Fx Male Looking for Dark Taboo game on Discord

Collector of Rarities

May 25, 2011
An Opening Note: Anyone who is willing to run this using a tabletop system (particularly Burning Wheel) will get preferential treatment, though it is not necessary. What I am really craving is someone with a dark imagination who likes putting innocent women in degrading situations.

What I'm looking for: I would like someone to run a game in which evil has won or is in the process of winning. Maybe monsters have overrun the continent where the game takes place and now rule as the dominant species? Maybe that's in the process of happening, but there are a few holdouts of Good left? Or maybe it's not monsters, but the various demihuman races simply choosing a darker path? Whatever the case, one thing is true: women are treated as second-class citizens at best and slaves at worst.

I would also like to make it clear that I'm looking for some development in the story. I don't want to start off with my characters at a bad end: it's all the sweeter if they arrive there on their own. These are capable women who are good at the things they do, but can they survive in a world that is turning against them

Some Ideas For Why Things Are Going Wrong (Check back for updates or feel free to suggest your own):

Integration With Monsters: This one is a personal favorite of mine. In an attempt to curb racial tensions and create a more peaceful world, several prominent demihuman (humans, elves, dwarves, etc) nations entered into talks with leaders from the monsterous lands. A treaty was formed and it was agreed that the monsters would try to integrate with demihuman society, and in return the demihumans would do their best to try and accommodate the monster's cultures. Tensions were high at first, but over the years the cultures began to accept each other, though perhaps not in the way the demihumans would have liked. Namely, the demihumans started taking to the darker gods the monsters worshipped and also found their treatment of women to their liking. Over time, things began to change and it's no longer safe for a woman to walk the streets alone at night in certain districts; or in broad daylight in some of the seedier parts of town.

Dark Alliance: This one's similar to Integration with Monsters, but with a key difference: the kingdom in question seeks to ally with the monsters in return for power. Perhaps some wicked king or queen feels that they can benefit from such an alliance, crushing their enemies or gaining some valuable resource, and are willing to burden their people with the monsters' culture in order to achieve their ends. Maybe they even find the monsters' culture appealing? Whatever the case, the monsters are now living alongside demihumans and problems will arise eventually. Maybe the monsters start by enslaving their enemies' women, but eventually start looking at the women already surrounding them. Maybe they strike a deal to be allowed to practice some of their cultural oppression from the start? Either way, the women of the land are going to find their homes a lot less inviting soon.

The Long War: A long war has just ended and the kingdom is weakened. The queen hardly has the money to rebuild, let alone keep her armies paid and equipped. Though she was victorious over the enemy, it was at great cost: a cost which is being felt throughout the kingdom. The small folk whisper of monsters becoming bolder; they say some of the smaller villages have fallen to gnolls and lizardfolk and worse. Worse, there are rumors that the monsters are creeping into the cities and claiming small, dark corners for their own. The queen's guards do nothing and more and more women are falling prey to evil predators. How soon before the monsters openly declare themsevles to be in charge? And can the queen even stop them if they do?

What I am offering: I am willing to play as a core cast of four female characters, as well as a peripheral female cast of NPCs, who are struggling to keep their freedom and their dignity in a world that is turning against them. I am willing to tailor this party to your tastes, though my own personal preferences will also factor into its composition and personality types.

Necessary Kinks: I am not interested in the game if it does not contain most or all of the following

  • Misogyny
  • Sexy Clothing (PLEASE force my characters to dress up in sexy and creative outfits)
  • Slavery (Not right away, but as an end goal)
  • Casualness (Both in casually dismissing the concerns of women, as well as casually molesting them)
  • Slapping/Spanking (What better way to show a cunt her place?)
  • Orgasm Control/Denial (The bad guys prioritize their own pleasure over that of their victims; some think women shouldn't be allowed to cum at all!)
  • Exhibitionism/Public Humiliation (Your amusement is more important than her shame)

Optional, Darker Kinks: These are not necessary, but if you tickle these cravings I will give you preference over all other requests

  • Watersports (Why use the bathroom when you have a perfectly good whore?)
  • Female Circumcision (Definitely discuss it with me before you clip off a girl's clit, but I'm open to this)
  • Bestiality (PLEASE)
  • Casual Abuse (General cruel and unusual treatment of the women)

Please PM me if you are interested.
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