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Stealing More Than Hearts (Katsu and Potter-kun)


Jun 12, 2013
Makoto had never felt so honestly ambitious in her life. The Phantom Thieves worked every day to bring justice to their world despite the way her own sister worked diligently against them. Still, for the first time, the crimson-eyed student council president finally found a place to belong, somewhere to start building her own life and future without anyone else trying to steer her away from her goals. And then there was him... Ren Amamiya. Her boyfriend. Even now, that still felt too weird to admit aloud. Makoto wasn't even certain that she wanted to tell Ann or Futaba about it, though knowing Futaba, she'd figure it out eventually.

She sighed happily, leaning against the train station wall to allow herself a few moments of reglecting on things. Between deciding on her future in being a cop and meeting up with Ren some nights, she was hardly alone with herself a lot, so it was nice for the moment. She hugged her books close to her chest and watched the trains go by. They were in between missions with Mementos at the moment, so the free time was well appreciated.

"Mhm... maybe I'll get him a gift from Shibuya..." She turned on her phone, checking it to see what the dark-haired Phantom Thief was doing at the moment. Maybe they could meet up for dinner rather than heading home right away.
Akechi was having a day of it. Those Phantom Thieves had just pulled off another crazy feat and the public was rapidly turning against him and the police for speaking out against them. He had always thought he was on the side of justice and doing the right thing in preserving order and helping keep the establishment well grounded. He couldn't stand popular sentiment and how it seemingly ebbed and flowed from one trend to another. What did they know of right and wrong, or of justice for that matter.

He descended into the train station, his coffee in one hand and his briefcase in the other. He just hoped no one would recognize him. That's when he happened to recognize someone he actually wouldn't mind talking to for awhile. With a small smile, he approached.

"Nijima-san, good evening. I hope you've had a pleasant day so far." His voice was clearly stressed but he tried to sound happy and to a certain extent he was. He had admired Sae and even had a crush on her, but he knew that would never amount to anything. Makoto shared a lot of things with her sister so he was naturally drawn to her, though he hadn't interacted with her nearly as much as he had with Sae so far.
Makoto sighed, lowering her phone. It seemed that Ren was much too busy working at the flower shop for the time being and after that, he texted that he had to run home to Morgana and Sojiro to help Leblanc. “Oh well,” she remarked with a light shrug and smile. As though that could honestly ruin her day. If that was the case, then she could head off to Shibuya on her own and search for a good dinner for herself and her older sister (if she was bothering to come home). Maybe she could even draw a nice bath before studying. Just before she veered off to go seek out a train, a familiar figure appeared before her with the first feature she noticed was that unnerving smile.

Makoto's soft lips twitched as he approached, but she nodded her head nonetheless. “Akechi-san.” She greeted before shifting her eyes away. It wasn't that the Detective Prince was unpleasant to look at, but she always found his smile so irritating. Every time he had passed by her in succession with her older sister, she caught his knowing glance, the way his eyes seemed to indicate he always knew something she didn't. It didn't help that Makoto was pretty certain that Sae preferred his company over hers.

“Pleasant enough,” she said, trying to keep it vague. She brushed a hand through her short hair and shot a glance to the clock. “Excuse me. I need to catch a train to Shibuya.” She gave him a quick bow and made an attempt to head off. Akechi on his own was bad enough, but he was also with the police. Being around him always proved to be a threat. “Have a good night, Akechi-san. If you see my sister before I do, give her my greetings as well.”
"Oh, Shibuya? I was on my way over there as well. Do you, mind if I join you?" He asked, his voice to a certain degree sounding almost desperate. There was no way Makoto would be unaware of the grilling Akechi was getting on social media and in the popular press. He was the butt of nearly every joke for speaking out against the Phantom Thieves. "I could understand if you'd rather not have my company though, given the bad press I've been getting." He gave a self derisive chuckle as he walked after her, he seemed like an abandoned puppy in need of affection in a lot of ways, though it was clear he was doing his best to mask his pain.

"I haven't seen Sae-san much recent, she herself has been quite busy with his Phantom Thieves mess." He let out a sigh, taking a sip of his coffee before seeming to scowl. "This coffee just isn't as good. I recently discovered a really good coffee shop, locally owned and everything. Maybe we could take a seat there and catch up after your business?" He inquired with a curious smile, not knowing he was referring to the coffee shop that she already quite frequented for many reasons.
Damn it. Makoto silently cursed in her mind, stopping just as Akechi called after her. Even she could pick up the light notes of insistence in his voice as she recalled how Ryuji boasted that Akechi was getting what he had coming with all the media backlash he and the police received. Makoto couldn't help but feel her chest swell with slight pride. Saving lives and fixing corrupted individuals was one thing, but it was somewhat delicious to know that Akechi's ego had taken a stab on the side as well. Who knew he could be so pathetic deep down? Makoto clenched her fists but turned around to glance back at the soft-eyed detective. “Very well. I don't see why not,” she said, smiling knowingly at him.

Makoto waited for him to catch up to her side and the two walked towards the trains together. “Yes, it is quite the uproar. My sister says I had best divert my attention away from it and focus on my studies though,” she said, standing on her tiptoes to peer at the schedules for the trains. “Here we are. The first line to Shibuya. I suppose I shouldn't pick up too much for dinner then if Sis won't be home.” She turned back to him just as they found the specific train. “A coffee shop?” As much as she wished to turn him down, it would also indicate a suspicious behavior on her part that he could report to Sae.

Makoto smiled again and shrugged. “Well... why not? Why don't we go now? I really don't have plans if Sis is working late.”
"Sae-san is without a doubt just trying to look after your best interest, but I would encourage you to work the case in your free time if it interest you. You are very intelligent and seem to have some pretty keen insights. You might even be able to crack the case before any of us. Your school was the first place hit by the Phantom Thieves after all. You are in the middle of it all, so to say." Akechi let out a small laugh as he finished his coffee and tossed it in a nearby trash can.

"Good, the line to Shibuya will get us to where we need to go. We'll transfer to the line that runs to Yongenja-ya. You can pick up dinner at this coffee shop too, it's a really unique concept. They serve curry with coffee! An associate of mine works there. He's the only person who'll give me the time of day these days. It's one of the reasons I like going." Akechi laughed as the train pulled into the station and the doors opened.

"After you, Nijima-san." Akechi stepped aside to let her onto the train first as he checked his phone, having just gotten a text.
“Oh?” Makoto stared forward. A part of her wanted to go, 'if only you knew...' but then again, it was so hard to pinpoint just what Akechi knew on his own anyways. “So that is what you think? Honestly, I have no real interest in pursuing those matters. The Phantom Thieves seem to toe on the line of justice and in doing so, I can't really see anything wrong with them. I'd even go so far as to say that there is no reason for myself, my sister, or any of the authorities to want to stop them.”

“R-Right.” Makoto replied nervously, put off by just the place that Akechi wanted to journey to. “I think I've actually been there, so I'm sure it's not bad at all.” It was very clear who his associate was, but how was she to know that her own boyfriend and Akechi had grown so close? That was... interesting to say the least, and Makoto pushed her feelings of concern out of her mind. It was good to have Akechi close on hand as a friend, if only to get a handle on how police were going about their case.

She nodded, stepping on board the train and selecting a spot to hold on to a handle. The ride lasted for around ten or so minutes before speeding off once they arrived on the platform. “It's this way, I'm sure.” Makoto added, placing a gentle hand on Akechi's shoulder. “This neighborhood is nice.”
"Justice is a loaded an interesting word. I think the Phantom Thieves are doing good work, bringing in criminals. However, wither or not it can be called justice is up for debate. If people can just override the free will of someone, even for the sake of goodness. Is that really justice? For me, it's hard to say..." Akechi closed his eyes for a moment, seeming to be deep in thought as he let out a sigh and then gave Makoto a small smile.

"Sorry, I didn't come with you to philosophize and force my views on you. Your view on justice is certainly interesting though and I will certainly keep it in line going forward." Akechi nodded as their train arrived at the station. Akechi raised his eyebrow in curiosity when she mentioned coming here before. "Oh, did Sae-san mention it to you? I never would have found it without her telling me, but they have the best coffee I've ever had. My friend is really coming along as a barestta , but he's still no much for the owner." Akechi laughed as they walked out into the street.

"Lead the way then, Nijima-san. I agree that this is a nice neighborhood....if this was all there as to the world, that would be pretty nice." Akechi looked up at the sky for a moment, his eyes seemed glazed over with sadness before he snapped back and gave Makoto a smile. "Sorry, that was odd of me to say, please lead the way." He stated as they neared Leblanc, the sun beginning to set over the horizon.
Makoto remained quiet as Akechi offered his views on justice. Yes... it was an interesting debate. As she tried to listen, Makoto couldn't help but to feel her own feelings over justice and her own Persona swell up in her heart. Whatever Akechi said about justice, it just didn't matter. Makoto knew what she wanted now. As they approached the cafe, she already felt a warmth from just the sight of it. Yes, this was where she belonged and yet, part of her wondered if Akechi knew where he belonged. He always seemed so sure of everything, even as he was pondering the meaning of justice in front of her. She waved him off as he apologized. "No, it's okay. I never gave much thought about it until recently... er... when my sister said something to me a few months ago. "

The topic turned to the cafe and Makoto felt her cheeks redden a bit. "No... actually I would just come here on my own to study. Change of scenery, you know? I actually..." She held her arm, letting her red gaze drift to the side. "I actually don't like to go home much if I can help it. Either Sis is there or it's empty, but it's all the same..." It was all the same so long as Sae looked at her like a stranger who dared to cross her. Even with Ren, Ann, and all the others, every night returning home only reminded Makoto of that fact. "I didn't even know my sister frequented this restaurant to be honest. Ha... I guess I don't know a lot about her."

Perhaps she was divulging too much, but it gave Akechi something to ponder aside from the Phantom Thieves. Although, Akechi seemed lost in his own little world. "..." Makoto stared at the intelligent nuisance before her, her mind searching for the words as she read that lost expression on his face. "No. You're right. It's understandable to find the world ugly as sin. But I suppose it all starts with us. If we don't start seeking the good in ourselves, how will we ever see it in the world? I'm sure it's there. I'll work to make sure it's there, Akechi-san."
"I see, and what did Sae-san say to make you start pondering the meaning of justice, I'm just curious. " Akechi questioned her with a small as he looked at Leblanc. He noticed Makoto's feature change slightly, she seemed...more at ease and relaxed, like the cafe itself was calming to her. Akechi felt something similar but to a lesser degree. Leblanc was certainly a relaxing place to be and he preferred to be there more than almost anywhere else.

"An empty house can certainly be lonely...." Akechi's voice seemed to trail off and the tone of it certainly made it seem like he knew that feeling very well but he quickly shook his head. " feels...more like home than home does sometimes, doesn't it?" He asked her with a small smile. It wasn't the irritating smile he normally wore but it was instead an actual, genuine smile that seemed to resonate with the words he spoke.

"It's not my place to intrude, but Sae-san does care about you, she constantly mentions you and says how proud of you she is. I think she just...has a hard time showing that affection towards you directly because she's scared." Akechi looked deeply into Makoto's eyes, trying to convey his feels before breaking contact. "Sorry, like I's not my place to intrude. Lets go in, shall we?" He offered with another small smile, holding the door open for her.

The jingling of the bell on the door as familiar as the two walked in. Sojiro was behind the counter and he moved to greet the two but then he just let out a chuckle. "Oh, Makoto-san, it's you. Sorry but Ren isn't in at the moment." Sojiro knew of the twos relationship and figured that's why she was here, he then looked behind her and noticed Akechi.

"Oh, Goro-kun. Here for you coffee or to talk to Ren? As I just mentioned to the young lady, the delinquent is out. Do you two know each other?" He asked them as they were walking in together.
Yes, Makoto was quite certain by now that she had divulged too much information. "I... I don't want to get into it. Sis just seems different from the person I once knew when Father was alive. That's all." She quickly said, hurrying her pace a little bit. Though it was hard for her not to notice the difference in Akechi's character here. He seemed genuinely interested, even disarming himself a bit to talk to her like this. It was intriguing and quite unique, especially when a half an hour ago, she had found Akechi to be the nuisance that her sister preferred over her. "I suppose it does," she said, nodding to the cafe as they approached it.

The smell of homemade curry was in the air. "Scared, hm?" Makoto blinked in surprise. Well... that could be. How comfortable could Sae feel about expressing herself after the way their father had went? "It doesn't matter now. I have my own goals. Sis can do whatever she likes and I won't stand in her way." Makoto was sure that was what Akechi assumed of her anyways. He was staring into her eyes and Makoto stared back, trying to match whatever intensity he was showing her. He... certainly was a puzzle.

As they entered the cafe, Makoto bowed in greeting to a puzzled Sojiro who was surprised to see her not with her boyfriend, but with Goro Akechi. "Thank you, Boss." She gave her elder a sweet and charming smile that she usually spared for a teacher at school. "Ah. I know. I actually thought I may order dinner and study here until he came home."

When he noticed Akechi, Makoto nodded. "Yes. Akechi-san works with my sister and seems to be a fan of your food. I met him on the way. We're not that well acquainted, but it seems he's as fond as Ren-kun as I am." She gave a small chuckle and took a seat at the bar in front of Sojiro.
Akechi noticed the discomfort he seemed to cause by being too nosy. "Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude." He apologized quickly as they entered Leblanc, the rest of their conversation was cut off by Sojiro's greeting. Akechi couldn't help but chuckle at the greeting, had he really been coming here that often? Maybe he just hadn't noticed. "It's is quite alright, Sojiro-san, your company and Nijima-san's company will be just as good. I'll take whatever your blend of the day is, please." Akechi moved to sit up at the counter, patting the seat next to him to motion Makoto to join him.

He let out a sigh of relief as he took his jacket off and laid it across the back of his chair as he took in the warm and welcoming aroma's of coffee and curry, it truly was like a home.

"Well, I can't say I'm surprised you two know each other with how much you hang out with that delinquent. You are both welcome here whenever you like, even when he's not around." He extended a welcoming invitation with a small smile as he started to make Akechi's coffee. "Can I get you anything, Nijima-san?" Sojiro asked as he focused on pouring out the coffee.

"Oh? You are good friend of Ren's as well? Or are you more than that....if you aren't careful I might steal him from you." He gave Makoto a playful wink, likely sending wild images of the two boys doing rather naughty things together. He was of course just teasing her, but he was hoping for a good reaction.
Akechi sat up against the counter next to Makoto as she looked over the menu to pick out her preferred coffee blend. It had been such a long day and if she was going to carry on with entertaining Akechi, she would need some sort of pick-me-up. Sneaking another glance at the Detective Prince whilst he ordered from Sojiro, Makoto had to wonder what he was doing at places like these. Perhaps the younger Niijima was only speculating, but it seemed like Akechi was never any place to call home. She only ever saw him at the school, at the station, and now he was here at Leblanc. She sighed, turning back to Sojiro when he asked for her order. “The Colombian mix,” she said, giving another smile to recompose herself.

“Sojiro-san! I told you, Ren-kun is doing just fine in school. He's nothing like a delinquent.” As much as the cafe owner liked to joke around, it was still best to try and maintain her boyfriend's clean record. “He's... amazing.” She narrowed her soft eyes at the coffee beans behind the counters, thinking everything she felt while just running beside him in palaces. There wasn't a way to describe it.

Until Akechi pried in. Surprised, Makoto lifted up her head as Sojiro turned his back to prep the coffee. “Ren-kun is... very important to me actually.” Actually their leader was important to everyone in their group and she wasn't too shocked that Akechi felt the same way (in a joking manner). “Well... he does try to uplift everyone he sees. It takes an impressive person to be that way. Jealous, Akechi-san?” She gave him a confident smirk. "I see the way you watch him. You admire him, don't you? I don't think you want to steal him." For a moment, Makoto dared to lean forward to Akechi to whisper to him. "I think... I think you wish you were him."
Sojiro let out a small laugh a Makoto came to the defense of her boyfriend. "The voice of a maiden in love if I ever heard one. You know I'm just teasing." Sojiro joked as he presented the two with their coffee. Akechi gratefully accepted, taking a long and slow sip before letting out a blissful sigh. "Another amazing cup of coffee, I really have no idea how you do it, Sojiro-san." Akechi chuckled as he took another sip and the older man simply joked and said it was a trade secret and moved to the back to clean dishes. After enjoying his coffee for a few moments, Akechi turned to look back at Makoto.

"So, you and Ren-san are....romantically involved are you?" He raised his eyebrow curiously, chuckling slightly as if he were teasing her. He took a few moments to process the words Makoto said. Did he really want to be like Ren? In a way they were polar opposites; Ren would do good things and not need any praise or acknowledgement directly while Akechi needed it badly. "In a way you might be right. I'm certainly jealous of him for a lot of reasons. I envy his ability to make friends and foster strong bonds between others. " Akechi seemed to allow himself to open up sightly, normally only doing so with Ren. "Well, I certainly wouldn't mind being him if it meant I could have you as a girlfriend, Nijima-san." He gave her a playful wink before turning back to take a sip of his coffee, pondering Makoto's words in more depth silently now as he was curious what her reaction to his words would be now.
Makoto turned pink at the suggestion that she was lost in a world of young love. Perhaps... that was true, but for Sojiro to say it in front of Akechi made Makoto immediately seize her coffee to sip away the embarrassment. "Y-Yes! Wonderful cup of coffee," she announced as well, her tongue slightly burnt from drinking it too fast. Thankfully, Sojiro turned away and left the two teens to themselves. Makoto wondered if she should bring out her materials and start off on her studying for the upcoming exams. "Hm..." She shifted her gaze to Akechi, noticing he was mulling over her previous comment about him wanting to be Ren. She gave a slight chuckle. Yes, that was sure to get under his skin quite a bit.

"You could say that," Makoto answered, not wanting to spill the entirety of her and Ren's relationship quite yet. "I care a lot about him. I guess I can't deny it." Whatever red she had on her cheeks deepened slightly. "E-eh?!" Her lip trembled at Akechi's exclamation of only wishing to be Ren if he could have her. That certainly surprised the usually composed student council president...

"A-Ah, how very... er... sweet of you. Surely, you're joking with me though..." She turned to peer into her coffee cup. "I actually presumed that you worked so much with my sister because you had more than the working relationship with her. If you wanted to be Ren for that, it's only because you are seeking to have only one piece of what you can't have." She tucked her brown hair behind her ear and flashed a knowing look from her crimson eyes down on him, smiling to herself. "Am I wrong, Akechi-kun?"
Akechi took another long and slow sip of his coffee before turning to look at Makoto, flashing her a small grin before he spoke. "Joking? No at all, you are quite the intelligent, charming and beautiful woman. It's hard not to be a little envious of Ren-kun that he has such an amazing girl who cares for him." With those words said, he took a small pause to take another sip of his coffee and then he gave a small chuckle.

"Oh my, do Sae-san and I appear to be that close? I'm afraid that's not the case, but you are still a very amazing person, Nijima-chan, you don't have to compare yourself to your sister." Akechi had noticed the change in honorific and decided to do the same as he flashed Makoto a teasing look. His eyes seemed to contain something...a mixture of affection and a strong desire...
"..." Makoto didn't earnestly know what to say as the Detective Prince peppered her with praise. How strange, given the way he initially looked down upon her at school and criticized her for only following the adults and their ways of thinking. It was almost an unnerving change and Makoto didn't know how to feel about it. Evem worse, as Akechi continued to compliment her, to insist that she was just as striking and worthy as her older sister, she felt the redness on her cheeks deepen dramatically. Even her soft lips trembled somewhat as her heart began to beat in her ears. No... she only felt this way with Ren, when he talked to her and made her feel uplifted. So... why with Akechi?

Before Sojiro could turn back for Makoto's curry order, the student council president wanted to avoid being seen this way. Especially with another male. "Th... Thank you, Akechi-san. You do flatter me." She hopped off her stool and fanned herself, trying to avoid nervously meeting his strong and intense gaze. What was wrong with her?! It shouldn't be this way. All she wanted to do was stare into his eyes. Makoto couldn't believe this! She thought she despised him. "I... I think I need some air for a moment." In a hurry, she swept out the cafe door and paced into the alley.
Akechi noticed Makoto's reaction and grinned. It was clear the kind of feeling he was causing in her at the moment and she took off to get some air before Sojiro returned. The older man raised his eyebrow curiously before turning to Akechi. "Are you two going to want any curry?" He inquired as Akechi nodded his head and stood up from his chair.

"I believe so, Sojiro-san. I'm going to go take a phone call real fast and I'll return in a while for your delicious curry. " He offered the older man a smile, knowing it would take awhile to prepare the curry given how much attention he gave it. Enough time to have some fun with Makoto. He moved out and exited the building, and noticed Makoto pacing in the alley, a small grin on his face.

"My, everything okay, Makoto?" He asked with a smile, calling her by her first name as he stepped forward, basically pressing her back against the alley wall. His eyes were full of desire and he licked his lips as he neared the young woman. He leaned forward, his lips nearing her ear. "Could it words from earlier had some effect on you?" He asked teasingly as he nibbled and gently sucked one her earlobe before he began to plant hot feather kisses up and down her neck line.
Makoto left the cafe as fast as she could, taking a detour into the quiet and empty alleyway to sort out her feelings. "It is not supposed to be like this..." She breathed, leaning against the brick wall. She had felt those feelings before, that sense of attraction, but it was to Ren only, wasn't it? He was the one who awoke that passion within her and yet... they were bubbling to the surface when she had just gazed into Akechi's lustful eyes back in the cafe. She took a few more breaths and tried to remain calm. It was simple. She'd explain she got a text from Sae and was told to come home immediately and then she could escape Akechi before this got out of hand. If Akechi wasn't with her, then she was home free.

"...!" Just as she turned around, Makoto gasped to see Akechi walking towards her from the entrance of the alleyway. "Akechi..." Her heart pounded against her ribcage as the protege advanced on her, enclosing her to the brick wall to keep her from leaving. "Wait-! Ungh...." A small whimper of pleasure left her lips as he nipped at her lobe. "Akechi... it's not...ahnnn... it's not like that..." The usually composed student council president succumbed, moving her head to allow him to gain access to her neck. Each kiss felt like fire encircling her neck like a chain, pulling her closer to him.

"Wait!!!" Suddenly she placed both of her hands against his chest and shoved him away. Makoto panted, her hand going to her neck as though to feel evidence of his kisses. "... what are you looking to gain? You've done nothing but insult me since you've known me! Out with it!"
Akechi chuckled as he felt Makoto melting against his actions. Soon however, she managed to come to her senses for just a brief moment and pushed him back. He was surprised for a moment but his grin widened as he noticed the look one her face. She was flustered, aroused...wanting more. He could sense it in her, and he knew how to stroke that flame. "You talk too much sometime, Makoto." Akechi grinned before forcing himself back up against Makoto.

He pressed his lips hungrily against her own, his tongue lashing at her lips and seeking to gain entry to her mouth. A bulge was beginning to grow in his trousers and it rubbed up against her thigh and crotch. His hand slithered down her side and gave her firm ass a good spank, squeezing her rear and feeling her flesh molding against his digits as he gave Makoto what she couldn't admit she wanted.
Makoto braced herself for Akechi's answer or some sort of revelation as to why he had advanced on her. But there was something new in his eyes, something dark and needy. It paralyzed Makoto, forcing her to suck in a shallow breath as he approached her once again. "Akechi..." She uttered, her form trembling. Not out of fear, but enticement. She didn't dare pull away as his lips pressed to hers.

The Detective's tongue playfully slid across her lips, parting them to gain entrance. She willfully accept, letting her tongue entwine with his in a heated battle for dominance. Her arms traveled up his bath with her nails sinking into his flesh through his thin white shirt. The younger Niijima could feel his bulge against her, his concealed cock brushing against her naked inner thigh beneath her skirt. "Mhm..." All sense and logic faded from her mind as her own hormones took over, letting out short and desperate whimpers whenever he spanked or caressed her. Fuck... she wanted him. Pulling away, leaving only a strand of saliva between their lips, she glared at the bastard as he smirked at her.

"You'll regret this..." Makoto's fingers started undoing the buttons of her blouse, letting the tight garment fall from her chest...
Akechi's tongue fought roughly with her own as his tongue swirled around her own inside her mouth, pressing up roughly against her appendage and exploring the inside of her mouth, almost like he was making a mental map in his head. He felt her moaning against his lips and grinned as soon the kiss was broken. Makoto looked back at him with a hint of defiance, but also quite a bit of lust as well, he couldn't help but chuckle at her words.

"Is that so? I don't think either of us are going to regret this..." Akechi stepped forward and pulled open Makoto's shirt before pushing her bra to the side to expose her lovely and sizeable breasts. His mouth quickly latched onto her, his tongue swirling rapidly around her rosy nipple before he began to suck. One of his hands moved to grope her other mound, feeling her flesh molding against his digits as he gave her ass another good spank and squeeze.
Makoto gave Akechi a displeased look through the contorted expression of pleasure on her face. There he was again. So confident. Well it didn't matter so long as he gave her everything she wanted. She groaned, pushing her chest up to offer herself to this new deceitful lover, letting him tear her shirt and bra away in the alley. "Ny... ahh!!!" She whimpered as his lips found hold of her nipples, letting him suckle on her like a greedy child. Her hands gripped his hair, tightening as she held him there to please her. Johanna's very passion was coursing through her, ignoring the logic she had naturally been gifted with as she was being taken in this dark, yet public alleyway. No... perhaps that turned her on more.

"Ahh! Ngh..." Makoto threw her head back at another slap to her ass. Her skin felt hot and she undoubtedly knew her ass was red after Akechi's possessive slaps. "Ungh...ngh..." A wet heat was beginning to pool inside of her panties, making them cling to her pussy. Her fingers slipped under her skirt looped around the band of her cotton panties, slipping them aside as she rubbed her own folds to get her ready for what Akechi was truly looking to claim.
Akechi took not of Makoto's actions as he suckled on her breast; he saw her removing her panties and pleasuring herself. He nibbled on her nipple, grinding it between his teeth as he moved his hand from her ass and moved it towards her wet pussy. He pushed her own pleasuring hand aside and began to rub at her labia himself, but he soon went further. He sunk two of his fingers knuckle deep inside her and began to piston pump them in and out of her rapidly, curling them inside her to deliver maximum pleasure.

As he did this, this thumb would brush up against her clitoris with every thrust, sending her waves of pleasure. He stop sucking on her breast for a moment, a resounding pop echoing through the alley as he gave Makoto a teasing grin. "I thought you were a straight laced girl...but you are actually quite the slut, aren't you?" He whispered hotly in her ear, kisses soon were planted up and down her neck as he stopped in one spot and began to nibble and suck, marking her with a hickey. All the while, his bulge grew, becoming massive in his pants and Makoto could feel just how large and hard he was, even with his pants still on....
Makoto let out a small whimper of pain as Akechi bit into one of her nipples. His touch became more demanding, more controlling and possessive the more he was certain he had the student council president right where he wanted her. He knocked her hands aside and slipped his skilled fingers into her dripping snatch, stroking her lips before he prodded her virgin hole. "Akechi... stop... it's too far!" She panted, her chest rising with every heated breath she took. Before she could protest again, he plunged his fingers into depths. "A-ahh ngh..." They rubbed her pussy walls, letting her spasm around him in a her loss of control.

"You... you're so arrogant..." Makoto spat in between moans at the suggestion that she was truly a slut. Maybe so. But that didn't mean he could claim every part of her. As he marked her flesh with a vicious hickey, she could feel his bulge growing to full mast against her thigh. perfect. With every bit of force she could muster, she shoved the Detective off of her, something painful on her part. Oh she wanted it. She wanted to be claimed and fucked all along this wall. She wanted to cum and expel the lust running rampant in her body, but still...

"Sorry," she said, standing above him. The frown on her lips made it clear she was not the least bit sorry. "That side of me... my virginity... I want Ren to have it. This is over. Go home." She shrugged as if their encounter was nothing. "You think yourself an artist, don't you? A genius that can take whatever he wants? Then why are you out here? You're... You're just too needy!" With thay, she turned to fix her clothing and leave the alley.
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