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Warriors of the Steppe, with me!


Shipping Trash
Aug 13, 2015
I am an avid fan and player of Final Fantasy XIV; I adore the rich storyline, the characters, the dungeons and the boss fights (Tsukuyomi EX, anyone? More like this, SE, please). It's a brilliant, immersive game and hands-down my favourite of all the MMOs I've ever played.

Sadly, the number of FFXIV roleplayers seems to be extremely low, and the fans of this particular pairing even fewer (though I don't know how, the canon hints are pretty blatant and we've got word of god that it might just end up happening). I know this is a long shot and I'm probably doomed to be stuck alone in rarepair hell, but I got lucky and struck gold once in a similar situation, so it can't hurt to make an attempt

I've fallen in love with two characters in particular from the Stormblood expansion, and as I said above, there are some pretty heavy hints at the possiblity of them actually getting together in canon...eventually. Until then, I can only get my fix through art and fic, and...well, there's not a whole hell of a lot of that to go around. Like I said, rarepair hell.

If you're familiar with the game, you've probably figured out by now from the thread title alone that I'm talking about Magnai and Sadu, the hopeless romantic (and tremendously awful at the pursuit of the love he seeks) khagan and the proud and cocky khatun of the undying ones. The sexual tension between these two is unreal, you just know there's something going on between them behind the scenes. (Read: Hate-fucking. They are most definitely hate-fucking and I refuse to be convinced otherwise.)

What I'm looking for is, at its most basic, a long-term story woven by myself and one other that follows these two, their lives on the Azim Steppe, and the relationship they develop, slowly moving from outright hating each other's guts to realizing that the Nhaama Magnai has so long sought has been right in front of him all along, and anything in between and after.

I don't ask that you be completely caught up on storyline, since we haven't seen much of either Magnai or Sadu in the last couple of patches, but please at least have finished the Azim Steppe part of the Stormblood MSQ and have a good feel for the characters and the area and culture so you can play your part to the best of your ability. The gender of my partner isn't important to me, I'll write with men, ladies, and those who identify as anything else. However, I do ask that you be at least twenty-one, as I'm twenty-seven and writing 18+ material with anyone younger than twenty-one kind of skeeves me out.

Literate to advanced only, please. I'm not going to get on your case about a typo here and there, it happens to absolutely everyone and anybody who says they never slip and hit a key they don't mean to is a filthy liar. But butchering of the English language is my kryptonite and if you're constantly using contractions where they should be possessives and misspelling every other word, you just might end up giving me a stroke. One-liners are another one of my pet hates, but if you're Lit/Adv you won't be doing that anyway, so that part should probably go without saying I suppose.

I roleplay through onsite DMs only. I'm just not comfortable with having my writing out there for anyone to see, preferring to keep it between my partner and myself. I also like, whenever possible, to actually become friends with my partners, so while a form of offsite contact - I primarily use Discord - is not mandatory, it is preferable, not just for OOC talk regarding plot and event planning but for just talking as the people behind the characters. I'd like us to get to know each other a bit; when I roleplay, half the fun for me is swapping headcanons and ideas, tossing music at each other that we feel suits the characters or situations (or just music that we like and think the other would appreciate!) and just general chat/screwing around. Like I said, let's be friends!

I'm down with a bit of kink; like anyone else, I do have a few hardline nos that I will not budge on, but anything not on that list is negotiable. I do my best to be accomodating, so if you're not sure on something, just ask!

As we all know, not much sucks more than finding someone you think you click with, and then they just up and disappear on you. Please, please don't do this! If you feel like we're not a good matchup after we've talked a bit, that's completely okay. If it's not something we can work through by talking it out, then them's the breaks and we'll go our separate ways with no hard feelings. I'm a reasonable person and will not bite your head off just for telling me you don't think we mesh well, so please don't just ghost me if it's not working out.

That being said, I do only want someone who's in this for the long haul, so if you don't feel that's something you can commit to if we do hit it off - again, if we don't, even if the reason doesn't make sense to me, that's cool, I'm not going to be mad and I'll send you off wishing you well - please move on. I'm looking for long-term, not a wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am one-hit wonder.

I have only one last thing to address, and I feel like it shouldn't really need to be said, but apparently it does, since I've had people do exactly this before when I made other 'seeking' posts. Please, for the love of the Dusk Mother, do not DM me or post here asking me to roleplay something completely different with you. What I've written here is what I want, and I'm not looking for anything else. I know how unlikely it is that I'm going to find what I'm after, and I am okay with that, but I don't want people trying to "substitute" something completely unrelated because of that. Thank you.

Still with me after all of that? Even if you're not interested, player commendation for you!

As the most radiant one searches for his moon, so too, do I seek my sun. Come, my Azim; with bated breath, your Nhaama awaits you.
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