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The Two New Recruits- A Young Justice RP (MysteriousD & Roseangelkoi)


Star Fudge
Mar 9, 2014
December 1st 2015

Diego Vendrix took a deep breath and sighed in anticipation and giddyness. He was standing outside of the door waiting for Nightwing to come out. And there was a big reason for that.

He was awaiting to hear whether he would be able to join the Justice Squad, the group of young heroes who would assist the Justice League in various operations and decisions.

When Diego was a kid, he always wanted to be a superhero. Of course, as he grew older, he knew that he would never reach that possibility and he accepted it. However, everything changed during the past couple of months. During a meteor shower, Diego saw something land near him. They were strange pieces of technology. About two of them and they looked alike. One of them felt wonderful and lively and the other felt domineering and intense. However, both of them were still alive. He had kept them with him and was wondering what to do, until something had happened.

The two pieces of technology were interacting and going haywire. He picked the friendly-looking on and it began synching up to his smartwatch. He also felt pain when it was synching to the dangerous-looking one. Something about... praising some God? However, Diego fought back. His spirit flared up in instinct and he... he didn't know what happened, but as the first box synched with his smartwach and him... he made that dangerous box bow down to him. It then fused with the friendly looking box before it fusing with his watch. He was home alone so no one heard him screaming at it seem to sink into his flesh and sync up with his DNA.

He would later learn that it was a Mother Box and a Father Box, New Genesis and Apokolipian living supercomputers. They were extensively damaged, but the Mother Box's abilities to manipulate technology synched with his smart watch to try and fix itself, which caused the Father Box to react. It tried to control the Mother Box and Diego, but it was too damaged to connect to Apokolips and Darkseid and so when Diego's will overpowered it, he made it switch alliegances. The two boxes fused together to make what Diego dubbed a Parent Box and fused with his smartwatch. Eventually, it absorbed more tech and the Parent Box had permnantly attached itself to Diego's hand through the smartwatch and other pieces of technology, granting Diego the capabilites of the Mother and Father Boxes, such as searching for technology and fixing it, universal translator, tracking DNA sources, system interfacing and making boomtubes. He could also sync new pieces of tech to it. He has synched it some anti-gravity tech so he could fly along with the remnants of a Genesian handgun to serve as offensive capabilities.

To that end, he decided to apply to become a hero for the team. He spent the next bit of time training as best he could. He was not much of an athletic individual, but he did try to keep in shape. Apparently, it became easier to stay in shape thanks to the Parent Box able to monitor his health and help suppress his appetite and converting his body fat into more energy and so on. His outfit would consist of a helmet that synched with the Parentbox along with a jacket, cargo pants to carry some supplies and some good shoes. He decided to call himself... Sourcerer. A joke on the Boxes running on The Source.

He was standing beside his fellow candidate and new friend.
Serenity Garwin

Serenity tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear out of habit as she waited to hear her fate with the Young Justice team. It had been a rough couple of years for her as her powers slowly started to develop. At first, Serenity didn't think much of it as she watched shadows shape shift around her into objects she imagined. She thought it was just her mind playing tricks on her. However, when her body started to disappear into a shadow, Serenity knew it wasn't fake and started to freak out. After sharing this information with her parents, they realized it was probably their fault. Both of Serenity's parents worked at Star labs as scientist. They had been working on containing small amounts of dark matter in the hopes of powering whole cities with the energy. Somehow, Serenity's body had become effected by the dark matter. Over the last year, she has worked very hard to understand and control her powers.

Serenity had decided to become a superhero after seeing the Young Justice team rescue a group of citizens on an out of control subway train. She figured that if she had these powers, she wanted to help people. "I wonder how much longer they are going to take. I thought it would be a simple 'yes' or 'no'," Serenity said to Diego, who she had met a few weeks ago when this progress started. She just hoped that the Young Justice team would help her continue to control her powers. It seemed every day she felt a bit stronger and she was discovering new powers.


Zatanna listened to the group debate letting two more members onto the Young Justice team. The big issue was trusting some new teammates especially after what happened with the android Roy. However, it was always good to have new members especially since it had been a while since the Light had done anything. It was her fear that they were working out a big plan after the Young Justice team had foiled their last one.

"We should just let them on the team and give the a chance. Otherwise, where else do they have to go. It would be better to have them around here so we can help them with their powers instead of letting them out in public," Zatanna said adding her two cents into the conversation.

(Sorry for the delay.... Hopefully that post works for you. I'm excited for a Young Jusitce rp)
"My guess is that they're also figuring out any of the details," Diego told Serenity. The two had become friends of a sort, especially since both of them would become newcomers for this. Diego was a young man of average height for a guy, being 5'9" though he appeared a bit shorter due to his stocky build and being somewhat chubby, though he has lost a fair bit of weight thanks to his Parent Box. Despite this, it was still noticeable though accroding to the League, it was because the Parent Box worked in converting his body fat into energy. It was a fair safe the Parent Box adapted in order to limit its usage of the Source and thus, remain invisible to New Genesis and Apokolips.

"Regarding your powers, have you heard of The Shade?" Diego asked Serenity. During his training, he would read up on various supercriminals and so on, and Serenity's powers reminded him of The Shade, a retired supervilalin that was reformed by The Flash and who's powers reminded him a bit of Serenity's. However, before they could further discuss this, the door opened for them to enter.

"Step in, you two," a voice said that Diego would identify as Nightwing.

Diego stepped in after Serenity and ooked at Nightwing along with some of the others looking at them all. From what he heard, some of the members of the team had already moved to become members of the Justice League, including Zatanna. Diego lingered a bit on Zatanna before looking away with a blush. She was the one assigned to help with handling his powers and he instantly found her attractive and liked being around her. Her magic was utterly amazing and he'd talk to her during the brief periods of rest between training.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, but we were making sure everything checks out," Nightwing told them with a smile. He had a big brotherly if not dad like presence that Diego found reassuring. Heck, Diego himself spent a day with him helping him with an errand and even teased Nightwing a bit for how he referred to Serenity as cute.

"Welcome to the Team! We'll be starting official duties with a few couple of days, but for now, get some well-earned rest and feel free to talk to the League for advice. Just don't bug them too much," Nightwing said with a smile on his face though he winked at Serenity.
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