Quantum Tangle
- Joined
- Jul 25, 2018
- Location
- Mitten Land, USA
A Long Time Ago
In A Galaxy Far, Far Away
In A Galaxy Far, Far Away

The Introduction
The Star Wars galaxy has always been one that has fixated me and led my adventures in fiction. As a child I remember watching the Original Trilogy with my brothers, and waiting in that long line in 1999 to see the Phantom Menace. It is a world of flaws and rough edges. A world full of science and wonder but ultimately held by the archetypes of a fantasy or pulp serial. If you look for it, you are bound to find it somewhere in this Galaxy.
Now I have a normal request thread where you can read my standards and a larger introduction. But here? Lets focus on what matters. Honestly I can write anything within this world. It was the fandom that introduced me to Star Wars and from 2006 till 2015 you would find me somewhere trying to hold the torch. It is a beloved series for me. So I hope you come and share it with me. If you are interested PM me, do not reply to this thread.
Now moving on...
Pairings & Preferences
If you are looking for variety? I can give it. Male, Female, Inbetween, Neither, Trans, and beyond! I can play all gender roles here. Obviously Male tends to be my natural preference, but I tend to write just as many females in the Star Wars universe.
You want Romance? Then feel free. Whether it is MxF, MxM, FxF, or other I am open to the adventure. This is a world of many strange cultures and alien species. There is no real room for judgmental bias. Love will be what it should be.
What about Kink? Smut and Erotica are welcome. I don't mind it but I do have a strong preference for plot. But hey if you have a fantasy with a strong premise, i'll rarely say no. Feel free to share and communicate. We write tales to excite the senses!
But I want the real deal! That is also acceptable. While I don't generally do Canons primarily in Star Wars I am not against it. In fact I encourage the offer. Please give a story that would extend the history of some of my favorite heroes and villains! And if you prefer originals? I love original ideas in this universe.
As far as potential pairing i'd be interested in?
The underscore would be the role I am most interested in:
- My Enemy = My Friend (rival pairings: Rebel x Empire, Republic x Separatist, Jedi x Sith, etc...)
- The Way of the Sith ( Master x Apprentice, Apprentice x Apprentice, Sith x Rogue Apprentice, etc...)
- Emotion, yet Peace (Jedi Master x Padawan, Padawan x Padawan, Jedi x Dark Jedi)
- This is how Democracy Dies (Senator x Trooper, Senator x Jedi, Moff x Inquisitor, Moff x Trooper, etc...)
- Strange People, Stranger Lands (Any x Twilek, Zabrak x Nightsister, etc...)
All I truly want is a passionate writer that can keep the pace. A few strong paragraphs or more if inspired. If you are unfamiliar with the canon of the universe we can play with it and alter it. Depending on the plot I may eschew hardline details that have been with the franchise for years, just to see it in a different light. But if you are still interested and worried about your knowledge? I know enough for the both of us. Ask questions and I'll help you connect any idea you wish in this universe!
Ultimately i want to share the world of Star Wars with others and have fun. Because that is what it is: An Adventure!
I will update this thread occasionally as new ideas present themselves.
Thank you for taking the time to read this Request Thread.
May The Force Be With You!
Thank you for taking the time to read this Request Thread.
May The Force Be With You!
Fire In The Sky
Era: Post-RotJ
Pairing: Rebel Pilot x Imperial Pilot
The Battle of Endor was a decisive victory for the Rebel Alliance. As a second Death Star falls the disparate Imperial forces are forced to regroup as the Rebels revel in what would come to be the end of an era; however, not all forces were properly evacuated. At some point during the initial battle a lone Tie Fighter pilot was pursued into the atmosphere. After a dangerous detour above the forest moon the Rebel pilot managed to clip the imperial fighter's wing causing it to detach colliding with one of the X-Wing's S-foils.
Crashing to the surface together both pilots survive miraculously. The Imperial Pilot injured and unconscious was rescued from their wreckage by Rebel thinking to take them as a prisoner. But Endor was a wild planet and without proper communications allied forces could not be be signaled for pick up. The Rebel knows that they only have a week before the alliance's force completely extract from the system.
Can these two enemies work together to survive the moon's fearsome nights? Who is the Witch of Endor? And why is she pursuing them?
Possible Plot Elements: One or both pilots are Force-Sensitive explaining their miraculous survival. The Witch of Endor is a former Jedi who escaped Order 66, or a Dark Jedi who fled the Clone Wars. An Imperial Scout Team survives and crosses paths with them.
Pawns of the Empire
Era: Post-A New Hope
Pairing: Moff x Trooper
After the death Moff Reman in the destruction of the Death Star his most trusted High General Corvus Larkin was elected to replace his lead over the D'astan Sector. Based in the ecumenopolis of Axxila, Moff Larkin, is in command during the attempt of a political upheaval in his Sector. Making efforts to quell descent his actions were met with animosity and an attempt was made on his life by Rebel sympathizers. A low ranking trooper stood in the way blaster fire and guided the Moff to safety.
An honorable man he visits his protector and finds himself impressed by their strength. Requesting the Trooper be sent to his personal retinue Larkin takes the Trooper with him on his mission to bring the D'astan Sector back under the heel of the Empire. But things change quickly...
Enemies are made from within and without. Who can the Moff trust?
Possible Plot Elements: Pirates unify under the command of an aspiring Warlord who takes an aggressive invasion force to cripple Axxila. Moff Larkin's ship is boarded by raiders / pirates forcing him to hide. The Grand Moff of the Quelii Oversector is conspiring against Larkin and sends secret agents to sabotage and depose him.
Ember and Ash
Era: Any, Preferably Old Republic
Pairing: Sith Lord x Apprentice, Sith Lord x Jedi Captive, Sith Lord x Dark Jedi
Taken from her tribe, Jaida Sool, is the last Ember of Vahl. Worshiped as their Goddess' chosen she was groomed by priests for the hardhsip of the flames that burned within her. Now many years later she sits as a Lord of the Sith serving the Dark Council as a blade against their enemies. Forced to serve due to her prior Master's involvement in an attempt to overthrow the council's power. She now hunts for dissent within their ranks as an inquisitor and executioner of the order.
Her journey brings her across YC (your character) who for whatever their background ends up rescued from possible death. Taken out of amusement and boredom Jaida sees the need of an accomplice. In the tradition of the Sith she will break them of their will and reshape them. As an apprentice every reward comes with suffering, and through suffering they will find the yoke of power. Together they become an undeniable force to be reckoned with, which will be needed quickly as time progresses.
The Hand of the Sith will address them the will of the Council and their Dark Lord. But when a mysterious figure rises from the shadow and kills them the blame falls on Jaida and her apprentice. Conspiracy runs wild and the hunters become the hunted as the whole of the Sith Empire is turned upon them. Will they survive? Can they uncover the truth?
Not all is as it seems among the Sith and still darker factions are at play.
Possible Plot Elements: FxF and MxF pairings available. The partner must be a submissive or switch, will likely contain heavy elements of Femdom, Bondage, Pain Play, Fire Play, and other elements of BDSM even if smut is a minimal attraction to the story.
In The Shadow of Thule
Era: Any
Pairing: Sith Lord x Ambassador (Jedi, Republic, Empire, Sith, First Order, etc...)
It is a shock to the galaxy to learn that Tygil Voltieri, a young political upstart responsible for negotiating aid between the Inter-Galactic Banking Clans and the war torn planets of the Outer-Rim, is not who he seems. Once seen as a promising noble of Serenno who had made friends of the Muuns is revealed to be the Ruler of a forgotten planet and system. Trapped in a region named the Cloak of the Sith the planet of Thule has been lost for hundreds / thousands of years.
As High Baron of the prosperous planet of the Sith he does not deny their past nor their present. Claiming to seek unity and peace Tygil sends out invocations to all major Galactic Powers and their representatives. Insisting that Thule and its people seek to rejoin the Galaxy, they bring their own developments in Aggro-Science and the means to better navigate untamed space.
YC is one ambassador among a few that has been sent to meet with the High Baron and hear his terms. The Galaxy is all to curious about this mystery, and many have already tried to glean is much as they can. But the planet and its people are tight lipped about the inner workings of their government. Sith do not hide on Thule and are not denied. Yet their order does not fear the Republic and the Jedi. The only question that truly needs to be answered is who is Tygil Voltieri?
Possible Plot Elements: MxF and MxM pairings available. Various elements of BDSM, Mind Control, Pain Play, and Pleasure Denial will be present. Those who choose to play Jedi will likely add Corruption and Submission training to the list.