Fx Any A Doll Collection (Noncon/dubcon)


Feb 19, 2012
Midwestern USA
From the first time I came beneath him, I knew that I had lost. I had tried to fight him; he had overpowered me. I had tried to escape him; he had tracked me down. And now, even in this, I could not defy him. When he dragged that first screaming climax from my traitorous body, I gave up.

I didn't admit it at first, not even to myself. When he took me, I would struggle, make a show of outrage. It would never last long; how could I find the resolve to resist him, knowing I would succumb in the end? Before I knew it I would be clinging to him, desperate for the ecstasy I knew he could bring me. The pleasure he gave me was the only good in my life anymore, the closest thing to happiness I had left.

He must have known that, when he started making demands. He knew how much I craved even the brief escape, knew what I would do to get it. He pushed me to that limit, and slowly past it. First degrading myself for his pleasure, then ruining the lives of others for his ambitions.

I'm not proud of what I've done, of what I've become, but I've fallen too far to feel shame either. I am his slave, his tool; I do all that is commanded of me without question, without hesitation or remorse. If I submit, he gives me what I need, the only thing I care about anymore. This is the only life left to me; even if I were set free, allowed to go back to the life I led before, I could never return to the person I was. And I no longer want to.

A Quick Note
I'm also running a male request thread, which you can check out here if you like. Mostly I'm mentioning it because, if you contact me, I'd prefer you specified which request thread you came from so I don't get confused as to what you're looking for.

I feel like I should bring this up first: I'm a man, looking to play some of my female OCs in non-con or dub-con scenarios. If that's going to be an issue for you, I understand, and thanks for taking an interest in my thread. If that's alright with you, then let's continue...

I don't have any particular plots I'm looking for right now. In fact I'm kind of interested to put my characters out there and see what kinds of plots others come up with for them. But that doesn't mean I expect others to do all the work; come to me with a basic premise and I'd love to flesh it out with you. Now, with that said, there are certainly some themes I'm eager to see. I'll list them from most craved to least.

--Non-Con/Dub-Con (Required): I want to play scenarios where my characters engage in sexual acts they would not ordinarily agree to. They might be physically overpowered or restrained; they could be compelled through hypnosis or mind control; they could be blackmailed or threatened into it; or their judgment might be impaired by drugs or aphrodisiacs. I would prefer if they ended up enjoying it, but that's not a hard requirement.

--Non-realistic Settings (Required): I'd love to try a lot of different settings--high fantasy, urban fantasy, steampunk, cyberpunk, superheroes, space opera, and any number of fandoms--but the mundane, real world (modern or historical) isn't among them. Most of my characters were designed with a particular genre or setting in mind, but I'm confident I can adapt most of them to any setting I'd care to play.

--Corruption: I'd love to play out my characters being warped by pleasure, despair, or both, until they completely surrender to their abusers. This can be a quiet but absolute resignation to their fate, or a gleeful embrace of depravity, or somewhere in between.

--Keeping Secrets: I would enjoy an RP where, between the sex scenes, my character has to go about their daily life pretending everything is normal. I would particularly enjoy if that daily life brings them into frequent contact with their abuser, and they aren't in a position to draw attention to it.

--Playing Multiple Characters: If you find that you like several of my characters, great! I'd be glad to incorporate as many as you'd like! Although, I'd prefer to focus on the fall of one or two at a time, rather than just leaping in to a massive orgy scene.

--Betrayal: This goes well with both corruption and multiple characters--I love having allies turned against each other. I would really love for your character(s) to get one of mine under their thumb, and then use her against another of my characters.

--Dice/Tabletop Gaming: I know this isn't everyone's thing and I'm happy to do without it, but man I would love to incorporate some kind of tabletop RPG and dice rolling into one of these RPs. I know a couple different editions of Dungeons and Dragons, some GURPS, I have some familiarity with Rapture Academy, the Cortex system, and the Apocalypse Engine, and I built my own homebrewed d20 game that you can check out in my signature.

--Transformation: If you go through my characters, you might notice a lot of them are on the lean and muscular side. And I'm more than happy to keep them that way; however, I'm also very on-board with them being forced to become softer and curvier, through whatever means suit the setting.

My Characters
Sorry it took so long to get to the most important part. I'm looking to play one, several, or all eight of these characters. Some of the details may be vague; that's because I want to leave it open to adapt them for different plots and settings. What I've got is what I consider the core of the character.

I did an f-list for each character--mostly for fun, and there's a lot of overlap, but they each include pictures and a brief description so maybe check them out for that if for nothing else.

--Alexandria Lark:
Top Kinks: Sadism/masochism, light bondage, sexual frustration
Core Concept: Well-educated and cunning, Alex excels at reading people and makes a good, supportive leader. She is also very sexually frustrated; though she has not had trouble finding relationships, she has struggled to find satisfaction, as she struggles to accept her own masochistic tendencies.

--Chloe Sonnier:
Top Kinks: Large/monstrous partners, coercion
Core Concept: A relentlessly cheerful girl with surprisingly morbid hobbies, Chloe desperately wants to be on good terms with everyone she meets. She moved around a lot in her childhood and never had a chance to put down roots or make long-term friends; as a result, she has abandonment issues and succumbs easily to social pressures.

--Elyssa Devana:
Top Kinks: Humiliation, dirty talk, clothing play
Core Concept: Elyssa's parents taught her much of her family's distinguished heritage, and the importance of living up to it. As she grew older, she came to understand that these were delusions of grandeur and that the Devanas had long since faded into obscurity. However, this did not wipe away the pride that had become central to her identity; instead that pride has become the fuel for shame.

--Fiera Evenshine:
Top Kinks: Choking, face-fucking, hypnosis/mind control
Core Concept: A skittish and distractible young woman, Fiera was raised in near isolation by a man who intended to mold her into his perfect tool. He didn't grasp that such an upbringing would stunt her development in ways that would render her useless to him; after a particularly high-profile failure, she was discarded and now seeks distraction as she tries to figure out what to do with her life.

--Leilah Karim:
Top Kinks: Hypnosis/mind control, wrestling/pinning, leash/collar
Core Concept: A restless and flighty girl, Leilah is constantly seeking thrills and is quick to move on from things that don't hold her interest, forever trying to hold off her anxiety and paranoia. Something in Leilah's heritage makes her a valuable captive for those who know what she is; Leilah lives in fear of her secret being discovered and her freedom snatched away.

--Lienna Rieza:
Top Kinks: Drugs/aphrodisiacs, gags, heavy bondage
Core Concept: Lienna is a coarse, cocky woman with a dry sense of humor and a tendency to jump in recklessly when she sees others in trouble. When it comes to her own troubles, though, she is quick to resign herself to them. Even when things are going well for Lienna, she often manages to sabotage them for herself.

--Shalaia Cirregis:
Top Kinks: Kidnapping, innocence, anal
Core Concept: A sheltered young woman, Shalaia is quiet and dignified. She is considered to be tremendously important, a woman whose fate carries with it the fate of nations, and for most of her life she has been used as a pawn by others. Any dreams she may have entertained about finding her own destiny were quashed at a young age.

--Chen Yian:
Top Kinks: Wrestling/pinning, large partners, roughness/manhandling
Core Concept: An proud and aggressive girl, Yian is always eager for a fight despite being constantly in pain. She has acquired tremendous power, but this came at the expense of her health. She is determined to prove herself the world's strongest, if only to justify the suffering she endures for her strength.

Roleplay Medium
I'll only RP on this site--lately I have preferred PMs, but I am happy to use threads as well. I don't roleplay over instant messengers, but I am happy to use them for planning or just a friendly chat if you like. I'm mostly on Discord as Morathor#5312. I do also have a Skype account, lexxwells, which I don't use very much any more, but if you do want to talk to me on Skype, just shoot me a PM asking me to log on or something. I'll be there as soon as I can.

About My Schedule
I work full time, sometimes overtime, and while I check Blue Moon on my phone throughout the day, I do most of my posting on weekday evenings, from around 8 PM to midnight (CST, or GMT-5). Even during those hours, I don't usually do a rapid back and forth--it does happen sometimes, but please don't count on it. I try to reply in an RP within a day or two of my partner's post.
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Took out the fandoms because people keep coming to me with fandom plots that make it abundantly clear they didn't read the rest of the thread.
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