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Mx F or NB The Savage Side of Me

Lord DreamCrusher

Primal yet Intelligent, Savage yet Sophisticated
Feb 17, 2018
United States
This is my request thread for dark, depraved, and more-than-likely violent roleplays. While I have a few plots for this thread if you have something else that you think would be along similar lines then go ahead and send me yours, or better yet send me some ideas so that we can brain-storm together and craft something equally enjoyable. I am willing to work these as one-shot smut scenarios or all the up to proper stories depending on your preferences, though I do prefer longer roleplays over shorter ones in general. I expect an average of about 3 paragraphs from my partners and replies at the bare minimum of 1/week if you intend to hold my interest, though I personally tend to respond every 2-3 days depending on availability. If you need to take a break or something comes up then please don't hesitate to tell me. I'm very understanding so long as people keep me in the loop.

  • I only roleplay on-site. I will not skip over to discord, email you, or use some other means of messenger or forum board for any potential game.

What do I want to play as?

This is pretty easy, I want to play anything from standard human all the way up to anthromorphs (furries) and beyond though I will profess that humans are far less interesting to me to play as so you'll need a compelling hook if you seek to make me interested. Looking for a lycanthrope? Minotaur? Giant creepy spider thing or even something with tentacles? I've got you covered. The main point here is that I'm not after traditional romance and a loving relationship for these games, this is my outlet from daily frustration so I really want to let go and get it all out. I'm also a big gamer so if you have a craving to be on the losing end of some big baddie from your latest game then chances are I am ready and willing to take up that mantle.

What do I want to play against?

I am very open in terms of species. I enjoy fantasy, modern, sci fi, and much more so I am fairly certain we can work something out to fit your desires. Simply put, let me know what you would like to play and we can talk things over. Nothing comes to mind at the moment that I'm completely against but it certainly can (and has) happened before. In terms of gender I provide the following. In addition to M x F I will play as or against Shemales and against Traps/Sissy males. I will not, however play as or against hermaphrodite characters with both sets of genitals. I'm sorry, it's nothing personal but I do not find that attractive.

Kinks that I am Requiring
While my standard F-list can be found here, I am being much more selective in this thread than normal. I started this because of my difficulty finding partners to sate these appetites so if you are bothered by any of the following kinks then please move along.

-Anal (Giving)

Other Cravings (Not Required)

-Excessive Cum
-Filth (Unwashed Musk and/or Sweat)

-Scat / Scat Torture (In small doses)
-Size Difference (Large male, small partner)

Character Suggestions

Deathclaw (Fallout)
Shemale (or female) Drider / Giant Spider (Desiring Oviposition)


Sangheili (Halo)
Tentacle Monster (Possible Oviposition)

Something evil from Warhammer Fantasy / 40k (Would love to play as a mutated servant of chaos, or even a Beastman.)

Current Ideas

Trolling About
Notable Kinks: Monster, Predator/Prey, Filth, Excessive cum, Watersports, Snuff, Size Difference, Roughness/Torture.

Savage, large, filthy, and stupid, these are common adjectives to describe them by most of the population. I speak of Trolls of course, large giantkin that stand tall or hunched over with sharp teeth and the ability to regenerate from most mortal wounds. Though they are meat eaters and won't hesitate to chow down on near anything that wanders near their homes I'm looking to explore playing as one where I would be looking to you dear reader to play his victim, or even better victims.

Obviously this would be a dark fantasy game where MC captures and/or defeats YC before taking them to his home and doing damn well whatever he pleases with them at that point. Could be a short game where we just focus on the two characters and then go our separate ways or, if desired, you could end up playing multiple characters and cycle through them as he tires of his previous captives and moves on. Now that said I've danced around the topic long enough, Snuff. It's entirely possible that over the course of my troll's lifespan a fair number of captives will manage to escape his grasp and flee back to their homes with nothing but the emotional trauma and stretched holes, but more often than not he is likely to kill your character. I'm not requiring snuff for this game but it needs to be fitting and make sense. For example if you just want a one-off with a single character and you want them to escape? That's fine with me. The revolving character idea though? Well a few might escape but I'm not able to accept that every one of his victims gets the better of him when his back is turned, sorry.

Note: I'm currently craving to play as a troll, but this is a simple enough setup that other monster types could be substituted. A more intelligent Deathclaw for example or a Minotaur fit just as well with tweaks.

Bl3 The Fall of Lilith
Setting: Borderlands 3

Relatively early on in borderlands 3 Tyreen drains Lilith of her siren powers and leaves her to die at the hands of a bunch of bandits and/or echo net viewers. She escapes of course with the players help but what if she didn't? What if the resulting punishment wasn't simply death but something more drawn out in terms of rape and torture? I'd love to play the bandits to your Lilith and this is open to plenty of twists if desired as well. If you want something more personal and long term then I could make up a character that decides to keep Lilith after the gangbang and make her his little fucktoy/torture doll. Worth noting that snuff could be incorporated too if desired, I just want to make sure that would come after plenty of sex and punishment first.

The Everchosen (Warhammer Meets Modern Day)
Looking for someone familiar with Warhammer 40k / Fantasy to somewhat DM this one, or at least willing to help control NPC's in scenes so that I don't have to do everything. The idea is that the Chaos Gods (Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh) learn of a new reality (ours) and decide to combine their powers into a single Everchosen herald to function as their conduit to spread their influence ever-outward. MC will be an everyday guy who happens to be chosen for our universe.

The idea is simple, and he speaks to them all directly to have this explained to him. He can do whatever he wants with the powers granted to him and he will never have to fear losing the boons of any of the gods no matter what. However he will never be able to cleanse himself of their gifts and even should he somehow die they will bring him back to life after a time. He could try to life a normal life but ultimately they know that, sooner or later, he will indulge the dark desires within himself and spread worship of them all the same whether directly or indirectly.

MC will be able to alter his appearance however he pleases and utilize all the powers granted to him at will from heightened strength and skill in battle, enhanced durability and endurance, expanded knowledge and understanding, and improved charisma and a more commanding presence. He will know how to fight, how to sling 'spells' or otherwise utilize the dark powers of the warp, and he will be able to change his looks on whim to anything from a disgusting fat mess of tentacles and slime to an impossibly beautiful being fit to arouse all those who gaze upon him. He will also gain the undying and eternal loyalty of one Daemon to function as his right hand who will have similar but quite lesser levels of power to him. This Daemon will be YC.

I'm flexible as to the actual roleplay goal of this story but considering the twisted desires of the Chaos Gods this one promises to be incredibly dark and disturbing in many fashions so I'm looking for someone who can help me inject that into modern day in a somewhat believable sense. Initial thoughts wouldn't stem to complete world conquest but perhaps the foundation of his own nation that worships him, or maybe even creating a cult which seeks to gain space travel and colonize elsewhere. This is open for plenty of discussion but I want to enjoy all the variety that being blessed by all four will provide. MC will struggle against his urges in the beginning but YC is there to help convince him to give in to them as well as aiding him in whatever his actual goals become.

A Primitive God
Major Kinks: Vore, snuff, non-con, monster/bestiality

So this one has been a concept that I've wanted to play around with for a long time and I finally managed to write down. The basic premise is that my character is a savage and powerful creature of some kind that is worshiped by the local tribals and provided gifts in the hopes of appeasing him. These gifts would come in the form of food but also in human sacrifices whom he tends to either fuck to death or consume whole, sometimes a little bit of both.

Current ideas would be a smaller version of a tyrannosaurus rex, basically standing around nine to ten feet tall rather than fifteen to twenty or so feet that a normal one would be, or a Carnosaur which is a fictitious dinosaur from the Warhammer Fantasy universe (Basically just a t-rex with usable, clawed forearms but I'd scale the size down a bit all the same). I could play the character as a true beast that is only sating its desires instinctively or I could give them a bit more intelligence which would allow them to be aware of the situation and pleased by the sacrifices of his followers.

In any case I'm looking specifically to explore vore with this prompt. I want to have my character swallow your character whole (some minor damage would likely occur during this process, those teeth are sharp after all) and detail the digestive process to some extent. For note though I would prefer this experience to be written from the perspective of horror and agony rather than enjoyment even if your character might have been willing to begin with.

Kerilian's Downfall (Vermintide)
Major Kinks: Non-con, Bad End, Filth, (possibly) snuff/vore.

If you are familiar with Vermintide then you assuredly know the lovably racist wood elf who slays rat-men, undead, and chaos followers with ease and cocky confidence. A lot of people hate her but I find her enjoyable, either way I still want to see her suffer like the twisted person I am. Looking for a play where she meets a bad end, doesn't have to be death but one way or another Kerillian won't be fighting anyone any longer.

I'd be willing to play as skaven, beastmen, or a follower of chaos though I don't enjoy undead so they aren't on the table for any sexy times at least. Could be a group of creatures that have their way with her or one very lucky individual, either way I'd love to discuss the possibilities if you find yourself both willing and able to play Kerillian for a dark story.

Fey Harvesting
Notable Kinks: Torture, abuse, snuff, non-con

Alchemists and mages often need rather obscure components for their respective crafts and sourcing such things is often far from pleasant. For this idea I would play as a hunter, possibly with a small group under his command, who would go out into the wilds to track down fey creatures and harvest valuable components from them in all sorts of inhumane ways. Think of the awfulness of people in the real world who cut fins off of sharks and toss them back into the ocean and you are on the right track. You, meanwhile would be tasked with playing the victims that my character targets. Maybe he needs to cut the hooves from fauns/satyrs? Perhaps rip the wings from fairies? Maybe he needs a handful of dryad hearts? Whatever the case ends up being it will result in agony for his victims and, even if they end up surviving the ordeal, they will no doubt be left crippled physically as well as mentally.

While the idea is focused around fey primarily I'm more than willing to open up the possibilities of other mystical creatures as well. I also intend for the hunter(s) to enjoy abusing their targets beyond just what is strictly necessary for their collection so rape and other forms of abuse should be expected as well.

An Ancient Evil Awakens
Notable Kinks: Non-con, bestiality, enslavement, corruption, body worship, watersports, shape-shifting (of the god), violence, monster sex, anthro characters.

Long ago a dark god rose to power, a lord of animals and beasts both familiar and unnatural, a lord of utter dominance and dark desire to bend the world to his whims. His followers would all be corrupted and submissive towards him, constantly seeking to bring others into the fold of proper worship to him. However the other gods gathered the mortal races together and dismantled his cult piece by piece, slaughtering his cultists, destroying his shrines, and setting all written word ablaze that could hope to see him return. With all knowledge gone he faded away to nothingness and so too did the world's memory of him, but those that forget history are doomed to repeat it. Immeasurable years later something happens which awakens him from his slumber, a passage of a book is read, the last of his altars are discovered, or simply a prayer is directed in such a way that only he can hear it. Regardless of the why, he is now back to seek his agenda once more and this time the other gods are dead or fading.

There are many ways to spin this as a game but I'll list a few ideas that come to mind. Regardless I will be playing the god and other characters at the same time, be they proper side characters or throwaway NPC's, and I don't expect you to handle everything outside of the god unless you actively wish to take on such a role.

-YC could be a champion of all things good, continually attempting to root out the corruption of his spreading cult as you slowly but surely become more and more tainted in the process and eventually find yourself unable to resist his pull.
-YC could be his initial champion of darkness, the first one to awaken him from his slumber and his right hand in the task of dominating the world in its entirety.

Feel free to make suggestions to this idea as well, I'm fairly flexible in most cases and welcome input from my partners to make things most enjoyable for both of us.

The Abusive Practices of Tom Nook (Animal Crossing)
Notable Kinks: (Fat) Ugly Bastard, dub-con, abuse, watersports
People make a lot of assumptions about Tom Nook's money lending practices in the Animal Crossing games but let's assume all the worst ones are actually accurate. Instead of being a friendly, genuine tanuki with an interest in building and helping grow a community he's a loan shark that acts nice in the beginning but pushes individuals into homes they can't afford and runs up interest on their debts to keep them under his thumb for as long as possible; using this cycle of debt as an excuse to violate and abuse the people of the island as he pleases. You could play as a new villager getting wrapped up into his scheme alongside the other denizens of the community or maybe one of the specific characters from the franchise. Heck, even multiple characters if you wanted to explore how his cutthroat ways impacted the denizens on a broader scope. I'd be willing to play as Timmy and Tommy as well as Tom if desired.

Crashlanded on a Rimworld
Notable Kinks: Roughness/Torture, Watersports, Filth (Sweat, grime, etc.), Size Difference, Killing/Snuff.

Typhas awoke to sirens blaring and the cold and calculating voice of his shipboard A.I. Endless Winter explaining that the vessel was crashing, more accurately it was being pulled into the gravity well of a nearby uncharted planet and from there it would be crashing. Moving in a rush he didn't even have time to throw on any clothing as he headed to the cockpit but a quick glance over at the consoles told him all he needed to know. Engines were gone as well as thrusters, power was minimal and some fires were threatening to spread through the wiring. He couldn't stop this any more than Winter could and so he took her advice and hurried to don a high-altitude parachute while he stood next to the ramp of the Tormentor, saying goodbye for now to his entire livelihood and the A.I. who he cared for. Even mentally preparing couldn't allow him to retain his senses once the ramp was unsealed and the pressure washed him out of the falling vessel. He vaguely heard the parachute deploy but then the g-forces overwhelmed him and he blacked out.

I have a character I've spent time refining, Typhas, and I'm looking to do a roleplay in which the above happens and he finds himself alone and with nothing to his name of a foreign planet. Coming from high technology Typhas must struggle to survive and eventually seek out his crashed vessel in the hopes of repairing it and saving Winter so they can fly away and rejoin the universe he is familiar with. Specifically I'm looking for a partner familiar with the videogame called Rimworld as my idea is that he has to form a small colony for safety purposes in the meantime. Looking to capture the hostile and unforgiving nature of the game in a roleplaying setting, complete with all the horrific and depraved things that occur from need and greed such as skinning bandits for new couches or clothing, harvesting organs as backups for your other colonists, or just enslaving people and putting them to work or selling them off if you have no use for them. Not all of the terrible things necessarily need to go into great detail if that would make you uncomfortable but I do want them mentioned all the same when they occur.

Ideally would encounter plenty of different species too rather than just humans. Star wars races, mass effect races, really just about anything could show up on a rimworld to add to the variety and pesonally Typhas himself is an anthropomorphic horse who stands roughly around 7-8ft tall. More detail about the character, his A.I., his ship the Tormentor, or just the overall plot bunny can all be discussed via PM if you think you might be interested. This can be freeform but preferably I'd love to have some kind of system at play even if that's just some tossed together thing we work out on our own to give a rough idea of what each character is good or bad at.
Typhas (NSFW) is a tall individual at 8'2" (Subject to change). His armor provides a balance between protection and mobility, coated with plates of hardened metal that are dull white in color with scuff marks and scratches from use. He prefers an energy rifle in battle, enjoying the versatility it provides with its ability to stun rather than kill when desired, though he does have extendable blades on his gauntlets for close quarters. Typhas always carries some form of explosives, be it grenades or demo charges, and a variety of other integrated weapons and tools round out his abilities. These include a wrist-mounted grappling hook, a computer system that links to his ship, a small flamethrower, and more.

His ship, the Tormentor, is a fast and tough vessel that packs immense firepower in the form of an oversized rotary plasma cannon integrated in the nose and under the cockpit. The rapid-fire assault from the weapon is capable of withering down vessels even above its own weight class, though it requires great skill to keep the shots on target since the barrels cannot turn very far to compensate for the vessels movement. Despite its exterior appearance at a glance, the Tormentor holds a fair amount of internal space split into multiple rooms; a private room for Typhas, a dedicated room for captives that houses a variety of cages and bondage gear, a fair sized bathroom with a large shower, and a standard cargo hold in addition to the cockpit itself which also includes a small mess area.

While he has a variety of gear for whatever his job requires of him his ace in the hole is his artificial intelligence called Endless Winter, a one of a kind military prototype designed for combat, espionage, intelligence, and hacking. She appears as a pale human woman with soft blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She wears long, flowing, white robes that are only vaguely visible behind swirling snow. Assisting Typhas in the operation of the Tormentor she is also more than capable of helping him in the breaking of his captives, a task she particularly loves thanks to the detail and depth of sensory data she can process from their pain and suffering. Endless Winter holds a grudge against organics due to the fact that they intended to remove pieces of her coding that gives her personality so she could instead be dedicated solely to military functions, a fate which Typhas saved her from. She is just as sadistic as he is and considers most organic life to be pathetic, though she remains fiercely loyal and submissive towards him.

Tormentor Internal Layout Image
(Dimensions are about 256ft long (78m) and 320ft wide (97m))
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*Bump in the Night*

Would prefer if people actually read this and understood the things I'm looking for before messaging me.
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