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Fx Female teach me your ways

Miss Banshee

Aug 10, 2018
Welcome everyone!!!
Let me tell you about myself:
I've been role playing for about 10 years now. I prefer paragraphs over one liners. I am bisexual but dont have a preference. As of right now I am only taking females requests.

I love incest. The taboo and the thought of getting caught excites me
-mother/ daughter
-Aunt/ niece

Other ideas: (italicized is the role I would like to play)
Best friends
Nerdy girl/ popular girl
Popular girl/bad girl (I can play either)
nerdy girl/bad girl
Babysitter/ kid's mom


1. The Intern
MC just started working at this big corporate office. One day, her boss asks her to stay late to help with some things. Not wanting to disappoint, MC agrees, only to learn later that it's only her and the boss.

2.Unexpected Pleasure
MC just got dumped for her boyfriend. Why?? Because she "wouldn't put out." Sad MC stumbles into a club made just for women. While on the outside, it looks like a bar for lesbians, on the inside it's so much more. There are different rooms for different levels. You're not sure you're into women but want to test the water? There's a room for that. You've been a naughty girl and need to be punished? Yep there's one for that too. MC wonders in to test the waters and meets your character. (You can decide what your room is for).

3. Getting into some trouble
MC has never been in trouble. She's always follows the rules and never vers from the path. But she holds a secret. She likes girls. It's hard to pretend that you don't when you're in the changing room for gym. But one day, MC takes a peek at the perky cheerleader. Little did MC know, the bad girl noticed, and she's not going to let mc get away with it.

Stuck in the Mountains
Every year our family takes a trip to the mountains. Because we are all scattered we are arriving at different times. MC gets there first to find the house is empty and according to the time her parents left, she would have the cabin to herself. She decides to skinny dip in the hot tub. What she forgot to realize is that your character is also arriving by themselves. YC walks in not only seeing MC skinny dipping but also playing with myself.
-so this can go either way with we mess around our parents' back or they aren't able to make it so we have the cabin to ourselves.

The Tutor
MC is normally good student but little by little her work is lacking. YC (the teacher) offers to tutor her. Everyday MC comes to your classroom after school and they become closer. YC suggests that they move them tutoring sessions to her place.

Mommy's girl
(This can either be real mom or step mom)
After find out MC's dad cheat on her mom, she goes to console her. Will they get revenge on the dad?

So please come teach me and I promise I will be a wonderful student.
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