Cheerleader, Damsel, Princess
- Joined
- Jan 15, 2017
- Location
- Rhode Island
DIGIMON: Digital Monsters | Conquerors of the Black Gears | ||
Character Sheet Template
Princess Kitty Elizabeth Mary
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Personality: A kind heart with a spitfire attitude. She is naive and gullible at times and tends to attract danger. Her cheerful attitude is often a cover for her depressed nature of everything not going right. The only time she is truly showing genuine happiness is when she is giggling and has a bright smile showing her teeth. If her teeth are not showing then it is a sign of her not being honest to others or herself.
Character Sheet Template
Physical Description[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4]Age: ##
Gender: Male / Female / Other
Species: (Human or Digimon)
Princess Kitty Elizabeth Mary

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Personality: A kind heart with a spitfire attitude. She is naive and gullible at times and tends to attract danger. Her cheerful attitude is often a cover for her depressed nature of everything not going right. The only time she is truly showing genuine happiness is when she is giggling and has a bright smile showing her teeth. If her teeth are not showing then it is a sign of her not being honest to others or herself.
Bio: Kitty was born into the royal family of England. She always wanted to go into cheereading but was home schooled and privately tutored inside the castle. The queen always bragged at parties and to news about how skilled her youngest daughter was with computers from building software to making games. Kitty just seemed to draw out the best of people when she is around.
Kitty found a fox creature that was surprisingly able to speak when she turned 17. Kitty and her digimon named Blue Viximon. were inseparable. After spending a few months talking and even falling asleep next to this monster which the queen considered a stuffed toy most of the time not knowing who or what it was. Kitty found out she was a digidestined and began to wear a crest around her neck along with carrying a strange digital device that many considered a retro pedometer.
When Kitty turned 18, she wound up vanishing from her room. Many believe she was forcefully taken due to how the computer was still on with her stuff all intact inside the room. She never leaves without her cell phone and that was even left on the table next to the knocked over chair and some strange black scorch marks along the walls. In reality Kitty and Viximon were attacked by Arcadiamon. This monster broke through Kitty's firewall defenses she created to keep threats out of her personal computer and escaping to her world. He butchered and deleted the data of Viximon with his soul absorption. Kitty tried to fight the thing taking her grandfather's sword she had hanging on her wall and fell through to the digital world while wielding the sword against its blades and pushing him back through the portal. On her way she kicked the computer's screen making it fall and smash to the floor locking her inside.
Kitty has been locked inside the digital world for a year now, She has made a decent amount of friends and enemies while trying to find a way home and keep many safe. Her most recent events led to her capture by Devimon. Her digidestined Crest was stolen and taken somewhere while she has been imprisoned by the creature to serve as a warning to all who go against him from his newly conquered island.
NPC Sheet Template
[/SIZE][SIZE=6][B]NPC Name and Type Baddie/Ally/ect[/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/CENTER][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][CENTER][SIZE=4][SIZE=4]Gender: Male / Female / Other[/SIZE][/SIZE][/CENTER][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][CENTER][SIZE=4][SIZE=4]Species: (Human or Digimon)[/SIZE][/SIZE][/CENTER][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][CENTER][SIZE=4][SIZE=4]Main Key points / Plot hooks : [/SIZE][/SIZE][/CENTER][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
(Anyone can post for this big baddie just use the following as a guide for him)
Age: 875
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Loving his Champion Form, Devimon refuses to go back to Demidevimon. He has insisted on conquering the eastern side of the digital world and allying himself with a bigger and badder baddie. He is very dominant in nature and enjoys torturing, mating, and just plain corrupting others.
He has a very james bond enemy type feel where he reveals his plans in monologues and tends to flee before anyone can kill him if he gets put in a corner with no way to win the fight. Think Dr. Wiley and how he escapes in megaman. Devimon's big thing is chains he literally loves chains and cages.
Main Key Points and plot hooks
Aiming to Conquer the eastern part of the Digital continent he is on.
Always wants to make his own harem
Loves chaining up his enemies to watch them squirm
loves torturing specifically others to get reactions from loved ones
Monologues a lot
Flees when about to lose if escape is possibe
If cornered with no escape he will kill himself revealing the name of the bigger big bad
(Think of the demons ]who work for the Fleshler in Gary and his demons)
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