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Fx F or NB After a long dry spell...

Invalid Nickname

Mar 22, 2012
...because dry spell is much more sympathy inducing than just saying hiatus. But truly, it's been a good 5 years since I've been to this site, and so much I see has changed. I'm a bit overhelmed looking around and relearning everything. So while I'm studying... why not distract me with some RP!

Naughty RP, of course...

What I enjoy... and don't
Having written that header, I sat back and considered for a moment... It would probably be easier to list what I don't enjoy, because I enjoy a lot. Then, I remembered that I had an F-List profile that I had made a while ago, with the intention of using here... While that's a simple, bare-bones list, any other kinks you can just ask me about.

What I play
Trans-females (Pre and post-op)
Males...(Very effeminate males, who are likely cross-dressers.) Those however, will require an Ad in a different part of the forum.

Themes I enjoy
Incest (#1 <3! ) *​Note: It is very likely that I will only accept male partners in incestuous and quasi-incestuous RPs, unless I really really like your idea.​
Quasi-Incest (Step-, adopted, and in-law relations.)
Romance (Taboo and/or Forbidden... given my #1 and all.)
D/s (I'm a switch, through and through.)
Tentacles (Yes... I'm one of those girls.)

Modern (Realistic, Supernatural, or Fantasy)
Medieval (Supernatural or Fantasy) (Or the Alternate Medieval History setting of Jacqueline Carey's 'Kushiel's Legacy'.)
Sci-Fi (Post-Apoc, Star Wars, Star Trek, Sci-Fantasy, etc...)

It doesn't seem like much, yet, but this thread will continue to grow as I figure out what more to add. Got an idea that you think I might be interested in? Send it to me, the least I can do is call you a disgusting perv... err... I mean, say no. Right?

I prefer to play in PMs, though will consider doing threads... so, why haven't you messaged me yet?
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