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Raccoon Escape (Yummyfuta x Ver)


Jan 5, 2018
Jill Valentine's attempt to escape from Raccoon City would have come too late. By the time she'd made her preparations the city had already been sealed off and overrun. The RCPD's last stand had failed and the dead now ran rampant across the city, though the zombies were the least of the problems she was facing. Creatures that hadn't been at the mansion were now roaming the city as well, preying on the survivors wherever they might be hiding. Although Jill had managed to evade most of the creatures so far, and any zombies that had gotten in her way had been taken out easily thanks to her STARS training and experience with the Spencer mansion, every escape route she tried seemed to be more dangerous than the last, more overrun with creatures she had never seen before and had no way to overcome. More and more she was being driven back deeper into the city, through side streets and back alleys to avoid the dangers lurking in the streets, but finally her luck seemed like it might have been running out. A small horde of zombies had managed to spot Jill, driving her to run blindly into an alleyway, only to find it was a seeming dead end with no escape. With the horde approaching, their pained moans echoing in the alley, only drawing the attention of more zombies, it almost seemed like Jill would need to resign herself to the inevitable, perhaps even turn her gun on herself to avoid a fate worse than death. But at the last moment was when she saw it. The discreet tell tale signs in the wall, not unlike the hidden doors of the Spencer Mansion. This alley wasn't a dead end after all! This might have been it, her escape!

And indeed it was. The fake wall had moved aside easily, and the metal door behind had been left slightly open, allowing Jill easy entrance. Sure she didn't know what was inside but it couldn't be worse than the certain death outside. The door had shut and sealed behind her easily, more than strong enough to hold back the zombies until they lost interest.
As she explored Jill would soon discover that she was in a hidden Umbrella laboratory, their emblem all over the equipment. It seemed all of the personnel had long since evacuated though, probably getting out of the city at the first sign of trouble, and whatever they were working on at least seemed unrelated to the T-Virus, so there weren't monstrous creatures to escape. As she searched for an exit though Jill could come across it, the central research lab and what seemed to be another survivor.

The woman was suspended in a tank full of liquid, eyes closed as if she were in some kind of suspended animation. At the base of the tube was a control panel, filled with readouts that seemingly indicated she was still alive. On one of the panels was a control marked "Emergency release", contained behind a clear covering box, and for perhaps the first time in Jill's recent life the box wasn't locked with some overly elaborate mechanism, just a simple flick switch to open it.
Jill let out a soft, mildly relieved breath as she entered the strange lab, only to find that there didn't seem to be any creatures around. Of course, knowing her luck, she knew she couldn't relax too much; she wasn't afforded that luxury. Especially not in Raccoon City, where anything could happen. Clutching her gun tightly, taking a mental note of how much ammunition she still had on her, the brunette peered curiously at the inanimate woman, a swarm of curious thoughts in her head as she wondered who this woman was or what she was doing here. A test subject for Umbrella? There wasn't anyone else here, and it wouldn't be beyond Jill's imagination to say that the scientists who worked here likely jumped town and left her to die. In which case... Jill had to set her free!

Looking over the lab to see what she could interact with, Jill went ahead and wasted no time in flipping the Emergency Release switch. Indeed, she was glad that she didn't have to jump through so many hoops to get it to work. Nothing like having to restore the power, some complex mechanism, getting a key or ID card, or anything. Of course, she didn't even really think about just how convenient that was...
As soon as Jill hit the emergency release an alarm sounded through the room, several lights flashing. For a moment it may have seemed that hidden doors were about to open, monsters about to swarm into the room as some kind of trap were sprung, but after a tense few moments....nothing. The alarm quietened, then there was a soft rumbling sound from the tank before the fluid began to drain away slowly. The girl descended to the bottom of the tube, still being held up by the small piece of equipment attached to her wrists, breasts, crotch and ankles. Once the fluid had drained away completely a new computer screen lit up, lines of text flashing by quickly until it suddenly simply read "ERROR" in large red text.

With a gasp the girl suddenly seemed to come too, taking a deep breath, before coughing up some of the liquid she had been suspended in. With a hissing noise the devices attached to her suddenly disconnected, leaving the girl entirely naked and causing her to drop to her knees. With one final hiss the tube finally opened up, the glass the girl had been leaning against suddenly gone and leaving her to tumble out, rolling off the console and being sprawled on the ground, coughing a few more times before managing to get one more gasp of air, her breathing starting to return to normal.
"H-huh....?" Her eyes opened slowly, glancing around until she spotted Jill "Who...?" She sat up carefully, then squealed as she realised she was naked, quickly trying to cover up with her arms. "Wh-what's going on?! Why am I naked?! Where am I?! Wh-what happened to the hospital?! The doctor gave me an injection and then...then I was here!"
Jill furrowed her brow in concern as the error message popped up on the screen, her head jerking around in mild alarm, still wary of any monsters conveniently waiting for her or something else to go wrong. As the device subsequently deactivated and opened up harmlessly, Jill let out a soft gasp and moved to help the mysterious girl remain as she is, trying to make sure she didn't get hurt. After all, who knew how long she might have been stuck in that machine? For all she knew, she could be missing her basic motor functions, so this girl needed to be treated with care.

"It's okay, you're safe now," Jill said in a calm manner, hoping to assuage the girl's concerns. Certainly, this must have been a frightening situation for her, but now wasn't the time to explain everything to her... though, perhaps she was owed at least some sort of explanation. Helping the girl to her feet, Jill looked carefully at her, trying to not ogle her body. "Dunno how to break it to you... but whatever doctor gave you an injection probably wasn't a real doctor. You were kidnapped by the Umbrella Corporation, probably to be tested on. It's just lucky I found you when I did. You're in Raccoon City, and I'm guessing you're a long way from home," she said plainly, doing her best to help the mysterious girl walk out.

"We have to get out of here though. Long story short, whole place has gone to shit. What's your name, dear? I'm a member of S.T.A.R.S., my name's Jill."
Safe now? There had been a point when she wasn't safe? The girl closed her eyes again as she tried to gather her thoughts, and take in what this stranger was telling her. "Kidnapped...? By the Umbrella Corporation? But....but they're a medical company aren't they? They were the ones doing the tests at the hospital....they were helping me...." She slowly opened her eyes "Raccoon City...? I've never been there before...." She shivered slightly, clinging to her naked body, the lab was rather cold, not to mention her body was still soaking wet from the liquid she'd been suspended in whilst in the tank, just making her even colder. As the girl glanced around she spotted a lab coat hanging from the wall, nodding softly towards it "Um...could you...get me that coat please...? Until I find some clothes?"

The girl looked up to Jill slowly, wondering just what she meant by the whole place had gone to shit. Come to think of it, where were all the doctors? Jill certainly didn't look like she worked in this place. " name's Katherine. I...nice to meet you I suppose, even if the circumstances are a bit....strange"
"Sorry, honey, but the Umbrella Corporation is not what you think it is. Still, we don't have time for that right now. I'll explain everything later, I promise," Jill said, looking around the place to give the girl something to wear, before being pointed toward the lab coat. With a courteous nod, she took the lab coat and handed it to the girl, letting out a soft breath.

"Yeah, wish it could have been a better time, but it's not something we can do anything for. Now c'mon," Jill said, gesturing to the exit, before beginning to wrap her arm around Katherine's shoulder, "Here, I'll help you walk. You feeling okay?"
Katherine took the lab coat and tugged it on, fastening it up as best she could, though it was clearly a coat made for a male and not made for someone with a full bust. Katherine could only fasten a few of the buttons, meaning her cleavage and the bottom of her breasts was still rather on display, though that was the only way to leave enough leeway for the lower buttons to be fastened to cover up Katherine's crotch.
"Thank you Jill" She smiled slightly, standing up slowly with Jill's help, still feeling a little unsteady on her feet. "I feel....a little weird, kinda warm, but I guess I'm still a little woozy after what happened" She took a few deep breaths to try and steady herself. Katherine wished she had a little more time to get to grips with all this, but the way Jill was talking she got the feeling they couldn't really hang around here for too long. "Ok, ok I'm ready as I'll ever be to get going"

Katherine had no idea of the layout of the lab unfortunately, and as the pair left the main lab they would soon find that there was something of a maze of corridors stretching beneath the streets of Raccoon City, though fortunately the corridors were empty. Many of the doors they came across would be locked up, though as they continued to explore the pair would finally find a door that would open, leading them into a large room with screens covering the walls on all sides, another door on the wall at the far end.
"Well, this place is getting just a little creepy now..." Katherine looked around slightly nervously as they made their way through the room, though as they got to the middle the door they came in through would close behind them. Before they could start thinking about the trap they seemed to have fallen into though the screens would all suddenly come to life. Rather than being filled with the face of some Umbrella mastermind as Jill might have been prepared for though, the screens were displaying something very different, every screen was playing what could only be described as hardcore pornography, the sounds of moaning and screams of pleasure filling the room.

"Nnngh..." Katherine panted slightly as she glanced around, her body starting to grow hot, arousal suddenly flooding through her body, much stronger and faster than she'd ever felt before. "Ooooh...J-Jill....I...I feel so hot...." She panted again, hardened nipples rapidly becoming visible through the lab coat. Not only that but Katherine's crotch had suddenly become so wet that her juices were already running down her legs and starting to pool on the floor. More than that she was beginning to feel an intense tightness in her crotch. "F-fuuuuck!" Katherine dropped to her knees, tugging the lab coat open so forcefully that some of the buttons popped off, one of her hands diving down to her hairless pussy, fingers plunging inside of her. "I...I can't stop it! Oh god....oh god I can't help it! S-sorry Jill but....oh turned on...." Katherine was more aroused than any human was ever meant to be, it seemed the Umbrella scientists had done something to her after all....
"The whole place is like this. You get used to it... or, I guess you shouldn't," Jill said as she initially walked with Katherine through the corridors, lamenting how her life had become ever since joining S.T.A.R.S. and all that. When the trap was sprung and the bizarre images of hardcore pornography were plastered all over the screens in the room, Jill froze for a good second, unable to comprehend why stuff like this would suddenly be playing in the room, but whatever the case, it certainly seemed to have a potent effect on Katherine.

Trying to ignore the loud moans in the air, Jill rushed to Katherine's side and cupped her face, trying to get her attention and look the girl in the eyes. "Katherine, look at me! You have to focus! I don't know what's going on with you but you've got to fight it!" She said, growing worried as her body seemed to involuntarily grow aroused at the pornography. Jill moved her firm hands to Katherine's shoulders and shook her slightly. Jill couldn't let Katherine succumb to whatever sick game Umbrella was trying to pull here!
When Jill grabbed her Katherine looked up at the other woman....she was suddenly God how had she not noticed before how amazingly gorgeous Jill was? Katherine couldn't help licking her lips, eyes clouded with a haze of lust. Her mind was still in there somewhere, but her brain was flooded with enhanced hormones, more powerful than any human was ever meant to experience. "Nnngh....Jill..." Katherine leaned forward, taking advantage of Jill's proximity to grab the other woman by the back of the head and kiss her, Katherine thrusting her tongue into Jill's mouth, the other hand moving around to Jill's firm backside, squeezing it through her skirt.

"Oh god, I need you Jill....I...nnngh!!" Katherine suddenly released her grip on the other woman, hunching over and clutching at her crotch as she felt a sudden tightness. "OOOOH!" She howled in pleasure as she clutched herself, almost like she was trying to physically hold something back, keep something inside of her. It was no good though, whatever had been put into Katherine's body was working better than any Umbrella scientist had ever dreamed of. With a cry Katherine suddenly sat bolt upright, hands clenched into fists at her side as her pussy squirted with juices everywhere, soaking Jill's lower half. At the same time, something erupted from her crotch, the unmistakable sight of a gigantic cock bursting from Katherine's body, the tip dripping with pre-cum, the shaft lubed with juices from her pussy, all of it aching for attention.
"Jill..." Katherine's voice seemed to have returned to normal, for the moment at least. "H-help me....please..."
"Mmph?!" Jill gasped with wide eyes as a kiss was suddenly stolen from her, and from another woman with that! She tried to resist, but Katherine's grasp was bizarrely too powerful. By the time she did manage to pull away, it was only because Katherine had willingly let go of her, only to convulse further. Jill was helpless, not knowing what to do. Even with the gun in her hand, she didn't want to do it. There had to be another way!

She gasped as Katherine squirted pussy juice all over her, prompting the woman to jolt back, startled. Jill's eyes widened in horror as Katherine began transforming right there, starting with a new, gigantic cock from between her legs. Her first thought was wondering what kind of serum this had to be; was Katherine turning into a some sort of new strand of Tyrant? But then such thoughts were overwritten by her second train of thought... as Jill took notice of just how big that cock was. And considering how horny Katherine felt in that moment, it didn't take a genius to figure out what she wanted to do.

Even with the musky scent of the cock permeating the air and threatening to overwhelm Jill's senses, she kept her gun aimed at Katherine, but hesitated to open fire, still not wishing to harm this innocent woman. "I... I... can't just...!"
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