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Black blood brothers(Cerberus, Odyssey, and Luna)

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Jan 9, 2009
â??Its finally done. The transfusion is complete. This girl has done the impossible by surviving the process. It will be years before we can find another like her.â?

â??Is she ready to feed of off yet?â?

â??No. Some of her blood hasnâ??t been infected yet. Until all of her human blood is mutated, the effects will be nullified and it will still be regular blood. But once her blood is fully converted, sheâ??ll be the first vampire steroid. She can make even the weakest vampire have the power of an old blood. With her as our secret weapon, we can eradicate all of our rivals..â? The man laughed and then rubbed the girls cheek.

â??Yes. This is truly a blessing granted to us. We must use her well. Its too bad that someone who dedicated their power to slaying vampires will ultimately end up helping them in the long run.â? The other joined in the laughter as well.

â??Yes..let us retire.â?

Tsubaki was woken up suddenly by a shadow that blocked the strong sunlight. It was a little blonde boy.

â??Hey, are you going to play guitar? I want to hear!â? Tsubaki blinked and then looked at the still empty hat next to her. She had been playing for money all day, but no one stopped. Oh well, she thought. I guess if he wants to listen, thatâ??s good enough. She began to play for the child, and he clapped his hands in amusement. She wondered if he was lost since he wasnâ??t with anyone.
Soto watched how everything was working just as planned. He just shook his head and walked back into the shadows letting his sword tap against his foot. "I dont see why we are doing this, It will do us no good and will get us noticed." He looked over to Uro and picked him up. Uro was a pure black cat that always hung around Soto. "Kassa and Yufari are going to get this plan all messed up." He just shook his head and started to walk out. "Im going out for a bite." He set Uro down to wander the area to search and watch what was going on.

Jirou was as always sleeping. He just laid there on the small cot in the apartment that him, Mimiko and Kotaro all lived in. It had been another long night which had left him pretty tired so he was now sleeping through the day even though there was still work for him to be done. He laid perfectly still even though his dreams were of old memories and the Hong Kong War.

Zelman sat back in his manor on the couch as he pulled out a cigarette from his pocket and held it in his mouth before igniting it and sitting back. "Now now what can we do today?"
Zaza had been keeping a close eye on the new girl that had came to the special zone not too long ago. He had had brief interaction with her and he could tell she was a well known vampire slayer in anothdr region. Yafuri appeared next to him. "When are we going to make our next move against the silver blade?" He turned his attention to the girl and her audience. "Isn't that his brother? Lets get him!" Yafuri started but Zaza grabbed his arm. "Don't..not yet. We don't know how strong that girl is.."
Mimiko ran over to Kotaro, causing Tsubaki to stop playing. "There you are...You shouldn't run off like that, Kotaro." Mimiko looked at the girl. Was she homeless? "I'm sorry, Mimiko. I just wanted to hear her, and then I was going to stop playing, honest." Kotaro said. Tsubaki's stomach suddenly growled, causing Mimiko to laugh. "Sorry about him. Do you need anything to eat? I'm sure we could pay you back that way." Tsubaki cocked her head to the side. "R-really?"
Yafuri scoffed. "She's just a human. She can't possibly protect both of them from me!" Yafuri drew his sword and then looked at Zaza. "Whats so special about her that you think I can't win?" He demanded. "I can't seem to control her. She's different. Besides, she's a slayer." He replied. Yafuri shrugged. "She's still just a human." Zaza sighed. "Fine. Allow me to make the first move." He pulled out a semi automatic and then fired at the three.
Soto looked around in the rain. He could tell Zaza and Yafuri were both outside. He sighed and just shook his head as he walked around outside and jumped up to the roof watching Zaza and Yafui and shook his head before dropping down behind him. "Brother Zaza is right. If you wish to defeat your enemy. its best to know how strong they are little brother."

Zelman could sense a gathering was happening and he knew that Sei felt it as well as he walked up and headed outside and to his roof watching over the Special Zone and dropped his cigarette and stepped on it putting it out. "Something is defentley going on, Oh well not really my problem." He just kept watching the city.
Mimiko gasped and flinched, holding Kotaro to her. However, they did not get hit. When she opened her eyes, she saw Tsubaki breathing hard, holding a crimson blade in one hand. In the other was her guitar, which had changed into something demonic looking. It appeared that her blade came from it. "Run." Tsubaki simply said. The bullets were all on the ground. "Come on, Kotaro!" Mimiko grabbed his hand and she started to run. Tsubaki scanned the area for her assailants.
Zaza and Yafuri watched in surprise as the girl managed to block all of the bullets. "I don't need you to tell me that, Soto! However, I won't believe for a minute that she can defeat me no matter how fast she is!" He then took off running. "Yafuri! Don't!" Zaza began, but he was long gone. Yafuri appeared before her. "Nice moves for a human." He said with a grin. He gripped his sword. "Maybe you can give me a challenge."
Soto sighed and just shook his head as he lightly tapped his sword against the ground. "He just never learns, he always just rushes in and gets himself into unwinnable battles." Watching he looked at Zaza and shook his head. "Better head back and go tell sister what Yafuri is doing cause I'm sure as hell not ticking her off."

Jirou sat up in his bed waking up. "Kotaro." He quickly got up and gripped his sword. Opening the window he jumped out and onto the building and rushed off. He could sense that Kotaro was in trouble and because of his mission he had to protect Kotaro at any cost and not let him come into any danger. He kept running before spotting the trio and jumping down landing in front of them. "Kotaro are you all right?" He looked at Mimiko then to Tsubaki.
Tsubaki put the sheith that was her guitar on her back. She then turned around, and suddenly a large eye appeared in the center of her guitar, watching Yafuri. "Its all under control." She told Jirou. She then picked up her hat and placed it on her head. Afterwards, Tsubaki turned around and glared at him. "What the hell did you attack us for?" She demanded. The two didn't get far before Jirou came. "Brother, help her! She saved us, so please!" Kotaro begged.
Zaza sighed. "He won't try to fight them both. Let's go. I'm sure sister will be interested in this human."

"Shit.." Yafuri started once Jirou entered the scene. He smiled at Tsubaki. "Because I could..I won't try to fight you today. Not with silver blade here. Next time." Yafuri retreated, taking to the rooftops. "That damn Silver Blade.."

Kassa had been watching Zelman from a distance. She needed to speak with him. But would he listen?
Soto nodded and headed off after Zaza. "Better hurry up little brother." He looked around but kept moving after Zaza. He didn't want to get caught by Jirou, Not yet at least.

Jirou looked at Kotaro and nodded as he drew his sword. He watched as Yafuri started to turn away taking to the rooftops. "Hmm." He slowly slid the blade back and looked at Mimiko and Kotaro. "Mind telling me what is going on? and you?" He looked at Tsubaki and pointed at her. "Just now who are you?"

Zelman could sense that kassa was near by. He just stood on the roof before turning around starting to head back inside of the manor. if Kassa wanted to talk to him now was the time.
Tsubaki watched him leave and then sheathed her sword back into her guitar. It changed back to its original form. She had always admired the Silver Blade but at the same time she was wary of him, as she was of all vampires. "My name is Tsubaki Shikimori. I was entertaining the little one and as soon as the girl showed up we were attacked." She looked at Jirou and Mimiko. "Are you two an item?" Mimiko blushed. "No, not at all. My name is Mimiko Katsuragi." She said with a smile.
Kassa walked after him. "Not even going to aknowledge me Zelman? And I thought we were friends." She said with a smile.

Yafuri joined up with Zaza and Soto. "I could have destroyed her if it was just a one on one fight!" He claimed. "I don't want her destroyed! I just want to capture her. Once she's by herself we'll catch her off guard." Zaza explained. "Well if we don't catch her off guard, I can fight her, right?"
Zelman stopped and didn't turn around. "Friend. I guess you could say that, but then again you could say its not." He stood there over looking the city and shook his head. "What do you have in plan and what do you want for me and what would I get out of it?" You know I dont do anything unless there is something I could get out of it."

Soto looked at Yafuri and just shook his head. "You may be a skilled swordsman but you arnt skilled enough, You know im better and even i wouldn't just rush head long against her. learn to pick your fights better brother."

Jirou nodded and looked at Kotaro and Mimiko. "Well I see that you two are all right, and you Tsubaki Shikimori, I hope you are all right as well." He looked at them all watching their backs. (gotta pull out for abit. hand is bothering me from all the work i did earlier, I gotta give it a rest for abit.)

"Well since brother won't introduce himself, I will! My name is Kotaro Michizuki and thats Jirou!" Kotaro smiled. "Its nice to meet you all." Tsubaki started but then fell to one knee. Kotaro gasped and ran to her, Mimiko following close behind. "Are you okay?!" He asked. She shook for a bit. Then her stomach growled. "I'm so hungry." She said, smiling nervously. Mimiko sighed with relief. "The least we can do is give her something to eat, right Jirou?" Mimiko asked.
Kassa smiled. "What I want is for you not to interfere with my plans with Jirou. Even if it includes his younger brother. As for your payment..what do you want? I could offer you women, but you already have that, don't you?" She continued to walk towards him.

Yafuri glared at Soto. "She's just a human, like I said! Both of you are overreacting!" Once they finally got to their base, Zaza realized Kassa was gone. He opened the door and ignored their bickering.
Jirou nodded and watched them all. "All right then. I know Kotaro is hungry so we might as well go out to get something to eat." He tipped his hat and started to head off. "So where should we go to get something to eat?"

Zelman looked at Kassa and pulled out another cigarette and lit it. He watched her for abit and shrugged. "I don't know what can you give?"

Soto just rolled his eyes but when he noticed Kassa hadn't returned he sighed. "I aint telling her."
"Well for starters, how about me? I was saving myself for Jirou, but this is for a good cause. What do you say, Zelman?" Kassa stopped when she was close enough and smirked.

Yafuri followed Zaza inside. "Are you so whipped that you're afraid of sister? Well, whatever. Zaza, I notice something about her weapon that might explain her powers. It had an aura of its own. Isn't that.." Zaza interrupted. "A cursed weapon? But then that would mean.." Yafuri cut him off. "She's just a regular human."
"I would prefer that you leave me here. I can't really move on my own." Tsubaki said quietly. " long have you gone without food?" Kotaro asked. Tsubaki smiled. "A while." Mimiko shook her head. "We can't just leave you like this. You might get attacked again. There's a restaurant right around the corner, I'm sure you can make it." Mimiko took her arm and draped it around her shoulder and then helped her stand up.
Jirou looked at Tsubaki and walked over to her and helped pull her up on her other side helping Mimiko. "All right Kotaro it looks like its up to you to lead the way." He smiled and nodded. "Lets go get some food."

Soto shook his head as Uro walked over and he picked him up. "No im just smart enough to know not to make her upset cause its never good when she is upset."

Zelman looked at Kassa and Smirked. "'re mine until you die, or I find someone better." (10 points if you can tell where that quote is from)
"You still have that stupid cat?" Yafuri demanded while Zaza went straight to his laptop. He had to do more research. There were only three cursed weapons in the world, and each acted like seals for the most powerful old bloods in the world. Mere humans could not control anything like that for long.

Kassa cocked her head to the side and smirked. "Then I guess I'm yours forever." She said. (..No clue. >.<)
"Right!" Kotaro led them to the restaurant which was almost empty. It seemed like people had heard the shots. Mimiko started to help Tsubaki with her guitar, but she waved her hand away politely and sat down. Once they ordered Tsubaki looked Jirou over with her almost neon eyes. "Thats a pretty eye color." Mimiko said. "Thank you. Some find it unnerving, actually." Tsubaki said, closing her eyes.
Jirou helped her sit down then sat down himself and ordered. He set his sword and hat down beside himself. "So then what did Yafuri want with you, and knowing him. Zaza wasn't far behind."He sighed and shook his head.

Soto looked at Yafuri. "and you still have that stupid coat." He let Uro rest on his shoulders and tapped his head. "Besides Uro is smarter then you, thats for sure." he just shook his head and cracked his knuckles and walked into the kitchen and pulled open the fridge and pulled out a blood packet and bit into it and drank.

Zelman looked at Kassa and laughed looking at her. "All right then for that you'll have no interference from me, Now what shall we do?" (its from StarShip Troopers)
((Is that quote from an anime?))

"Yafuri? Zaza?" Tsubaki asked with a confused expression. "You've never seen them before?" Mimiko asked. Tsubaki shook her head. "The majority of those bullets were directed at me so I just assumed they wanted me out of the way. If they did want me, I would be no use to them dead.." Tsubaki said with a sigh as they were served. "Wow, this looks yummy!" Kotaro said with a grin.
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