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Super Fighting Robot; Mega Man! (Matttheman89 & StarMech)

Jun 12, 2017
Activating from sleep mode and opening his eyes, the helper robot known as Rock smiled and left his room - a room given to him by his mother - and creator - Dr. Lalinde - and walked into the workshop to begin his day. Unlike the rest of his brothers and sisters in the Robot Master line, who had been designed for mostly environmental purposes, Rock had been designed as a laboratory assistant, and while it wasn't as glamorous as the tasks his siblings had been created for, he was happy with his design, for it meant that he got to spend time with Dr. Lalinde and his closest sibling, Roll.

"Dr. Lalinde? Are you here?" he called as he entered the lab, looking around curiously for any sign of his creator or Roll. Spying some work that needed to be done, he began his tasks for the day, moving this or that, preparing experiments that Dr. Lalinde had for the day, basically doing everything but cleaning, as that was usually a task reserved for Roll. As he worked, his thoughts drifted to his siblings, wondering how they were performing in their allotted tasks. He didn't get to see them often, since their work took them away from the Lab, but whenever they needed some tune-ups or repairs and needed to come back to the lab, he often assisted, so he'd gotten to meet them all several times in the past. He admired them.

Continuing his work, his thoughts also drifted to Dr. Lalinde - the woman responsible for their creation - To say he admired her would be an understatement. She was intelligent, kind, compassionate, and beautiful. It made his servos spin just thinking about her, sometimes. He didn't truly understand that excitement he felt, but he knew that he liked it, and was glad that he got to be near her so much.

"Roll? Where are you?" he called, wondering where his sister was.
Moving through the house, Rock was surprised by a sudden strange noise coming from nearby. The reasoning and nature behind it was hard to pinpoint, however, he was quick to track it as possibly coming from the general area of Dr. Lalinde's sleeping quarters.

This only prove more true when approaching, as a sudden cried came out from the very same room...


It sounded like the good doctor, but in a way he had never heard. A feeling of worry and curiosity started to grow within his systems; The need to go check what was going on. Was Dr. Lalinde in trouble? Was she hurt? And why could he heard the faintest of a buzzing noise...?


The door was slightly opened to the side, enough for Rock take a peek without disturbing the doctor. But the moment he'd look inside he'd recieve one hell of a surprise.

In her room was Dr. Noele Lalinde, advanced roboticist and researcher; A wise and also extremely beautiful dame that had done wonders to the world of robotics with her top research in AI systems and helper robots. However, right now she was not in a scientific endeavour, far from it, but in soemthing much more...intimate...

Her labcoat, clothing and undergarments lied folded by a nearby chair while her glasses stood by her nightstand. Lalinde lied on top of her bed, completely naked, arching her head back as a strong moan escaped her lips. Her hand softly caressed across her skin while another held on to the buzzy toy that was currently being pushed inside of her wet folds. The vibrating dildo was then pushed back as another series of gasps were let out....

"Ahn...o-oh..." Lalinde moaned. Her whole body shivering in delight as she cotinued to pleasure herself. Her free hand reached her round breasts and groped eagerly, while she kept thrusting the dildo and out. Her legs stretche and her back jerked back ever so slightly. Eyes closed, she just continued to ride the waves of pleasure, unaware that someone could be watching.

"Aahn...oh, T-thomas...y-yes...ahn...." She kept going, imagining a certain young colleague of her scientific research group; simulating the feeling of sex by feverishly pushing the toy in and out her.
While Rock wasn't able to deduce the nature of the sounds he suddenly began hearing as he searched the house, he was able to deduce their general location, and so began walking in the direction of Dr. Lalinde's room. The closer he came, however, the more curious the sounds made him. What was going on, he wondered? Was Dr. Lalinde in some kind of trouble? Had she hurt herself? That seemed unlikely, as the Doctor was still relatively young and in good shape for her age, but one never knew what might happen, even in one's own home, so he continued on.

Reaching her bedroom door - which he could see was slightly ajar - he came closer to steal a peak before entering, and was soon glad that he had done so, as to his great surprise, he discovered that the Doctor was pleasuring herself!

Laying completely naked on her bed and moaning like a spirit, Dr. Lalinde could be seen pleasuring herself with a vibrating dildo, and Rock's eyes widened in shock as he watched. He'd never seen the good Doctor like this before - naked and intimate - and to say it had quite the immediate effect on him was an understatement. He could feel his internal temperature rising the longer he watched - unable to look away - and he began to feel a stiffening within a certain lower part of his body.

"!" he breathed as he observed her writing around in pleasure as she touched herself as well. Her skin looked so silky smooth as her hand slid along it; her voice so sweet, her womanhood so wet. It was a fascinating sight.

And that sight soon had him touching himself as well, unzipping his pants enough to expose his robotic manhood to give him ease of access. Part of him - the logical part - knew this was something he shouldn't be doing, but another part of him that he couldn't quite identify had overridden his logic sensors and had taken over, leading him to continue stroking himself...even as he felt some curiosity - and a few other emotions - at the mention of someone named Thomas.
Dr. Lalinde kept on moaning, jerking her head back as a faint trail of saliva scurred down her chin. She ferociously shoved the dildo deeper, hitting hard against her core. Her movements had become wilder, more erratic; Such a different side from the kind, motherly and collected person Rock tended to interact.

But she was a woman with needs. And with her love Thomas gone and his old friend Wily having desappeared after being found culprit of illegal activities, she could only count on herself to find relief. "Ahhh...ahn...yess..."

She felt like she was about to come, but she wanted to make it last.
It was completely unlike the Dr. Lalinde that he knew; wild, sensual, forceful, she was pleasuring herself so well, that it only turned on Rock more and more, causing him to stroke himself with more and more energy, and he gasped and panted softly as he continued to watch in fascination and arousal. He knew that it could only end badly for him if he were to be caught doing this, but he just couldn't help himself at this point.

He wanted - needed - to see more, so he would watch until the end...assuming no one found him, feeling his cock throb in his hand as he grew closer and closer to coming as well. As he did though, he found himself wondering how he could have missed this part of someone he supposedly knew so well. He had no idea that Dr. Lalinde had these kinds of needs. And now that he did...he also found himself wondering...what if he could satisfy them for her?
Dr. Lalinde sped up, moaning more frantically. The dildo pushed in and out like a piston while her other hand kept on groping and groping. "Aaaah...ah...ahhh yes...a-almost..."

Her actions accelerated more and more until, in a loud cry, she reached her orgasm. Rock could see how a small squirt of juices expelled from her pussy, the rest coating the sex toy entirely....

The good doctor panted in exhaustion. "Mmm...that was a good one." She muttered.
Rock bit back a soft groan as he watched Dr. Lalinde speeding up, imagining that it was he who was driving in and out of her wet pussy instead of the dildo, that it was he getting to touch her smooth skin, and as she cried out in orgasm, squirting from her womanhood, his eyes widened and his cheeks darkened. It was quite the sight; seeing the doctor sprawled out like, and he continued stroking himself as she relaxed.

But this was a dangerous action, and now that she had finished, the chance of discovery would be rising; Rock slowly ceased playing with himself, and regretfully stepped away from the door. It was incredibly difficult not to continue, but he turned and - as quickly and as quietly as possible - fled the scene and headed back to the lab, intending to act as if he hadn't seen something he'd never forget for the rest of his life cycle.

Not that was going to be easy, as even once he returned to the lab, his cheeks remained flushed, his circuitry hot, and his excitement levels were high, keeping him from concentrating.
As the young robot continued with his daily routine, althought more troubled, he was met by his sister Roll, who had arrived at the scene. "Hi, Rock!" She said, peppy as always, wearing her fully red dress today as well as her usual green bow that tied her hair in a ponytail.

"I just finished cleaning the kitchen. Do you need any help getting the lab ready before Dr. Lalinde arrives?" she asked, apparently clueless of what the doctor was staying and doing. With a wet cloth, she started to work on the floors while Rock continued tidying everything up. "I want to leave everything ready forfor her so she doesn't have to worry so much. Today's ehr big interview and she must be awfully nervous..."

The way Roll was cleaning under a desk made is so she was on her knees, rear up as she unknowingly was positioning right on Rock's line of sight. Given his already risen excitement, he was unable to not stare at how the end of her dress lifted just enough for him to flance at her white panties and rear. She may have not be as...endowed as Dr. Lalinde or some of the Robot Masters, but she still had a curvy set of hips and a round and plump ass. She unknowingly hummer, her hips swaying just slightly to cause Rock to gulp...
Rock turned to meet Roll as she arrived in the lab, trying to put on a happy face despite his troubled thoughts, and nodded his head. "Hi, Roll." he replied, noting that she was looking nice today in her red dress and green hair bow. He tried not to blush as she spoke of the good doctor, and nodded his head again when she asked if she could help him clean up the lab. "S-Sure, go ahead..."

What would Roll say or think if she knew what Dr. Lalinde was actually doing right now, he wondered? Or what would be her reaction if she knew what he'd done as a result? His cheeks darkened again at the thought...but soon he had something to distract him from such things, as Roll ducked down under a desk, and he couldn't help but stare at what he could see of her ass beneath the hem of her dress. It was a tantalizing sight - especially in the condition Rock was in at the moment - and he gulped as he felt his circuits heating up again.

"R-Right...the interview..." he said, not really thinking about it, now no longer even able to concentrate on his cleaning tasks.
Roll kept on cleaning, unaware that her brother was currently staring. More lewd thoughts continued to manifest within Rock, eventually generating projections and simulations within his systems; "Fantasies" if you could call them...

He imagined moving behind Roll, surprising her by placing his hands on her hips. The image of him pounding away at her as she loudly moaned filled the data of his mind and fuelled more into his already hard erection.

But he couldn't do that!? He was designed as his sister, and besides, that'd be wrong of him...r-right?

"Heeey!! So there you are!!"

A female voice caused the young robot lad to snap back into reality. It wasn't Dr. Lalinde's voice, yet still someone who he knows. At the door of the lab stood three figures: Three of the Robot Masters originall designed by Dr. Light who after his passing, Dr. Lalinde had completed and finished.

One was a very tall and muscular robot woman, of long, yet slighty spiky in the end black hair. She had white headpiece on her ears and a shiny Met hard hat as well as wearing a black skinuit with armor plating with bright red shoulderpads, as well as yellow sleeves and big gauntlets and red boots. This was Guts Woman, created by heavy-lifting and construction work; Her main ability was her incredible strength.

"Sorry for barging in, but I imagined the doctor wouldn't have an issue with us coming here for a recharge." Said another woman smugly. Shorter than Guts, but then again who wasn't. A yellow and black mask and helmet fusion stood on her head, opened on the back to let her long blonde-hair ponytail out. She wore a slim set of yellow and black armor, alongside a red skinsuit underneath. This was Elect Woman; Her ability to conduct and generate electricity made her perfect for managing power plants as well as being a general great security robot. "Besides, cant one of Dr. Lalinde's greatest Robot Masters not come visit her family every now and then?"

The third Robot Master simply rolled her eyes. "Now, dear sister. No need for your shocking ego to melt in our visit. We all wanted to see the professor as well as our robot brethren. We all need to get fired up for the press conference..." The man had a helmet shaped like a torch, with some flames spewing out of it (although on a low setting given he was indoors), wearing a grey and red armor set and two big cannons on each arms, with his hands resting underneath each. This was Fire Man; A Robot Master with the ability to spew hot flames that could melt and get rid of waste in a matter of seconds.

"I'm so glad you're here!" Said Roll happily. Stopping her work to run to the Robot Masters, even giving Guts Woman a soft hug.

((Yes I gave Fire Man hands for this. Also you can use him.))
Breathing a sigh of relief as someone snapped him out of the virtual fantasies his systems had been running in his head, Rock turned away from Roll's alluring backside and smiled to see three familiar figures - three of his Robot Master siblings - and approached them as Roll gave Guts Woman a hug - inadvertently imagining himself getting a nice, soft hug from his sister as well. "Hi, everyone! Long time, no see!"

The three had apparently come all this way to see Dr. Lalinde on the day of the big press conference - although Elect Woman had a funny way of showing it - and Rock began preparing the equipment in the lab that they would need to run diagnostics and handle any repairs or recharges that the three might need. As he did though, he couldn't help but glance at the three girls in the room every so often, finding himself appreciating their forms more and more than he might have in the past.

"Are you alright, Rock? My scans indicate that you're running a bit hotter than usual today." Fire Man suddenly asked, his abilities more sensitive to that sort of thing than most.

"Y-Yes! I'm fine! I'm just...excited for Dr. Lalinde's big day, that's all!" Rock replied quickly, trying not to let his cheeks turn red at the thought of Dr. Lalinde and the rest of the attractive women he was surrounded by. As soon as he was alone, he was going to have to run some self-diagnostics to try and determine how to fix this.
"Ah, I things are going well?"

Dr. Lalinde finally arrived, properly dressed in her laboratory grabs. Everyone waved to the good doctor as she approached them, of course the memories of how she was before continued to play inside Rock's mind. It was hard to ignore and forget her wild moans and the way her naked body turned in delight.

However, her voice was quick to bring him back into reality. "Rock, could be a dear and Prepare the special tuning equipment for Fire Man? I'm about to give Elec Woman a quick tune up." She then turned to the electric Robot Master, "you may need to remove the top armor, Elec."
the robotic gal simple chuckled and smirked before glancing atRock.

"MAybe Rock here wants to stay and watch? Hahaha!" She teased.
Despite his nerves and bothersome thoughts and images playing out through his mind, Rock couldn't help but smile a little as Dr. Lalinde arrived - now fully clothed - and took charge of the situation. It was actually a helpful distraction from the memories of the good doctor pleasuring herself so erotically, so he nodded his head quickly as she gave him a task to help with the rest of the Robot Masters, and moved to ready the equipment needed for Fire Man. "Yes, Dr. Lalinde." he replied, happy to have something to do to keep his thoughts occupied.

At least...he was occupied until Elec Woman decided to tease him, and his cheeks turned red again at the thought of her without a top on. Elec Woman may have had a lousy attitude sometimes, but there was no denying that she was built quite attractively, so Rock couldn't help but imagine what she might look like. "N-No, that's ok! I-I've got work to do!" he replied quickly, practically rushing out to find the tuning equipment, more than a little embarrassed...which was probably exactly what Elec Woman wanted.
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