Fx Any Nox and Lux


Aug 29, 2018
Hello all!

They call me the song of light and darkness, of your deepest fantasies and darkest desires. I am the voice of love and lust. I am VoxEros. You can call me Vox or Voxxie.

I'm a visitor from the sister of site of this fine establishment and I'm looking for some lighter fare here. In other words, I'm looking for some smuttier content. I'm still in the process of setting up my profile here and thinking up some plot bunnies so for now I'm going to posting up some pairings.

I'm a big fan of non-con and dub-con, but I'm also into some lighter kinks as well. As well as pairings, I may post some quick blurbs for some short stories. All of my pairings can be made dark, just let me know. For now, hello all and let me know if you want to play! I reply with 2-4 paragraphs typically.

Note: I only write in third person and do not do celeb/fandom stories. I am sub and prefer those roles.

I love playing against all! Females, males, trans, futas, and some anthros!

Some of these

My F-List is here


Pairings: (Feel free to send suggestions)
College student/High School Student
Cop/criminal or bystander

Some Non-Con/Dub-Con scenarios:
Drunk and about
Power play (career or otherwise).

Breaking in A Slave:

As traditional as sounds, I'm looking for a classic kidnapping and sold into sex-slavery story. I like the process of breaking someone into a slave and seeing where the story progresses from there. Maybe she was just a college girl going to a party or traded by her family in exchange of clearing some massive debt. The possibilities are endless!

Hotel of Horrors:

Kind of inspired by the Hotel Cecil and American Horror Story, I want to play a game where MC is the next unfortunate soul to wander into a former paragon of a hotel. Maybe its haunted, maybe its just inhabited by freaks. MC is a poor soul who can only afford to live out of this downtrodden hotel. Whatever happens to her from here is up to us and depending on what route we want to take the hotel.

The Neighbor:

MC is a teen/young woman living with her parents in a suburban home. Next door, YC has always been a trustworthy neighbor, but with a hidden lust for MC. One night, MC is stumbling home in early morning hours from either a night out drinking at a party, or in hysterics over some conflict. Seeing the prime opportunity, YC swoops in to take advantage.

The Ultimate Vacation

This was supposed to be a low cost vacation in Eastern Europe. When a group of friends decided to visit some more distant countries like Belarus and Georgia for just a few dollars a day, how could you pass on this opportunity? MC is shy and unsure of herself, especially going to a place where she couldn't speak the language, but she was convinced to go anyway. Well, unfortunately, it turns out the friends aren't that great at planning. In the middle of the trip, the group finds themselves to be completely lost in the countryside, and before you knew it, you had crossed illegally into Russia. And of course, that's when a military patrol spots you...

This could involve more than one character I play. This one is more non-con than anything and could go a few routes that are open.

Feel free to send any suggestions you have while I finish setting this up!

Babysat: (FxF/T/M/Fu)

Taboo/trigger warning!!

MC is a young girl (within site rules) sent to live a family member for a variety of reasons (parental death, boarding, vacation, etc). She is sent into your care even though the two of you haven't really known each other well. MC very quickly realizes that there are different rules here and will live in constant fear.

Ideally, I'm looking to play a young girl who is forced to live with an abusive (Sexually and maybe physically) family member, with no real escape. This story can have various directions.

The Wrong Place: (FxF/T/M/Fu)

A Chikan-themed story; MC is a young woman going/returning to work/school/home when she gets on a train/bus. What's supposed to be a simple commute home quickly turns into a nightmare as one (or many!) passangers begin to harass her. The harassment would soon escalate into so much more. Simple premise, but a fun one I've been meaning to write out.
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Back after health hiatus. Looking to pick up some games. I'm still on the mend so bare with me.
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