Fx Any Fun limitless specific fandom

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Jan 21, 2018
Remember when we were little and the cheesiest thing on television was the Power Rangers? Yeah, me too but wasn’t Kimberly stupid hot! What if the Power Rangers were in a darker universe; one where bad things happened; kind of like this bootleg short film that was made a couple years ago, Power/Rangers

Pretty dark huh? Imagine the original group of Rangers but as an all-female team in this world? Imagine the terrible things that would happen to them along the way? Captured, beaten, raped, impregnated, tortured and even killed. Yeah, it’s dark and so am I at times but the reality makes it so much fun. I have ideas for multiple parts, all of which will play out differently but the stakes in my roleplay better be damn high! Do not get me wrong, I do not want you running through them like an eighties slasher film. I prefer deaths to be far and few in between so they are more impactful. Besides, there is plenty of bad shit that can happen along the way. Simply put, my kinks are pretty much anything you can think of as long as the story matters as much as the smut! Remember that last statement, very important. Think you can handle that? I will be the Rangers of course! BTW, I do not care if you’re a man or woman; we are roleplaying a story... not experiencing real life. As for the Rangers...

Janelle Scott, The Red Ranger... She is the small- town hero everyone comes to watch. She was an All-State Basketball player the previous season but during last year’s State Championship, she blew out her knee. Struggling to recover, she turned to the only person who she thinks can understand her, her coach. However, he is married with kids and certainly does not need anyone knowing this young beautiful girl is stealing his heart. She is a proven leader on the court.

Kimberly Hart, The Pink Ranger... She is the girl every guy in school would die to date. Always a smile on her face, and friends with everyone; Kim is perfect in so many ways. Dating the man of her dreams, Gene Skullovitch who is the high school’s star quarterback; she is his head over heels in love cheerleader. Honest and faithful, she also has a heart of gold and will always looks to redeem or encourage someone.

Billie Cranston, The Blue Ranger... The weird gullible nerd that most hardly notice. Her intelligence is intimidating, her love for robotics strange but what more could you expect from the daughter of a multi-billionaire dollar CEO of Cranston Technologies. She longs for friends and trusts way too easily. She has more money than she could ever burn through, and a company her father expects her to take over very soon. She is the brains of the team.

Trini Kelly, The Yellow Ranger... The artistic party girl with a passion for life. Willing to try anything once, she can get along with anyone. A singer and song writer, she hopes to get out of town to become the next big thing. Cool, calm and collective; she likes to slow down and see the bigger picture. Not a book worm but certainly unmatched on the street. Break her heart though, and she will be out for blood. She likes to spend her weekends singing at the city’s park. She is always thinking two steps ahead.

Zara Taylor, The Black Ranger... The rough bad girl whose life has been a living hell. An abusive alcoholic father in jail, a dead mother and now she is forced to live with the only person who loves her, her sister who she cannot stand because she was the perfect child they always compared Zara too. Escaping through working on cars and illegal street racing, she is the tough girl who never backs down from a fight.

Tommie Oliver, the Green Ranger... She is the new girl in town who just moved here to live with her dad after her mom kicked her out. Not so much a trouble maker but she does not care to hurt someone to get what she wants or do whatever it takes. If she has to live in this hell hole of a town, it is going to be on her terms. Struggling to bond with her dad and knowing no one is fine with her, as long as her smile can open door.

I will break this into parts to make it easy, but I will not play a future part until an older part has been played first. With that said, yes, I am re-writing the canon a bit with the Green Ranger but be patient. There is a reason. I also have an idea to place the Rangers in a very realistic setting, one without monsters and superpowers.

Zordon was the original Blue Ranger from the distance part of the galaxy, a galactic nation known as the Aquitar Federation of Planets. Serving beside him was five other Rangers, one of which was the Green Ranger, Rita Repulsa. Their Federation was attacked by the evil Dragon King, Lord Zedd who started to conquer the A.F.P. one world at a time. The Rangers would fight back his advance, stalling the mad tyrant until he approached Rita with an offer. Survival, wealth and sorcery powers in exchange for her betraying the other Rangers.

One by one, Rita set the Rangers up so that Goldar’s extermination squads could hunt them down. With everyone she had murdered, she collected their power coin until Zordon realized what was taking place. Attacking Rita, defeating her in battle barely by trapping her within a pocket dimension using a phantom doorway, Zordon escaped the planet but Goldar gave chase. Entering a constructed worm hole, Zordon arrived near Mars but Goldar followed. Disabling the Blue Ranger’s ship, Zordon and Goldar fought. Just before Goldar could deliver a death blow, Zordon opened a hatch which sucked him into space where he froze before crashing to the Earth, but the phantom doorway was also lost. Zordon was left badly wounded from the fight and was left with no other options rather than die. He had the ship activate Alpha 5. Quickly the droid helped Zordon transfer his body into a time capsule. The disabled ship would soon crash to Earth, not far from where Goldar’s body and the phantom doorway did. Burying into the ground in Southern California, the ship was lost to time.

Goldar and Finster are set free by a Cranston Enterprises construction crew and starts to search for Rita. He begins to use his dark magic to create facehuggers (just pretend they are original to Power Rangers) which can be used to transform people into putties or torture females sexually. From there, the Rangers are selected just before each are killed or transformed and drive him out of Angel Grove because he did not have a chance to create a ton of putties. Goldar retreats and starts to build his forces in a secure location. When Zordon explains Goldar’s intentions, the Rangers take the fight to him against Zordon’s wishes and it leaves the Green Ranger captured and Goldar with Rita’s zombie body. He drains the life force from the Green Ranger to restore Rita but when that is not enough, and Green is left basically in a coma, all but dead; Goldar offers to exchange her for the Zeo Crystal since it will restore Rita fully. No intentions of returning Tommie, Goldar has Finster create Scorpina and she wears the Green Armor. She ambushes the Rangers at the exchange, allowing Goldar to escape with the Zeo Crystal. The Rangers defeat Scorpina and now using their Zords lead another attack on Goldar’s lair. This time they defeat him but Rita is set free and escapes with Tommie’s body and the Zeo Crystal.

You get to play a big gold monster that kicks ass, wields a giant sword and a massive bitch tamer along with any other characters you want to introduce.

After escaping with Finster’s help and now joined by her brother Rito, Rita is angry the Rangers killed her son Goldar, really her creation. She corrupts Tommie’s body and sends her to steal each of the Rangers power coins and capture them to force Zordon from his tim capsule. With her plan succeeding, only one Ranger is left to save the others which she manages to do by Alpha 5’s sacrifice. Once they come together, they realize Tommie’s soul is being held hostage by Rita. However, Rita is able to send an army of Putties against the command center with her leading personally during their rescue mission. In the fight, Zordon is feared lost but they regain the Zeo crystal from her staff and restore Tommie’s soul. Now a full team again, Tommie knows where Rita is hiding. The Rangers go after her, but she and her brother grow and begin to fight the Megazord. With the Megazord being destroyed in the fight, Tommie destroys Rito using the Dragon Zord and the Megazord force Rita back to her normal size. Defeated, she is captured by the Rangers but not before she conjures a spell to contact Lord Zedd, her king.

An alpha bitch who can grow a magical dick to fuck the Rangers with while she tortures them in her dungeon.

Lord Zedd arrives on Earth when his massive Serpentera zord attacks Angel Grove. The Rangers react but the Megazord is destroyed and Janelle is feared dead. Forcing the Rangers to retreat, The Black Ranger holds Zedd off so the others can escape but is captured (feared dead) in the fight. Zedd begins to search for Rita and finds her trapped within Zordon’s time capsule. He destroys it, killing Zordon and then torturing Rita for failing him before locking her away in his dungeon. Skipping ahead in time, like a year, Zedd has conquered Earth with his Tenga Warrior army and forced the people of Earth to be his slaves; and the remaining Rangers are hunted as they hide in fear of their lives. They reunite when a young girl, Roxy whom is a sex slave of Zedd’s, finds the Red Power Coin within Zedd’s personal quarters and uses it to locate the others. Fearing an uprising, Zedd begins offering rewards for their capture. The reunited Rangers me with the human resistance and lead a suicidal attack on him, finding Janelle and Zara alive though brainwashed into being assassins and sex slaves to Zedd. They free them, but they are emotionally destroyed. Zara sacrifices herself trying to kill Zedd while the others escape to the command center with another sex slave, Addison who becomes the new Black Ranger. Finding Zordon left them a message, he explains to them the only way to kill Zedd is with the power of the White Ranger which can be found by destroying the Zeo Crystal. Janelle does as she is told and becomes the White Ranger. Saba appears before them and reveals they each have other Zords hidden beneath the command center. The seven Rangers agree to stop Zedd at all cost and attack his castle where the Zords fight and destroy Serpentera though they are each badly damaged. Zedd retreats into his strong hold and the Rangers fight their way to his throne room where Rita is being held. During the fight, Zedd is winning but the White Ranger is able to hold her own. Rita is set free, regaining her staff but Kimberly convinces her to help them destroy Zedd; reminding her she was once a Ranger like them. Rita sacrifices herself to weaken Zedd long enough for the White Ranger to strike a death blow on Zedd. The Rangers bury their fallen, taking their power coins to pass on while they help rebuild the world.

Here is your chance for a Harem if you’re man enough to make it happen. I want pure demonic evil! The baddest of the bad, the one they all fear.

Like? Of course a sick sexual fucker like you does! Let’s review what I want kink wise: rape, rough sex, torture, violence, brutality, some bad ends but bittersweet in the end. Simple enough? Do you have an idea for an extra part not listed? Then tell me about, let’s hear that sexy fucking idea! Now message me you bitch tamer you! Time is wasting and there’s bitches to be breaking!
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Bump... Already doing this play with the greatest partner ever but they girls are more mature and it’s against male characters. Why not try young characters against monsters and futas?
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