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Japanese Superheroes (SuperSaiyanMusashi and UsagiChan)


Jun 21, 2018
US, Northeast
Bright yellow sunlight bathed the entire city of Tokyo that sunny Summer Saturday afternoon. In the outer sections of the Japanese metropolis, a spacious green park unfolded, the occasional sakura could be seen, all of them stood tall and were bearing pretty pink petals. A few people were playing various casual sports in the vast grassy field, just passing sports balls and frisbees among each other while discussing work, school, media, and life.

Under the shade of one of the cherry trees, a strange looking man with long, spiky blue hair tied in a tail looked around to make sure he had enough space around him to avoid bumping into anyone. He wore a white karate gi along with red and gold wristbands. He had 2 swords affixed to him, still in their sheaths: one wide one his back, and a thinner, curved katana on his belt.

The young swordsman reached his 2 hands up high, then, keeping his back and knees straight, reached for the ground and held the stretch for several seconds. He then stretched one leg at a time, followed by a series of arm stretches. Finally, he leaned against the mighty tree, flexed his calf upwards and grabbed his own ankle so he could loosen up his quads. Checking once again to make sure he had enough room, he took his 2 swords out, followed by some soft, padded wrappings that he removed from his belt pouch, despite them looking too large to fit inside such a tiny bag. He applied the peace-bondings to both swords, then proceeded to perform a series of air-slashes and combinations, culminating in a move where he jumped once, did an air jump to flip over once, and land on his feet while double-striking an imaginary target.

Finished with his workout, Musashi sheathed the 2 swords before looking at and tapping his wristband. Feeling its reaction, he lamented, "There's an Oni in this city; could be nasty in a place with this many people." He started to leave then suddenly stopped and grabbed his stomach. "Well, can't hunt Oni on an empty stomach!" he determined. He walked over to an unoccupied picnic table that sat near several others that people were sitting at. The warrior proceeded to remove a bento box from his pouch along with a bottle of ramune.
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