Let's have a little fun (Comments Welcome, Ideas are Free)

Revolution Galaxy

Aug 28, 2018




All my plots are free for the taking, Credit is welcome but not needed
Characters are sometimes updated but most of them are freeform
I will rant over here so BEWARE!

The rusted chains clanked as she led down the lit hallway, small torches pretty as the were the only things filling the room with light seemed to dance and shake as she walked past. She tried to keep her head high and regal a fitting position for the so called lost princess, but her ebony hair hung clean cut against her shoulder, some pieces longer then other and some of her hair was falling out in places where the guards had rushed to cut it.

"The true princess has black hair as well, can't let the king and queen see it"

"But what if she is the real princess?"

"She isn't, she's just some witch pretending to be the princess, we both know this by now"

That conversation is what led to her being led down the winding corridor, the smell of burning metal and the smell of burning flesh made her eyes trail down to her hands and she sighed deeply. [Why did they have to light the iron chains on fire, all it will do is leave horrid scarring and makes it evident that they were trying to get out in a hurry] Her thoughts seem to catch up to her now and again as she dropped her head, the fact that she was still dressed in her wedding gown, though slightly burnt and bloody amazed her to no end.

"It's beautiful isn't it?"

She remembered herself asking a small smile twinkling on her pale face, she looked so much more beautiful then, her black hair had been pulled off the base of her neck, showing the way her jawline curved and how muscular she was. She and her handmaiden had argued that she should look like a princess not like the war bidden warrior she had become. So when a long white gown with roses and lilies embedded in the train, and tall gloves that barely reached her shoulders were chosen she was less than pleased

"How am I supposed to fight?"

Oh, how she wished she had changed into something different before the guards arrived, but she knew now that would do her no good, her execution was among the top things on these guards minds not how she looked.
When your dating the president, you go through a lot of drama and a lot of worries. The president could be assassinated or you be caught in some social debate that could change the entire country for good. But one young woman has decided to change things, she's not the president, oh no she's not. She's the president daughter and she wants to make sure her father does well. But what happens when a foreign male takes her heart and her love

Two seniors in high school are complete opposites. The girl is concerned about getting into a good college and the boy is interested in his band.The two meet on the last day of school and its like love at first sight. They start dating 2 months after they meet and couldn't be happier, but one night while coming home from a party, they get into a car accident. The girl is in critical condition in a coma, while the boy walked away with cuts and bruises. He blames himself for the accident and sits by her side, talking to her and even singing to her. 2 weeks later she wakes up and the boy is completely different person. He promises to take care of her and their relationship blooms from there.

A girl appears to have everything, her dance career is blooming and she is gorgeous. But little does everyone know she struggles with an eating disorder. She decides to take a break, its the beginning of summer and she meets a music-obsessed boy who speaks the truth. The girl likes the way he treats her and he teaches her how to relax. One day her eating disorder gets worse, she is showing the boy her solo and starts to feel dizzy, she gets pale white and she collapses forcing the boy to take her to the hospital, thats when his feelings for her come out, when her life is in the balance

A young girls boyfriend is ill. They had it all planned out: they were going to get married and have kids. But their world is shattered when a doctors appointment turns bad. Before he dies, they make a bucket list of things to do together before he dies. But what if a surgery could save his life even if the surgery could kill..her.The thing is, the surgery requires a lung transplant, and they need one, quickly. the girl offers, and the doctor accepts. if girl ends up going through with it, they'll have to find her another lung as well, and if they don't, her body will stop working. The girl must make a decision, should she give the go ahead to do the risky surgery or should she just let go of her first love.

He’d watched her grow up. He was her parents’ best friend’s son, the guy who was always there. So he’d seen her highs and lows, he remembered her baby sister being born, her first day of school. And now he had to watch as she hurled herself into an abusive relationship, and it killed him. Watching her come into school with bruises and burns, desperately covering them with long sleeves and thick tights. He was her shoulder to cry on always, but now she was pulling away, and that’s all it took for him to realise how much he liked her. How much he loved her

this is not your typical 'i'm in love with my best friend' story. boy and girl are best friends. they dated in the past, but it never really worked out for either of them. so over time they broke up and eventually agreed to remain close friends. boy still loves girl just as much as he had when he first realized he was. it literally kills himself when he sees girl broken down because another guy broke her heart or when she speaks lowly of herself because of the decision she had made in the past. he's tired of her hooking up with the men who are not worthy of her. finally, she meets the perfect guy. the one. everything seemed great in her world and soon she was engaged. but she kept a secret away from boy. her new fiance abuses her. girl dealt with this because she believed that he would be the first - and only - man who will ever love her. this leaves boy helpless when he finds out one day when they're hanging out together. he's faced with a decision: either he speaks his mind or he loses his best friend - who he is madly in love with - to her abusive fiance.

girl is your typical nineteen year old emotional rollercoaster, she's at a party one night with her friend amy when she loses her in the club, so she sent her a text to say meet her outside and as girl is walking through the large parking lot trying to find her friend she see's boy - who is the leader of a rather famous gang around here, and she just happens to see him shoot someone. so he has to kidnap her to keep her quiet, he uses her as his little maid and she's running around after him, even helping with some of the gang stuff, and he soon realises that his fallen in love with her, so they get together officially. but things won't be a smooth ride, he is in a serious gang. and she is in serious danger being with him, will they stay in the gang or will they both leave to have a relatively normal life somewhere?

girl was at a club one night, and she walked out back to find her friend and instead witnessed a murder, she screamed and ran. but the murderer, boy saw her face and recognised her as his childhood friend, she somehow manages to get away and back safe to her family ranch, which she is looking after by herself beens they are away, so boy follows her and kidnaps her. to keep her quiet, at first she's scared of him and the rest of his gang, but then she figures out that the mean, cruel gangster who kidnapped her is actually her old best friend, things change between them, she looks past the bad, evil in him and see's him for what he really is, a lost and lonely man, and she begins to care for him again, and they fall in love, having to keep it a secret from the whole gang or it will end up in both of them being killed.

A hurricane has happened in a small town state, and a couple has been caught in the mix, sure they fight a lot but it doesn't mean that one wants the other one to die right?. But the male is lost in the storm and now her heart is basically slowing down to a soft beat, she has now started working low jobs at the charity and even going to the location, one night when she decides to hold a concert for the ones who had died, seeing as her friend was a musician. What happens when she's in a shock for her life, when she's sees him performing

((alternative plot: he's a ghost and needs her help to pass on))

guy and girl have been best friends forever. they tell each other everything, and they have no secrets around each other. they both even have keepsakes to keep their promises. {girl} has one of {guys} grandma's rings on a chain around her neck, and { guy }has a chain with a key to a box of {girls} things. but {guy} is keeping one thing from her. he's a vampire. a popular one, who is loved and hated in the vampire community. one day, he goes over to {girls} house to find her gone without a trace. When he sees a note that was left, he's furious. One of his enemies have taken her. But while boy is distracted he gets knocked out. When he wakes up it's days later and he's they've starved him to death. What happens when they lock him, being the blood thirsty vampire that would do anything to get blood at that moment, in a cell with his best friend?

He was always running, leaving the girls screaming as he took off into the skies. he was a sky pirate, a charmer. a sort of leading man. But their were things he wanted in life but his past kept getting in way. When he was a young boy, his father had gone crazy because of some dream about the girl who was supposed be made of the purest crystal. but then one night when he decides to rescue a princess, he finds out that she's same girl from his father's dream. she's badly hurt. so what will he do? Will he scale the skies once more or will he take her by his side

Two seniors in high school are complete opposites. The girl is concerned about getting into a good college and the boy is interested in his band.The two meet on the last day of school and its like love at first sight. They start dating 2 months after they meet and couldn't be happier, but one night while coming home from a party, they get into a car accident. The girl is in critical condition in a coma, while the boy walked away with cuts and bruises. He blames himself for the accident and sits by her side, talking to her and even singing to her. 2 weeks later she wakes up and the boy is completely different person. He promises to take care of her and their relationship blooms from there.

A boy and a girl are the perfect couple. High school sweet hearts. He's the shy skater boy, she's the outgoing musician. Their senior year, boy proposes. Girl gladly says yes, and they

Their was a musican whose performance was heart throughout the world, people knew him far and wide for the songs that would make chills spread across their spines and make their hearts burst with joy. But then he was stuck in a car accident, sure he wasn't killed or anything but it wounded his heart and he soon secluded himself from the fans that once adored him. But one girl hasn't given up hope yet, one morning when he was walking home from her lessons with her grandmother, she sees him sitting down on the riverbank and playing his guitar and singing a song he used to sing that never got released. The girl walks up and starts to talk to him but will this spark a relationship and get the musician's spirit back or will it take another turn for worse, when he finds out that she's a princess who is about to take the throne 're engaged for a few months, before she gets an option to go on her own tour, and very reluctantly and with a lot of persuasion from guy, she leaves to live out her dream. Due to her being busy so much, she rarely ever contacts him. When she comes back after your, she's surprised to find out he's now engaged.. to her sister.

Girl is very young, fifteen years old. She's just entering high school. She's had the perfect life, loving parents, amazing friends. She's popular. Until her dad dies. Her and her mother quickly fall into debt, and her mother has no choice but to set girl up for an arranged marriage, who just so happens to be the cocky junior that girl hates.

oy is recovering from a hideous breakup, the girl smashing his heart completely. His friends are everything he has left, and they encourage him to get over her and move on to the next girl. However, the boy creates a wall around his heart, feeling somewhat safe now that nobody can reach him. But soon, he meets the new girl in town and starts liking her, from a distance, though. He finally gets to talk to her properly and they start being friends, but the boy needs to sort out his feelings before moving to the next level. Is he ready to destroy the walls around him and give his heart to the girl or will he stay in his heartache forever?

The girl's father is a wealthy man in the US, who tries to hide his family from the public eye. So, one summer, he decides to send her daughter to Croatia, for the whole summer holiday. She goes there happily, and spends her time at a house on a Croatian island. But what happens when she falls in love with the hosts' son? The two are in love, but he is clueless when it comes to who she really is. When the summer ends, the secret is finally broken as paparazzi flood the island, almost hunting her. The boy is mad at her, and so their romance ends as she leaves. But the next year, her father sends her there again. Will that be a chance for the two, or will they act like nothing happened?

This is the story of a beautiful russian girl who goes to America. Beautiful, mysterious and witty, she easily makes her way in every man's heart. That's how she accomplishes her mission as a spy, entering the Top Secret FBI data base. She is sent to court and is given a lawyer to use in the many months of the process that are yet to come. But what if her lawyer, a handsome man in his late twenties, falls for the girl? How will he help her in court if they share a forbidden romance? She is a heck lot of trouble and he is supposed to be engaged, but opposites always attract. She's a spy, after all, but you don't chose who you love.

It's about a troubled couple, two people who have been in love but the affection dissolved. They're also quite different, he is the reserved type and she is the hurricane, the one who fears nothing. Therefore, fights are frequent, but they usually get drunk afterwards. Everything they had is destroyed, and they are resumed to the friends with benefits thing. But soon, their worried families open their eyes regarding the countless nights they got so drunk they forgot their own names and the fights and the walking disasters that they have turned into. The couple realizes that they are at a dead end, and that their lives have changed completely, but while their parents forbid them to see each other anymore, they slowly realize that they actually do care about one another. They just have to find a way to turn their lives around and find the right way again.

Two families used to work for the same band, both fathers were best friends or at least what the stories say. The younger boy known as _________ has fallen in love with his father's friend daughter who sings at a club every night for money since her mother is sick with a terrible fever. The boy and the girl find out they are both musicians at heart, but the boy's mother is cruel and unkind to the girl but why would she act that way to her son's first love. What happens when the girl finds out that the boy's father is the reason that the girl's dad had died in a car accident

A boy is both rich and very successful and now has spent too a very rich school for girls. That's right for girls, he's not their for his educations he's their to find someone to marry and start a family to raise, but all he wants is to help people. The most popular girl has everything while the weakest girl has nothing, what happens when he comes in with his twin brother and meets the two girls
((this one is a 2x2 rp))
A princess of a kingdom is going to marry a prince of another kingdom so that they will stop battling. However, she's been dating one of the kingdoms servants, and she's more in love with him than ever. Will she be able to run away with him or will they be stuck in the castle forever?

A girl and a guy go to vegas alone and wake up the next morning in a cheap motel with each other. He's got a tatoo he never had before and she's wearing his class ring. They can't remember a thing, from the night before. They just assume that they know what happened. You know the usual, get drunk, get rich, get hitched. They don't even know each others names. So, what happens when she finds out that she's pregnant

A girl and a guy have been best friends for as long as they can remember. One night they go out of town to a party. She gets really drunk and he has to take her back to the hotel where they are both staying. She ends up sneaking into his room and crawling into his bed. He gives into temptation, even though she is his best friend. When they wake up the next morning she finds out that she is pregnant. so what now?

Their is a boy who always has the most rotten of luck, he was kicked out of school when his grades went down, and now he's just the lazy bum in his mother's apartment, one day a girl starts staying over at the apartment, she beautiful and has a degree of being a medical nurse, but what happens when he realizes the girl he has a crush on is alone and pregnant, will he get his act together or just leave this girl alone
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