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Fx Male Fantasy RP discord or email

Jan 26, 2016
Hello friends it's been a long while but I'm going to try my hand at this once more. Ill start off with a bit about myself. My name is Wynter I'm 30 years old and I have been RPing since before the internet. Yeah let that one sink in for a bit there. I work full time so my hours of availability vary but mostly I am on in the late evening unless it's a day like today where I am up and actually able to be online in the morning. I will tag back even if you aren't around actively and it is fine for my partner to do so as well as life happens and this is for stress relief as well for fun. (On an aside research for my erotica novel)

I am super friendly as most Canadians are, and I love pancakes and maple syrup flavoured like everything. (Again my name is Wynter and I live in Canada let that sink in)

Onto the purpose as to why I am here. I am looking for relaxed friendly detailed rpers. This is very important to me as I mentioned above this is also for research material. Honing my skills so you speak. I need to have someone that will give me something to respond to and for the love that is all that is sexy. Please. Don't. Control. My. Character.

Fantasy fulfillment is of course what a lot of people are here for, I understand that but please. Do not approach me to then write your own fantasy at me.

An example.

I write something like -she sat on her haunches balanced in front of her lover. Well practiced from the numourous times they played before. She wet her lips as she leaned forward her tongue pushing past kiss swollen lips to circle her tongue around the meaty head of his cock-

And I get back: -he groaned and grabbed her hair shoving his cock into her mouth and she just takes it cause she's a whore choking on it like the slut she is-

That just... doesn't do anything for me. Nor gives me nothing to respond to. Give me introspective, describe your characters pleasure, thoughts, reactions.

I am not asking for like published author material. I just want more than that.

Length I am looking for at least one to two paragraphs. More is fine but certainly not a requirement.

I am into fantasy, modern-fantasy, aliens, furries, slice of life, drama, adventure, and just porn without plot.

There is only one fandom I am interested in RP from and that's Dragon age Inquisition. The pairing I'm looking for is Iron Bull/Inquisitor I will love anyone who can play a decent Iron Bull.

Otherwise I play OCs with a chance of playing in a fandom setting if it allows.

Fantasy settings I'm looking for

Arranged marriage between an elf queen and an Orc leader.

Elf princess framed for the murder of her parents on the run to find a way to clear her name. Hires a guide or comes across someone who decides to travel with her. Adventure and smut ensues.

Elf concubine to a king falls in love with his son. Secret meetings and plotting to take over the country is a possibility amongst the sex.

Outside of that pairings I enjoy are.

Best friend/best friends bf
Elder brother/younger brothers gf
Alien commander/captive he has become infatuated with
And many many more.

Contact me through email at

Or on discord at frostbite02#1623

If you made it this far hope to hear from ya!
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