A Few Underrated Fandom Ideas

Which scene idea sounds the most promising to you?

  • Final Fantasy Tactics

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fallout

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Disgaea

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Twisted Metal

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Class of Heroes

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters


Sep 30, 2016
So, I've been through a number of interests lately, and I am rather curious to do something along the lines of the following fandoms; some might be better than others, but that's why I'm making a poll here, to determine which fandom would make an interesting group roleplay to act out around here. Some might be resurfaces of some I made before, others are new, or just overlooked. Ideas on them are welcome to be discussed, and thus, what I provide is not by any means final, and therefore should not be taken with a grain of salt. These are just ideas in my head that are floating around, and kind of interested to see where they can go. I will be trying to avoid major or popular fandoms if possible, like Pokemon and Star Wars, and the like, since there are already group RPs around them.

-Final Fantasy Tactics-

I did an RP on this, explaining the final stages of the 50 year war prior to the game, though things got bumpy and, eventually lost. That's not to say I'll repeat it, though; this time around, I may consider side-stories going on in the background while the events of Tactics take place, or during the year between chapter 1 and 2 where Ramza becomes a mercenary. There are a few possibilities to play with this setting, I think.


With the announcement of Fallout: 76 on the horizon, I have picked up my Fallout New Vegas game for the first time in a while, and got to experience the Majove Wasteland once again... and thus, inspired me as well; as Fallout 3 takes place in Washington, whereas New Vegas takes place in California, kind of makes me wonder what other parts are like; perhaps international, how the 'Great War' impacted other countries. My original idea was to see what sort of impact it had on Canada, but I am more than willing to hear other potential country ideas that could be played out, too; new factions, mutated critters... All a curiosity with this. Not everyone will have come out from vaults, though; some might already be on the surface, perhaps wanderers themselves, though their moral compass may be hard to decipher immediately.


The Tactical RPG similar to FFT, however, revolving more around demons and the netherworld (not to mention incredible, and ridiculous, power levels). Definitely not a whole lot of seriousness takes place, being more comedic at times as a result, there are times that do shift drastically in a different direction, depending on the series. While I will not take the role for myself, there will be some kind of Overlord-based character, or heir to become Overlord (or some other kind of 'hot shot' that thinks they're all that), and is prideful of this fact and raised with the belief with their guardians instilling it in them. Regardless, this is more for laughs than seriousness; choose it if you enjoy laughs. How old a character looks is (usually) only 100th of their true age here, just for the record; time scaling for the Netherword is very different, perhaps 100x faster or something? Earth-born humans are as they should with their apparent/actual age.

-Twisted Metal-

Now you're probably wondering, 'Why would you pick an idea around death and carnage to everyone besides yourself just to obtain one wish?', at least, those who have played at least one game in the series? Well, this has been an idea of mine, as it comes with a theory, for the Twisted Metal tournament doesn't happen in the physical world; someone with a dark and depraved mind managed to get their hands on people who are under various emotional states of mind, and are forced into a coma... though what they dream comes to be perceived as reality around them, interconnected somehow, but with different chains of events leading to the final result. Now... This one may be more tricky to pull off than the others, but death for sure is not permanent here; after all, I mean, in the games, in a single playthrough, there's the chance of destroying Needles Kane, driver of Sweet Tooth, on all maps, when you'd think he'd have a single life. If this is to be played out, it may end up being a forum of its own, written to determine different 'stories' for characters, and how they get to where they are, receiving their wish, though the task will never be easy, for each vehicle driven have different strengths and weaknesses. Not a priority, but curious to know what will come of it...

-Class of Heroes-

A very change of pace from the previous idea, no doubt... An academy that focuses on helping students become top-rank adventurers, but to do so requires attending a variety of classes, ranging from exploring certain labyrinths produced on school grounds, to alchemy, understanding the value of treasures, the strengths and weaknesses of certain monsters, and so forth are vital to any adventurer! The academies themselves have controlled environments, so on the chance something goes wrong, the students will not actually be significantly harmed, and may have learned a thing or two in the process. Every student has their own beliefs, though; whether they be good, evil, or even neutral, will determine what they may come to be with time they spend at the academy. And even though some species don't get along with each other, this place teaches its students the value of teamwork, and not all species need to dislike others as a result. This might be an interesting one to play, but we'll see.
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