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Lives on Cemetery Lane (Shani x Braiddan)


Jan 12, 2009
Where rivers flow upside
This would be an idyllic neighborhood. White picket fences and flower boxes, a perfect slice of suburbia. At least it would be if it weren't for the house on 0001 cemetery lane. A Gothic mansion that sat beside a graveyard and a swamp. The family inside a group of eccentrics. The multi-billionaire, who made odd investments that would not be advised by any analyst, but he always seemed to come out on top. The matriarch of the family, she always dressed like she was at a funeral and can be seen cutting the buds off roses and saving the stems. It seemed every member of the family had a taste for the macabre, yet were perfectly functioning members of society. Despite being harmless, their eccentric tastes seemed to disturb the rest of the neighborhood.

Antony Borgia was one of the few undisturbed by the Addams-es. He in fact found them refreshing compared to the rest of family or neighbors. The rest of the neighborhood was so monotonous and predictable. The dark haired young man of course always felt out of place with the rest of the world. They all just seemed like indistinct drab blobs with muffled voices. Their language was all cadence and no words. This real world seemed so damn artificial. A blurry world, but the mansion on 0001 Cemetery Lane, ironically the only source of vibrancy around him. Its inhabitants seemed the only ones that spoke real words.

Antony lived off inheritance and various odd jobs. His most profitable time of year was around October. When he would hand craft Halloween decorations. At first a childhood hobby to try and grab the attention of the Addams family, now a secondary source of income. Other than that, he was mostly a shut in. The only time he came out was to fulfill a basic need, or to get funding to fulfill a basic need.
It was a typical day at the Addams household nothing to exciting. Mama was off chasing the mail man, Wednesday and Puglsey were in school, Morticia was in her garden cutting the rose buds off her thorns, Gomez was playing with his trains, lurch and thing we're playing the harpsichord, and Uncle Fester....where was Uncle Fester? It was so quiet when suddenly there was a loud explosion! Found him playing with Dynamite. As mentioned a normal uneventful day at the Addams house. They viewed their way of life as fun and normal, for them. Never hurting anybody unless the person wanted to be. Yet the neighbor didn't think too highly of them, unless Gomez was funding one of many charities.

On this particular day an unmarked hearse pulled up to the Addams mansion. Morticia saw the gothic car finding g it refreshing from all the neighbors they must have a guest...or perhaps family...or Fester ordered something in the catalog...the possibilities were endless. Pulling on a chord Morticia rang for Lurch to go and help them.

"You rang...Mrs. Addams?" The eight foot zombie Butler chimed.

"Yes Lurch, it appears we have company could you help them?" Morticia smiled asking politely.

"Yes...Mrs. Addams..." He groaned moving to the hearse to help who ever was inside. Not seeing a driver lurch was a bit confused going around back to open the trunk seeing a full cherry red coffin with black onyx marbling looking to be made of stone. They don't make them like they used too. Looking back to Mrs. Addams he groaned, not knowing who it was, and that he would need help. Morticia blew a whistle to call the Addams clan in the house to come out and help. Everyone taking a poll and lifting the heaviest coffin they have ever lifted up and into the house, like a reversed funeral.

Lurch turned to see the hearse drive off, groaning he shut the door behind them. Once safely inside the dim Mansion. The placed the coffin down.

"Who do you think it is?" Asked Mama.

"You don't suppose it's Catastrophia?" Chimed Fester.
"No it couldn't be no disasters followed." Mama retorted

"Perhaps it's Uncle Nick Nak?" Morticia stated excitedly.

"No querida, remember? Uncle Nick Nak is upstairs in the closet." Gomez shrugged putting his cigar in his mouth.

"Let's blow it up!" Fester cheered.

Morticia looked over at him "Not yet Feater, let's knock first." Reaching a hand down she knocked on the stone casket. Everyone put their ears to the stone waiting for a response. Morticia leaned in and knocked again. After a few moments the coffin door opened, swinging open, rising up was a beauty like no other.

Morticia smiled upon seeing the beings face. "Merishka!? What brings you all the way here from Transylvania? Gomez, you remember my other sister Merishka?"

Merishka looked around a bit groggy at first not realizing where she was seeing as it was daylight hours she was exhausted. Smiling as soon as she's heard Morticia's voice. "Morticia!! I didn't think I would be here so soon!" She stepped out of the coffin hugging her sibling. "I'm on holiday and came for a visit!" The woman said, looking a lot like her sister Morticia very pale skin, hour Glass figure, soft features the only difference was her hair was crimson with tighter curls, emerald green eyes, her black dress was tight a low cut in a similar style to her sisters.

With a flick of her hand the coffin moved to the room she would be staying in. As she greeted the family catching up on life...well theirs anyway.
Antony tended to his lawn, he would just let the weeds grow and the brambles take hold,but neighborhood ordinances and such. He did manage to get the last laugh in that by placing purple basil and black pansies in his flower box. Gardening wasn't much of a hobby of his, but he did like how those darkened flowers popped in contrast to the white house. He of course happened to be outside when he saw the mysterious hearse head towards the Addams' residence. Of course, he was too far to see what emerged from it. And he dared not trespass. That behemoth butler of theirs certainly deterred him from any thoughts of such a thing. He sighed and placed his mower back in the shed.

Even as he went back inside, the curiosity ate at him. Who or what arrived in that hearse? And how could he find out. Sure, sometimes he sat out on the roof of his house and drank wine under the light of a full moon. Maybe that combined with the telescope that collected dust since his childhood could at least let him sneak a peek at any such developments over in that area. Sure, he could offer to do some type of odd job for the strange neighbors. But once more what could he do that the giant butler couldn't? He sighed and wandered into his kitchen, to fetch his bottle of Pinot Noir. Looked like a rooftop wine tasting was in the works tonight
The strange mysterious family caught up on the last several centuries. Seeing as Merishka wasn't fully alive and the others preserved themselves well.

Her and Morticia spoke about what it was last keep to grow up together, drinking spider silk tea. How Merishka was jealous of Morticia and Gomez's relationship, thankful though that he didn't end up with their polar opposite sister Ophelia. Little Miss sunshine.

Only to be their to greet the children when they emerged from school. Running to play with Uncle Fester and his Dynamite. Then to take a jog through the swamp.

After showering she helped mama in the kitchen cooking kept trying to run away.

As the family sat for dinner talking, enjoying their time together Merishka fitting right in with her family. Morticia smiled, "Mishka, Gomez and I decided to throw a party in your honor to commemorate your visit. We'll invite the whole clan!" She beamed excited. Gomez setting his fork and knife down, "We'll Even invite the neighbors over! I'm sure they'll be dying to meet you!" He stated granted most of the neighbors avoided or ignored them. Merishka was dumbfounded not sure what to say "You don't have to go through all that trouble for me...but I'm really excited that you are!"

"Great! It's settled Wednesday Pugsley and Lurch will go out after dinner to deliver the invitations." Gomez smiled holding Morticia's hand.

Once dinner had ended they sent the children off with Lurch to hand deliver invitations to the party that coming weekend.

Merishka went up to rest on the roof with a light refecter, planning on laying out and moon bathing. Wearing a black and white striped bikini laying in a chair balanceing on the roof holding the reflector hoping to get a moon burn. It helped give her that deathly glow...well besides being dead.

The Children and Lurch were walking Antony's house knocking upon the door, Pugsley holding out the invitations while Wednesday would speak for the group.
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