Updates, Rants & Idea Dumps


Edge of the Universe
May 20, 2014
Figured it was about time I made one of these. First off to any old RP partners that I lost touch with (whether myself getting caught up in life or yourself), feel free to reach back out with a PM. We can discuss starting back up, something different or merely have a conversation. I'm fairly chill about roleplaying after all, so I get it. Things come up. Or perhaps an idea was stale. No matter the reason, feel free to hit me up.

I'll be posting updates to this in terms of what's going on with me mainly in the world of roleplaying, so I'm certain this will be dull for most. More for myself and perhaps the few individuals that might care to know for whatever reason. I may also throw some ideas in here for stories, characters, etc. All in good time. Not to mention a good rant from time to time may pop up.

And a link to my refreshed search thread. Anyway, simple, short and sweet for now.
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A reminder that I'm out of town this week (meant to post before I left). I will likely be around on discord and might reply to a PM, but roleplay replies are on hold until I'm home and back in front of a computer and not stuck on just my phone. ^_^
I was gone on a business trip over the last week, so apologies if I seemed to have disappeared. I meant to post I would be gone beforehand but was extremely busy and got up in things. Anyway, back and ready to RP! I believe I have all replies caught up on at this point. ^_^
Just getting over being sick for over a week...finally. Can't seem to finish getting rid of the cough, but I suppose at least I'm not feeling terrible anymore. ^_^ For those couple of replies I still owe, swear I'm working on it. Work and being sick combined totally kicked my ass. Haha. Definitely feeling up to writing a lot more now.

Also I know that some may be dealing with the hurricane about to hit the east coast in the US, so please be safe! I shouldn't have any issues where I am aside from just heavy storms due to it since I'm in the mountains. Anyway, if any of my partners on here are affected, the last thing I would want you stressing over is RP replies. The point is, real life 100% comes first no matter the reason, natural disaster or otherwise. I would hope most would understand that when it comes to replies. Things come up and we can't all just sit at a computer all the time writing (though if I were inspired all the time and had the time to that would be awesome). Anyway, just some thoughts. Otherwise that's about it.

Now back to writing. ^_^
Had a rather long few weeks lately in terms of work and life things going on. Annnnnnd....sick again. I can't win this year apparently. Haha. So sorry if my replies have been a bit delayed. I'll be getting some responses out in the next couple days to those waiting for a reply as long as nothing crazy happens. ^_^

On a random note, I do a lot interviewing and hiring for my company, and I've realized that over the last 2-3 years, less and less individuals show for their interviews. At least it makes it an easy decision for me to not hire them. Yet I find it extremely unprofessional for someone to not call to cancel or show up to an appointment. Anyway, just weird it has gotten worse and worse with each and every passing year.
I honestly forgot that I had this forum for updates...haha. I've been around here and there but due to some life circumstances and whatnot, I know I've been fairly radio silent in recent months. Pretty sure I warned most that I would be stepping away, sorry if I missed anyone.

But I am back after another hiatus. Finally was able to have my first surgery in efforts to improve quality of life, though the road ahead is still long. That being said, aside from when I'm resting and sleeping, I have some definite free time on my hands. So what better way to spend it since I can't work currently, than to do some roleplaying?

Probably going to take things slow at first but feel free to reach out if you want to start something new or continue. See what I can get going again. ^_^
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