Mx Female Hunger's Bedtime Stories


Brit in New England
Aug 15, 2015
Status: :coffee: While I am looking for one, possibly two new long term partners... I am currently only available for the green stories in in the spoilers section. Looking for a partner that is horny, but narrative focused. ;)

Let me apologize now if this is long-winded, but I think if I'm going to be a picky old man the least I can do is be clear about it.

What I am: A 30-something yo Male (if that’s relevant to your comfort level). I utterly respect your boundaries and I have zero ooc interest in being possessive and/or clingy - I've heard horror stories from some of you who've dealt with this sort of thing is why I mention it. Alternately, while I am perfectly friendly, I've been happily married for many years (my wife is a member of the site, too) and I am not going to be anyone's IRL white knight. I'm here for dirty fantasy and friendly fun. And, that’s all I have to say about Me on a personal level. Anything else would bore you to tears. I promise.

Due to my lifestyle, I’m what you might call a session RPer. The evenings that I am around, I am available for writing back and forth for usually at least a few hours. Otherwise, I do try to post most weekdays or at least once a week when work/travel is thick. There may be times when I'll be unable to RP for a week or two. When I do come back, I'll reply to scenes that were going well, but if you feel you've waited too long, or just aren't interested any longer, feel free to ignore it. You don't owe me anything.

Which neatly rolls into the topic of Ghosting. I try not to do it myself, but I sincerely believe that the freedom to walk away from anything without consequence is one of the things that keeps BMR a safe space for a lot of people. Whether it's an unexpected emergency or just a lull of interest (I totally get shifts in cravings. Especially after discovering a new game/movie/book with inspiring world building!) you can come and go from our RP as you like/need to. No reason to feel bashful or awkward knocking on my door after a long hiatus! If I see you around the site, I might poke at you when I get bored, but I certainly won't hound or be a bother. Now, with all that in mind, if you aren't communicating with me after a month or so I will post the storyline up for new takers.

I don't have/do a post min/max. I think different scenes call for different amounts of detail and no one wants to wade through fluff to find the point or be left with nothing to work with. The right partner for me enjoys building stories, respects my time, and can give what they get. Seriously. Please. FFS, give me something to work with and don't just parrot my own posts back to me. Sorry, this, um, might be a thing I’ve run into a lot. It's gotten to the point where I drop RPs without warning when this happens. If you like crafting stories, building relationships between characters, and know how to move scenes along, you've got nothing to worry about. :)

You can check out my ƒ-list, but the short of it is that I tend to play a wide variety of males who range from downright evil to sweet and romantic with any combination thereof. Most remain firmly in the top/switch-for-the-right-lover bracket. I prefer themes of mystery and supernatural fantasy. I also enjoy a bit of physiological fantasy such as large penetration, light inflation, excessive cum, etc. (The ƒ-list is a good place to explore any of these that you might be curious about, but unfamiliar with.) I am completely comfortable with gang bang, tentacle, incest, and beasty/were scenes. However, vore, gore, and w/s are out.

If any of the stories below appeal to you and our kinks are compatible, send me a PM and let me know which plot excites you and why, or tell me a bit about a character you'd like to bring to the RP. If you don't do either of these things, there's a decent chance I'll pass you up and just delete the message. Sorry.

I tend to prefer period pieces with mystery, supernatural and/or fantasy elements. However, I have recently been dipping back into modern stories. All of the plots suggested under Storylines actually take place in a shared, established universe that I love sharing with others. It's my playground (so to speak) but what you and your characters do there becomes canon and can actually shape other plots. Flexibility of the stories tends to vary as some may have very firm events that cannot be changed. As I tend to build the setting from my RPs, the time frame is mostly from the 1880s to the 1920s due to currently active RPs.

Outlines of ideas, events, or characters that I am looking to explore. Suggested character traits are just that, a suggestion of one or two traits in particular that would be fitting to the plot. I always prefer original characters that you are excited to play. GREEN ideas are up for grabs. YELLOW ideas are on hold. RED ideas are already being played. If you're a current partner who'd like to add a scene to our schedule, just let me know!

About The Setting: There aren't really any hardcore 'rules' per say (no demons/angels, heaven/hell being the exception), but some things it can be helpful to know… A number of popular supernatural creatures have been established in this world, though they often have a twist from those found in a lot of mediums. Various breeds of Shape-shifters, vampires, fairy changelings, cults, and mage families all have some extent of 'lore' already associated with them. I am always happy to help you craft a character that fits into an already established group! Alternatively, some have found it helpful to start with an 'uninitiated' character who learns the world along with them - that is the sort of character that the plot hooks below are catered to. And I swear that one night I'll sit down and write a brief about the different 'races' of supernaturals.

Homecoming: Hawthorne House
Suggested Character Traits: 21-22ish, independant, extrovert, flirtatious Physical character inspiration (just suggestion!)
Possible Kinks: Exibitionism, distant incest, and more!
Genre: MODERN Supernatural
Location: Hawthorn House, Wales, UK
Timeframe: 2023
Story: One would think that YC's siren ability would make life super easy for her, but it has always proven to be quite the double edged sword. Growing up, it always left her with a feeling of deep loneliness and she failed to connect with the numerous foster families she lived with through her teenage years. Even as an adult, it was impossible to tell who genuinely cared about her and who was just being influenced by her presence and her magic. And then there were the times when the wrong people got too close...

In the end, she isolated herself, pulling away from what friends she had, cultivating a life for herself online. She couldn't influence people via text. Audio and video were another matter though... She quickly found her place among the thousands of cosplay camgirls on the internet. She could hide her real appearance behind lavish, fun make and wigs while making a decent living and never letting anyone into her real life.

The letter was a surprise. The cliche fantasy of 'an ancient unknown family member has died and put you in their will!' was more than a little hard to swollow. So she'd had a friend online check out the law firm - they were legit! And when she contacted them directly, they were friendly and informative! After more digging she uncovered that while the Alain family didn't have much of an online presence, the line was old as fuck. In fact, everything she did find, just brought up more questions...

The day she arrived in London she was excited and nervous. All of her travel arrangements have been made. The flights to England, and now... a private room on the train to the seaside where she would meet a ferry to take her to her final destination - Hawthorn House.

My Mains:
Anthony Reese (30ish, flirtatious, horny, secret romantic), Various Alain family members

Homecoming: Blackwell Estate
Suggested Character Traits: Curious, Dreamer, Romantic, Brave
Possible Kinks: Incest is a requirement for this one as the main characters are related, if distantly. Otherwise, possibilities are various! The Blackwells are a lustful and twisted group, after all. ;)
Genre: HISTORICAL Supernatural (Blackwell Saga)
Location: Blackwell Estate, Northern England
Timeframe: 1929
Story: Your life has not been a happy one, it may not have been cruel, but you have always felt restrained and suffocated under your father's rule. All of your life, your aggressively religious father has refused to allow your mother to speak of her family far away. However, on her deathbed your mother begins to make wild, whispered confessions to you. She tells you that you are a Blackwell, that you are not entirely human. When you began to show signs of your abilities as a child, your father took you away and had your powers sealed. While you have no memory of the incidents that she spoke of, when she passes away, you find a letter in her belongings from her Uncle Nathaniel. There is money included with the letter. Enough to get you to the Blackwell Estate… but what will you find there? How much of your mother's fevered revelations were true? There is only one way to find out…
My Mains:
Calvin Blackwell (30ish, recluse mage, cousin, haunted, brooding, protective, secret romantic), Nathaniel Blackwell (much older than he looks, mage, uncle, charming, powerful, perverse)

A Brave New World
Suggested Character Traits: Varied/Flexible
Possible Kinks: Cervical penetration, knotting, shape-shifter style bestiality, pregnancy/breeding just to name a few.
Genre: Historic Supernatural
Location: A (fictional) growing settlement in the American Southwest. (Think Valentine from RD2)
Timeframe: Wild West (1867-68ish)
Story: After emerging bloodied but victorious from a hidden civil war between wolven clans in Europe, James Graves finds he is not safe in England even with his brother's protection. Fleeing to America is an excellent choice, but the crowded cities are like a cage, urging the werewolf to turn his gaze to the developing West… Staking his claim in the mountains, James has managed to carve himself a fairly peaceful living of hunting and fishing. However, the growing town in the foothills is getting louder by the day and trouble has a habit of finding him one way or another…
My Main: James Graves (Werewolf, adventurous, solitary, loyal, and protective)

Suggested Character Traits: Curious, Dreamer, Romantic, Brave
Possible Kinks: Incest is a requirement for this one as the main characters are related, if distantly. Otherwise, possibilities are various! The Blackwells are a lustful and twisted group, after all. ;)
Genre: Historical Supernatural (Blackwell Saga)
Location: Blackwell Estate, Northern England
Timeframe: 1929
Story: Your life has not been a happy one, it may not have been cruel, but you have always felt restrained and suffocated under your father's rule. All of your life, your aggressively religious father has refused to allow your mother to speak of her family far away. However, on her deathbed your mother begins to make wild, whispered confessions to you. She tells you that you are a Blackwell, that you are not entirely human. When you began to show signs of your abilities as a child, your father took you away and had your powers sealed. While you have no memory of the incidents that she spoke of, when she passes away, you find a letter in her belongings from her Uncle Nathaniel. There is money included with the letter. Enough to get you to the Blackwell Estate… but what will you find there? How much of your mother's fevered revelations were true? There is only one way to find out…
My Mains:
Calvin Blackwell (30ish, recluse mage, cousin, haunted, brooding, protective, secret romantic), Nathaniel Blackwell (much older than he looks, mage, uncle, charming, powerful, perverse)

Jack Be Nimble (three versions available)
Suggested Character Traits: Brave
Possible Kinks: Eddie-light bondage, exhibitionism, toys, Charles-cervical penetration, knotting, shape-shifter style bestiality, Colton-cervical penetration, knotting, shape-shifter style bestiality, pregnancy/breeding)
Genre: Historical Supernatural
Location: London, England
Timeframe: 1888-1890
Story: Jack the Ripper has captivated and horrified London, but the humans don't know the half of it. Maybe you've been on the streets for a while, or you're fresh meat, or just a victim of circumstance. In any case, you found yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time with a very Wrong man. He had money, charm, and his own carriage. What you didn't know was that Jack was far more the monster than even the papers have made him out to be and surviving his attack elevated you from his would-be victim to his obsession. Can the mysterious men who saved you from Jack's blades help you stay alive long enough to see the monster caught?
My Mains: Colton Graves (werewolf, mature, determined, powerful, devoted), Eden 'Eddie' Blackwell (20s, bastard mage, rakish, London playboy, secretive past), Charlie Graves (werewolf, 20s, kind, brave, loyal)

The Gilded Lamb
Suggested Character Traits: Sexually submissive, perversely curious, devoted, enjoys being the center of attention
Possible Kinks: Incest, orgy, bondage, collar, leash and other theatrics, sex toys, master/pet, gang bang, exhibitionism just to name a few.
Genre: Modern Supernatural
Location: Black Stone Island, Maine
Timeframe: Modern (negotiable)
Story: Your father has always been stern, but loving in his way and whether you've realized it or not, he's been manipulating you for years, sculpting you to be his good girl so that there's nothing you crave more than his approval. You have always known he is someone important, there are people in and out of you lavish seaside estate at all hours. And, there are locked rooms you've never been allowed into. Now that you're of age, all of that is going to change... Daddy is in fact the leader of a powerful, perverse cult and as his prize and princess, it is time to take your place and serve.
My Main: David Thorn (minor mage, proud, perverse, demanding)

The Doctor's Pet (Contains bad ends for most characters)
Suggested Character Traits: Sexually submissive, insatiable, wanton, inquisitive
Possible Kinks: Master/Pet, Coercion, prostitution, adultery (the Doctor is a married man), gang bangs, forced/rough, bondage, eventual pregnancy and risk thereof, etc.)
Genre: Historical Supernatural (Blackwell Saga)
Location: Blackwell Institute, Northern England
Timeframe: 1865-1881
Story: Everyone knows the tragedy of Doctor Blackwell. How his wife found religion, went mad and then poisoned him one afternoon before setting fire to the asylum's East Tower killing everyone in it. But, the Good Doctor got up to a hell of a lot in the sixteen years before his bad end… In 1860s Britain, female hysteria is at an all time high and escalating. The world has been taught to believe that it simply is not possible for the fairer sex to experience sexual pleasure. The denial of this basic, primal need is driving modern woman mad. Or at least making them difficult. Lord-turned-Psychologist Ethan Blackwell has been specializing in female patients for the entirety of his career. Silently, he has fostered a radical theory - not only does a woman experience sexual pleasure, but even the most chaste of them craves it, knowingly or not. Deep inside their loins, many a woman wants to be a whore. Stifled by the human social restrictions, the Doctor adds the East Tower to the grounds of his asylum. A place where such salacious females are exposed to the hidden supernatural world, allowed to blossom, and encouraged to sate their perverse urges.
You have paid your dues at the asylum and been awakened to your own hunger by Doctor Blackwell. Embracing your wanton and heated fantasies has garnered you an unexpectedly comfortable life in the East Tower of the Institute’s lavish gardens. It is a gilded cage where you are expected to obediently serve the whims of the Doctor and his cronies. That said, you are Doctor Blackwell's favorite and you know it. Will you devote yourself entirely and unquestioningly to your hedonistic lot in life? Or, will you covertly try to unravel the many mysteries of the supernatural world you have been exposed to and the Doctor whom you now call Master?
My Main: Doctor Ethan Blackwell (mage, enigmatic, analytical, reserved in public)

Sterling Mirrors
Suggested Character Traits: Sexually submissive, loyal
Possible Kinks: Master/Pet, rough, bondage
Genre: Historical Supernatural/Fantasy
Location: Western Scotland
Timeframe: 1890
Story: You have been hired as the new housekeeper for the playwright and former theater owner, Ewan Sterling. While once the toast of London society, the handsome and eligible Mr. Sterling was suddenly taken ill and has retreated to his island estate in Western Scotland. His requirements for filling the domestic post raised more than a few eyebrows when it showed up in the London and Edinburgh papers... 'In immediate need of an agreeable, capable young woman to see to household tasks. Must be discreet and willing to take direction. Knowledge of sweets, a plus.'...Ewan is hiding a secret, will you charm it out of him while proving to be just what he's been looking for?
My Main: Ewan Sterling (Secretive, charming, commanding, romantic)

Again, if any of these ideas appeal to you and our kinks are compatible, send me a PM and let me know which plot excites you and why, or tell me a bit about the character you'd like to bring to the RP. If you don't do either of these things, There's a decent chance I'll pass you up and just delete the message. Sorry. Sometimes, I won't be able to plot an RP and start it in the same session. So don't fret if we can't kick things off right away. While I know that can be annoying, it does give a lil extra time for ideas to gel in my head and I promise I'll be thinking about it.
Last edited:
June Bump: While I am looking for one, possibly two new long term partners... I am currently only available for the stories in in the spoilers section.
2023 (😲) bump! Looking for a partner that is horny, but narrative focused.
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