Hello! Self explanatory title. I would like a mech story rp less on the scientific side, more on the huge fantasy element. With more agile - and yes, female-shaped a la Darling in the Franxx - mechs with mystic/super/otherworldly energy sources, versus monsters of varying possible origins of course that later range to large, possibly galactic proportions! All in an original story more taking inspirations from the aforementioned fandoms than using their worlds.
And of course to smut it up ridiculously.
Ultimately something I'm looking for is to casual-ize and integrate sex into the plot in a natural manner. In Darling in the Franxx the two partners pilot the mech each in typical pilot seating arranged in a provocative manner, why not take it a step further and have them fuck in the cockpit with similar controls to add power to the mech some how?
In Gurren Lagann one of the coolest things is how they combine mechs and make the biggest mech in fiction (more than the size of the universe in one instance), why not have the feminine robots late game combine to form a ridiculously large female robot to combat something just as big?
I'd like to have a full plot but with tons of smut threaded in to fuel the plot. Really cartoon/anime it up for a fun and if we can work it, potentially deep and epic story using sex in a fun unique way!
We could play two mains of course, but maybe a whole squad or multiple teams and the like, a decent cast of characters to build the plot around. So shoot me a PM if you're interested in this kind of story!
Hope to hear from you soon!
And of course to smut it up ridiculously.
Ultimately something I'm looking for is to casual-ize and integrate sex into the plot in a natural manner. In Darling in the Franxx the two partners pilot the mech each in typical pilot seating arranged in a provocative manner, why not take it a step further and have them fuck in the cockpit with similar controls to add power to the mech some how?

In Gurren Lagann one of the coolest things is how they combine mechs and make the biggest mech in fiction (more than the size of the universe in one instance), why not have the feminine robots late game combine to form a ridiculously large female robot to combat something just as big?

I'd like to have a full plot but with tons of smut threaded in to fuel the plot. Really cartoon/anime it up for a fun and if we can work it, potentially deep and epic story using sex in a fun unique way!
We could play two mains of course, but maybe a whole squad or multiple teams and the like, a decent cast of characters to build the plot around. So shoot me a PM if you're interested in this kind of story!
Hope to hear from you soon!