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The Qwaser no Stigmata (KaseKattx Zeth)


Aug 27, 2015
Brian was nervous. He had transferred high schools because he is a Qwaser and was supposed to protect Casie. The advice Jessica had given him was to introduce himself and act natural. Well that was easier said then done. Outside the school Brian 'just happened' to bump into Casie. "Hello, I am Brian the new transfer student. It is a pleasure to meet you," he said politely. He went in for the standard handshake to be polite, but tripped over an errant soda can. Brian tripped and fell face first into Casie's Breasts! A Wrackcident! 'Oh Crap' Brian thought.
Casie lived in the campus housing her paremts paying extra to keep her safer. Casies large breasts seem to invite sexual harrassment and shes learned not to trust many people. When a stranger greeted her it immediately raised flags him falling face first in her soft squishy breasts made her jump back and let him fall to the ground. She felt a bit bad when his face smac k ed the cement
Some how landing into the cement was better. Yes it was more painful, but less embarrassing. Brian got to his feet after wiping some dirt off. "Are you alright? I'm sorry about that. I tripped," he said nervously. His mind was going a mile a minute. What would Jessica say now? He was afraid he was about to blow the mission before it started.
"Yeah it did. So um,Can I walk you to school? I think I transferred to your class and I am completely lost to be honest," said Brian. Which was somewhat true. He was unsure where his home room would be.
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