My Characters



Here is some of the characters I have created, which are also on the site F-List. I hope maybe when you read about them maybe you guys would like to try a roleplay with one of them.

My OC (Original Character) - Toby Mason

Description: Toby is a very kind-hearted, loyal, & a bit of shy fifteen year old boy. He is 3'5'', weighing only 100lbs, with an average build. He has forest green eyes, short brown hair in a bowl cut, black rimmed glasses, & his favorite outfit is a red hoodie, light blue jogging pants, with red converse sneakers. He also always wear a beautiful, golden locket that his mother gave him on his 5th birthday. On the left side of the inside of the locket is a picture of Toby as a baby being held by his mother, Ashley, & on the right side is an inscription reading "To my precious baby boy, I love you always! Mommy".

Toby Mason is a loyal, kind-hearted, loving, & caring ten year old boy. However, for being as young as he is, he has faced situations that even the bravest adult would have difficulty facing in life. When he was only six years old, Toby lost his mother, Ashley Mason who died in a fatal car accident, leaving behind her young son, & husband James Mason.

Now this taken a toll on Toby tremendously, as once he was an outgoing, talkative young boy, now a very quiet, distant, & heartbroken child who just yearned to be in the warm, loving embrace of his mother once again. Although it did take a very sad toll on Toby, it took a different, yet violent toll on James. With the absence of his wife in his life, James began drinking heavily, which caused him to start cursing, yelling, & verbally abusing Toby.

One night, James crossed the line by calling Toby useless, & blamed him for the death of Ashley, which shattered Toby's little heart to pieces. So after James, slammed Toby's bedroom door to retreat into his own world, Toby laid in his bed crying. He looked out the window to see a beautiful, shining star, which he made a wish upon to go to a place where he is treated better, without being yelled at by his dad, & meet others who would love him, just like his mother did.

After he went to bed, his wish was heard from another land, Equestria, by the Princess of the Night, Princess Luna. Hearing the sadness in his wish, Luna decided to make his wish come true by using her magic to bring young Toby to Equestria. She also placed Toby in a warm, soft blue blanket in a carefully crafted wool basket, & then magically placed it in front of the door of Fluttershy

The next morning, Fluttershy discovered the sleeping child, & decided to bring him into her home. After getting Toby to become comfortable with her, & not scared, Fluttershy decided to introduce him to each of her friends, & also learn what kind of species he was. Finding out that he was human, & what humans do, they were very skeptical of Toby at first, but after some time with them, & learning his dark, sad past, they decided to take him into their circle of friends, soon to become family. Fluttershy would to become his adoptive mother in time.

From then, Toby would enjoy great adventures with his new family, become the adoptive little brother of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, & Scootaloo. Also, he would become the lucky coltfriend to now reformed bully, Silver Spoon, & friends with Diamond Tiara. Also, he would face Queen Chrysaliss, but with his new family would prevail. Toby Mason, a human child adopted by a group of ponies, suddenly a very loved, cared for member of the whole land of Equestria.

Character name: SweetLilCountryStar

Carrie Underwood, one of country music's greatest female singers of all time has won countless awards, was the winner of American Idol in 2005. Sweet, caring, beautiful, kind-hearted, & a woman who loves music has captured the heart of many fans around the world. Deep down though, secretly she has always fantasized about being just waist high to others, especially other women, & have them tower over her.

Deep down, she wants to be much smaller than her fellow female singers such as Taylor Swift, Miranda Lambert, etc. So one night she wished just to be shrunk down to 3'5'', & the next morning she woke up waist high. Now she is on the lookout for her fellow singers to see how they may react to her new height.
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