My name is Connor.
Okay, so, if it isn't already obvious, I'm really wanting a Detroit: Become Human roleplay.
Welcome to my search thread!
Hello, my name is Cadi. I am female.
I'm 24 years old.
I live in the US, CST or GMT - 6.
I'm online most of the day, almost every day. I can usually get out at least one reply a day. I definitely like to aim for more. However! I am in the process of moving and I have to have everything packed and moved by the end of March, so I may not be quite as active until I'm moved in!
If I take too long to reply, feel free to give me a nudge. Sometimes things happen or I get sidetracked, or I think I replied when I really didn't.
I can write anywhere from one paragraph to ten, but I prefer to stay around one to five paragraphs per reply.
I can play both male and female characters. I prefer M//. I can do M/F.
If you're bored with the roleplay or think something needs to be changed to make it better, talk to me. We can fix it. Or, if not, it's at least nice to be told than to be left hanging. I always try to let my partners know if I'm bored or anything. I try very hard not to ditch.
My limits are no bestiality, furries, anthros, underage, rape (noncon is touchy for me), toilet play, or vore. Let me know yours.
I prefer to roleplay over PMs. I will not roleplay over threads.
P a i r i n g s
Bolded are the roles I would like to play. Italicized are pairings I really want to do.
Connor x OC
Connor x Hank (platonic or romantic)
Connor x Kamski
Connor x basically anyone
Connor x Markus
Markus x Simon
Kamski x basically anyone
Currently really wanting Connor x Kamski or Markus x Simon!
If any of those caught your eye, shoot me a PM!
Welcome to my search thread!
Hello, my name is Cadi. I am female.
I'm 24 years old.
I live in the US, CST or GMT - 6.
I'm online most of the day, almost every day. I can usually get out at least one reply a day. I definitely like to aim for more. However! I am in the process of moving and I have to have everything packed and moved by the end of March, so I may not be quite as active until I'm moved in!
If I take too long to reply, feel free to give me a nudge. Sometimes things happen or I get sidetracked, or I think I replied when I really didn't.
I can write anywhere from one paragraph to ten, but I prefer to stay around one to five paragraphs per reply.
I can play both male and female characters. I prefer M//. I can do M/F.
If you're bored with the roleplay or think something needs to be changed to make it better, talk to me. We can fix it. Or, if not, it's at least nice to be told than to be left hanging. I always try to let my partners know if I'm bored or anything. I try very hard not to ditch.
My limits are no bestiality, furries, anthros, underage, rape (noncon is touchy for me), toilet play, or vore. Let me know yours.
I prefer to roleplay over PMs. I will not roleplay over threads.
P a i r i n g s
Bolded are the roles I would like to play. Italicized are pairings I really want to do.
Connor x OC
Connor x Hank (platonic or romantic)
Connor x Kamski
Connor x basically anyone
Connor x Markus
Markus x Simon
Kamski x basically anyone
Currently really wanting Connor x Kamski or Markus x Simon!
If any of those caught your eye, shoot me a PM!

I'm the android sent by CyberLife.
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