 'shapely' is a more accurate term now at least according to a guy who'd sent her a friendship request on Facebook. But he turned out to be a jerk one moment telling her that looks is what's most important in this world she assumed to 'encourage' her to lose weight (at the time she pretended his comment didn't bother her after all she was a firm believer that it's a person's character, not their appearance that is most important - but like Jim Carey said in Liar Liar "that's just something ugly people say") but a few weeks later he sent her a text with the words 'you are not worthless, you matter, your magical'. They'd been talking on Facebook messenger for some time and she was really started to fall for him. No one had ever called her special, or told her she is not worthless, that was something she was not used to hearing, but almost immediately after she'd received that wonderful text from him that he sent her another text asking her to send him money and to buy him a phone and suddenly she realized he hadn't meant anything he'd said. Of course Sarah immediately unfriended him, ignored his texts and blocked him on google hangouts. For a while there Sarah had known what it felt like to feel like she was special instead of forgettable. But it was a lie.

In the story idea above I named two women, but the story is only about one of them. Sarah, the 'shapely' woman with the forgettable looks is the main character. Her younger, thin and beautiful sister Donna is just an NPC who will be in the story occasionally. Looking for someone to role play a guy that meets Sarah through her sister Donna who really does think Sarah is special. For a twist maybe it could be the same guy who had befriended Sarah on Facebook and the thing that happened that caused Sarah to stop talking to him and block him had been the actions of someone who had hacked his computer.

Sarah's physical description: 5'6" tall, I had debated on whether to change the story to make her 'in-shape' now but decided not to, the fact that she's not 'skinny' is part of the story. She has a 'curvy' figure, by curvy I do not mean that she's thin with huge breasts, I mean she is a plus-size. (I just hate the word 'fat'). Her 'forgettable' looks has more to do with her opinion of herself than her actual appearance because when she's comfortable and talking freely and smiling and laughing, you know, when she's 'happy' she's not unattractive at all. Well I guess that depends on whether or not the guy with her cares more about the outward appearance rather than the girl's heart. Her eyes are brown, she wears glasses. Her sister has been trying to get her to switch to contacts but Sarah doesn't like the idea of having anything directly on her eyeball, she'd rather stick to glasses. She has 'autumn-brown' hair, couldn't think of a better way to describe her shade of brown hair quickly. I called it autumn-brown because her hair is an ordinary shade of brown except under direct light or sunshine, then her ordinary brown hair appears to have natural gold and red highlights, much like the leaves in autumn naturally have more than one color.

2. (I've been trying to write this since yesterday but keep getting interrupted so I'll edit this later lol.
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