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Write Wonders With Me

Jan 30, 2017
United States
“My sun sets to rise again.” ― Robert Browning

Hello. Welcome to my newest and greatest request thread. You probably wont ever speak to me, but thats alright.

Enjoy your stay.

May my ideas peak your interest.

About the Author

Oh the vanity of talking about one's self. Hello. Hi. Hola. My name is not SketchyEquine (surprise surprise), but unless I know you better your best bet is to address me as such or some nickname created from that username. I do warm up and get more personal with people, but all in good time my darlings. I'm a twenty-something woman who has been writing since her early teens. I've always enjoyed roleplaying and storytelling through my young adult life, though I have only popped in and out of this particular site for a couple years? I don't remember exactly. I'm a part time student and part time kennel technician at my local vets office. Full time animal enthusiast with more pets than the average joe living in a condo with a couple roommates. Safe to say I'm a busy bean and cant always get to posts right away, though I try my best. One of my personality flaws is that I do have a tendency to get bored with my stories and want to drop them. The best way to avoid this is to have a very open line of communication. If I'm friends with you I'm more likely to continue our story even if it's a bit dull for me at times. At this time I am only taking requests for stories that will take place on the forums in Bluemoon. Sorry to those that this inconveniences.

Still reading? Doubtful. I'm not a very good salesmen. That's why I'm studying animal science.

However! Despite everything about me that might be a deterrent for you, I do like to think I'm a pretty good person to be around. A bit hot headed and irritating perhaps, but I'm an affluent writer (If you look past my typos) and have a knack for character development and world building. I work very hard on the stories I'm dedicated to and my characters are my children. So, if you can bear with my flaws I assure you that you just might, possibly, like the person you get involved with. My sarcastic humor and corny lines might just be enough to keep you engaged. Take me for a test drive? But wear your seatbelt.

What I'm Looking For

A successful roleplay requires a 50% effort from each party. This means that you have to put in just as much work as I am and vice versa if this relationship of sorts is going to work out. I appreciate having an open line of communication with my partners through either PMs or Discord to discuss plot progress as well as just to chat from time to time. I can be your friend if you want me to be or it can be a strictly business relationship between the two of us. So, while all posting is to be done in the forums, I would greatly appreciate regular OOC messages if for nothing more than just to check in. This plays a huge role in maintaining my interest in our story and keeping me honest without ghosting you. I'm sorry. That's just the way I am.

I don't care what your gender is behind the screen, but I primarily partake in FxM stories in which I play the female, though I do have interest in playing a few male characters as well as they appear down below. However, for the right story I would be willing to take on a MxM or FxF scenario or I might even be willing to play the male in your MxF setting. It is all up for debate based on the demand of the story. Unfortunately I am not interesting in doing any plots that involve furries, animals, monsters, futas, etc. as the main characters. However, I'm open to species that are not necessarily human in nature, but are generally human in appearance (Ex: Elves, Vampires, Werewolves, Shapeshifters, Aliens.) If this is unclear to you, feel free to shoot me a message asking about it. I'll be happy to answer any of your questions.

In general my postings are quite long. Usually ranging from 800 to 1200 word posts in a multiparagraph fashion with dialogue included. This is the writing style that I most enjoy because I find it 10000% more immersive than a story with 100 word posts. While everything is circumstantial and not all posts will require such bulk, I would like to take on partners who are willing to meet this level of effort and fire lovely, lengthy posts right back at me. Chances are a roleplay in which your posts are much shorter than my own will be terminated. I will simply get bored. I'm sorry.

Lastly, I'm looking for a partner that can build strong characters with intuitive thoughts and intriguing personalities. Make me interested in the person I'm reading about and I will try to do the same for you.

Regarding the Elephant in the Room

Smut. Everyone always has a lot of questions regarding smut in a story which is understandable. So... lets get to it.

Yes. I do include smut in just about every story I write. I enjoy it just as much as the next guy on most sites like this, and I do my best to make it an... enjoyable experience for both you and I. However, smut is but a side theme in my stories and is generally only 20% or less of what I write into my roleplays. Therefore, do not contact me concerning one shot roleplays or smut based stories. I am not interested at this time. I'd rather read a romance novel in which the characters make love than read a porn short story.

I used to have an F List that I provided to potential partners, but I have decided not to include it in this request thread. Im open to many things and will enjoy many of the kinks you throw at me. That being said I do not wish to include vore, scat, urine, vomit, or menstruation in my stories. If you have an idea involving something not entirely popular just run it by me before you incorporate it into our story. I'll either give you a red or green light. In addition, if I am getting into uncomfortable territory for you just communicate that with me. Chances are it can be removed and avoided in the future.

As far as roles in the bedroom I'm fairly versatile. I can play either more dominant or more submissive roles depending on circumstance. However, I tend to lean toward the more submissive side in most of my stories and enjoy the masochistic view point. I'm perfectly comfortable with S&M so long as I'm usually playing as the submissive, so if you like hardcore kinks and sadism...hit a girl up! I might be willing to play a sadist/mistress role, but this is a bit out of my comfort zone. If I'm playing as the dominant I tend to just be a bit pushy or manipulative while striving towards personal orgasm goals within a story.

My Characters

This is a short little introduction to the characters you might meet in a roleplay with me. I do not play meek, mousey, and defenseless women to be taken advantage of. If you are looking for a slave or a pet in a partner: I am not your girl. My characters have bold personalities and strive to fulfill their own wishes and desires. While they may be completely submissive in the bedroom, these women will be a force to be trifled with out in the world. I can assure you of that. In addition, I'm unfortunately not interested in playing anyone who is not an original character on my behalf. Nor do I want to play against someone who is not an original character. Borrowing worlds is fine, but I like to think up my own people.

And Lastly.... My Interests

And finally... the moment you've all been waiting for!

What kinds of stories is my bitch ass looking for? Well.... I'm so glad you metaphorically asked. I'll tell you. I'm interested in just about anything from fantasy to science fiction, modern to medieval. It doesn't much matter to me so long as the plot is enthralling. If you have a story you're dying to write... I want to hear it. It just might be the treasure I never knew I was looking for. Don't be afraid to approach me with your own ideas or ask me about one of mine! Im fine with completely original ideas or ideas set in previously established worlds or settings (i.e your favorite book, movie, TV show, or video game) just hit me up! Without further adieu.... here are some of my current interests.


  • Post Apocalyptic
  • Dystopian Society
  • Space Travel
  • Ocean Exploration
  • Medical Center
  • Circus
  • Supernatural
  • Fantasy
  • Dysfunctional Scenarios
  • Rebellion
  • Pirates
  • Royalty
  • Arrangements
  • Shapeshifters
  • Vampires
  • Gangsters
  • Explorers
  • Nomads
  • Tribesmen
  • Doctors
Pre-established Worlds/Settings:
  • Horizon Zero Dawn
  • Star Wars
  • Hunger Games
  • Skyrim

  • Jack Frost vs nymph
  • Life vs. death
  • Werewolf Alpha x Subordinate
  • Vampires
  • Classic Vampire x Human
  • Slave girl x Married emperor


Open- This is a plot that is available and that I have not yet attempted with another partner
Open for retry- This is a plot I have tried before, but for one reason or another it did not work out. They are available, but not untouched.
Taken- These plots are currently being done and are unavailable, but they give you an idea of the kinds of teasers I have provided in the past and may help you brainstorm with me and get a feel for my topic interests.

*Theres not very much here right now. Sorry.*

The Pack

Status: Open
My Character: A subordinate female
Your Character: An alpha male
Inclusions: Supernatural, Power Dynamic, Arranged pairings, Protection, Slight Age Gap, Modern

Scenario: It's quite simple: hes the alpha in the pack, and, like everyone else, shes supposed to listen to him. So why is that turning out to be so difficult for her?

Its taught to them while they're pups: if you are blessed with the gift of beasts blood, then you will be assigned to a pack. Once in a pack, you are to listen to the demands of the alpha in order to carry out your duty as instructed. Pack assignments are made by the elder council, and they are non-negotiable. Pack assignments are permanent. Younglings are to relocate to the location of their assigned pack immediately after the assignment is made.

And one more thing: mates must be chosen within your pack. Alphas have first pick over potential mates.

Will he choose her? Will she want him to?

Better Drive Fast, Baby

Status: Taken
My Character: An indebted drag racer turned getaway driver
Your Character: A highly esteemed gangster. (Hitman? Drug dealer?)
Inclusions: Gang violence, fast cars, forbidden romance, unpaid debt, runaway

She never wanted anything to do with the gangs. All she wanted to do was drive her fast car and make money, but when her kid brother got into trouble it was his life or hers.

She chose to send her brother back home to momma.

Saber was now part of one of the most deadly street gangs on this side of the railroad tracks, and she had one talent that came particularly in handy for her superiors: driving. She used to make big bucks with illegal street racing in her mustang… not shes paying her life debt by working as the getaway driver for some of the meanest thugs in the group. But will they ever learn to respect her?

She Smells of the Sea

Open for retry
My Character: A mermaid who may walk on land when she dries out.
Your Character: A pirate.
Inclusions: Slavery, human trade, training, inter species, slow building romance, vanilla

Scenario: There is good money in the rounding up of beasts for sale. The wealthy will pay top dollar to say they own a dragon or a unicorn that their daughter rides. They will pay especially well for something human in nature. Categorized differently from slaves, beasts can be owned and they have no rights. The are, in their most raw form, pets. Perhaps one could even say that they are property. Nymphs, fairies, and mermaids sell for too daughter. After all, their uses can extend beyond show for a man with a boring wife or a lonely household. They can fulfill more primitive needs. Sexual needs.

Taking to the sea allows for multiple possible catches, but the ultimate prize is one of the merpeople, females in particular. Catching only one can set a man up for the rest of his life if she’s a pretty one. The merpeople have become increasingly difficult to track down: their wild populations dwindling as a result of the trade. A man can spend his whole life looking and never find one to sell. But oh the euphoria for a man who finally gets his hands on one of these evasive women.

Or at least he thought so... until he started to catch feelings for her. The whole crew is banking on this catch to make them rich men, and they are cruel to the merchandise in attempts to break her spirit. After all, she has yet to say a word, so it must not be so bad. Who ever heard of a mute mermaid anyway? Hopefully that won’t lessen her value at auction.

The Girl in the Circus

WARNING: Sensitive Content- This story contains racist themes

Status: Open for retry
My Character: Charity Smith: A colored circus performer
Your character: A wealthy white man
Inclusions: vanilla, romance, forbidden love

Scenario: In the late 1960's its still incredibly difficult for a woman of color to keep a job. Let alone one that makes her any money. Segregation is new, and racism is still commonplace in society. Far too many people of merit still wish to keep women of color, women just like Charity, hidden under a veil.

As she struggles to keep her family afloat in Louisiana, a bursting of culture for her people, charity works days and nights as a performer for the local circus. Young and old, Rich and poor, black and white all congregate to watch the show and experience true wonder. Everyone wants to be awed, and Charity is good at doing that as she moves with the silks with grace and skill even as they lob tomatoes and slurs at her. As mistreated as she is, at least this is far better than prostitution, one of her past jobs.

In her beauty and grace, Charity has attracted the attention of a very highly esteemed white man. He has to know more about her, so he pursues her. Learns about her and in turn learns to care for her despite his racist upbringing as discriminating family.

*This story is based off of themes found in the movie The Greatest Showman.*

What’s He Made Of?

Status: Open
My Character: Unknown...
Your Character: An Escaped Lab Experiment
Inclusions: Testing, mutations, wings, hiding, running

They made him in a lab.. Something resembling an angel… or maybe even an X-man. But he has no idea where he came from… memory wiped… all he knew was that he needed to run, and he wound up in a world entirely unfamiliar to him.

What is he supposed to do now?

Thats all, Folks!

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