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A new villain in New York (Yummy x Spud)


Jan 5, 2018
There had been a string of robberies lately, it had started out as small jewelry stores, but soon enough even banks were being hit. The connecting factor of these crimes, and the most unusual aspect, is that the valuables and money that were stolen were usually found only a short distance away, usually missing a few hundred, maybe a thousand dollars worth, of cash or gold. The police were baffled why someone would go to so much trouble of robbing a place only to abandon most of the loot so quickly, especially when they weren't being chased at the time it was dumped. Even worse were the lack of clues, not a single fingerprint or footprint could be found, the security systems had been ripped apart and seemingly crushed by some invisible force, leaving the police with nothing to even start with.
Tonight was a night like many others in New York, and as had become a relatively common sound, the sound of a bank alarm going off. The front of the bank seemed to have been completely ripped away, further inside the door of the vault had been seemingly ripped off. Every security camera in the place had been crushed into a tiny ball of metal to hide the work of the culprit. With the vault door gone the cash inside was floating in mid air, all gathering in a giant pile, before it started to move out of the bank. Infront of the cash there was the sound of laughter piercing through the alarms. It wasn't a malicious laugh, certainly not the one would typically expect from the kind of villains in New York, this laugh was more like...someone having fun, as if this were the most amusing thing in the world to them.

The villain who had called herself Mentala laughed in delight as she floated up into the air, the gigantic pile of cash following closely behind her as she flew down the street between the tall buildings of the city. A thousand dollars worth of the cash floated its way to her hand, the rest staying in a huge mass behind her as she counted what was in her hand. "Ahhhh, oh that was so much fun! Haha, oh it's just so easy! Such pathetic little security systems and those idiot police have no idea" The girl laughed again as the sound of the bank alarm began to fade behind her, the sound of police sirens just as distant, coming from the opposite direction. Once again it seemed like she was going to get away, and the girl simply did a spin around in the air as she floated along, laughing in delight once more.
Gwen was a student studying at one of the universities in New york. She didn't go to the university out of passion though, never really caring about anything other than photography. She only went there to try and hide her identity, she was Spider-woman. She hid in plain sight and fought criminals whenever the time arose, going out of her way to go and save civilians while dressed up as a superhero. Something that sounded ridiculous but didn't actually feel ridiculous while she was doing it.

over the past few months she had heard about this new string of bank robberies, she never got there in time to actually stop the robberies or find out who was doing it. The cops were no help either, the security cameras all being destroyed with each robbery. Seemingly no witnesses either. No one was sure what to think of it and Gwen knew she had to try and stop this person. The strangest part was how they never took anything they stole though, so they were charged with robbery and mostly destruction of property. Whatever it was she was going to have to be very careful.

on an extremely lucky day, Gwen was out getting coffee. The bank robber had been getting more and more obvious with their crimes, starting mostly in night at first but now actually going on during the day! Gwen knew if she just stuck around a high profile place for long enough it would be broken into. Sure enough she was right, she heard alarms ringing! going off in broad daylight! Quickly running to the bathroom and slipping through the vent she started swinging from web to web, flying through the air at incredible speeds. Going straight to Mentala, she saw the flying woman gliding through the air laughing like a weirdo. Gwen raised an eyebrow and just kept following her, actually catching up next to her and gliding next to her. Keeping the same speeds that Mentala was and looking her in the eyes while webbing her way beside her.

"Are you laughing about how many friends you'll have once you're in prison?" Gwen said with a smirk, loving to banter back and forth with villains while they're fighting. Being rather obnoxious really, but it seemed to help her throw the fight in her favor a few times. Getting them mad enough to stop fighting correctly. She quickly sprung herself into the air and shot a large amount of web out of both of her hands, aiming it right towards Mentala's hands. Getting both of them stuck together like handcuffs along with the money. She then jumped to the other side of her and tried to look for what she was doing to stop her from using her powers. "You know! that's a really cool trick, not as cool as penn and teller but still a little impressive. guessing its all wires isn't it?"
When she heard a voice beside her Mentala looked over and just laughed again. "Oh look, if it isn't Spider Girl come to play at being a hero" She smirked, watching carefully as the other woman sprung around in the air, webbing shooting onto Mentala's hands. "Hm? Oh no, whatever have you done to my hands. You've figured out my one weakness Spider Girl, I surrender, please, please don't hurt me anymore" Mentala's voice was dripping with amused sarcasm as she held her hands up a little bit, looking at them and using her power to rip the webbing apart, the tattered remains of it hover either side of her before simply dropping limply to the ground below.

"Wires? Well why don't you tell me my dear?" Mentala licked her lips, looking at Gwen who would suddenly find herself grasped by an invisible force, then thrown backwards into the side of a building, being pinned there as Mentala floated over towards her. "My my...." The force of Mentala's power pushing down on Gwen was also pushing her outfit into being even more skintight than usual, rather highlighting all of Gwen's curves. "Mmmm....that's quite the cute body you've got there Spider Girl...." Out of the corner of her eye Gwen might have almost caught a glimpse of movement in the crotch region of Mentala's own skintight outfit. "Maybe I should make you my next target, I bet it'd be fun to steal you away now wouldn't it?" She leaned in closer, then pressed her lips against Gwen's mask, right over where her own lips were, then floated backover laughing. "Maybe next time Spider Girl, if you ask nicely I'll make you a Spider Woman instead" Mentala grinned, starting to float away. As she turned away Gwen would find herself no longer pinned down on the building, but the giant pile of money that Mentala had stolen was now flying right towards her rapidly.
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