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Dimensional Journey (Potter-Kun x Kara Lyonsbane)

Kara Lyonsbane

Aug 20, 2018
Parts Unknown
The warmth of the tavern washed over the sorceress like a welcome balm, driving away the chill that had been clinging to her. There was a pleasant ambience to the establishment, light music being casually played and carried over the murmur of various friendly conversation. Kara stepped inside, shutting the heavy wooden door behind her, before making her way towards the bar. She weaved her way around the other patrons, leaning this way and that, shifting her pack, to avoid making anyone spill their drinks. Finding an empty stool, Kara grabbed it and settled down, waiting patiently for someone to serve her. When they arrived, the pretty spells longer smiled and said, "Greetings! Could I get a mug of ale and, well, whatever's warm to eat. Maybe some stew? Thank you!"
The bartender was a large and kind looking man in his late twenties to early thirties by the looks of him. He had short brown hair and slightly tanned skin with hazel eyes and a wide smile. He had some muscle on his bones which showed through his rather plain cloth tunic and trousers. "Aye, I can certainly help a beautiful young lass like yourself!" His smile widened as he poured her out a flagon of ale and placed it before her before also spooning out a large bowl of what appeared to be piping hot potato stew for her.

"So, what brings a lovely young lass to yourself to Yahrnam?" He asked curiously over the music and ambient chatter as he cleaned out his glass. Yahrnam was an up and coming city, rising from rather quaint small town. This was because of the recently discovered blood healing run by the so called Healing Church. The blood infusion they gave cured any illness and granted many benefits and thus more and more people came to live and trade at the city, hoping to get some of the famous blood for themselves. Still, rumor had it that the Healing Church had a dark past and those who investigated often went missing...
Kara breathed deeply of the area's inviting scent before picking up a spoon and digging in. It tasted delightful, warm and hearty, and the sorceress had to force herself to stop eating so she could answer the Barkeep's question. "Oh, I'm just passing through, really. It's an unusual city, but very nice." Kara had heard talk of the healing blood not long after getting into town. It sounded interesting, to be sure, but also a bit disturbing too.

She ate another spoonful of stew before washing it down with a swig of ale, looking up at the barkeep curiously. "I don't suppose there's anything going on in the city? Anything unusual? I'm something of an adventurer and I wouldn't mind finding some work while I'm here."
The barkeep nodded his head understandingly; it wasn't odd at all for adventurers to pass through town given the city's central location and many roads leading through it. "Well, it's certainly an interesting town...but something in the pit of my stomach tells me it can't all last..." he seemed depressed but then looked back to Kara with a small smile.

"Aye, the Healing Church should have some work for. They have been seeking adventurers for some jobs. I hear they pay well and offer transfusions as well if you wish. I believe they have closed the bridge for the night however, so you'll have to go in the morning." the barkeep poured Kara some more ale with a larger grin. "Feel free to stay here for the evening! We have some open beds for a lovely young adventurer such as yourself!." He offered with a laugh as he patted her shoulder gently.
An eyebrow rose at the barkeep's cryptic comment. However, he continued on and Kara decided not to pry. Whatever he spoke of was quite troubling to him, after all. The offer of a room for the night was appreciated, but there was an issue. "I'm afraid I've only got enough coin to pay for my meal," The sorceress said before glancing over at the man's hand on her shoulder. "Is there maybe... something we can work out?" She fluttered her lashes and grinned brightly at him. It was a cliche but it often worked, plus it was usually a very pleasant experience for her and whatever innkeeper she seduced.
The barkeep seemed surprised by Kara's forwardness, a blush rising to his face before a grin crossed his mouth as he squeezed her shoulder. "Aye, I think something could be arranged for sure. " He poured himself a flagon of ale and then refilled Kara's ale and dropped some poured into her ale before pushing it back towards her offering her a large smile.

"I added a local spice to your ale that that should add some extra flavor as well as help...'enhance' the evening later. A lovely and charming lass such as yourself deserves the best I can offer." He chuckled before raising his flagon for a toast. "To a pleasurable evening for the both of us!"
Kara beamed, glad he accepted the not-so-subtle offer and excited by the opportunity to share a bed with a handsome man. He was a bit older than her but she didn't mind. The sorceress actually rather enjoyed the company of older men. "Glad to hear it. I'm an eager worker. Though you'll find that out soon enough I'm sure."

The spice he mentioned certainly sounded intriguing, so Kara raised her mug for the toast before drinking deeply of the ale. She was curious to know how the spice would enhance things but she didn't want to spoil the surprise either. "Mmm, it's an interesting flavor."
"Well, I'm a tough but fair I think we'll work well together." He gave Kara a playful wink as he was not so subtle about which role he liked to take in the bedroom as he gave a toast and took a large gulp of his ale, letting out a hearty laugh as he enjoyed the flavors of the ale. He watched Kara take a large swig of her own ale and gave an impressed clap.

"You can handle your stuff for a young lass! Color me impressed. Drink the whole lot of the, the more of the spice you have, the more you'll enjoy this evening, trust me." He chuckled before taking another swig of his ale. "So, tell me a bit about yourself, I haven't even caught your name yet, beautiful!" The barkeeper realized with a chuckle; if he hadn't there was a good chance the two of them might have gone and shacked up without ever getting each other's names.
Kara gave a nod in response before tilting her head back and downing the rest of the ale in a few more gulps. She could already feel a warmth blooming within her, though whether it was from the drink, the spice, or her own growing desires was unclear. An embarrassed smile graced the young sorceress' lips and she answered, "Kara. My name's Kara. I guess I'm something of a magician and I'm just traveling through."

"What's your name?" She asked in response. "Assuming you want to tell me. I don't mind if you aren't interested in telling."
"Kara, huh? A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He gave a her a large smile with the compliment as he too finished his own ale. "Oh, a mage are you? That's impressive. Will I see any fun tricks this evening or would that risk burning my inn down?" He inquired with a chuckle as he was fairly uninformed about magic and the arcane as a whole. Not many mages ever passed through Yarhnam and once the Healing Church moved into town, they kept all the knowledge of their arcane spells to themselves.

"I'm Michael, been here in Yarhnam my whole life. It's been a good life so far." He nodded his head strongly as he looked at her empty flagon. "Want any more, or are you nearly ready to go up?" He asked inquisitively and with a gleam of lust and eagerness in his eyes.
Her cheeks darkened with a blush and she nervously shrugged. "The latter. I'd rather not use my magic. I can't control it very well." Eager to change subjects, Kara hopped to her feet and motioned for the amorous Michael to come with. That warmth had grown into a flame that needed to burn itself out in the throes of lust. "I'm very much ready. Let's see if I can make your Yarhnam life even better, if only for a night."
Michael nodded his head at her answer and stood up and grasped her hand as he led her upstairs. "Trust me, you already have. I've never seen a lass as exciting and beautiful as you stroll in before." His grin only widened as he led her down the hall to a large room at the end of the hallway. He pulled out his keyring and unlocked the door, motioning her to enter.

It was a large bedroom with a fairly large bed, a couch and a few bookshelves with a small desk and chair for writing and reading. The door closed shut behind Michael and he locked it quickly before wrapping a strong arm around Kara's slim waist. He pulled her against his firm chest and felt her breasts molding against his chest as he pressed his lips up roughly and hungrily against her own, his tongue lashing at her lips and seeking to gain entrance to her mouth as one hand slithered down her back and gave her ass a powerful and firm spank before groping her rear.
Kara held on tightly to his hand, barely keeping up with Michael as they headed for his room. Clearly the barkeep was just as eager and excited as she was. The compliments made her blush and wonder how many girls he had seen to think she was the most beautiful. Once the door was open, she discarded the errant thought and stepped inside.

A gasp escaped from her before she was pulled into the lustful man's kiss. Her arms draped about his more muscular frame as she returned that kiss, moaning faintly against his lips as she relaxed into Michael's grasp. She accepted that lashing tongue into her mouth, suckling at the muscle as she held tightly to him. When that hand slapped and groped her rump, Kara jumped in surprise, then moaned again. Clearly, she didn't mind some attention to her behind.
Michael moaned against Kara's lips as he felt his tongue being sucked. He could feel his cock starting to harden in his trousers and the rapidly growing and already large bulge began to rub against Kara's thighs and crotch, covered as they were by their clothes. He noticed Kara moaning when he struck her rear and he grinned as he gave her ass another spank and then a firm squeeze. His tongue began to clash with her own, swirling around her appendage within her mouth before he withdrew after a few moments, his breath ragged.

He began to plant rapid and hot kisses up and down her neck, stopping to nibble and suck on a spot to mark her with a hickey, a mark her had claimed her for the evening. He pulled back and grinned, licking his lips as lust filled his eyes.

"Strip for me, Kara." he commanded her gruffly as he took a seat in the nearby chair to watch the show. He would just rip the clothes off her, but he wasn't sure if she had a spare set of clothes and he still wanted to at least be civil. Plus, a strip show was always fun to watch.
Another twitch went through the sorceress as Michael's hand stuck her bottom again, a naughty little thrill running down her spine as he squeezed her ass. Her little pink muscle tried to wrestle against his but it was a futile effort, eventually giving in and letting him kiss as deeply as he desired. When the kiss ended, Kara drew in a deep breath, only to lose it in a hungry sigh as the horny barkeep started kissing up and down her neck. She tilted her head, giving him access, and shivering with a barely restrained desire as he lavished affection upon her.

Kara gave a slight nod at the command, taking a few deep breaths before she started to disrobe. Shaky fingers unlaced her tunic, opening it up and letting it fall away from her to bare her modest breasts. The pink tips were already stiff as little pebbles from her excitement and the feeling of Michael's hungry eyes on her. She eased off her gloves and forearm guards before slipping her dainty feet from her traveling boots. Left in only her breeches, she turned away from Michael to peel them off, letting him have a good look at that rump. There was still a fading red mark from where he had struck her cheeks previously, though it was steadily disappearing as those trousers pooled around her ankles.

Turning about, the sorceress showed him her glistening sex, crowned by a trimmed thatch of dark brown curls. "Do you like what you see?"
Michael watched Kara strip down with a grin on his face as he licked his lips and rubbed his growing bulge through his trousers. Kara's body and figure seemed perfect in every way. Her breasts seemed to be firm and just the right size, her rosy and erect nipples a wonderful sight. Her rear was quite attractive too and he admired the fading sign of his handy work on her ass .

By the time she turned around to show off her now completely nude form, Michael's cock was fully erect and the bulge in his trousers showed it. Kara could likely tell even from the distance she was away that it was definitely among the larger of human cocks she had seen before. At her question he nodded his head and gave her a small chuckle.

"Aye, I certainly do. You have a lovely and lithe body, Kara....very fuckable I'm willing to bet." he teased as he gave her a playful wink and patted his lap. "Now...why don't you come over here and give me some attention." His suggestion was open ended to allow Kara to do whatever she might please at the moment, so long as it involved pleasuring him. Lapdance, blowjob or even going straight to fucking, Michael would be fine with any and all of the options!
"I haven't heard any complaints," Kara remarked with an amused grin while her gaze roamed across Michael's impressive form. Her eyes briefly widened at the sight of his bulge, shocked and impressed by his gifted manhood. At the pat on the lap, she approached him slowly, letting the anticipation build while also deciding what sort of attention she would show him. That playful grin turned to a sly smile a moment later as she made her decision.

"I aim to please, sir." Kara sank down to her knees before Michael, licking her lips as she thought about that prodigious cock still barely confined in his trousers. Her hands settled on his legs, running over his thighs before taking hold of the breeches to tug them down. The sorceress loved to give pleasure to her partners, and with the men she especially loved servicing them with her mouth.

Not one to waste time, she took hold of his length, stroking the warm shaft briefly before leaning in for a taste. Her hungry lips engulfed the tip of Michael's cock and she began gently suckling at him. Her hands roamed over his manhood, rubbing up and down the turgid tool while Kara's head bobbed in the barkeep's lap. Slowly, but steadily, the eager young woman began taking more and more of him into her mouth.
Michael eyed Kara eagerly as she slowly made her way over, the swaying of her hips so tempting and seductive in nature. When she dropped to her knees, Michael could guess what she was preparing to do and was now quite eagerly awaiting himself. He let out a sway of relief as his trousers were pulled off, his massive cock springing forth from it's confines quite happily. It was throbbing in want of attention and had a number of large veins protruding from it. It rose high above the forest that was his crotch hair.

Michael let out a soft moan as Kara's warm and soft hands began to stroke at his massive length and her lips covered his bulbous tip as he started to leak his pre-cum into her mouth and onto her tongue. Still, just his tip wasn't enough and soon he had a hand placed on her dainty head and he began to push down, trying to force more of his large cock into her tiny mouth. "Ahhhhh, how's my cock, Kara? You like it?" He questioned with a small chuckle between moans, he imagined answering at the moment might prove difficult for her.
Kara couldn't reply in the moment, offering a muffled, happy, "Mmhmm." She worshipped his cock, licking and sucking at his veiny prick like it was a favorite treat. Her tongue rolled across the tip, lapping up his precum every time a sticky droplet was coaxed out. With Michael's urging, she took him deeper, relaxing her throat with the practiced ease of someone who has done this sort of thing before. All the while, the pretty sorceress looked up at him, eager to see his reaction as she focused her efforts completely on pleasuring him.

One hand drifted from his thigh, dipping between the man's legs as she fondled his 'coinpurse'. With a gentle grip, Kara tenderly massaged his sack while she let his magnificent cock briefly escape from her mouth. "Mmm. You're delicious! I could do this all night." And then, after taking a breath, she was back to her task, settling in against the barkeep as she enthusiastically devoured his gifted manhood again.
Michael moaned louder and closed his eyes as he felt Kara's tongue skillfully working his throbbing cock. He was surprised to find her to be so experienced, but he certainly wasn't complaining. He continued to grip her head but it was more just to steady himself at this point as Kara seemed more than willing to sheath his cock in her throat. Her hand was soon squeezing and playing with his balls as well and that merely increased the pleasure.

"Fuck,'re so good....I could do this all night too, but I think both of us will wanting to be doing more soon, don't you think?" He asked her with a small chuckled, moving one of his hands downward to grope and squeeze at her breast, feeling her mound mold against his digits as he moved his fingers to twist and tug on her rosy and hard nipple.
Michael was right, of course. As happy as Kara would have been to just kneel there, supplicating herself before the barkeep and bathing his cock with her tongue, for the rest of the night, she also wanted to feel him inside of her. She moaned into his tasty length when he toyed with her nipple and she let his shining shaft escape her mouth. The sorceress took a few deep breaths as she got to her feet and moved to settle down atop Michael's lap.

"So anxious to get to the main event? I can't really blame you. I'm pretty eager for it myself." She reached beneath her to take hold of him, palm moving up and down every throbbing inch of his meaty member. With a light grip, she aimed him, lining up the tip of Michael's cock with her dripping sex. Her other hand settled upon his shoulder as she eased him in, lowering herself down onto his manhood. Kara nearly swooned as he began filling her in ways she had forgotten were possible.
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