On the prowl...For Long Term Story Building!


Aug 1, 2018
I will try and post updates on my newsfeed directly if I think I may be gone for a bit. Be sure to check there if you haven't heard from me.

I am much more of a long term role player, but do enjoy short term as well. All I ask is that:

- You provide me with at least a 5+ sentence paragraph or more. You by no means have to mirror my posts, but I need details and I need something to work with.
- You do not have to reply every day, I know I myself will not be able to. So patience from both ends is a definite.
- I am fine with OOC chatting!
- Please don't make my replying feel like an obligation.
- I ONLY will rp over PM. But I know myself and anything else I will loose interest very fast.
- I don't tend to play canon characters, I never feel I do them any justice.
- My F-List is in my signature, none of my kinks have to be met, but it will give you a good idea of how to keep my interest.
- I honestly did not think I would have to put this here...but people if you insist of knowing my biological gender, I will not respond. I am here to role play and that has nothing to do with what I was born into. Please don't ask.

Honestly I am up for anything, any kind of pairing!

Open to role playing within these worlds: (Again I will NOT do canon characters)
Harry Potter
Harvest Moon
Lantern Corps
Teen Titans
My Hero Academia
and so much more!


-They had been dating for some time now, going on nearly two years. One believed they knew the other inside and out, that they had nothing to hide. However, that all changed when one was watching the news, expecting the other to be home late from work, only to discover they had made the news. An armed serial killer on the run from the cops, the law asking for any and all information on the exposed person. Before one has time to even think and process that news, the now known killer arrives at the home. (It can go with either pairing and that is why I was using neutral terms to describe the scenario. Could be fun, and obviously will be dark and gore-tastic)

- They had been best friends since before they could walk, growing up side by side experiencing the worse and best with each other. Come before highschool and one she has to move away, separating was hard. There was an attempt to stay in touch and connected, but slowly that fell away and years passed before she was arriving back in town. Only to see him again, her old best friend, and things had certainly changed, for both of them. Only she doesn't realize just how much things have changed until the night of the full moon. On the same night he too will find out just how much she has changed. (Clearly a werewolf plot where there is a lot of in between to fill in. Secrets, twists, turns.)

- Never had they gotten along, one always bullying the other through out most of the school days. One day chaos strikes and unknown and bizarre things are happening all around the world. World wide the world for only a brief second went dark, when it all came back things were not the same. People were finding themselves capable of doing things they never could before. (Almost a sort of apocalyptic dynamic where the whole world is now discovering super powers.)

- Knight is off on the job to rescue the princess locked away and of course being protected by a dragon or a creature of some fearsome design. Upon arriving he ends up being captured along with the princess, who comes to find he has not really all that found out. The dragon like creature however, as he gets to know starts to feel differently about them. As they grow to know each other, they end up plotting to kill the princess and play a con to still get the riches from the kingdom or to simply over throw it. (Could honestly go in any direction you would like to take it. But thought it could be a fun concept!)

- Freshly moved into a new apartment complex the newly married couple is starting to settle in, unaware of just what kind of place they have moved into and just why rent is so cheap. The husband as borrowed some money from a seemingly friendly neighbor, only for the same neighbor to approach the wife days later to inform how indebted the husband is. The wife wanting to help her beloved agrees to visit some of the more...lonely...tenants and earn the money to pull her husband out of debt. Little does she know it is the beginning of a very slippery slope.

- More to come!


- Stalker scenario. Either your character or mine is obsessed with the other. It could certainly go in a lot of directions that I think could be fun!

- Villain unknowingly starts to crush on a civilian they have captured to try and once and for all over throw their arch nemesis.

- They had been chatting online, through text, etc for months now. Lots of flirting and no face picture exchanges. They meet up and it is a surprise as to who one another is. Could go in a lot of ways, best friends, incest, etc.

- Corrupt superhero. Maybe they just snap, or a villain goes too far, or they have to go undercover to capture someone, yadda yadda

- Would love to do something with monsters! Not just cutesy humanoid monsters, but monstrous monsters! Would love to come up with some ideas on that end.

- Maybe we can work up a plot having to do with a cult? Innocent girl tricked or kidnapped into it? A character following an online advertisement, etc....

- Witchy partner has been dabbling into some dark magic and either they have to pay the price, or their partner, friend or family member does.

- A plot with something in a fantasy setting? Maybe modern person sucked into another world, or vise versa. Something fun!

Didn't see anything at all that caught your fancy? Send me a PM any way and maybe we can work something out still! : )
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Tentatively trying to step back out there now that things are starting to settle a little bit.
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