Deletion looks for some fun any-x-any Dark Fantasy search


Aug 30, 2018
Hi, I'm Deletion. I just joined the site. I am a submissive person who is looking to have a good time RPing with people. I am 22, live in america. Um, I don't really know what to say for an intro, but I will accept anyone really for an RP partner. I will have this page organized, hopefully. The different sections will be marked off below so you can read for yourself.

Table of contents
1.1 Genre
1.2 Kinks
1.3 Rules
1.4 Characters
1.5 Ideas
1.6 Extended

1.1 Genre
I like high fantasy, lots of crazy elements and such, but more so I like dark fantasy. I am also in love with the genre of Isekai. For those that don't know, Isekai is a japanese trend to anime and manga in which the main characters of the story are transported to a fantasy and or video game esk world. SAO is a kind of half Isekai, better examples being Konosuba and Overlord. While I don't require the part where they are transported to another world, most people who have seen an Isekai will be able to tell you they have a trend to what happens in them. The worlds themselves in Isekai are all rather similar. Fantasy, magic, monsters, races, yada yada. People who have played a JRPG know the kind of stuff I'm talking about. A good example of an Isekai JRPG is Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced. Anyways, I've rambled on for a bit too long now about that, but that's the kind of genre I want to play, Dark Fantasy, High Fantasy, and Isekai.

1.2 Kinks
I am a rather dark person really. I like to play out some rather crazy things. For an example of the things I like, there is a hentai series called "Victim Girls" for anyone who likes really dark stuff I would recommend it to you. Girls getting fucked by monsters like minotaur and such, women being subjugated and everything. While I'm no good at lists, the following are some of my favorite kinks. Bondage, monster sex, forced sex, Giant Cocks, Cervix penetration, loads of cum, inflation, domination, Deep throat, Master x anything(Slave, servant, etc) bestial sex, pain, Harems, group sex, double penetration, Mind break. While there are more than that, that's what I have to list. Ask me in a PM if I'm into something and I'll let you know. Might even add it to this section.

1.3 Rules
Before I get into idea, there are some rules I would like to put. This is kind of a double section as it will include my nos, but the type of person I want to RP with is also. For the nos, it's simple, Scat, vore. That's it really. Now, I will RP with anyone, or I should say I'll accept anyone's requests. I am a literate person though. I like to have a story, like to write long segments and such. Anyways, a 1 paragraph/5 sentence minimum. If you do less I will tell you. If you continue, I will drop you. More is better, but I like quality of posts more, so if you can only do 1 paragraph that's fine, just make it good. I don't want to talk out of character about myself or such. I will talk naturally with you, but I don't want deep questions asking me about myself and everything I do and my personal info.

1.4 My characters
I like to play characters. I also don't care what I play. A man or a woman, a boy or a girl. I adhere to site rules, so minimum age of 15, but if you're not comfortable with 15 let me know. I play 15-40 as an age range. I don't like to play older than that, but if I'm given a reason I will. I play human and animal people. I like to play a number of things, but if I had to pick my favorite kind of races for characters they would be Kemonomimi characters, androgynous characters, and cute characters. I play sexy and such, but those are three things I love to play. I like the turn on of animal girls, and I love the idea of having a tail to stroke during sex. I like androgynous characters where you don't know quite if they're a boy or a girl. Cute femboys and tomgirls. Cute femboys I like to play in scenarios like a kidnapping or hitting on them and the person thinks they're a girl but they turn out to be a boy and it's like "Doesn't matter." And lastly, I like being cute so whether boy or girl I don't mind really.

1.5 Ideas

1.5.01 Book of lies
I would play as a girl who is transported to a fantasy world. This place is actually the world within a book she found. According to the book a hero would come from another world and defeat the demon king to save everyone. The book though, is written by the demon king. He lures women to their world using the book. The people brought would think themselves some kind of hero, and try and stop him. His power is absolute though, and those people he brings there are only being delivered to him to serve as his women.

1.5.02 Marcus
All who shine in the light cast a great shadow. That sentence completely defines Marcus. The son of the legendary hero, he has grown up with his father as king and hero to the people. He is unable to cope with his own mediocrity when compared to his father. A dark spirit reaches out to him in his dark time, and so he is remade. Given all the power he could ever want, all it costs Marcus is his humanity and his soul. He swiftly murders his own father, destroying his holy weapon and cutting him down. The world is now his with his ultimate power, and he will make all submit.

1.5.03 Princesses
The country has been in an economic recession for some time. The people suffer, not because of the king's evil rule but because of a number of conditions. A drought has made the food supply short. Storms have hit the roads around them, making trade hard. These and many more have put the once great world into this condition. A man comes forward, rallying the people into a bloody coup d'etat. The people rise up, and the king is beheaded. The throne is taken by the man at the front of the group. The king's three daughters are given to him as prizes.

1.5.04 Cute
I would play a young boy/girl. They want to be an adventurer but they know they're not the strongest. Because of how cute they are though they get a lot of help from the townspeople and the guild. People give them items all the time for the sole reason that they're cute. They set out on an adventure to guard a man when he travels to a neighboring country and they arrive, the job done quite quickly. They and (if you want them to have) party members split up to spend the bit of money they got. The people here have a bit of a different reaction to them though, as a group of adventurers in the town see them and decide they will keep them as a pet.

1.5.05 Frankenstein
A young witch/wizard is known as a prodigy. They have quite the reputation for their intellect and their power. They have been caught up in their ability to create new specimens and creatures. They have been mixing pieces of other creatures and even a few human species together to create new beings. They fuse a new batch, and what comes out shocks her. The creature looks downright human. If not for the black eyes, they could completely pass for human. They go to do their usual thing, casting a binding spell on this creature, but what they have made is quite literally magic proof. The spell knocks off of it and onto them. Now bound to their own creation, they find the being they have created is quickly learning and growing. It will turn the entire institute of magic where they are located into a grounds for creating more like it and dominating the witches and wizards of the school. The men will be made to redo the experiment that created him or die, but the women will be reduced to nothing more than breeding tools.

1.5.06 A god's power
The god of this world knows he is fading. Soon he will no longer be there to help guide the world and keep it in order. He decides to have a contest, and the winner of this contest will be given his remaining power. When this happens the former god will die and a new god will be crowned. The winner of god's contest must be someone who is strong, and must be a leader. This leaves a lot of room though as every thing in the world comes out the wood work trying to fight for god's favor. He never said someone had to be good or kind or moral, just a strong leader.

1.5.07 A pet
In his own world all he ever wanted was a pet. His parents refused to get him one though, saying he couldn't take care of it. When he is summoned from another world though into a fantasy realm, he gets what he wanted in a strange way as he's been blessed with the power to capture other people and beasts and turn them into his party members. As his party members those captured by him must obey his commands, and cannot do anything against him.

1.5.08 Blessings
In this world if one wants power all they have to do is ask a god for it. There are many gods that can be asked, and depending on the god they will give you an item or a power that will allow you to survive in this world. There are many gods that can be asked, but one stands out amongst them all, Sally, the dark god. She is known for giving people powers that drive them crazy and cause them to act wild. She is a loki type, looking to cause chaos and mischief. Most know that it is forbidden to pray to her, and there are no temples to pray to her at, as they have all been destroyed. A young boy though ends up doing just this as he seeks for power to be superior to those in his life who put him down. Of all people in the world, he encounters the dark goddess herself who makes him pray to her in exchange for the power he wants. With this power, he can make any submit, even the gods themselves.

1.5.09 Ultimate control
You find yourself in a new world. This world is a fantasy world, nothing like the real world you came from. Your phone rings, and the person on the line welcomes you to your own world. You're confused, but the phone call ends and the only thing left on it is a strange app called World Builder. This world is completely under your control. With but a click you can alter anything and everything around you in the world, same as if this were a video game world and you were the game maker. The world has already been loaded, and now you may have fun with your ultimate power.

1.6 Extended
This is where I will be putting some basic concepts or ideas really. I don't have too much into these ones, just some basic concepts or ideas or thoughts that if they interest you we can brainstorm together about.

1.6.1 Though I don't have a real idea for this, basically someone in our world is blessed with the ability to enter any video game/fictional world they choose. Harry potter book, into it. Final Fantasy game, into it. The idea is pretty basic, but with the idea if we have a fandom in common then we can work something out with it. Just ask me if I know a certain fandom or would like it.

1.6.2 Mind control. The idea interests me really. Having my character's mind controlled by someone into doing something they wouldn't normally do. I would be up for playing an idea with mind control. Perhaps a poor man in a country finds he has the power to control others he looks at and decides to change his life, using it to take over his kingdom and take the throne.

1.6.3 I would like to play as gods. They would be like Greek gods living on Olympus who have all the power and never do much. They would be cast out of their own home, how and why is up for discussion really, and cast down to earth with everyone else. They would be without their power they are known for and would be taken advantage of by the humans they ruled over and or the monsters in the world as without their divinity and power they would be nothing more than special humans.
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