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Beyond: Two Souls: Two Lovers (CutePhoenix andJack Stalker)


Jan 11, 2009
""muttered Jodie Holmes to herself as she lay on her bed, arm draped over her eyes as she lay in bed, brooding over yet another night of being stuck in this damn lab with nothing to fucking do and zero possibility of being let out for even a few minutes. God forbid she be let out to visit what few friends she had but no, the department heads always refused. No-one seemed to understand or even care how tough it was for her. Well, except for one man, Dr. John Carver. Every one at the lab treated her nicely for the most part, but he was special. He took the time to truly get to know her and listen to her troubles. He even told her stories about all the amazing places he'd been to around the world, which she especially enjoyed.

Suddenly, she sprung up, sitting straight up on the edge of her bed. It had suddenly dawned on her that it was Friday. That meant that Dr. John would be on night observation. It was her favorite time as they would always stay up till very late talking about all manner of things. Tonight had extra meaning as she had a little surprise for him. Looking up at the clock on her wall, she saw that it was only 10 minutes until he would arriving, prompting to stand up from her bed and hurry to her desk in the next room.

"Shit......where is......where is it......" she said to herself as she searched through the books and papers on her desk, eventually finding the "surprise" with an excited "HA!". It was a pencil drawing of Mount Rushmore, done in exceptional detail. The last time they had talked, he had told her of visiting there years ago and how he had lost all his pictures of the trip in a fire. She wanted to help him out somehow and had decided this was the best thing she could do.

Taking a moment to look over her work and hope Dr. John liked it, she took a few steps from her desk and held the picture behind her back as she faced the door, knowing he'd be coming through any second now. She tried to keep a straight face but couldn't help but smile as she thought of giving him her little gift.

This wasn't a new occurrence. She found herself smiling and feeling all gitty anytime she thought of him. It wasn't hard for even her to realize she had a huge crush on him. But, she had no intention of telling him or anyone for fear that it may cause him to not wish to spend time with her anymore.
Another night alone on Jodie watch, another night spent ejaculating onto the wall in the store cupboard or coming hard against the edge of the sink in the bathroom. John had been watching the cock teasing little slut for months now, as she flounced about in outfits that would get any normal girl raped to rags five seconds after walking into a bar by herself. Instead all he had to show for her constant cock teasing were blue balls and a fat engorged cock that always seemed to be hard. Of course that was until he stumbled across a chink in her armour and began to befriend her. Sure, he new it was dangerous, he had overheard certain comments, seen certain emails and even witnessed the sick and depraved camera footage which their 'all mighty' leader, Nathan Dawkins, viewed each night.

The man wanted to fuck Jodie, just as badly as the rest of them, there was something about her, something hypnotic, magnetic, something which made anyone who spent too long in her presence want to fuck her brains out. Perhaps it was a side effect of her paranormal based telekinesis, or whatever she wanted to call it? All John knew was that he wanted to fuck her more than his own daughter, and that he was gong to achieve that goal no matter what. Her tight boyish young body was all he could think about, that and her lips searing his and her moans filling his mouth with her breath when he finally fucked her.

She had to be feeling something too, her hormones as they were, her isolation, her young body needing the touch of a man, a man's cock driving into her between her thighs and laying claim to her tight young cunny. If she was going to be fucked, then he was the one who needed to do it, to be there for her. He was the one who should be there to spread her legs and sink into her tight nubile flesh. She must be thinking about it by now, craving it, yearning for a good fucking, surely? All young girls wanted to cut loose their inner whore, didn't they?

Finally it was time to pay Jodie another visit. He set up the camera loop, which would make it look like no one was in there with her, then he smoothed down his tie and straightened his belt, before stepping up to the door to her room. Opening it he moved inside and gave her a smile, moving forwards to offer her the usual hug before listening to whatever she had to say. As usual she was wearing an outfit designed to make men hard, he wondered if she even knew how hot she looked? "Jodie, it's so good to see you again. What's that you're trying to hide behind your back?" he asked. He carried a small box with him under one arm, a gift of his own he intended for her. All he could think about was how long she had been legal and how long she had been cooped up in this place, the frustration must be overwhelming by now, drilling away at her sanity, the changes in her body driving her surely towards lust and desire fro human contact, any contact.

He stared at her from behind his glasses, his eyes fucking her from head to toe before focusing on her face. "You're looking as beautiful as ever tonight Jodie. However, I have something different planned for this evening, but please, you first." he told her. She looked so innocent right now, so naive, yet he could imagine the way her body responded when he came for his visits. He could see the eager look in her eyes, feel the heat and electricity in the room, sense the shift in her stance., as well as the stiffening of his cock when he was this close to her.
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