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Withering Wishes (Drexel and Frogger)


Jun 10, 2012
Out Of This World
Azalee excels at not boxing, but at taekwondo. In fact, she teaches a few classes at the local dojo to kids ages twelve and up. It’s more of a safety precaution than anything else. Azalee doesn’t use one hundred percent, but there’s always the possibility of… going overboard. Her purple eyes kept a lookout for anything suspicious, however her mind happens to be a million miles away. A hand lifted to brush threads of gold from her line of sight. It’s sort of sad to say, but she lives in a pretty bad part of town. Nearly every night, there’s either drug deals or robberies going on… and it’s difficult to stay safe in this neighborhood. Azalee paused underneath a street light, the harsh light casting shadows onto her face. After just teaching not one, not two, but three classes of boxing, it’s no wonder that she’s wearing nothing but a black sports bra and pants, with a loose red hoodie covering it all as to ‘not be so offensive’ by society’s standards.

Fishing for her keys, Azalee didn’t notice the… unconscious alien, not until she almost tripped over it. “What the-?!” Azalee’s heart leapt into her throat, eyes wide as she looked over his face. Is he a mutant-? No way! What’s it doing way out here? In the middle of nowhere? Azalee looked around, halfway tempted to turn him over to the cops… only, she didn’t reach for her phone. Something stopped her. Maybe it was the black trench coat covering him, maybe it’s the idea that maybe, just maybe… he isn’t one of the bad ones, but… Azalee leaned down to check for a pulse. If he’s still alive, she’ll do everything in her power to keep him that way, and if he isn’t… well, there ain’t much else she can do. If he’s alive, though… how will she get him inside, into her apartment? Azalee’s strong, but he has to weigh at least two hundred pounds, maybe even more!
The M1 mutant woke up again suddenly with a heavy feeling on his head due to having insufficient resting when some tried to lift him up, but he was startled when he saw that it is a very graceful looking lady, but still his paranoia episode is telling him not to trust humans as he might be exposed to the local authorities. But at the moment, M1's mind couldn't think straight as he is filled with both confusion and the sheer inability to focus due to fatigue. When he glanced around for a bit, M1 saw that there were no police or any shady looking person around so he assumed that he is still safe, thus he complied with his bodily response to allow himself to be assisted with this lady. There's no need for M1 to utter a single word a the moment since he already knows that the lady in front of him is just trying to help, so all it takes is a simple nod from him to tell her that they should move. With the weak remaining strength his feverish body could muster M1 got up groggily and starts to walks weakly to wherever this lady would take him. As for M1 he assumes that he just received this lady's hospitality, fortunately for him that she did not call the authorities, because if she did, it would be his death sentence. Right now, he could really use a space to lay down his head.
Is he-? Azalee can't believe he's up and walking! He looks... feverish. Not entirely sure what to think, or if she should say anything, Azalee hurried along to open the door and help him inside. Is this really a good idea? He's a mutant, for crying out loud! Aren't mutants dangerous? Not only that, but he's a stranger that she's inviting into her home. Azalee looked up and down the hallway, relieved to find nobody out at this late hour. It looks like everybody's tucked in for the night. A hesitant hand reached out to touch him on the back, to guide him to the elevator just off their right. I really hope I'm not going to die tonight because I was being naive and stupid! Azalee punched her floor once the double doors slid open with a metallic hiss, but she kept her distance from him. It was... nerve-wrecking, the annoying elevator music, the awkward silence... A sigh of relief left the young woman when a 'ding!' rang out, announcing they've arrived. "My apartment is the third door on the left," Azalee told the strange mutant, shifting around him so she can get to the door first. Azalee dug out her keys next, her heart going a million miles per hour. This is crazy! Maybe she should tell him to leave? To back off? No, it'd be weird if she called the cops now... Azalee swallowed past the lump in her throat, and instead went through the motions of unlocking her apartment... for this stranger.
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