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Is anyone else just not enjoying the new forum?


Mar 1, 2018
Their's nothing wrong with it its not like i have some massive glitch that's making me not enjoy the forum. Its just seems like all the new stuff is really unnecessary and kinda ugly? i know that incredibly stupid the color scheme has like barley changed but i don't know something about it all just looks off to me.

I just dont see the point of upgrading the place it did its job fine, to me anyway i only stop in like a few times every few months maybe everyone was bitching about the old forum and I just never noticed. i dont know.
The changes have drastically improved my individual experience with Bluemoon Roleplaying.

Private Conversations are a million times better that Private Messages. There are absolutely no downsides to roleplaying entirely privately through the inbox. The old system for this was almost disturbingly disorganized and annoying by my standards.

The way I can count on this website to store drafts when Chrome wants to have a heart attack or my laptop just flat out shuts itself off... Well, that change has saved me up to hours of rewriting already that the old site simply would just let me down on.

Everything new about the updates that I've noticed so far has served to greatly improve what I love about roleplaying here without taking away anything that I enjoyed in the first place. I wholeheartedly disagree with the concept that the updates weren't necessary.
I guess I can say I'm looking for King's next post here because I really want them to elaborate how they feel. It's so very opposite to what I see and feel that just a little more description on their thought process or what they don't like about the updates could be really eye opening. I'm not violently opposed to different opinions. If anything, it's different opinions I look for when I'm making up my mind about a product I might buy or a video game I might play. Hopefully, when Kinginwaiting sees this they'll run us though how they see the updates with just a little more detail. That'd really be what I'm looking for in all of this.
Independently of how fitting or useful each user sees the new features, the upgrade was needed. It may look like the old one did its job fine, and to a certain extent it did, but there were bugs and problems around that needed to be fixed and only an structural upgrade could do so.
To a user on the outside I can see how it seemed the site was perfectly fine as it was, especially If you didn't use the private message system as your primary source of RP's, however PM's are most certainly the majority of the traffic here on BMR. It was invisible, but the archaic system of the old format was quite simply not built for it. Imagine in your mind a large exploration vessel. Picture it however you desire; an old seafaring ship braving the vast unknown of an ancient fantasy age, or perhaps a fantastical construct built for the terrifying expanse of space, navigating the outer edges of the universe. Now picture that same ship as wonderous as it is on the outside, being held together on the inside by tape and staples. Sure It's still doing it's job and on the outside or even on deck everything seems fine, but underneathe it's coming apart seam by seam and leaking water or space or lava or what ever you had going on there in that mind palace of yours.

Stepping away from my imaginary metaphor fiesta, it'll echo what Sigr was saying. The upgrade was needed. A typical user may have been none the wiser but in the backend, it was very noticible by staff. There were countless glitches and it was getting worse. There was a ton of bloat because capacity was at it's limit, being supported by tacked on alterations. There's more to it than that, but that's the gist of it, it was needed, and there's now a lot more quality of life changes for both users and staff a like. Yes it's different, and even off putting for some. Admittedly it's taken time for staff to adapt as well, that's including my self, but it is what it is.
I echo the sentiments about it vastly improving my experience, especially from the PM front. I've been a member of here and Guilty Pleasures; I always enjoyed Blue Moon better in terms of the community and freedom, but GP always had a much better means of navigation. I never wanted to RP here in PMs because the quote pyramids was so ugly. I hardly log in to GP anymore because they have the same layout now and all of the things I liked about GP, BM now has as well. (Though I might recommended adding the post liking mechanic that's on GP as a novelty; what I beg you NOT to do is send our newsletters and tag the entire member base in things on a regular basis).

(I don't want my post to be construed as a knock on GP. It's a nice RP forum; it's just not BM. It's just my personal preferences.)
Never a fan of Xenforo. Too busy, too gawdy. You can't hover anywhere without something popping up. Complicated navigation. Too many bells and whistles. Sidebar with all these profile posts that I don't need to see. Avatars EVERYWHERE! Unnecessarily heavy pages that bog down slower connections.

Mostly it just caters to the more 'social' members. You know, the ones who are fascinated by blinking lights. The ones who are online all day to chat and spam and clutter the place, to the disdain of the actual roleplayers or writers. The ones who wouldn't know a metaphor if it slapped them in the face (<- like this one just did), but of course there aren't enough actual serious roleplayers around so sites like this would not survive without the pesky socialites.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not so hoity-toity to think that this is some site only for stuck up intellects. I understand that it takes all kinds and we shouldn't discrimiate, but Xenforo just seems to invite the lowest common denominator even if Blue Moon Admin doesn't mean to. It's just an affliction of Xenforo. Sites that use Xenforo always have more action in the chat app than on the boards, and partners tend to spam up each other's profile pages instead of writing RPs.

Xenforo is supposedly so awesome because it has so many features. Well sometimes more isn't always better. In this case it certainly isn't.

Although I admit that convo style PMs are a godsend.

Not that my opinion matters. Go ahead and crap on me now.
I still don't like the way Gmail does emails as a conversation but I love how this forum design does conversations.
I've recently joined and still exploring but like the colours, its pleasing on my dyslexic eyes, the messaging seems to be nice, now there seems to be a chat window dominating the screen which I don't think I like but have not turned it off as yet as you never know. Having to pan all the way down to find the latest post is disconcerting maybe there's a setting to pop new posts on the top, I shall check... I did try to message someone but found I was limited to 1000 characters, nowhere near enough, but that seems to have resolved now and hope its unlimitless.
I joined back in 2014 and wow the difference. I LOVE the new BMR, the integrated chat, updated forums, the general look, and I'd say BMR has become on the most active RP sites because of it!!

I think the only downside is the search function and looking up another's user created thread.
I think the only downside is the search function and looking up another's user created thread.

I've noticed that as well. The search on old BMR wasn't great, but it was usually better at pinpointing specific things. The new search is way too picky about what it will actually search for.
@CharmSnake and others who would like to see fewer avatars and sidebars and such, feel free to post requests to disable or enable things in the suggestions/questions forum. One of the advantages of moving to Xenforo is I have a lot of ability to make my own mods in a well-structured format.
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